Forever Blake (Once Upon a Player Book 3), page 1

To the late Karen Frances.
Fly high you beautiful soul,
and may your words continue to live on.
Copyright © 2021 by Elena Matthews
All rights reserved.
Visit my website at
Cover Designer: Najla Qamber Designs,
Editor: Jovana Shirley, Unforeseen Editing,
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Title page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
About the Author
Also by Elena Matthews
Connect with Elena
“To my two little brothers,” my brother Jace begins as he stands from his seat at our favorite watering hole, Happy Hours, with his bottle of beer raised, looking around our tight-knit family, which includes my brother Nate and his wife, Remi; my other brother Logan and his girlfriend, Ally; and our older sister, Kaelyn and her boyfriend, Chase. “Who have both moved up in their career fields. Blake has finally become a junior partner at one of the best law firms in Dallas, Sullivan-Gould. And Logan has just been promoted to the Intelligence Unit as their newest detective and can finally put his MIT education to better use. Who’d have thought that all the Jensen brothers would not only be good-looking, but smart motherfuckers, too?”
“I also got one hell of a raise, too,” I add, unable to help myself. My arrogance knows no bounds, but when there are a few drinks in me, well, I turn into Mr. Arrogance 2.0.
“Oh, and don’t we know it? It’s why you’re paying for all the drinks tonight,” Jace says with a shit-eating grin.
My entire family cheers at that. I just flip him off.
He barks a laugh before continuing, “Seriously though, I’m proud of you both. You’re exactly where you want to be, and as your older brother, all I want are good things for you. Congrats, guys. You deserve it.”
“Thanks,” Logan and I say at the same time.
“Now, let’s do some serious drinking. Shall I get us all a round of tequila?” Jace asks.
He gets a load of hell yeses, except for Remi.
“Actually, none for me,” she says, glancing over to Nate with a smile creeping along her lips.
Nate gives a nod of the head, his smile matching his wife’s. That’s when I notice she’s only drinking a cola.
“We found out on Monday that I’m pregnant.”
“Wait, what?!” Kaelyn screeches at the top of her lungs, hand on her heart, while the rest of us look at Remi with amazement. Except for Ally.
She and Remi are best friends, so I’m guessing Ally was one of the first people she told.
“Oh my God,” Kaelyn cries out. “I’m going to be an aunt!”
I get a knee to the groin as my sister practically climbs over us to get to Remi and Nate at the other end of the table.
“Jesus, Kaelyn!” I grunt out as I cup my manhood in my hands. Motherfucker. I’m gritting my teeth with the dull pain as I watch Kaelyn finally reach Remi and Nate, pulling Nate into a big mama-bear hug.
“I’ve waited so long for this,” she says as she steps away from Nate before enveloping Remi in her arms.
I can’t help but chuckle. Of course, she had to make their announcement all about her.
“This is amazing news. I’m so happy for you both. How far along are you?” Kaelyn asks as she finally gives Remi and Nate a bit of breathing room.
Remi lets out a breathless laugh before lifting her shirt up a little, showing us a small bump, but honestly, it’s not as small as you would think for someone who just found out she was pregnant. Though what the hell do I know? The only pregnant woman I’ve ever known is a fellow associate I work with.
“I’m eighteen weeks.”
The shock of this is evident on all of our faces. My eyes immediately go back to my sister, who looks like she’s about to hyperventilate with excitement.
“Eighteen?! But you said you only found out on Monday,” Kaelyn points out.
“I know. What can I say? I have irregular periods.”
“Yep, and get this,” Ally begins. “She hasn’t had any morning sickness at all.”
“Wait, none?” Kaelyn focuses her attention back on Remi. “How did you know you were pregnant then?”
“Well, when you suddenly can’t fit into your favorite pair of jeans the day after they fit perfectly, you kind of start wondering.”
Kaelyn shakes her head in amazement, her cheeks smiling so wide that it’s a surprise she doesn’t split her face in half. She pulls Remi back in for another hug and then steps back, her eyes lit up. “I swear, this kid is going to be spoiled rotten.”
Remi laughs lightly. “I don’t doubt it for a second.”
We all then take turns pulling them each in for a hug, congratulating them. I’ve never really been one for kids, and I certainly don’t picture myself having any of my own, but having a niece or nephew would be pretty epic. I mean, I’m not sure I’ll be on babysitting duty until the kid is well out of diapers, but being fun Uncle Blake is something I could see myself being really good at.
Clapping Nate on the back as I bring him in for a hug, I pull back and throw him a smirk. “You didn’t waste any time on your honeymoon, did you, bro?”
He lets out a light chuckle, his eyes crinkling. “You’ve seen my wife, right?”
I have, and he is one lucky son of a bitch.
“Plus,” he begins with a tilt of his head, “that’s what honeymoons are designed for—lots of baby-making.”
“Well, you’ve certainly succeeded with that. Congratulations, man. I’m really happy for you. You’re going to be an awesome dad,” I tell him wholeheartedly.
“Thanks, Blake. That means a lot.”
Jace approaches and throws his arms around both me and Nate. “Who’s ready for another drink? I was in the mood for tequila, but with a baby on the way, I think you should splurge on some champagne,” he singsongs, his eyes aimed only at me.
I cock a brow, shoving his arm off me. “What do you mean, I should splurge on some champagne?”
“Because starting Monday, you’ll be earning six figures a year. So, you can afford it.”
I pretend to think hard for a moment before mock realization dawns on my face, my smile wide with pure arrogance. “Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about that. How much do you earn?”
He shakes his head as if he wants to give me more than the finger. “Just get the champagne, you smug bastard.”
Laughing out loud, I spin on my feet and make my way over to the bar. As I approach, I groan at the sudden line that has appeared and come to a halt. Hating to wait in any line, I square my shoulders and slap on my smile as I plan on charming my way to the front. However, before I can even take one single step forward, I’m literally frozen to the spot as I lock eyes on the most beautiful woman I have set my eyes on. She’s behind the bar, and with the signature red checkered shirt that all the staff wears, I’m guessing she’s the new bartender. And how do I know she’s new? Well, there is no way I would ever forget a beauty like her.
I’m transfixed as I watch her high honey-blonde ponytail sway back and forth as she moves from one end of the bar to the other. I feel a pull at my lips as she beams brightly at her next customer, and it’s a smile that could honestly heal the sick. I’m not even sure if that’s a saying, but I’m making it one.
I focus on her and trace the features on her flawless complexion—naturally rosy cheeks; bright blue eyes that dazzle, even from ten feet away; and her plump lips that look so fucking soft that you know she’d be the best kiss you’ve ever had. I can tell she’s wearing makeup, but it isn’t forced, like you see with some women. She’s more like the girl next door, effortless and not out to impress anyone. I find that so sexy, sexier than fake eyelashes, Botox, and the shit chicks have pumped in their lips. I prefer natural beauty, and this woman, she is fucking gorgeous.
I’m staring so hard that I don’t even realize the line to the bar has gone down until a guy behind me taps me on the shoulder and says, “You in line for the bar?”
I blink through my haze and bring myself back to the present moment. “Yeah, sorry, bud. I was miles away,” I apologize before stepping up to the bar. Now that I’m close enough, I notice she isn’t the only bartender tonight—go figure with it being a Friday night and all—and my heart sinks a little when it isn’t the new girl who serves me, but Jason, the manager.
“Hey, Blake, what can I get you?”
In the corner of my eye, I see the gir
“Actually, I’ve not decided what I want yet.” I turn to the guy behind me, who had to nudge me awake a few seconds ago, and slide a couple of feet to my left. “Here, I’m still deciding. You go before me.”
The guy throws me a friendly smile. “Thanks, man.”
“No worries,” I reply.
Then, I face forward, and what do you know? The woman of my dreams is standing before me, smiling the prettiest damn smile I have ever seen.
“I don’t buy it,” is the greeting she gives me.
“Excuse me?” I ask, confused.
“I don’t buy it—that a guy who looks and dresses like you,” she says while glancing down at my suit and tie, “is so indecisive when it comes to picking a drink.”
I can’t help the smile that pulls along my lips.
“That’s because I do know exactly what I want to drink. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you.”
I expect her to blink at my honest reply, but she just takes it in stride with a roll of her eyes.
“If I had a nickel for every guy who’s hit on me tonight, I’d be able to quit my job.”
“Who says I’m hitting on you?”
She cocks her brow, clearly having reservations with my question. “You’re not hitting on me?”
“I’m not denying that I didn’t want to talk to you or that I had to look twice when I saw you tonight, but I know the kind of shit you’ve probably had to endure already, and it’s barely even eight p.m. So, I promise you, I’m not trying to entice you with a dumbass one-liner to get you into bed. I’m just a regular who wanted to introduce myself.” Because, damn, I’ve never seen a woman so stunning in my life.
She pulls me under her scrutiny, her eyes squinting in the most adorable way. “I’m totally calling bullshit, but you’re pretty to look at, so I’ll let it slide.” She shrugs her shoulders with an adorable smile.
“I’m pretty to look at?” I ask, amused.
“Why are you questioning that like you don’t already know it?”
Wow, she’s sassy. I like that.
“Oh, I know it all right. I’ve been fighting off chicks since before I could even walk. I’ve just never been described as pretty before.”
She gazes at me hard, a smile playing on her lips. “I’m loving this vibe we have going on, but the fifteen other customers behind you,” she says, flicking her eyes behind me, “not so much. So, what can I get you? That is, if you’ve decided.” She winks.
I let out a dirty chuckle while I take my wallet out from my trouser pocket. “I will take two bottles of your best champagne, please.”
“Champagne, huh? I definitely didn’t peg you for a fizz kind of guy.”
“What kind of guy did you peg me for?” I ask, keeping our flirtation going despite all the customers still waiting to be served.
She looks me up and down. “In that suit? A scotch guy.”
“What about without the suit?” I ask, my voice huskily low.
Her eyes darken a little while she keeps her smile in place as she takes a few steps back toward the wine cooler, where I’m guessing they keep the champagne.
“I don’t have enough information or any visuals to go from. Also, I don’t even know your name.” She crouches down and takes two bottles of chilled champagne out of the cooler before standing back up.
“It’s Blake. Blake Jensen,” I say as she approaches and sets both bottles down in front of me.
“So, Blake, Blake Jensen.” She smirks. “How many glasses do you need for all this champagne?”
“Eight, please.”
She sets both bottles of champagne on a tray along with eight champagne glasses on another tray. “Anything else?”
That’s when I remember Remi won’t be drinking any. “Actually, my sister-in-law can’t drink. Do you have sparkling cider?”
“Sure thing.”
She disappears to the other side of the bar before returning a few seconds later, setting the bottle of sparkling cider down. “Is that everything?”
My heart sinks a little that I can’t make our interaction last any longer, but with the grunts and complaints from behind, I really can’t take up any more of her time. “Yes, thanks.”
She rings me up. “That’ll be three hundred seventy-two dollars.”
Though I’m making more money now, it’s definitely a little painful as I slide my credit card out from my wallet. Well, I did ask for the best. I manage to conceal my discomfort with a smile as I pay.
When I return my wallet back to my pocket, she grins. “An expensive night, huh?”
Expensive indeed.
I just shrug my shoulders as if it were no big deal.
She glances down at the drinks before returning her gaze back to me. “Let me get someone to help you with your drinks and glasses,” she says just as a hand claps me on my back.
I pivot my head to face my brother Jace.
“Man, I almost sent the cavalry out to find you. What’s taking you so long?”
I ignore my brother and focus on the bartender. Damn, she’s so pretty. “It’s okay. I think I have it covered.”
“It was nice to meet you, Blake. Have a good night.”
And before I have a chance to ask for her name, she’s already serving the next customer.
“Come on. Everyone’s thirsty,” Jace says.
Reluctantly, I grab the bottles while Jace grabs the tray filled with glasses, and we return to the table.
“Damn, champagne!” Logan says with wide eyes as we set everything down in the center of the table. He turns his attention to Remi, a huge grin on his face. “You need to get pregnant more often if it means Blake gets his wallet out.”
I grab one of the bottles of champagne and plop it down in front of him. “How about less talking and more serving up the champagne, dumbass?”
He throws me a smirk that screams, Fuck you, as he gets to work, uncorking the bottle, while Jace opens the other. Once the bottles are open and everyone has a glass, including Remi with her sparkling cider, I stand to make a toast.
“If today wasn’t already incredible with both my and Logan’s promotions at work, we find out our family is growing with a new addition. Today is definitely one for the books. So, let’s drink our champagne and celebrate the hell out of our amazing lives.” I raise my glass. “To living the best life!”
“To living the best life!” everyone hollers before celebrating in style with champagne.
Drinking on a Friday night when you’re in your thirties is definitely not what it was when you were in your twenties. Well, for my family at least. It seems champagne was the wrong call for tonight. Either it made them too tired to function (Kaelyn and Chase), made them stupid horny (Logan and Ally), or made them an emotional wreck after spending the past hour singing “(You’re) Having My Baby” to Remi’s stomach—yes, you guessed it—Nate. It wouldn’t have been so bad if Nate knew all the words, but he just sang the first bit of chorus over and over again. So, you could say, it was a relief when they all eventually left.
Now, it’s just Jace and me…well, I thought it was until he stands and shrugs on his jacket.
“I’m going to call it a night. You want to share a cab?”
My eyes instinctively find the gorgeous, mysterious, new bartender on the other side of the bar, serving the last few customers who still have it in them to continue drinking past eleven p.m. I don’t know what it is about this chick, but she piques my interest in a way a woman hasn’t in the past. I can’t even describe why I feel so drawn to her. I mean, yes, she is smoking hot, and I’d love nothing more than to fuck her six ways to Sunday…but it’s more than that. I just don’t know what. All I know is that my heart beats faster every time I glance in her direction—which has been every few seconds—and I haven’t felt an intensity like this before.
I raise my empty glass. “Actually, I’m going to stay for another drink.”