Immortal Espionage, page 1

Immortal Espionage
Published in 2015 by Butterfly Kiss Books
Copyright © 2014 Debbie Behan
Book Cover Design by Anthony Puttee of Book Cover Cafe
All rights reserved.
These stories are works of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrevial system or transmitted in any form by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers and copyright owners.
A record of this title has been registered at the National Library of Australia
Immortal Espionage
by Debbie Behan
ISBN - Paperback - 978-0-9874013-8-0
ISBN - EBook - 978-0-9874013-9-7
~ Dedication ~
This book is dedicated to
Margaret Behan
Special thanks to
Dean Wallbridge
Winner of the title competition.
~ Ancient Mythology ~
The Star Constellation Ophiuchus
This ancient constellation is known in England as the Serpent-bearer. It represents a figure, the physician Asclepius, wrestling a snake. Asclepius had learnt the secret of life and death from watching one serpent bring herbs to another. In order to prevent the human race from becoming Immortal under Asclepius’s care, Zeus (King of all Gods) eventually killed him with a bolt of lightning, but placed him in the skies in honour of the good work he did on Earth.
~ Authors ~
Before Asclepius was killed he shared his secret of eternal life with some of his trusted associates and a prince from Arabia. It is said that even today some of his associates and this prince still roam the Earth hiding amongst the human population.
~ Preface ~
Alina has lost another husband and Detective Berry is so close she can feel his breath on her neck. Can she trust her new friend Ricco? How can he save her from a secret that has been kept hidden for many the years?
~ Chapter One ~
An Explosive Departure
Alina knelt, looking sadly at the man who had loved her for three decades. Rick was old now and showed his age. Once he would watch her with sexy alluring baby blues. Now he gazed with dull grey eyes that looked at her with the same passion and love, although they were weary and ready to say goodbye. She shed a tear as he took his last breath of air and wished she could lie down beside him and do the same. Life had been cruel and she vowed this was the last husband she would ever bid goodbye.
No more for me. She whispered her vow, her heart aching. Then she screamed out his name into the night and quietly left him to rest in peace.
She could hear the lynch mob outside the front door, bashing at the entrance— trying to get in. They say I am a witch and want to watch my body burn tonight.
The door was strong and made of solid steel, but nevertheless it would not hold against the battering. Her gaze roamed to the open window where the sound of a truck and its movement caught her interest. They intended to ram their way in. Time to leave. She was unable to stay with her dearest a second longer. Why can’t they let me be so I can bury my loved one. She let out a sob at the sadness of separating this way.
Detective Berry’s voice yelled out above the racket, ‘Open up Sharma Woods, we know you’re in there. We have you surrounded so there is no use attempting to escape. Open this door now or else we will break it down.’
Sharma Woods was one of many names she had used.
Alina looked up at the sound of a helicopter and blinked at the lights that blinded her for a second.
’They’ve found me.’ She gasped as the gunman in the helicopter let off a round of bullets. They splattered through the window and as she ducked and rolled out of the way she saw her love had been hit. He was dead, but she hated to see the damage.
With a raise of her hand, she brushed the sadness that ran from her eyes. ‘Goodbye my dearest friend, I will miss you terribly.’ she whispered, and blew him a kiss.
With an ache in her heart and a body in grief, Alina moved swiftly to the bookcase. Before she disappeared behind a secret door, she took one last look. The last sound she heard was the crack of the front door as it gave way.
She quickened her pace and rushed through the underground tunnel. An explosion that rocked the castle loosened the rocky passageway. Crumbled stone and dust caught her breath, but she didn’t look back; she knew it was coming.
A little surprise for my unwelcome guests. She smiled as her husband’s revenge was finally taken. Both had been hounded for many years. They were never left alone to live free and happy.
‘Do unto others, as they do unto you.’ Her husband’s words rang in her ears as his death set off his dying wish, an order to light the place up, to leave nothing standing. Alina only need stand by the window to alert their ever-faithful butler that Rick had taken his last breath. Her adorable and caring husband had expected her to be long gone, but she could not leave his side until the end.
Rick Segal had been Alina’s companion for just over thirty years and his loyalty to her never once faltered. She blamed her own stupidity, her senseless love for him, that he too led such a painful existence. Normally she would have left her partner’s side long before the age-gap grew noticeable, but with Rick it was different. He was like an expensive bottle of wine. With each year, he aged benevolently and his virility astounded her. He kept her so happy she couldn’t bear to be without him, but it had to end and today it had.
Rick was nearly forty when they met. To have had such a man was beyond all her dreams. His only downfall was his wealth. It was so great that his family looked upon her as a gold digger. They assumed she was only after his fortune. Alina drew not only the hate of family and friends to their door, but also the detective they hired to destroy her, Detective Kalam Berry, an enemy who followed her through the decades. Paid handsomely to get her out of Rick’s life, his efforts to chase her away failed not once but three times. Each time Rick begged her to come home and she did, in another disguise.
Alina shuddered with fear while she opened the case before her. It had been stashed in the cave far below the surface for this day. She angrily snatched out of it, the short brunette wig and tucked beneath it, with rough annoyed movements, her long blonde locks. Peering in the hand mirror, she removed the beauty spot that Sharma, her latest identity, sported, and scrubbed off the tacky makeup she wore as a disguise. Only Rick ever saw her naked face, the real woman.
When she finished, her skin glowed but her face was sad and unsure in the mirror. To cheer herself up she threw her head back and gave a crazy laugh, glad she never had to cake on that much make-up again. With a smooth motion she slipped on a large pair of sunglasses, tugged a baseball cap ever the wig and wondered what the headlines would be in the morning. She could already imagine them.
Bomb blast totally destroys Sherwin Castle.
The owner, wealthy tycoon Rick Segal, aged 70, found dead in the ruins.
It is believed he died in an explosion caused by Sharma Woods, his girlfriend of 10 years.
Woods, a self-styled witch, is considered armed and dangerous. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Sharma Woods is advised to keep their distance and ring our hot line immediately. A reward is offered for anyone with information that leads to the capture of Ms Woods.
Over the past four decades Alina had gotten use to Detective Berry’s sly innuendo and suggestions to the press. These made it impossible for her to dwell in one spot.
Even all Rick’s wealth could not protect her. It was only a few hours ago that a dear friend of his found out they had been betrayed again. He rang Rick to inform him that a raid was about to take place and that Alina was being hailed as a witch. She was devastated that even in this day and age there would be no trial and she was to be killed on sight. Rick fell with the phone in his hand, his heart failing, unable to cope with the love of his life having to leave him again. They both knew she had to flee immediately or be caught. There was no telling for how long she would be gone this time, and time was something he was running out of. The butler helped Alina get him to his bed and there he cried in her arms telling Alina he could not live another minute without his precious girl. She could feel his sorrow as he spoke. Rick figured he would sooner be dead, and Alina’s heart broke for him, for both of them. Their bond was too strong, and to be separated at his fragile stage in life was something he could not bear. His sweet and gentle heart gave way and as she lay him on the bed, sobbing miserably.
‘I will never stop loving you Rick, my big loveable bear.’
She was leaving his body but the spirit of this man would never die, and as she fled from capture, she felt that Rick’s strength would eternally live on within her heart. Alina pulled her tear stained cheeks into a sad smile at the memory of his laughter. His eyes would be dancing knowing that he was able to help her evade the people that hunted her, one last time. Kissing her thin shaking fingers she blew a silent kiss up towards where she left him and headed for safer ground.
~ Chapter Two ~
Alina smiled at the desk clerk. ‘Hi, I have a booking.’
He received a call and put his hand up. ‘Just once second, sorry,’ he apologised. ‘J
Alina was a good judge of character but Jay, the desk clerk, was a bit of a mystery. With his hair tied back and his soft features, she would have picked him as a geek and yet this persona didn’t match the firmness and maturity of his voice. Could she trust him with any personal information?
Alina had been tracked by the best of the best. Yes, she sighed inwardly, that’s right; Detective Kalam Berry did not perish in the blast. He had gone outside to take a call and was unfortunately thrown free of the danger. He had chased her halfway around the world before she finally lost him in the Greek Islands, three months ago. He had used everything from satellites to sly pimps and military personnel to track her. Now confident she had fallen off the radar, she had come up with a new disguise. Dressed as a man, she arrived in Australia.
‘Name sir?’ Jay’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts.
‘Sorry.’ She blinked and straightened her tie. If she didn’t get it off soon she would choke herself. How men wore these day after day she could not fathom.
‘Chad Harper.’
He continued to ask her questions and she answered before she thought as he asked the last one. ‘Occupation?’
‘I design men’s fashion.’
‘Mmm.’ He leant on one elbow and smiled. ‘That one was for me.’
Alina laughed, trying to keep her tone low. Jay was hitting on her and it so amused her. ‘Why Jay, are all Australians this friendly?’
‘Nope, just me. I knock off at six,’ he casually mentioned, handing her a key card and snapping his fingers to get the bellboy’s attention.
‘Mr Harper would like to go to his room now.’
Alina was enjoying Jay’s clever pick up line and wished she could take him up on his offer, but he would get quite a shock when it was a woman he disrobed. The thought made her giggle as she strode off after the bellboy who already stood waiting for her with the lift doors open. It had been twelve months since Alina had stayed long enough in one place to find a man. Here in the land of beaches and opportunities, she hoped to meet a fun-loving Aussie to holiday with.
* * * *
Once settled and rested up, Alina went out on the town. Dressed as a man she didn’t have a clue what her reaction would be if another female tried to pick her up. This was going to be one hell of a night she grinned to herself as she waved to the desk clerk Jay as she stepped into the taxi he organised for her.
The door opened into a modern night club and all she could think of was drink, dance, drink and more drinking. Alina didn’t waste time and walked straight over to one of the bouncers who seemed to be checking her out with a strange glint in his eyes. And damned fine eyes they were.
‘Excuse me sir, but for five hundred, cash, will you make sure I get home safe tonight?’ Alina smiled up at him. Shit he was huge and his face lit up when he saw her. She liked that. Oh that’s right I’m a bloke. She frowned.
‘For five hundred bucks, I’ll even sleep with you if you want.’ That cheered her up again, but Geez! Why it is that all the good ones are either taken or gay?
‘How long are you in town for?’ he said with a deep husky voice that warmed her whole body.
‘Not sure, maybe a day or so.’
He looked dangerously like a spider that could trap her in his web. She hoped he wasn’t a part of the posse that hounded her; maybe she had walked into the wrong club. Deciding she had to loosen up and believe she had finally lost Detective Berry, she headed to the bar for a drink and left the hulk at the door to count his money.
‘Go do your worst hot stuff. I’ll keep a good eye on you. Oh, and hey sweet thing,’ he bellowed over the crowd noise, ‘What do I call you?’
‘Chad. And you?’
Sweet thing! He’s got a nerve the rotten sod.
At least half a dozen guys looked around; her face right now was as red a beetroot. Alina looked back at him. He was laughing at her, enjoying how uncomfortable he made her. She turned away with a flick of her hand and walked towards the bar and did what any embarrassed idiot would do; stuck her tongue out at him. That, by the way, only made him laugh louder. At least he had a sense of humour. Ricco’s laugh she liked…a lot.
‘Line em up man, and don’t stop till I fall off the frigging chair,’ Alina said to the guy behind the bar as she threw him a couple of hundred dollar bills for his trouble.
‘What’s your damage?’ he asked.
‘You make the cocktails and I’ll drink ‘em. Whatever you can think up, but don’t put it in a girly glass. Just stick it in a middy for me and keep em coming.’
She threw him another couple of $50.00 bills. ‘And that’s for your pocket. The name’s Chad.’
He leaned over the bar and shook her hand. ‘Lenny.’ He grinned while stuffing the tip in a man purse he had hooked on his jeans. ‘You have me in your back pocket Chad my man; your wish is my command.’
Lenny was a small guy with a big personality. He talked to everyone that came up to the bar like he was their old friend and true to his word, once Alina downed one drink, the next one was sitting right there in front of her.
There were so many hot guys in there she wished she could rip off this man disguise and pick one of them up. Her sex drive had always been healthy and she had mourned for long enough. Her late husband would hardly expect her to be untouched for the rest of time. Alina cursed. She had always been against one night stands but how could she seriously drag any self-respecting man into the dangers she faced?
Like a pro she scanned the club and spotted the location of the security cameras. She could ill afford to be captured on screen as a woman so knew the disguise had to stay. She cursed again. It would be hopeless to try and pick up here. Thinking this was all so unfair she downed another drink.
Alina chuckled every time a women hit on her. The few guys with propositions were moved along by good old Ricco. He muscled in on those that got too cosy. He was a good looker with dark hair, eyes and skin. The more Alina drank the more she fantasised about taking him up on his offer. Well maybe, she pondered as he walked away from her for the umpteenth time. He was working very well for his five hundred. She eyed him more carefully and wondered if he didn’t mind women too. If she asked him and it was a shock to him would he expose her or keep her secret?
* * * *
It was two in the morning when Ricco came and dragged Alina away from the bar. In the car on the way back to her motel she thanked him for doing his job. She wanted to ask him for another favour but he had turned quiet so she rested back in her seat. He seemed moody and Alina started to wonder if she wanted sex with someone so grumpy anyway. It was when she watched him change gears and the strength of his thigh muscle flexed under his pants that she changed her mind. It made her feel dizzy and she decided to just wait and see.
Going up the lift she chatted nonstop and once, thought he smiled. He was a hard nut to crack but she wasn’t going to give up until he bade her goodnight. She started to wonder if he already guessed she was female and had turned off her.
At her door, Ricco stood looking down at her. ‘Are you right now or do you need me to help you inside?’
She grinned and threw him a shy look. ‘Do you like me at all Ricco?’
‘Depends on how much more I can pay you?’
He smiled. ‘Maybe.’
Alina opened up her bag, pulled out another wad of cash and, giggling, put it in his hand.
He looked at her strangely.
‘More?’ she asked and this time raised her eyebrow, wondering if she had got him wrong. Maybe he had only joked about the sleeping with her. Maybe he wanted all her money.
He shook his head. ‘You shouldn’t be carrying around this sort of cash.’
He showed her he cared and that was all the prompting Alina needed. She opened up the door and dragged him in. Closing the door she put her finger to her lips, hushing him.