Spring seduction, p.1
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Spring Seduction, page 1


Spring Seduction
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Spring Seduction

  Spring Seduction

  By Elizabeth Lennox

  Register for free stories at http://www.elizabethlennox.com/subscribe

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  Copyright 2021

  ISBN13: 9798718734508

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Any duplication of this material, either electronic or any other format, either currently in use or a future invention, is strictly prohibited, unless you have the direct consent of the author.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6


  Excerpt to “Summer Heat”

  Chapter 1

  “Was that a gunshot?”

  Simon nodded to his partner and they pulled their weapons, crouching low as they scanned the area for threats.

  A moment later, they heard a feminine scream, then more of the odd, “soft” gunshots.

  “That’s coming from inside the house,” Detective Arik Dorant hissed, his eyes narrowing. Arik lifted his radio even as he continued to scan the area. “Shots fired at my location,” he said to the dispatcher. “Officer requests backup.”

  They slipped closer to the house. The early morning sunshine shimmered through the leaves of the birch tree in the yard, reflecting off the windows of the small cottage.

  Another scream increased their speed, heading towards the front door. The small porch was deserted.

  Simon reached out and tested the door. “It’s unlocked,” he declared quietly.

  Arik and Simon shared a glance. They’d done this so many times over the years that they could anticipate each other’s movements and, as they entered, they moved in unison, each carefully turning to scan the rooms filled with piles of boxes.

  “Clear,” Arik announced as he moved past the front room that, at some point, had been a small parlor. The two men moved into the main living area, which was a combined den/kitchen/dining room space. There were more boxes stacked on the counters and on the floor.

  Another scream shattered the silence of the cottage and they turned towards the sound. They heard additional gunshots, but the noise still didn’t sound like a normal weapon. The sound was obviously a gun, but it was too soft.

  “A silencer?” Simon offered as an explanation.

  A silencer would be bad. Something that quieted a weapon meant a professional, not just a run-of-the-mill felon.

  They moved carefully down a narrow hallway, checking each of the small bedrooms and the tiny bathroom as they went. The rooms were empty other than still more boxes. That was a good thing, they both thought. It was harder to hide behind boxes when they were against a wall.

  The pair moved further down the hallway, their senses on high alert.

  “Die, you son of a bitch!” a woman shrieked. Her tone was odd, not a vicious command. More a plea of desperation followed by…more of those oddly soft gunshots?

  Arik and Simon shared another glance, silently questioning the scene. Still, they continued towards the sounds, a distant siren indicating backup was coming. They knew that they couldn’t wait.

  When they came to the open doorway of what they assumed must be the owner’s bedroom, they paused, one on either side of the door. Simon nodded to his partner as the adrenaline surged through his veins.

  A fraction of a second later, they burst through the doorway, their weapons pointed and…!

  Simon blinked, shocked as he took in the scene before him.

  Damn, she was gorgeous! Her long, silky brown hair cascaded around her shoulders, hiding most of her face. She wore a thigh length tee shirt. Simon caught a flash of pink underneath that must be her panties.

  What really confused him was that she was standing in the middle of her bed holding…was that a BB gun? Yes. Yes, it was a kid’s BB gun in her hands. And the damn thing was aimed at the floor.

  “Watch out!” She screeched, then pointed the BB gun at the floor and fired several more rounds!

  Simon muttered a curse as he danced out of the way. Not that there was a threat of them coming anywhere close to his feet, but the woman…was she crazy? She looked a bit insane. Beautiful. Seriously hot! But definitely nuts!

  Adrenaline rushed through his system, leaving Simon unable to keep his temper in check. “What the hell are you doing, lady?” Simon snatched the BB gun and backed away, out of arm’s reach.

  “It’s still there!” she screamed, unable to hold still.

  “What are you talking about?” he demanded, stuffing his pistol back into his hip holster.

  “The spider! It’s–” she peered frantically around, shoving her glorious hair out of her eyes as she searched. A moment later, she did the most outrageous thing. She dropped onto the bed, giving Simon a perfect view of her pert, rounded derriere as she wiggled to the edge of the mattress. Then…was she looking under the bed?

  Yep. The crazy woman was looking for something under her bed!

  “It’s still there!” she hissed, scooting back against the headboard. “Get it! Kill it!”

  Simon blinked at her, fighting to keep his gaze away from the flash of pink panties just visible at the juncture of those long, golden legs.

  Oh hell! He was not getting turned on by a crazy woman! No way!

  “Get what?” he demanded gruffly. Now was not the moment for distraction, long legs be damned!

  Arik chuckled, inching deeper into the room. He lifted a booted foot and stomped hard enough for the sound to echo.

  “I got it, ma’am,” he announced, tipping his hat slightly. “You’re safe.”

  The crazy woman beamed at Arik. Simon was horrified by how badly he wanted to slug his partner just then. Because the nutcase was smiling at Arik? Yep! Sure enough, Simon felt the stab of jealousy strike him.

  Which only pissed him off further.

  “What the hell were you doing, lady? What are you shooting at?” He glared at her as Arik left the room, chuckling as he went to take care of the backup that had just arrived.

  “Did you see the size of that thing?” she demanded, shifting onto her knees and…oh hell! That cute ass was right there! When was the last time he even saw an ass that beautifully formed? Thoughts about what he’d like to do to that ass, while she maintained this position, flashed behind his eyes. And his body tightened painfully.

  “What were you freaking out about?”

  She turned around, frowning at him over her shoulder. “The spider!”

  Simon’s mind went blank. Green. Her eyes were a glorious shade of light green!

  Simon was a pretty laid back guy. It helped him to not get emotionally involved. He was also incredibly observant, well able to read a crime scene as well as a suspect’s body language, even the most subtle shifts in a person’s expressions, allowing him to easily tell if someone was telling the truth.

  But between her stunning green eyes, those long legs, and cute butt…not to mention those damned pink panties…he could barely restrain his temper.

  “Are you telling me,” he roared, “that you were shooting a gun in your house, screaming your fool head off, because of a spider?”

  The woman pulled back, startled by his outburst. But she rallied quickly, those gorgeous green eyes sparking with an equally fierce temper. “Yes! I’m seriously telling you that I was freaking out about a spider. A huge spider that crawled across my hand and woke me up!” She stood up on her bed so that she was towering over him. “It freaked me out, so I screamed and grabbed the only weapon that I had. Why the hell are you in my house? And more to the point, why are you screaming at me?”

  Simon gritted his teeth. “Point of fact, lady, you’re screaming at me!”

  “How did you even get in?” she asked, in a slightly calmer tone. “The door was locked! Did you break down my door?”

  Simon tried to calm his temper by counting to ten, but only reached “one” before he yelled, “The door was unlocked!”

  She shook her head, impatiently brushing her hair from her face.

  That didn’t help because now Simon could see her delicate beauty more clearly. Her lips were full and wide, her cheekbones high. She wore no makeup, but her skin was flawless. He looked closer, searching for something to piss him off. But all he found were freckles. Just a few, but they were adorable! Hell!

  Taking a deep breath, he glared up at her. “Lady, your front door was unlocked. We heard screaming and gunfire. We came in, thinking that you were in trouble only to find out that you were shooting a…” he glared at the “rifle” in his hand, “…a BB gun? Where the hell did you get a BB gun? And why were you shooting it?”

  “I told you, officer!”

  “Detective!” he snapped.

  “Right,” she replied, folding her arms protectively over her chest. Again, he was only human…and male…so he couldn’t help but notice that her breasts were full, with drool-worthy nipples pressing against her thin tee shirt. “So Detective Hulk, I got the BB gun as a gag gift from a friend. My door was locked last night when I went to bed and I was shooting at the spider,” she leaned forward, nodding at the splat mark, which was all the remained o
f the arachnid, “so that I could kill it!” She sighed and straightened. “Unfortunately, those suckers can really move.” She ran her hand through her hair again. “You grow ‘em big here in Wyoming.”

  “You were shooting at a spider?” he echoed, still not comprehending the situation.

  The woman peered over the side of the bed, then glanced back at him. “Yup.”

  Jade looked at the enormous man standing beside her bed, and felt absolutely ridiculous. She was standing on her mattress in just a tee shirt and underwear and…wow, this cop was hot! And big!

  Too bad he thought she was nuts.

  Too bad she didn’t date anymore. Because this guy…! Well, she didn’t date anymore. She was finished with dating. She’d vowed that she was finished with men. She could try women, but…well, she wasn’t gay, so that would probably be an issue.

  There was also the problem that this guy checked all of her boxes. He was broad shouldered, with dark scruff along his jawline. She wondered if he’d just decided not to shave this morning, or if the scruff was the result of one of those specialty razers that men used to emulate a tough guy look. Either way, the look worked on him. He even had the delicious bulging muscles to back up the scruff.

  But…she didn’t date anymore, so this guy needed to leave.

  “Why are you here?” she asked, suddenly keenly aware of her undressed state.

  He sighed, running a hand over that wonderful scruff. “We’re…uh…” he paused and looked around, as if he couldn’t remember.

  “We’re looking for someone,” he explained.

  “In my bedroom?” she asked, trying and failing to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.

  “Yeah, well, we heard screaming and gunshots. We came in and…” he sighed, resting his hands on his lean hips.

  “Well, that’s very…umm…chivalrous of you,” Jade replied, feeling even more awkward now. A hero? Oh wow! He’d come into her house to save her! Who did that?

  She looked the man over again, the answer already forming in her mind. Yummy hero-types, she told herself.

  “Okay, so, you saved me from,” she peered cautiously over the edge of the bed, “a monster,” she filled in. “Maybe, you could give me some privacy to get dressed?” she asked.

  The man had the audacity to chuckle. “Sure thing, lady,” he said, backing toward the door.

  Jade suddenly realized that there could be other spiders lying in wait, and she was nearly naked. All of her shoes were…well, somewhere. She couldn’t remember which box held her shoes.

  “Um, before you go,” she called out, “would you mind getting me the boots from that closet?” She pointed to the closed closet door. “Please?” she added, including a smile that she hoped was cute. It probably wasn’t if the man’s grumpy expression was any indication. But he opened the door and…froze.

  “They might be in one of those boxes. I haven’t unpacked yet.”

  He shot her an odd look. She worried her bottom lip, worried that he’d leave her at the mercy of toe-chomping spiders.

  Then he did the most wonderful thing! He opened the first box and peered in. The boots weren’t in that one. Only clothing. He shifted that box out of the way and opened the next box and…voila! Her shoes!

  “They should be in that one,” she said. “They might be at the bottom though.”

  The man dug through the box, grumbling something like “how many shoes does a woman actually need?” but he eventually unearthed her boots. Pulling them out, he stared at them for a moment.

  “Red?” he asked in disbelief, holding them up as he turned to look at her, eyebrows raised.

  “What’s wrong with red?” she demanded. “I just moved here to Wyoming yesterday. But in anticipation, I bought cowgirl boots.”

  “Red.” It wasn’t a question this time.

  “Yes. I like red. It’s a great color.”

  The man sighed, and brought them to her, holding them carefully as if they were contaminated somehow. Then he turned on his own booted heel and left her bedroom.

  Simon walked out of the house, shaking his head. The woman thought red cowboy boots were normal. She was in for a rude awakening.

  “Everything okay?” Arik asked, leaning against the porch rail.

  Simon looked out, waving to the uniformed officers who were backing out of the driveway.

  “Yeah. She needed shoes.”

  Arik chuckled. “Yeah, wouldn’t want her to get eaten by a spider.”

  Simon only sighed, both of them staring out at the distance. The house was been built in a beautiful little valley. She had stunning views of the rolling hills and buttes in one direction and the road coming into the valley from the other. There was a massive barn behind the house, which was surrounded by lush green pastures. Simon knew that the previous owner had raised horses. But the livestock were all gone now. It looked a bit sad, having a pasture with no animals grazing.

  “So, what’s the deal? Will she let us look for Albert Hennesy?”

  Simon sighed, mentally smacking himself. “I didn’t get around to that question.”

  “What question?” a female voice asked.

  Both Simon and Arik turned, and looked down. Now that she wasn’t standing on a bed, he was surprised at how small she was. She barely came up to his shoulder. But everything else about her, her breasts, her legs and, he knew from two visual inspections, her ass, were perfect!

  “You are falling hard,” Arik murmured, chuckling.

  Simon shot a vicious glare at his friend. “Shut. Up.”

  Arik chuckled, and turned to the woman. She had piled all of that gorgeous silky hair up on top of her head. Damn it, he liked seeing it down. Then again, when it was pulled up, he could see her long, sexy neck. And her eyes. Damn, she had beautiful eyes!

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, ma’am,” his partner and former friend said, adding one of those smiles that Simon knew Arik only used on pretty women. “I’m Detective Arik Harper and this is Simon “The Grouch” Henderson. We’re investigating the disappearance of a man named Albert Hennesy.”

  The woman blinked, glanced over at Simon, then addressed Arik. “Did this Mr. Hennesy live here?”

  Arik chuckled. “No ma’am. But he was friends with the former owner. We hadn’t realized that the land had been sold.” He paused for a moment, then asked, “Would you mind if we took a look around? Maybe there’s something that the previous owner missed that could tell us where Albert is.”

  The woman stepped back and Simon glanced down. Sure enough, she was wearing her red boots. He had to admit that they looked cute on her. Plus, they gave her another inch or two.

  “Someone is missing? Oh my gosh! How awful!” She glanced over at Simon again, then quickly back to Arik. “Absolutely!” she said, waving her hand at the door. “Look where ever you need to. Although, the movers just dropped off my stuff yesterday afternoon so I don’t know where anything is. I can assure you that there aren’t any sleeping Alberts here in the house that I’m aware of though.”

  Arik laughed politely at her joke, tipped his hat in thanks, then headed inside.

  Simon stood there, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Officer?” she prompted pointedly.

  She’d done that on purpose, he could tell. He could see the sparkle of mischief in those emerald depths.

  “Right,” he sighed and stepped past her, not bothering to correct his title. He looked around, but there wasn’t much to investigate. The house had obviously been vacant for a while. There was dust on the floors, with boot prints from the movers.

  “You say you moved in yesterday?” he asked, turning to watch as she closed the front door. She frowned at the knob, twisting it slightly. She realized that the lock didn’t work.

  “Um…yes,” she replied, still toying with the knob as if that might magically fix it. He snorted, and headed for the kitchen. They’d already checked the bedrooms and small bathroom when they’d come in.

  “Why haven’t you started unpacking?” he asked, curious despite his irritation. And he’d admit, if only to himself, that he was irritated because he wanted to scoop her into his arms and kiss those red, full lips. Had she put on makeup while they were waiting?

  She blinked her huge, green eyes at him. “Because the movers arrived yesterday at noon. They unloaded the boxes, then left. I’d already driven across several states by that point and I was exhausted. So I fell asleep, planning to start cleaning today before unpacking.”

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