Crest and Shield Book 2: an O R D E R mini

Crest and Shield Book 2: an O R D E R mini

Dorsey Jackson, Jr

Science Fiction / Fantasy / Suspense

A group of pilots have volunteered for a one way mission across reality lines to siege and hold a military compound. In all truth, no one knew why they were here. Every building that stood, every road, every bit of civilization, had been reduced to nothing. The compound sat defiantly among endless miles of sand. All they had been told by leadership was that it was of the utmost importance that theA group of pilots have volunteered for a one way mission across reality lines to siege and hold a military compound. In all truth, no one knew why they were here. Every building that stood, every road, every bit of civilization, had been reduced to nothing. The compound sat defiantly among endless miles of sand. All they had been told by leadership was that it was of the utmost importance that they take and hold that compound in whatever reality it existed.Wing Commander Daniel Shield has volunteered to lead the small aerial assault team in this siege. Nothing in his life has prepared him for what they were about to face.The task was great, but to help complete it, they had been provided with the best tool known to aerial combat. They will need every advantage they can use. The officer in charge of the compound doesn't plan on letting it go easily.Avahloh Crest, an officer of the compounds elite Grim Reaper Brotherhood, looked out upon the distance. Every building that stood, every road, every bit of civilization, had been reduced to nothing. They had done all of this. What might, what strength, what power.Grim Reaper Extermination Team 1, along with the brotherhoods commanding officer had gone silent over four hours ago. While out searching for the missing team, he receives a message that the compound is under attack.Until the missing leader is found, command is his. How will the vicious nature of a Grim Reaper soldier translate into leading the defense of this compound?
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