Spring Mutiny: A LitRPG Sci-Fi Adventure (Space Seasons Book 2), page 1

Spring Mutiny
Space Seasons Book Two
Dawn Chapman
Copyright © 2020 by Dawn Chapman
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
About Dawn Chapman
About Mountaindale Press
Mountaindale Press Titles
As 2019 progressed, heading to Kansas City for the Indie Audiobook Awards was just the best. Here’s to the amazing Narrators, Gamelit Authors, and friends I met and spent time with in those whirlwind 5 days!
x X x
I’m sending special thanks and shout outs to my sprint buddy, Michael Chatfield. And also my other closest friends K.T. Hannah and Luke Chmilenko. Thank you for being you and being there for me as always, and of course just being plain awesome. Guys and gals, these three authors’ books are mint, check them out!
Big thanks to my early readers, Tara, Zeb, and Adam, and to my editing team Nick and Evan. Without all of you amazing people this would not be as polished. You rock.
To my wonderful discord group. Kajack, LFB, Chris, Chauf, Ever, V, Carl, Zeb, and Richard. With special mention to some of my dearest friends, Steve Campbell and M.H. Johnson. And those who support me with Patreons love you too!
There’s also of course, an extra shout out to my publisher for working with me. MDP, you all have been a joy to work with.
Finally, to all who chat to me daily, and whom I adore, and to the extra special people in the office you all know who you are, and working alongside such professional people, is the best. I couldn’t ask for more.
x X x
Don’t miss out on future releases! Sign up for the Mountaindale Press newsletter to stay up to date. And as always, thank you for your support! You are the reason we’re able to bring these stories to life.
Chapter One
I sat there with my wounds patched up for ages. Watching Denn as she started to get better. I could only look around the room, staring at the people I was with. Those who had been a part of my life for the last few months and Tyto. It was tough to think about what I’d been through, where I was, and where I was going.
I hadn’t had any time to digest things. Nor had anyone else. But I noticed the slight blank expressions as they looked to their character sheets. Seeing how much they’d grown, or what they’d lost.
I did the same. Pulling it up before me, so that I could see everything.
I laughed, finally my skills had reorganised. At least now it looked as if they were in specialised sets. I wished I could do it myself. But, it made things easier for me to see.
I had been given 1 Quick Point for reaching level 26, the usual stat points to assign. I breathed in.
In the time I’d been here so far, I’d paid attention to what the system had thrown at me. Now, I knew I needed to be smarter. I could assign this Quick Point only when I reached level 30 now. It took away the urge to just bump anything now in the hopes it would make a difference. It also made my choices where to put these five, much more important. Intelligence and Wisdom. I needed to be smarter. I assigned three to Intelligence and two to wisdom.
Name - Kyle Ranz
Year of Death - 2629
Class = Fighter/Sorcerer
Age ??
Level = 26
Respawns = 2
Memories = 94%
Health = 52%
Mana = 38
Kenosi Activated
Nanites x 60,063
Body Type = Unknown
Structural Integrity = Tungsten and Alumi
Internal AI Chip = X Class
Skin Strength = 36
Blood Capacity = 28
Healing Speed = 35
Strength = 23
Dexterity = 18
Constitution = 61
Intelligence = 37
Wisdom = 23
Charisma = 9
Luck = 8
Quick Points = 1
Skills =
Battle Mage - Rank 17
Mech Pilot - Rank 15
Nanite Engineer - Rank 22
Human/Machine Interface - Rank 24
Mech Merge - Rank 10
Vrolsh Coding Learned
CAD Tech - Rank 12
Shuttle Operator - Rank 12
Freighter Operator - Rank 5
Foot Soldier - Rank 21
Merc - Rank 14
Sniper - Rank 18
Gun Smith - Rank 13
Shadow Awareness - Rank 12
Deception - Rank 14
Reconstruction Expertise - Rank 14
Muscle Healing - Rank 17
Viral Fighting - Rank 13
Poison Resistance - Rank 15
Night Sight - Rank 1
Sword Play - Rank 14
Animal Handling - Rank 2
Special Traits Awarded x 4 – Any extras here do not show on your Stat Sheet Totals.
Healer = Internal AI Chip X Class – Crystalline and Silver metal chip with integrated healer nanites led by Xe Aria.
Intelligence = Internal prototype AI Chip, inserted on 17th birthday, with consciousness of Hiroto.
Knowledge = Direct from Xirob if he freely gives it. Extra skills and training available.
Shade Brain – One in a million, you managed to not only keep your memories, but you can also hide them. Your character sheet is elusive to even the strongest of will. UPGRADED - No one can penetrate your Shade now!
Space Sickness - Unknown Effects
Spells - Active - Minor Healing = Requires BATTLE MAGE RANK of 2 and x 1 Mana per second.
Spells - Active - Medium Healing = Requires BATTLE MAGE RANK of 7 and x 10 Mana per second.
Spells - Active - Intensive Healing = Requires BATTLE MAGE RANK of 14 and x 100 Mana per second.
Spell - Active - Lightning Fury – Cost: 10 mana per second – Damage increased by 30%
“Ready to get out of here?” Tyto asked. His question brought me around from watching Denn.
“Yes,” I said.
He indicated the med bay door, and I followed him out into the hallway and then up to the bridge.
I hadn’t been with him that long, but it seemed there were some major changes. This freighter was amazing. Huge.
“Care to take the helm?”
I looked towards it, my mind whirring, and then the screens came up. I’d never expected to see as much as I did now, but this was much more than I had seen before. I loved it. Is this because I’m out of basic?
Gain a few levels and the whole world opens up some more, huh? Hiroto said. This is pretty neat, huh?
Name - Artemis
Large Cargo Freighter - Model 71719 - Repurposed Cargo/Troop Transport
Manufactured by - Arndale Corp
Crew Min/Max = 7/142 - Troop Carry - Max 1000
Ship Cost = New 1,328,179 - Reclaimed - 172,288
Ship Quality - High
Hull - Medium Armour - Reinforced at several exposed areas
Bulkheads Reinforced
Dual Hardened Cargo Unit
Cargo Slots = 34 slots/repurposed space 10 = 24 slots remaining
Specialised Mech Docking Bay x 6
Fighter bay with dock x 17 medium
Engines -
Class Seven Hyperdrive
Solar Sails with x 6 battery storage under the belly of the Freighter (2 batteries inoperable)
Manoeuvring Jets for tight docking
Extra Battery Storage for longer Space Missions
Weapons – ALL inoperable
x 4 - Missile Tubes - Seventeen missiles in stock - Cost x 1000 Gold
x 2 - High Velocity - Rail Guns x 2 - 1000 packs in stock - Cost x 399 Silver per pack of 1000 rounds
x 2 - Light Laser Beams - High Cost to ship Battery Packs, currently unavailable
Computers -
Navigational Computer - Level 17
Predictive Trajectory - Lev
Auto Pilot - Upgrade Available
Sensors -
Deep Scanner Array - Level 10
Defence Tracking - Upgrade Available
Surveyor - Upgrade Available
Communications -
Weapons Jam - Upgrade Available
Interspecies Communicators - Not Available
Uses Arndale’s Relay Network - Level 17
Uses Kiain Relay Network - Level 5
The freighter was a nice model. Three main levels: the lower section split into the docking bay and training units; main hanger, for the mechs and fighters; and the med bay. The middle section of the freighter was for training, hydroponics, and eating. It made the most sense. The upper deck was the bridge, offices and crew quarters. It could clearly house a lot more than the few of us.
I glanced to the main hangar bay, where Tyto’s fighter sat. Its stats popped up, also showing how much it had improved since I’d last seen it.
Model X2717
Quality - Medium
Engines - Dual Engine - Level 10
Computer -
Auto Targeting - Level 8
Space Jammer - Level 9
Comms -
Uses Arndale’s Relay Network - Level 11
Uses Kiain Relay Network - Level 9
Weapons -
x 1 Rail Gun
x 2 Heavy Lasers
“You think you can take the helm?”
I glanced at him and grinned. “Really?”
“You feeling well enough?”
I looked to my inner stats. My health and my main stats were low. I was still pretty out of it.
“I don’t think I can,” I said, looking at the chair.
Tyto pointed at it. “No, sit. I have a few more things I can do before we tackle the takeoff.”
I moved to sit down and found I more than plonked into place, suddenly feeling much weaker than I had thought.
Tyto moved to kneel before me and reached into nothing. He pulled out a vial, handing it to me. “You’ll feel better with more of these inside you.”
I looked at the vial and identified it.
“They’re clean?”
“Yes, they’re clean, programmed for nothing but healing and maintenance.”
I took it from him, feeling the weight; there was next to nothing in it. Only a tiny drop of liquid to house them. They didn’t need much, after all. “Thank you.”
“Just answer me this one question.” He held my gaze with his. “Who is Hiroto?”
I wasn’t sure I should answer. But something pulled me towards this one man more than others. Maybe it was the thought that he’d come back for me. I shrugged.
“I don’t know if I can.”
“Why? He’s the one who got me out here to you, but you’re not with him? So who is he? Where is he?”
“I don’t know if I’m ready to admit certain things…just because.”
“I want you to know that you can. You’ve not been a hundred percent truthful with anyone since you arrived.”
“You know I arrived, though, rather than actually moving over here?”
He pushed up and sat in the second mate’s chair. “Yes. I checked back over the pod you came in. That pod wasn’t active.”
I nodded. “No, it wasn’t. It was empty, not working.”
“So how did you end up in it, and here?”
“There was a person inside it, someone who was hiding. How the transfer happened, I’m still not sure. But it did.”
“You were transferred into a live denti?” he asked, and I saw him physically shiver.
Xirob shuddered on the inside of me too. No matter what you think, Kyle. I am glad you came to Tolsa.
“Yes, the denti I am inside is alive.”
“I didn’t know it was possible.” Tyto shook his head. “Is he still—”
“Yes. His name is Xirob, and he’s very much alive, for now. Because you know if I respawn now, I’ll lose him for good.”
“Fuck, was that the time I killed you after we killed the M-Wolf Alpha?”
I looked away from his piercing gaze, seeing the nanites inside me working hard now to program the others and get them set to work.
“Yeah,” I admitted. “That was the time you killed me. I guess I should be grateful for it.”
He laughed. “Never heard anyone say that before.”
There was a slight ping in my ear.
I actually started to feel a lot better. Like things were finally moving in the right direction.
“Thanks for telling me, Kyle. And, I’m going to trust you now too. You all know I’m a full plant, right?”
“It now flags you as Eekan?”
He nodded. “I am special forces for the denti queen. I work directly for her, and her alone.”
Xirob shivered again. I wasn’t sure…. I didn’t want to presume.
“What does that mean?”
“It means I know who Xirob is, and his family. It means I’m glad I met you and glad I came back for you.”
Looking to the screen before me, I smiled. I was glad too.
“Ready to leave then?” Tyto asked.
“Yes, I am.” I then noticed the screen I was looking at wasn’t actually a viewing window. “Solid plate hull?”
“Correct, there’s no window,” Tyto said. “Cameras on the outside allow us to see what we’re looking for. Most of the time there’s really nothing to see except more darkness.”
I wanted to see it all, though. “Where are we going?”
“Well, I was heading to a port near the planet Roastol for a new crew when I got the call to come rescue your ass. Now I’m not so sure.”
“You fly this on your own?” I looked around, shocked. “It’s huge?”
“That’s complicated, Kyle. It has been a long time since I left you. But yes. Seems the system already had a crew in mind for me.” He grinned.
“It may take a while for them to come around,” I said. “But they will.” I had to ask once more “How long?”
“Kyle, when I left you floating in space, I didn’t think I’d ever see you again, let alone get a comms message to come rescue you.”
“I don’t understand. How long?” But no sooner had I asked the most pertinent question for me did I hear the door open behind us. I turned to see Jai, Rei, and Naylar step inside.
Jai looked at me sitting in the captain’s chair. The bridge had enough for us all to sit on, but there were specialist stations, ones I had no real training for.
I moved to stand, and Jai stood centre of the bridge. As he looked around, I could almost see his mind working. Then without another moment’s thought, he spoke clearly. “Tyto, take second in command. Rei, hydroponics. Kyle, tactical. Naylar.” He paused. “Medical and fighter pilot. Denn can take engineering when she wakes.”
I watched as the others moved to their stations, a little shocked he’d actually put Tyto as his second-in-command. But giving it was his freighter and he knew it well, maybe it was the right decision.
I wasn’t sure which seat I was supposed to take. There were still two left.