Luke Hamill, page 1
part #0.50 of Faithful Falls Series

by Elle Linder
Ocean Dreams Publishing
Copyright © 2018 by Elle Linder
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.
Elle Linder/Ocean Dreams Publishing
17976 120th Ave NE
Thief River Falls, MN 56701
Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.
Book Layout © 2016
Luke Hamill, Before Faithfull Falls/ Elle Linder -- 1st ed.
ISBN 978-1-7324944-7-3 (e-book)
Dear Reader,
This short story is for your pure enjoyment! It is meant to tease and excite you with a little backstory about Luke Hamill, my rugged, broodingly handsome main character of Stay With Me, Julia, the first book in my new Faithful Falls series. It is the story of how Luke came to live in the small resort town of Faithful Falls, Idaho. I love knowing more about characters than what is often put in novels and wanted to give you a little extra.
I hope you enjoy this short story. At the very end is the cover for Stay With Me, Julia, along with a buy link to order your e-book. It’s also available in paperback if you prefer.
Always Faithful,
In six months, his life would change, but not at all as he thought.
As his deployment loomed, Luke remained focused on the mission set before him, though he knew the risks—not for his life, but for his marriage. The loyal and honorable Marine would pour himself into the assignment, and all matters at home would stay at home. He would complete his final orders, return to his family, and begin his civilian life in Juneau, Alaska, with the hope of saving his marriage.
Luke stood motionless as he peered through the scope of his rifle at the Sitka black-tailed buck grazing in a small meadow. The corner of his mouth quirked into a crooked grin as he eyed his prey.
“I’m calling it one-ten, maybe one-fifteen,” he whispered, sounding sure of himself.
“Nah, a hundred pounds if that,” Rick, his closest buddy, countered. “If you miss, I’ll never let you live it down,” he mumbled under his breath.
“If I miss, you have my permission to beat the crap out of me.” Bagging the brownish-gray buck would be a perfect ending to his annual hunting trip with Rick.
“That’d be a dream come true.” Rick quietly hissed with laughter in Luke’s ear. That broadened Luke’s crooked grin. The smartass always tried to distract him. And like every other time, he failed in his attempt. Nothing and no one could distract Luke when focused. His unwavering concentration had earned him respect and admiration in life and in the Marines.
“Yeah, well keep dreaming, sucker.” Luke pulled the trigger, and the buck went down as the report of the rifle echoed throughout the forest.
“Lucky son of a bitch!” Rick hollered. “One of these days, I’ll get you good.”
“One of these days? Ha! Take your best shot.” Luke snorted as he laid the rifle down. “After we dress him, I’ll buy you dinner. I’ve got something I want to talk about before I leave.”
“Sure, I’ll buy the first round.”
“I’ll buy the first round. Think of it as…a consolation prize.” Luke elbowed him and let out a deep belly laugh as Rick glared back. Most people, his wife included, never experienced the playful side of him. But it was there, and Rick saw it on the rarest of occasions.
Luke watched Rick ogling two women seated at the bar. He shook his head, knowing his buddy would leave with both women at the end of the night. If he didn’t get down to business quickly, he would lose Rick’s attention altogether.
“Eyes over here, Don Juan,” Luke teased.
“I don’t need my eyes to listen, brother. You talk while I send magnetic brainwaves tempting them back to my lair.” Luke chuckled, rubbing his three-day-old scruff. Rick Torres would tell you he was Puerto Rican, but anyone could see he was also part black. Raised by his mother, Isabel, he only acknowledged his Latino heritage. The suave and debonair man could possess any woman with his broad grin and smooth voice. Women pursued Rick, but any hope of a relationship longer than one night was futile. Not one could capture or tame him. He left a trail of broken hearts in his wake.
“Let me guess, two for the price of one?” Luke smirked, draining his beer.
“Always, brother. I’m a frugal shopper.” Rick arched a brow, maintaining his sights on the women.
“Frugal? That’s what you call your taste in women? That BOGO mindset will keep you single for the rest of your life. Don’t you want a wife, children…stability?”
“At thirty-two, I’m too young to be shackled to one woman. I’m not you, thank God.” Rick laughed, raising his hand to the waitress for another round. “Domestication isn’t for everyone.”
“Yes, well, I like being settled with two kids and a wife. Which brings me to my deployment.”
Suddenly Rick’s attention was off the women and on Luke. They stared at each other for a long, tense moment. “I’m not having this talk with you,” Rick said plainly.
“I’ve been lucky to return in the past, and I’m not going to take my chances. I need to settle my affairs. While I’m gone—”
“No!” Rick slammed his hand down on the table, rattling the bottles.
Luke glanced toward the women after hearing them gasp. “Relax, man,” he whispered.
“You’re coming back, and that’s that.”
“That’s the plan. But if I don’t, I need to make sure that my kids will be okay, that Renee…” Luke paused, looking down at his hands where they gripped his beer. “I know Renee will be okay, but it’s the kids I’m worried about.”
“I would never let anything happen to them, I promise.”
“I know. Just keep an eye on my family. But…if you think she’s got someone on the side again, don’t tell me. I can’t afford to be distracted. I’ll deal with it when I get back.”
“Why don’t you just leave her?” Rick stared at him, his expression sour. “You deserve better.”
“I took a vow. I have kids. I’m not going to rip my family apart just because my wife gets lonely when I’m deployed. Why do you think I’m getting out?”
“You’re getting out for the wrong reason!”
“Don’t start. You got out six months ago.”
“Yeah, ten years was my limit. I’m not a lifer like you. The Marines is in your blood. You love it; I didn’t.”
“You’re right. I am a lifer. But my family has sacrificed a lot. They need all of me.”
“Luke, you shouldn’t have to get out of the Marines to keep your wife. You haven’t cheated on her once, and it sure wasn’t for lack of opportunity. What’s she done? Bedded every guy who’d have her. You’re too damn loyal!”
“Maybe, but I haven’t given her everything she’s needed. I haven’t tried to repair what broke years ago. I have to try.”
“And if you can’t fix it? Then you’ve given up the one thing that has made you happy—your career.”
“Enough,” Luke barked, trying to stop Rick before he launched into lecture mode.
“No, now you listen! You’ve done everything for her. She wanted to move back to the states from Japan, and you made it happen by taking that assignment at Camp Pendleton. But are Renee and the kids with you? Nope, they’re in Alaska because she’d rather be here than with you.”
Luke glared at Rick while his heart raced and his breathing grew heavy. Rick knew all the buttons to push. Hearing the truth pissed Luke off, but it was what it was, and it was why he needed to get out of the Marines. Seeing his family every six weeks wasn’t cutting it.
“Man, I’m sorry, but this rots,” Rick continued. “What will you have left if your plan to save your marriage doesn’t work?”
“Peace of mind, knowing I gave it my all. My conscience will be clear.”
“No man would put up with all that bullshit.”
“Just promise you’ll keep an eye on my family.”
“Yeah, I’ve got your back. Always.”
“Thank you.” Luke reached across the table and firmly grasped Rick’s hand. Both looked solemn as they shook. They knew all too well that tomorrow wasn’t promised.
A Determined Man
An ominous quiet filled the house as Luke entered. After he’d left Rick with the two beauties at the bar, he’d mentally prepared to see Renee. There was no telling what her mood would be; it seemed to change constantly.
Luke recalled the day after they returned from their honeymoon. In a span of twenty-four hours, Renee had gone from an encouraging and supportive girlfriend to a demanding, complaining wife. She could be the sweetest woman in one moment, and in the next, she would be on an angry rampage. It didn’t take long for him to grow a thick skin to guard against her mood swings.
Renee liked to revisit old arguments and nitpick about anything and everything. His hair was too short. He left the toothpaste on the counter for the millionth time. He was too quiet and serious. It seemed all she wanted to do was ar
Back in college, Renee had never yelled or tried to manipulate him. Then again, if she had, he would not have married her. She’d known how to catch her man.
Six months after Luke had vowed to love and honor Renee, he knew he’d made a mistake. But before he could alter the course of his life by divorcing her, she had announced she was pregnant.
His marriage hadn’t turned out at all how he had dreamed.
Luke removed his boots and coat and placed them in the closet. He wished the kids were up, but Renee ran a tight ship and enforced a strict bedtime. It didn’t help that Luke was an hour late. He expected to get an earful for not tucking the kids into bed again.
“So, you were coming home tonight,” Renee said from the top of the stairs. Luke stiffened.
So it begins.
“I told you I’d be home tonight.”
“But you didn’t say this late. You could have called or texted.” It was true. He could have, and would have, if it had occurred to him. This error would cost him.
“I’m sorry, you’re right.”
Renee rolled her eyes and retreated to their bedroom. Luke tucked tail, following her. With only two days left with the family, he would eat crow and do everything possible to make Renee happy. He didn’t want to leave for Iraq with them on the outs. It would be the worst way to start what he hoped was a new beginning for them.
“The kids missed seeing you this weekend.” He watched as she removed her robe, revealing a slinky red negligee. Most men would take it as a sign that sex could be expected. Luke wasn’t most men. The sexy nighty didn’t guarantee him intimacy with his wife. No, Renee loved to torment and tease to make him beg, but Luke never groveled. Going to bed with blue balls and his pride in check was better than giving in to Renee’s games. “The kids don’t understand why a hunting trip with Rick was more important than spending time with them before you leave.”
“You know we do this trip every year. I just spent all week with you guys. The kids said they understood.”
“Maybe they lied to you! Maybe they didn’t want to hurt your feelings because they love you that much!”
“Honey, come here.” He opened his arms to her, but she shook her head. “The next twenty-four hours will be just us and the kids. I promise. Please, don’t be angry.” Luke approached Renee. Her small frame turned hard as iron when he gripped her waist. She was a foot shorter than him, but her roar was powerful. Even when she rejected him, he didn’t stop trying to love her. “Listen, I’m going to take a shower, and then I want to love you all night.” She sighed as he cupped her face. “After this assignment, there won’t be another.”
“And that’s supposed to make everything better?” She pulled away from him and climbed into bed. “Do you honestly believe getting out of the Marines will save our marriage?”
“I do. Don’t you want to save our marriage?”
“Maybe it’s too late.”
Luke scratched the back of his head as he went to her. “It’s never too late if we both want to fix what’s broken.” He brushed her blonde hair off her shoulder and kissed it lightly. When she didn’t pull away, he continued up her neck. As he neared her mouth, she stopped him.
“Go shower.”
Luke stood, inhaling deeply to hold his tongue. Showing frustration now or losing control of his mouth would make the next two days hell. He wouldn’t play into Renee’s hand.
“Okay. I won’t be long.”
“Take your time. I’m tired.” Renee waved him off as she settled into bed. Like hundreds of times before, she would be asleep by the time he joined her in bed. Sex wasn’t on the table, as he had expected, leaving him to take care of his needs in the shower.
“I love you,” he whispered, stroking her hair. Why he felt compelled to say that was a mystery. The three little words hadn’t meant anything to him for the last ten years, yet he said them as if one day they would flow from his mouth genuinely. If he believed he loved her, maybe it would help to restore their marriage. But what if he had never loved her?
A few seconds passed with no response, so he grabbed a pair of underwear, flannel bottoms, and a T-shirt out of the dresser and left to take his shower.
Luke leaned against the tile shower wall as the hot, steamy water soothed his aching muscles. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why his marriage had never been good. Or why Renee didn’t seem to love him. It was as if she simply tolerated him. Would she have been faithful if she actually loved him?
After Brice was born, Renee had closed herself off to Luke. At the time, he’d thought it was her way of expressing her frustration with his deployments. Then he’d learned she had been cheating on him when he found the dozens of emails she had sent her lover. When Luke confronted her, she had cried and promised it would never happen again.
She’d broken her promise many times over the years and blamed him for her loneliness. Deployments were as hard on her as they were on other wives, but his wife found comfort in the arms of other men. The betrayals had severed any respect he’d had for her. Trust had been lost, along with any love he might have had for her. Luke blamed himself.
After his shower, he crept downstairs with the pillow and blanket Renee had left at the end of the bed. Each time she threw him out of their room, he kicked himself for not turning the home office into a guest room. He much preferred a bed to sleeping on the cramped sofa.
Halloween decorations were everywhere. Ghosts hung from the ceiling, and a life-sized skeleton stood behind a curtain of cobwebs in one corner of the family room. Across from the ghoulish display was a caldron Renee would put dry ice in on Halloween night.
Glowing pumpkins and bats illuminated the room. This year he would miss seeing the kids dressed in costumes like he had many times before. Renee, like always, planned to dress as a witch, this time in a black lace girdle, short skirt, and thigh-high boots. Not exactly what he felt a married mother should wear, but that was Renee trying to look seductive, and not at all for him.
He stretched out on the sofa, eyeing the family portrait above the fireplace. Heather and Brice had huge grins on their sweet faces. The picture had been taken out on Kodiak Island where they had spent a few days hiking a few years ago. The kids had loved it. But he and Renee had argued the whole time.
Maybe Renee was right and it was too late to save their marriage. Maybe getting out of the Marines would be a mistake, like Rick had said. But Luke had two reasons staring down at him, and for them, he would try one more time. He would do anything and everything to keep his family together—even sacrifice the career he loved. His kids meant more to him than a uniform or his pride. He only hoped he could learn to love Renee the way a man should love his wife and that she would love him in return—and be faithful.
Large puffy clouds filled the air above the port of Juneau, touching the tops of the surrounding mountains. A golden haze from the setting sun marked the end of a beautiful day. Luke wished he could have been enjoying it with his family. Instead, he would bid it farewell, grateful to be home after a long day of travel.
Tomorrow he planned to take the kids and Renee out for a hike, then to their favorite diner, ending the day snuggled on the sofa watching a movie. Just him and his family, the way it should be. After he read the kids a story and kissed their sweet heads goodnight, he would make love to his wife and pray she would love him back.
Feelings of longing put a smile on Luke’s face, despite the lump of doom that lay in the pit of his stomach, smoldering and growing more prominent with each passing minute. He had missed his family, but the last six months had been difficult.
An explosive fight with Renee on the eve of his departure had set the tone for his final deployment. She’d poked him over and over until he had blown, right in front of the kids. It had taken him weeks to get over the guilt that consumed him for losing control. As much as he wanted to forget his failing marriage while in Iraq, his thoughts had wandered to Renee daily. Would he ever make her happy? Was saving his marriage even possible? For his kids’ sake, he hoped it was.