Iron Age Demons, page 1
part #2 of Guradian Craft Series

Guardian Craft
Iron Age Demons
Book Two
Eden Redd
Guardian Craft: Iron Age Demons: Book Two © copyright 2019 Eden Redd
All Rights Reserved
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“None of us really changes over time. We only become more fully what we are.” ~The Vampire Lestat
Lucid Dream Editing
*Guardian Craft 2: Iron Age Demons is the second book in the epic series. Please pick up Guardian Craft: Primeval to catch up. Thank you.
A special thank you to Erik Weir for collaborating on the book.
The sound of soft grazing blended with the melody of birdsong. The sun shined high in the blue sky, its brilliance causing the upper canopy of the forest to glow with golden auras. The air was still as several horses mulled about, the shadowy forest giving them a momentary respite from the warm day. Large teeth pulled up patches of tall grass, while tails smacked away small insects. Pointed ears turned to the sides, the horses relaxed as powerful hearts beat with peaceful rhythms.
A shadow darted silently from tree to tree in the small distance.
A horse lifted its head, dark eyes on the inky shadows and ears pointed up and forward. A tendril of concern caused the beast to stare. Birds fluttered away and the horse took a step back. When the chirping melody died, the majestic creature huffed, alerting those around it. Horses picked up their heads, gazing in the direction the black stallion was staring.
Time slowed down to heart beats before a shadow emerged from behind a tree, arms out to their sides and footlong claws gracing every fingertip.
The horses bolted in all directions. Powerful legs pumped as hooves kicked up dirt. The shadow darted after the stallion, legs in a blur and dark cloak billowing in the wind. Turning its head, the black stallion glanced back to see the figure following, but losing ground. It turned its gaze forward, branches swatting and breaking as the powerful creature burst through a thicket of tree limbs. As the horse crashed through the untamed forest, another shadow squatted on a thick branch, eyes wide and a small smirk forming.
The stallion charged, barely noticing the new shadow over it. Before it could react, legs clamped onto the horse’s body and arms coiled around its neck. The stallion neighed in surprise before it bucked with terrible power. The figure on its back clung for dear life, gritting his teeth and refusing to let go.
Val slowed to a stop, claws sliding back into her fingers, her wide eyes on Will as he clung with every ounce of strength he had. The stallion rose up on two legs, kicking out with its forelegs, trying to remove the person on its back.
“Put it on!” Will shouted.
Val pulled leather reins from her cloak and leapt. The stallion’s head turned away, but Val moved with practiced ease, slipping the reins over its snout and latching it on while in midair. Will kept his smirk as Val’s legs turned over her body as fingers let go. Panic surged as the stallion’s legs came down and Will just managed to grab hold of the leathery reins.
Will’s smile faded as the horse huffed angrily and charged into the forest. Wrapping a rein around his left hand, the bucking creature plowed through low branches like a freight train. Snapping wood filled the forest, sending birds into the sky. Rabbits darted away as the big creature continued with its relentless need to dislodge the unwelcomed guest on its back.
Eyes wide, Will brought up his right forearm as a thick branch came at him. Wood shattered and the thick branch swung away, pain riding Will’s senses.
You have taken 2 damage! You have 8 Hearts remaining.
The forest blurred past as Will fought for control. Grabbing the reins with both hands, the young man pulled back, trying to slow the panicked creature. The stallion fought with impressive power, Will slowly realizing he was losing the battle. Another branch struck his shoulder, but no damage was indicated as he held on. Ears back, the horse screeched its discontent, kicking up its back legs.
Will’s life flashed before him as he felt gravity go sideways, gaze on the ground and feeling like he was going to be thrown.
“Easy, I have a present,” Will whispered.
The stallion’s ears perked up as it brought its back legs down, but continued to buck. Will grunted as the reins dug into his hands before his right hand let go. Inventory up, he pulled out an apple and it appeared in his hand.
The stallion’s body pulsed with power as it tried to remove Will. A glance back and a hint of juicy red quelled the storm slightly. The stallion continued to jump and buck, but it kept turning its head to see the inviting apple in the man’s hand.
“Take it easy…relax…I will give it to you,” Will tried to say between holding on and not being thrown around like a rag doll.
The bucking slowed and soon thick muscles rippled as the stallion turned its head in subdued rage. Will held out the apple, smiling. The stallion looked to him with one eye, a seething anger cooling. Lips curled back, it snapped the apple from Will’s hand and munched on it. Will quickly pulled out another apple and the stallion’s eyes considered him.
“I have plenty,” Will said as his left hand ran down the majestic creature’s black mane while holding the apple.
The stallion reached over and bit into the apple, chewing softly and waiting for another. Will grinned. It took one or two apples to tame most of the horses they captured but this stallion clearly needed more to be persuaded. Faint feelings spoke of the difficulty of taming real horses, but here on Jova, it was simple if you knew what creatures liked. Pulling out another apple, the stallion ate it with greedy fervor. By the time it ate its sixth apple, Val appeared from the forest, cloak covering her pale features and shadows caressing her cheeks.
“How many apples?” Val asked.
Will patted the black stallion’s neck, “Going on seven. This one is no pushover.”
Val crossed her arms, “I was surprised this one ran in your direction.”
Will nodded as the stallion eased down, a satisfaction in its dark eyes. “Me too. Maybe it was meant to be.”
“Do we want to find more?”
Will shook his head,” I think we’re finished for today. Six horses might be enough. Milly said we can breed them easily.”
Will moved his head closer to the stallion’s head, “Want to go home with us?”
The horse turned its head, dark eye on Will. The player grinned as he pulled out another apple.
“One more and we go?”
The horse nodded like it understood.
Will tossed the apple and the stallion caught it, munching like it just finished an exquisite meal at a fancy restaurant. Pulling on the reins, the black horse turned and trotted toward Val. The pale beauty held up a hand and Will took it. With a powerful pull, Val was behind Will, hands around his waist. The stallion trotted into the dark forest, birdsong returning.
Morgan sat against a tree trunk, black eyes on the five horses tied to the surrounding trees. A sigh filled the mystical forest as the strange man was tempted to drift off into a nap. Lids heavy, the delicate song of slumber caressed his sensitive ears when the sound of trotting caused his eyes to fully open. Standing up, the man smiled as a black horse appeared from the forest, Will and Val on its back.
“He’s beautiful,” Morgan said as they approached.
Will nodded. “He was stronger than the others, but he came around.”
“Maybe now we don’t have to hike everywhere we go,” Val said as she poked her hooded head over Will’s shoulder.
Morgan kept his eyes on the horse, “Do you think the kobolds will ride them?”
“I don’t think the kobolds like anything bigger than them. For now, they may be just for us.”
“They like us,” Val said with sultry smirk.
Will looked back with his own smile, “We’re the exception to the rule.”
Morgan moved to the other horses and began untying them from the trees. Climbing onto one, he held the extended reins and the horses followed him.
Will put his hand on Val’s hands along his stomach, “Want to take one of the other horses?”
Val gave a slight shake of her head, “The day has already worn me down. I’m fine right where I am.”
Will nodded as the trio and their horses trotted south.
The ride back was quick, Will looking beyond the gaps in the trees to the spires of Castle Thorn in the distance. A small excitement touched his nerves and he wanted to show Milly and the others the horses they'd captured. It had been three days since they decided to collect the beautiful beasts with today being the only day, they had managed to capture any. The last two days were spent searching with annoyed frustration. When they came across a small herd, the three of them knew it was all or nothing.
Will absentmindedly shook his head as he remembered how they clumsily tried to capture the horses, but only end up with cuts and bruises. Milly had told them that you had to lure, mount and feed them to gain their respect. Reins would help, but they had to stay steadfast to ensure the horses would want to stay. After they tamed the first one, it was easier as they went, the stallion being the cherry on top.
Reaching the main gate, Will, Val, and Morgan dismounted. The gate opened to kobolds watching with fearful interest as Will, Val, and Morgan led the horses inside. The gate closed and locked shut behind them, caused Will’s shoulders to instantly relax. Eyes drank in his surroundings as several timid kobolds approached to admire the giant horses
A small village stood, several structures taking up part of the walled-in land before the large pentagon shaped castle behind it. Small wooden homes were to either side of a dirt road. Metal rang out from a forge to the left as kobolds worked. To the right, a covered area stood with benches filled with kobolds eating. Many turned from their meals to wave to Will and company. Further to the right, an empty stable stood.
Will handed the reins over to a kobold, “See that they are taken care of.”
The kobold gave a timid nod as it led the giant creature away. Several more kobolds took the reins of the other horses and led them toward the stables. Will watched the kobolds and horses for a moment before walking along the dirt road to the middle of the village. Val and Morgan stayed by his side until he stopped.
“I think I’m just going to walk around and see what we can do next to improve the village,” Will said without looking at either of them.
“I could use a nap,” Morgan said and yawned.
“I’ll be in the alchemy room, testing out some new recipes,” Val stated simply.
The trio broke, Will turning right while Val and Morgan walked toward the castle. The player moved with relaxed ease, taking in the area. The village was small and the population a mere twenty kobolds but Will could see it growing with time. Remembering back to when he had created a few core stones, it was easy enough to fashion the stones, but ultimately useless without villagers to populate the town.
Images of carving the stones to fulfill certain needs colored his thoughts. The Forge Stone was needed as was Storage and Home stones. The process was simple as he used a crafting bench to make them. Next came building the actual structures and adding the stones to the buildings to secure their usage. Once the forge was created and a stone added, several kobolds rushed to take over manning it. A small, thin, one story structure was built to house food and equipment while Home stones were placed in each small dwelling. The kobolds immediately knew what went where, as the stones made it perfectly clear what each place was used for. Will guessed it was to help cut through any confusion a citizen might have. As the population would grow, it would make managing them that much easier.
Will walked along, glancing to a mine entrance as a single kobold emerged from it. The player noticed that despite the midday break, some of the lizard creatures continued to work hard. Those that didn’t work on the forge, worked in the mines. Kobolds excelled at collecting materials and gems, as well as filling the storage location with materials, but bringing the lion’s share of gemstones to the castle. There was a drop off chest that was quickly emptied at the end of the day and added to the treasure room deep within the castle.
Thoughts drifting as he walked, images of two Soul Caskets emerged. Will’s excitement grew as he knew Sil and Nova would rise from their casket’s tomorrow evening as Guardians. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but the player began to miss them both. The process took seven days and Will looked forward to seeing them again.
When Will walked past a few small homes, he looked up to a shrine close to the western wall. Three walls stood, surrounding small dais steps. Shadows nearly covered the inside, the sun’s rays unable to penetrate the gloom. A carved stone stood with strange runes and a statue stood on top of it. Will slowed down, his gaze catching small pieces of iron and several dead rats on the steps. He knew they were offerings from the kobolds as he knelt on the steps, taking care not to crush any of the dead bodies.
The statue stood of a man in a trench coat, black tentacles emerging from within the coat’s confines. The figure had a large head tapering down to a pointed chin and manic smile. The statue of Draygon stood silently as Will admired the replica. The real idol was safely hidden away but with the statue and the Worship Core Stone under it, the kobolds would pay their respects before and after every work day.
“Let’s try this again,” Will whispered. Having tried three times to pray to the god, Draygon had not seen fit to answer his prayers. Determined, he knew he had to keep trying.
“Find me. Worship me. You will be rewarded,” Will chanted to the small statue.
A gentle breeze washed over the player, but nothing happened.
Will’s eyes narrowed, “I thought you were the god that cut through all the bullshit?”
The light of the day dimmed before darkness rose up like black flames. Will kept his narrow gaze as the shrine washed away and an ancient temple surrounded him. Standing up, he looked around at giant pillars and fiery braziers. Shadows waved to the firelight before a figure stepped from behind a pillar, a sardonic smile on their lips.
“Greetings, Lord Asher,” Draygon chuckled.
“You haven’t been picking up,” Will stated with an annoyed edge.
Draygon nodded as he kept his amused expression, “I have been preoccupied with my punishment from the pantheon. It would seem helping you the way I did was against the rules and I had to pay the price.”
“What kind of punishment can a god receive?” Will asked, genuinely curious.
Draygon spoke and waved at the air like he was beset by flies, “A reduction of my influence and an ever-watchful eye on me. A price I gladly pay just to throw some chaos into the fire. The pantheon doesn’t know how to have fun.”
“So, coming here is wasting my time,” Will said with a dark edge.
“Not necessarily. They can’t kick me out, but they will make my existence painful,” Draygon grinned. “I doubt you prayed to me just to hear me moaning about the establishment.”
Will nodded, “I need to know where I can find more Idols.”
Draygon’s smile faded as he shrugged. “I am forbidden to give any hints on where they are. The pantheon was very specific on that topic. They want you to figure it out on your own.”
Draygon’s body lit up with arcs of energy, body shuddering. The moment was barely a second before the energy disappeared and wisps of smoke rose up from his body.
“I mean, WE want you to figure it out on your own,” Draygon said while giving a sideways glance to nothing.
“They shortened your leash,” Will crossed his arms.
Draygon shook his head, “Can’t we change the subject to demons and pits?”
Will raised an eyebrow before Draygon began to pace.
“I can’t help but I want to help. I was informed I had to be cryptic just like everyone else.”
“What’s the point of divine intervention if you can’t intervene?”
Draygon let out a chuckle. “You’re preaching to the choir, but be that as it may, you will have to figure it out on your own. For now, rest up and dream. Dark days are approaching.”
Will stared at the god as he paced, confusion coloring his thoughts.
Draygon stopped pacing, turned and waved his hand. “Time’s up. I love our chats,” the god said before his imaged wavered and melted away, along with the rest of the temple.
Will opened his eyes, still on his knees and staring at the Idol replica. Standing up, he gave the idol one last look before turning and walking back through town. Thoughts plagued his mind as his one dedicated source to the inner workings of his quest just went up in smoke. Finding Idols was the only way he could solidify his power and ensure the safety of his fledgling kingdom. Having two idols out of thirteen was a start, but he had a long way to go.
A shadow touched the edge of Will’s senses and he looked over to the two-story home he had first created when he arrived on Jova. The cabin like home stood between the tiny village and the enormous castle in the background, its purpose changed to fulfill a new requirement, housing soul caskets so they could awaken creatures from their savage ways. The sight of it brought a profound purpose to Will, even if the difficulty of accomplishing the purpose was higher than expected.
Will stopped and stared at the structure. It had been six days since he woke the kobolds from their primitive states. He wanted to go out and search for more soul stones so he could add to the tiny village, but found himself and his friends caught up in building and farming. Kobolds took to mining, but didn’t take well to farming, which put most of the work on Will, Milly and Stella. Val preferred night guard duty and Morgan spent his time honing his crafting skills. Belle was often oozing around town, picking up anything she could digest. The days drifted by, but everyone worked on their own tasks and Will was lost to domestic cultivation. The thought brought a small smirk to his soul, the satisfaction of building and tending to his tribe taking center stage, but the call for more whispered amongst his thoughts when the sun set.