Enchanted by the enemy, p.1
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Enchanted by the Enemy, page 1

 part  #2 of  Enchanted by the Craft Series


Enchanted by the Enemy
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Enchanted by the Enemy


  by the enemy

  Dora Blume

  Copyright © 2019 by Dora Blume All rights reserved.

  Cover designed by Mary Beth of MMB Designs

  Edited by Dark Raven Edits

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Dora Blume

  Visit my website at www.DoraBlume.com https://www.facebook.com/DoraBlumeAuthor

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing: September, 2019

  Look for other books by Dora Blume

  The Shikari Series:

  The Shikari: Every Family has their Secrets

  The Shikari 2: The Evil Headmaster

  The Shikari 3:The Order

  Enchanted by the Craft Series:

  The Enchanted Crossroads

  Enemy Enchanted: A Novella

  Enchanted by the Enemy

  Enchanted by the Earth (Coming soon)

  Enchanted by the Spirit (Coming soon)

  The Enchanted Fall (Coming Soon)

  Haunted by a Moment (YA Drama)

  Immortal Vampire Series


  Hunted (Coming Soon)

  Compelled (Coming soon)

  Sign-up for updates here

  Table of Contents
























  I took a deep breath as I stared up at the sign, Kelly’s Bar. I’ve been working here for two years, but today seemed different. It was the one-year anniversary of my father’s death. Taking the day off was what a sane person would do. Too bad, that wasn’t an option for me. Slinging beer and having my ass pinched by drunk boys was not how I should be spending today. I should be bringing flowers to my father’s grave. I should be doing a lot of things, but here I am.

  “Hey sugar, you coming in?” Carla rested her fist on her hip as she looked at me.

  “Yeah, I’m coming in.” I tried to hide my annoyance. Taking another deep breath, I swallowed hard and followed behind Carla into the bar. I stashed my purse in the back and tied the apron around my waist.

  “Your hair looks cute today, Skyler.” Carla patted my back as she put her own bag away. I liked that Carla was the one person who didn’t shorten my name. She respected that I wasn’t a huge fan of being called Sky, but everyone and I mean everyone did it.

  I shrugged. “You know how these boys love a high ponytail.” I had long dark hair, but for work, I always pulled it up. No-one wanted to find a long dark hair on their plate. If you worked in food service, you wore your hair up. That was a given. I didn’t know why Carla was commenting on my hair. She rarely ever gave me a compliment. I sighed; she knows about my dad. Everyone here did. He used to be a regular. He’d threaten anyone who’d dared to give me a sideways glance. To say he was overprotective was a bit of an understatement. He was a biker and a bounty hunter. He’d taught me everything I knew. Which meant, I not only knew how to shoot a gun, but I also had a very protective extended family. All men, all with big guns and big bikes. It hadn’t done any good when one of my dad’s bounties decided to shoot back. He’d been shot in the chest twice and died on the scene.

  “You sure you should be here, hun?” Carla’s eyes held concern and pity.

  “Yeah, I need the money. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to pay off my debts. ” I shrugged and plopped down on the bench.

  “I’m not sure any of us will. I plan on dying in debt,” she chuckled, but it died in her throat after she realized her mistake.

  “Yeah, I’d like to be able to finish school someday.” I took a deep breath. “Which section are you in tonight?” I asked. I was ready to get on with it. Larry was probably ready to leave.

  “I’m to the right of the bar, Kenzie’s on the left.” Carla scrunched her curls with her fingers. She had small tight curls framing her round face.

  “Alright, might as well get on with it. I’m sure the others are ready to get off the floor.” I didn’t wait for Carla. I headed to the bar to switch out with Larry.

  “Any trouble today Lar?” I slide up beside him and bumped my shoulder with his.

  “Hey, little darlin ', I have to admit, it’s damn good to see you here. It’s been a busy day with boaters coming in off the river.” Larry patted my arm and took the towel off his shoulder to give the bar one last wipe down before leaving. Larry was like that. He always had to make sure his space was cleaned up for the next person. I honestly loved him for it. Some of the others had no problem leaving without cleaning or stocking anything. I turned and looked in the cooler. All the bottles had been stocked. Despite it being busy, he managed to have everything stocked, clean, and ready to go. I gave Larry an admiring smile. “You going to be okay, darlin?”

  “Yeah, Lar, I’ll be fine. It’s good to stay busy or so I’m told,” I shrugged.

  “Your old man was one of the best. He raised the best girl I know.” He winked and gave me a wide grin.

  “Ah, Lar, you’re going to make me cry.” I swallowed. “Thanks for everything. Now, go home already. You should have been off the clock two minutes ago.” I jokingly pushed at his back.

  “Alright, alright, I’m going. Have a good night, darlin’.” He walked out from behind the bar and to the back. He jiggled his keys in the air in a wave on his way out of the door. I waved as I slid up to two women who just took two stools at the end of the bar. I spared a glance around the room. It was going to be a long night.

  After a few hours of slinging drinks, I finally got to take a break. The bar was busy and everyone was ordering complicated drinks today. I wasn’t sure what was going on. Most of the people who come up from the river usually order beer. Tonight, there was a bachelorette party. The women kept ordering fruity shots and mixers. Those kinds of drinks took time to make. I rested back against the counter. My eyes scanned the half-full bar. I smiled as I lingered on the women dancing carelessly on the dance floor. With the drinks they’ve consumed, they were probably feeling pretty good. One of them wiggled her ass and winked at a man standing behind her. He gave her a lighthearted smile. I wondered if they were together. The look like they shared hints at something more than strangers.

  My eyes continued to scan the room. I paused at a man sitting alone in the corner. His eyes were focused on me. The look he was giving me sent chills down my spine. I quickly dropped my gaze and grabbed up my towel from the counter. I began wiping down the bar where a couple had just left. I didn’t like the way that guy was looking at me. There was a dark longing in his eyes. It was beyond the normal lecherous gazes’ men usually gave me. Those were usually harmless. Men saw my full breasts and tight shorts and couldn’t help but give me lustful stares. When I didn’t show interest beyond getting a higher tip, they usually backed off. There was something mysterious and dark beyond those chestnut eyes. Something I probably should leave alone. My father always told me I was addicted to trouble. He warned me that one day I was going to take on the wrong kind of trouble, and my quick tongue wouldn’t save me. I was sure that would never be the case. My sharp tongue got me out of everything. I shook my head and continued to rub down the bar with my withered rag. I really needed to grab a new one from the back. This one was about done.

  A throat cleared to my left and I turned. I hadn’t even noticed any new customers come up to the bar. Man, that one gaze had me all kinds of messed up. I lifted my eyes to the last man I wanted to see. Dowler sat with his arms crossed in front of him. The dangerously annoyed look he was giving me told me he’d been sitting there for a while. Shit, Dowler was exactly the kind of trouble my father had warned me about. Yet, funnily enough, he was the reason I was in this whole mess.

  “Hey Dowler, what can I get for you?” I asked as I swung my hips in his direction. Maybe if I poured it on thick, he wouldn’t ask me the question I didn’t want to answer. I was at work and really didn’t want to have this conversation here. The fact that he was sitting at my bar broke all the rules. Which meant, my time was up. Dowler was here to collect one way or another.

  “You know why I’m here, Skyler.” His thumb brushed up the side of his clasped hands as his gaze lingered on me. He appeared relaxed, but I knew better. He was the kind of guy who would keep a calm smile as he pumped two bullets into your head.

  My voice lowered, “Can we talk somewhere else, later?” I didn’t appreciate him asking about my debt at my job. Most loan sharks weren’t that tacky. On the other hand, I’d been dodging his calls for weeks, and I knew he’d come find me eventually.

  He hu
ffed out a breath. “I already tried that sweetheart, now we’re going to talk right here.” His eyes narrowed on me.

  I quickly glanced around to see if anyone noticed our little encounter. “Okay, how about we talk out back. I have a break coming up.” I didn’t, but Carla would give me one if I needed it. She’d ask a million questions later about it, but there was no getting around that.

  “Fine, you have five minutes to meet me. After that, I’m coming back. You better not make me come back.” His eyes narrowed, and I nodded. I knew Dowler wasn’t someone to mess around with. When he turned in his stool and left, I relaxed a bit. I had no idea what I was going to tell him. I didn’t have his money. I had agreed to a payment plan, but the five hundred a month was killing me. The last two months I hadn’t been able to pay it. Now I am worried he was going to demand the entire sum. I swallowed and looked around for Carla. She was just stepping away from a table. I caught her attention and waved her over.

  “Can you cover the bar for a couple minutes? I could really use some air.” I hoped my voice sounded casual enough. I wasn’t feeling calm, but I didn’t want Carla to be suspicious. I needed to talk Dowler into giving me a few days if not weeks to get him his money. My tips had been dwindling and with student loans and all my other bills, I just wasn’t making enough to pay him.

  “Sure hun, you’ve been working hard. Take a few minutes.” She narrowed her eyes at me. Letting me know she wasn’t buying that I needed a break. I never actually asked for a break. I would work hard on my feet all day without complaint. Yet, Carla was smart enough to know if I asked, it was important. I gave her a reassuring smile and slipped out from behind the bar. I hurried to the back door. I drew in a breath before I stepped into the crisp night air. The cool breeze coming off the river freshened the stale air from the bar.

  Dowler stepped out from the shadows where his car was parked. His arms crossed over his chest, he stalked toward me. “Skyler, you’ve been avoiding me. I don’t like being ignored.” His voice was a mixture of honey and malice. I couldn’t believe he could mask such danger in sweetness.

  “I wasn’t ignoring you. I just had a rough couple of months. I haven’t been getting good tips since it wasn’t peak season. I should do better now that the river has lowered, and we have more traffic coming from the tourists. I swear I’ll get you your money. It’s just taking a little longer than I planned.” I hoped he would be kind, and give me more time. I really hoped he didn’t plan on hurting me to remind me why I needed to pay him. The only reason I’d gone to Dowler in the first place was because he was a friend of my dad. When he died and I couldn’t afford to bury him, Dowler offered to give me a loan. At the time, I was so grateful, I didn’t think about having to pay it back. Now, I wished I wouldn’t have taken it. I could have found something cheaper for my dad. Maybe even put him in an urn or something. I sighed, I knew I couldn’t do that, not really. I loved my dad. He was my favorite person on the planet. I would’ve done anything for him, still would. I planned on hunting down the bastard who’d shot him.

  I hadn’t done it, but someday I would find a way to make that man suffer the way he’d made me suffer. No kid should have to bury their dad so young. It’s not fair. I know I should be grateful for having so many years with him, but I deserved much more. So, did he. I shook my head realizing Dowler was watching me.

  “Sky, I know you’ve had a bad time. I knew your pops. He was a good man. It’s why I let you pay in payments like I did.” He paused to light a cigarette, then focused back on me.

  Did, oh shit this can’t be good.

  “Now, I need the balance you owe me. I can’t count on you not having another hard time. I’m giving you two weeks, which I feel is more than generous, considering. If you don’t have my money in full, I will send my boys after you. I don’t care if you’re Axel’s baby girl. I want my money, got it.” His face grew dark. I knew he would follow through with his threat. My only protection was dead. My daddy couldn’t get me out of this trouble, he’d never get me out of trouble again. I swallowed hard and nodded.

  “I’ll get it.” I wasn’t one to back down. I had no idea how I was going to get him the entire sum in just a few weeks’ time, but I’d figure it out. I’d have to. Even leaving wouldn’t get me out of this debt. Dowler had people everywhere. I knew if I skipped town, he’d find me. Not like I had many options. The few people I knew who, lived here. My dad was the only family I had left. My dad and his biker gang were all I knew. I considered them my adopted family even though I hadn’t seen them much after my father died. I just couldn’t face the reminder. I knew they were there for me if I needed them, but I nearly choked in sobs the last time I tried to go to a gathering. I wasn’t ready to see them. I’m not sure when I would be. The reminder was still too raw, even a year later.

  “All right little lady, I’ll see you in a few weeks. Now you call me. I don’t like having to come and find you at work. That’s not how I like to do business.” He gave me a pointed stare.

  “All right, Dowler.” I didn’t want him to come back to my work either. It’s not like I asked him to come here in the first place. He nodded then stalked off to his car. When I heard the rocks crunch under the weight of his car, I blew out a breath. I had no idea how I was going to get almost ten thousand dollars in a few short weeks. I certainly wouldn’t be making that in tips. Not here, not ever. I brushed my hands down the front of my pants, trying to compose myself before going back into the bar.

  When I stood up straight, I noticed a black car parked on the other side of the lot. The window was down and the guy from the bar was watching me. My eyes widened at the realization that he could have been there the whole time. Had he heard my conversation with Dowler? Who the hell was this guy? The same shiver from earlier ran down my spine as I stared transfixed at his car. Something inside me was warning me against this guy. Yet, there was something mysterious about him. I narrowed my eyes trying to get a better look at him. His hair was long and dark with a slight curl to it. His eyes were a chestnut brown. He radiated a masculine energy that was both dark yet tempting. His masculine physique had me wondering what was beneath the layer of clothing he wore. The sleeve of his leather jacket matched the black of the Charger he drove. He continued to stare at me unabashed. I couldn’t believe the gall of this guy. He just sat there staring at me. I turned on my heel and headed back into the bar. I didn’t want to spend another second out there. I didn’t know who he was and considering how attracted I was to the mysterious man; I probably shouldn’t want to know. If I was instantly attracted to him, he was probably a serial killer.

  Carla looked relieved as I walked back behind the bar. “Honey are you okay?” she gave me a skeptical once over before walking back around.

  “Yeah Carla, I’m fine. Just a little guy trouble, you know. Some men just don’t take no for an answer,” I shrugged, hoping Carla bought my story.

  “Yeah, men are funny that way. Always wanting what they can’t have.” She did a little hip shake and winked at me over her shoulder. That woman could have me laughing on my worst days. I loved every ounce of her. I hurried to the end of the bar where a young couple just took a seat. I continued filling drinks until Miles finally locked the door.

  I plopped down on a stool after what felt like a long shift. Carla came behind me and rubbed my shoulder. “You doing okay, hun?”

  “Yeah, just tired,” I sighed and pulled off one heel. I rubbed the bottom of my foot with my thumb. “Hey, Miles, took you long enough to lock the door.” I gave him a playful smile.

  “Yeah, I think they like lookin’ at you too much they don’t want to leave,” he winked. “I’ll be in the back doing count. Make sure everything is cleaned up before you girls take off on me.” He waved before heading to hide in the back office. I rolled my eyes at Carla and her eyebrows rose as she nodded. I swear he did that just so he didn’t have to do any cleaning. He tended to only pitch in when customers were in the building. As soon as everyone was out, so was he. I continued to rub my sore feet.

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