Original stories from real life

Original stories from real life

Edith Howes

Edith Howes

This book was written while Wollstonecraft’s experience as school-mistress and governess was still fresh in her memory. As she explained in the preface, her object was to make up, in some measure, for the defective education or moral training which, as a rule, children in those days received from their parents. In addressing a youthful audience, Mary was as deeply inspired by her love of goodness, per se, and her detestation of conventional conceptions of virtue, as she was afterwards in appealing to older readers. She represents, in her book, two little girls, aged respectively twelve and fourteen, who have been sadly neglected during their early years, but fall, fortunately, at this period of their life, under the care of a Mrs. Mason, who at once undertakes to form their character and train their intellect.
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The Suns Babies

The Sun's Babies

Edith Howes

Edith Howes

Excerpt: ...green, but a few were splashed with yellow or veined with red or lined with silver. Everywhere they covered trees and bushes and low-growing ground plants, growing here in clusters, and there singly or in pairs. The fairies swung themselves far out on the branches to admire their handiwork. "Now you must be busy," they said to the leaves. "In the daytime you must help the roots to gather food for yourselves and all the family
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