The enchanted crossroads, p.1
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The Enchanted Crossroads, page 1

 part  #1 of  The Enchanted by the Craft Series


The Enchanted Crossroads
Select Voice:
Brian (uk)
Emma (uk)  
Amy (uk)
Eric (us)
Ivy (us)
Joey (us)
Salli (us)  
Justin (us)
Jennifer (us)  
Kimberly (us)  
Kendra (us)
Russell (au)
Nicole (au)

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The Enchanted Crossroads



  The Enchanted by the Craft Series

  Book One


  Dora Blume

  Copyright © 2019 by Dora Blume All rights reserved.

  Cover designed by Mary Beth of MBM designs

  Edited by Brackett Editing

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's’ imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Dora Blume

  Visit my website at

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing: May, 2019

  Table of Contents





















  “Girl, you’re single. It’s Friday night. You’re not spending another night working when you should be out living your life. Come on. One of the guys from Trampled by Turtles is playing local tonight. You need to come with me.” Angie’s voice whined out of the speaker on the desk.

  “Angie, I have things I need to do. I have a deposition on Monday and three other cases I need to be working on. I can’t go out tonight.” I flipped through papers on my desk and went back to typing.

  “Oh my God, Kaira. You are going to turn into one of those cat ladies who never leaves their house. Come on, you’re approaching thirty and need to go out. See what’s out there before all the eligible men are taken.” Angie said.

  “I’m completely fine with the prospect of being a cat lady. I think you’re the one who’s insecure about it.” She huffed out a breath. “Angie, why did you call me on my work line? I’m only supposed to be taking business calls on this phone.”

  “Because you are avoiding your cell phone. I’ve left messages and texted you half a dozen times. When you don’t respond, I have to change tactics. Someone has to drag you out of your office. I’m not taking no for an answer tonight. You can go back to all your boring work the rest of the weekend. I’m pretty sure that’s what Sundays are for. I’ll be at your house at eight. Don’t you dare stay in the office too long! You need to look good. Your boring pantsuits are not going to cut it tonight.” Angie hung up the phone before I could argue.

  “God, she can be so infuriating.” I said. I looked back to my computer. My office was four rooms down from the official partners’ offices. Working hard was what you did to get ahead. I took on so many cases because I wanted to be a partner someday. I knew it wouldn’t be too soon, but in five years, I knew I could get there. I glanced up at my door. Nicole, my office secretary, was leaning against the door jamb.

  “I made the copies of the Dorken file. Mr. Cross also rescheduled the meeting about the Sampson case. It’s now Wednesday at ten. You’re all set on the Johnson’s case, although I’m not sure why you took it. You’ve already done more pro-bono cases than anyone else on this floor.” Nicole shrugged, handing over a file to me.

  “I took it because no family deserves to work so hard to start a business only to have it destroyed over someone’s stupidity. Plus, I like helping others whenever I can.” I shrugged, setting the file on my desk. When I looked back at Nicole, I cocked my head to the side studying her. She seemed to be in a relaxed position, leaning against the door, but her right heel was perched on its toe behind her and her ankle swung back and forth swiftly. “Do you have somewhere you need to be, Nicole?”

  “Well, it is Friday, and I’d like to miss traffic.” She bit her bottom lip, letting it go slowly.

  “It’s after five. You’re not missing traffic. What’s up?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

  “Oh, nothing,” she said, looking up to the ceiling.

  “Now I know something’s up. What is it?” I stood and walked around my desk, pausing to sit on the front, pushing my plaque to the side.

  “Ugh, fine,” she threw up her arms. “I have a date tonight.” She looked to me and I knew she was gauging my reaction..

  “Oh? A date, huh? Do tell.” I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows at her.

  “Ah, I met him on Match. It’s our first meeting, and I’d like to make a good impression. He’s cute in that boy next door kinda way. I just really don’t want to show up in my work clothes. Besides, don’t you have to be home to meet Angie?” Her eyebrow quirked up, and she bit the side of her lip.

  “Nicole, were you listening to my call?” My eyebrow rose as I stared at her.

  “Not entirely, I can hear you when you put it on speaker at my desk. Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on your conversation, but I kinda have to agree with her. You spend way too much of your time working.” She sighed. “I know it’s a requirement, especially if you want to move up the ranks here, but come on. You took another pro-bono case when you’ve already met your quota for the next two years. Plus, you’re already overloaded with cases. You need to have a life, too. And we both aren’t getting any younger.” She winked.

  I shook my head. “Fine, I guess we’ll both leave at a reasonable time. Go, have fun on your date. I expect a full report on Monday.” I laughed and walked back around to sit at my desk. I had one more document to proofread before sending it off, then I’d leave. Traffic was going to be hell either way. It’s part of the reason I always left the office after seven.

  After another half-hour, I flipped the switch leaving my office in darkness. Walking to the parking ramp, I thought about what Nicole had said. I needed to have a life. Maybe, I’d let loose a little tonight. What could be the harm in having a little fun?

  I had the rest of the weekend to work on my cases. Maybe they were right. I worked too much. I heard a noise behind me when I reached my car. I glanced over my shoulder, feeling a chill run down my spine. I hurriedly opened the door and jumped in, hitting the lock button as soon as I was safely cocooned in my car. Turning the key, I blew out a breath of relief. It was probably nothing, I told myself.

  There were several other cars still in the lot. I’m not the only workaholic, I thought. Rolling down my window to scan my parking card, I felt a chill go down my spine again. It felt like someone was watching me. I glanced around quickly, but didn’t see anyone. It’s probably nothing, I guess I need to stop watching so many crime shows. Shrugging it off, I turned and headed home. Angie would be there in less than an hour.

  I stood in front of my full-length mirror, appraising my third outfit. The tight black pants and rich plum blouse looked good. The V-neck blouse exposed the swell of my breasts. I clasped a silver chain around my neck to match my small raindrop earrings. My fire-red hair stood out against the rich plum. A knock on my door startled me out of my reverie. I took one last glance at myself before I walked over to open it.

  Angie stood; arms crossed over her chest. She instantly dropped them when she took in my appearance. “Oh honey, you’re gorgeous.” She took a step in and wrapped her arms around me. She squeezed and stepped back, keeping her hands on my elbows. “Honey, I’m serious. Where did you get this top? It’s stunning with your hair.”

  “Um, The Fun Sister’s shop I think, or maybe that was the earrings. It was one of the places on Nicollet. I love going to Curan’s, and I often stop in at the shops on the weekend. I’ve gotten some awesome treasures at the antique shop there.” I stepped back letting Angie walk past me into the living room.

  “So, are you ready to go?” Angie asked.

  “You’re in a hurry. What’s the rush?” I asked.

  “I want to get you out of this house before you change your mind.”

  “I’m already dressed to go out. I’m not changing my mind. Where are we going?”

  “One of the guys from Trampled by Turtles is playing at Blackstack Brewery tonight. It wasn’t advertised. It’s a secret show. I love Trampled, so we have to go.” She gripped the handle of her purse, trying to stifle her excitement.

  “Agreed,” I smiled. “You know, if you would have told me all that I would have gone. I know you love them.” I gave her my best “duh” look.

  “I did, I said who was playing. You always fight me on going out. ‘I can’t tonight, I’m working,” She made air quotes, when she said working. She shook her head at me and sighed heavily. “You are so boring sometimes. If you’re not working, you’re reading. You need to live a life outside of those books.” She pointed to the small bookcase I had in the living room.

  “I like reading. Getting lost in a book is by far my favorite thing to do.” I looked longingly at the novel I had propped up on the end table. I didn’t want to put it down last night, but I knew I needed rest for work. It’s always a struggle to put down a good book.

  “I know, I just wish you wouldn’t do it so much. Life
is passing you by.” She waved her hand as if it were literally passing. I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. “I’m worried you’re going to miss it. I watch you work and stay home night after night and I worry. There’s a whole world out there, Kaira. Moments of pure happiness, you’re missing. I love you, babe.”

  She took a step toward me taking my hands in hers. I sighed audibly. “I don’t want to see you waste one moment of your existence. It’s too damn short to waste.” Her mouth thinned in a hard line then, a second later, it spread into a wide smile. “Come on, babe. Let’s go get our dance on.” And just like that, she was a totally different person. At least I hoped that was the last rant I would get about how I’m not living my life. I heard it every time we’re together and it was getting really old.

  “You are so bipolar sometimes, you know that.” I shook my head.

  “I do know that. Manic days are the best.” She smiled. “You know you love me.” She reached her hand out toward me

  I shook my head and took her hand. “I do love you.”

  “I know, now let’s go have some fun.” She wiggled her brows and quirked up her mouth into a mischievous smile.

  “Okay, I just need to grab my things.” I snatched my black leather coat and slipped it on. I grabbed my purse from the counter, sticking my phone inside. “Alright, I’m ready.”

  “Let’s go. I have a Lyft driver waiting downstairs.”

  “Wait, you had the guy wait down there. Why didn’t you say anything? We could have left right away.” I quickly locked my door and raced after Angie down the stairs.

  “Don’t be so dramatic. I’m paying, so stop worrying.”

  “I can’t let you do that.” I said.

  “Oh yes, you can. I’m sick of you giving me the whole, I’m a lawyer and make more money bullshit. I’m paying. Someone needs to take you out for a change.” Angie opened the door to the car and scooted over for me.

  “God, you can be so annoying sometimes.” I huffed out, frustrated and closed the door.

  “Yes, but we already established your love for me.” Angie turned her attention to the driver. “Hey honey, can you take us to Blackstack Brewery?”

  “Yes ma’am.” The driver said. I noticed a slight crook in his nose. He was a handsome young man. His caramel skin and broad shoulders made him appealing. I could tell he was one of those guys who spent a lot of time working out.

  Angie let out a giggle. “Girl, you need to get out more.” She rubbed my thigh and squeezed. I rolled my eyes, so she’d notice. I was not ogling the driver, just appreciating the body he obviously worked hard for. I spent a fair amount of time in the gym, so I appreciated anyone else who did the same.

  “I go out.” I quickly defended. My eyes flashing to the rear-view mirror. When the driver’s eyes met mine, he smiled.

  “So, are you ladies going to play mini-golf this evening or is there something else going on at Can Can?” He asked.

  “Oh, one of the members of Trampled by Turtles is playing at the brewery above Can Can Wonderland. I’m a big fan, but it’s supposed to be a secret.” She gave him a mischievous smile and winked.

  “Wow, a secret show. That’s cool.” He looked pointedly in the mirror at me. “You meeting anyone special there tonight?”

  Angie spoke up first. “No, uh, it’s girls night.” She nudged my side, and I winced.

  “Oh, well then, I better get you there lickity split, so you can start having a good time.”

  Angie laughed, “Oh my god, did you just say lickity split? Who says that?”

  He raised his brows, “Me, I say that.” He smiled and looked again to me. I gave an apologetic smile and blushed under his prolonged gaze in the mirror. If he kept staring at me, we were going to get into a car accident. Although, I didn’t mind his attention. It was nice to have someone notice me instead of Angie. She got everyone’s attention.

  The car pulled up to the brewery. “Well ladies, it’s been a pleasure driving you.”

  “Thanks,” Angie said as she scooted toward me.

  “Thank you, um, I never got your name.” I said, trying not to sound too desperate.

  “It’s Tyler, but everyone calls me Ty.” He smiled.

  “Well thank you, Ty,” I said opening the door and stepping out of the car.

  Angie rolled her eyes and closed the door behind me. She hurried up to the entrance of the brewery. “Why didn’t you invite him to join us? He was totally crushing on you.” Angie scanned the room then sauntered up to the bar. I followed and pulled out a barstool to sit.

  “Oh no, we’re going to sit closer to the stage.” Angie said and waved her hand to get the bartender's attention. He nodded in her direction. She smiled and turned to me. “What are you drinking?”

  I studied the menu. “I’ll take a People Person.”

  The bartender walked over and stopped in front of Angie. She smiled wide. “Hey, cutie. I’ll take a Public Persona and she’ll have a People Person.” Angie winked at the bartender as he nodded. He set two tall glasses in front of her and she handed him a twenty. He returned with her change. After she tucked her wallet back in her purse, she turned. “Come on, I want to be near the stage.” She sauntered over to a table to the left of the stage and sat, so she could see the room. I sat with my back to the bar.

  I glanced around and lifted my beer carefully to take a sip. “Mmm, this one’s good.”

  “How are you supposed to see all the yummy bachelors if you sit with your back to the room?” Angie rolled her eyes and scanned the room. She was obviously looking for someone although, I had no idea who.

  “I’m not sure I want to be watching the room. I’m here to see the band. I thought you were here to see them, too.” I smirked toward Angie.

  She scowled. “I’m here to do both. I can enjoy listening to the music while checking out the eye candy around the room.” Her mouth lifted on one side and I noticed her eyes lingered on one spot.

  “See something you like?” I quirked one of my brows up at her.

  “Yes, I do. If you’ll excuse me. I think I’ll go introduce myself.” Angie stood and stalked over to a tall man leaning against the bar. I shook my head at her as I watched. Her back was to me so I couldn’t see her. The man smiled when she spoke to him. In a moment, they were both laughing. I watched as Angie smoothed her hand over his arm. She was so good at flirting, like she’d taken a class in it or something. I had no idea how she did it.

  The chair scooting out from next to me averted my attention. “Hey beautiful,” a smooth voice spoke from next to me. “What’s your name?”

  “Uh, I’m Kaira.” I said surprised.

  “Beautiful name for a beautiful lady.” He spoke. “Are you here to see the band?”

  “Yes, my friend loves them.” I said. I looked into his cobalt eyes. His blonde hair was a little long, the curls hung just over his ears. He smoothed it back when he noticed where my eyes had traveled.

  “Just your friend?” He inquired.

  “I like them, but I’m not as big of a fan as she is.” I looked over to Angie who was still talking to the man at the bar.

  “Oh, so what do you do when you’re not out with your friend?” he asked.

  “I’m a lawyer.” I said, waiting for him to make his exit. Usually, anytime guys found out about my profession they made a smooth, and sometimes, not so smooth exit.

  “Oh wow, um, ah, I have to get back to my friends. sorry,” he rose and for a moment, I thought he did actually look apologetic before he darted far away from my table. I sighed and rolled my eyes as he walked away. Someday, I was going to meet a man who wasn’t intimidated by me. It hasn’t happened yet, but someday. I heard a throat clear behind me and I spun around.

  A tall dark haired man sat at the table behind me. He rubbed his hand over the stubble on his chin as he held back a smile. “Excuse me,” I said. My eyes wandered down his body. He had strong shoulders covered by a black leather jacket. He wore dark indigo jeans and a pair of black boots. One leg of his jeans was bunched up slightly, caught on the top of his boot. My eyes went back up to his face. He was handsome, his strong jawline and full lips drew my eyes and I bit my lip. When he noticed where my eyes had lingered, he licked his lips and I felt all the blood rush to my face. I quickly averted my gaze.

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