Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance, page 1

An Erotic Romance
Sierra Darcey
All characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
Copyright ©2013 by Sierra Darcey. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, scanned, transmitted or distributed by any means without express written permission of the author.
Cherilyn Johnson pressed her fingertips to her temples, massaging gently and for the millionth time tried to refocus her attention. Late on a Friday afternoon was no time for daydreaming if she ever hoped to get her paperwork done. Once again she stole a glance at the new boss from around her cubicle. Through the glass walls of his office stood Marcus Black, the cause of her distraction, looking like he just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Always impeccably dressed, tall, with a sensual smile that made her toes curl. Before he arrived all Cherilyn thought about was getting a promotion, but now with Mr. Black here, other much steamier thoughts found their way into her consciousness, often at the most inappropriate of moments.
Cherilyn was still ticked off that he had been hired from outside the company to fill the position she had set her sights on. He had only been working at Daycroft Industries of Pittsburgh for three months, but she saw him every day, all day long. Right at this moment, she didn’t have time to get sidetracked, but with his dreamy looks and hot butt, a fantasy about Marcus Black was hard not to think about.
Watching Marcus with his hands on his hips made her wonder what it would be like to be his boss, the one in charge and order him to do her bidding. Closing her eyes she let her mind wander.
In her fantasy she walked straight into Marcus Black’s office. Then closing the door behind her she locked eyes with Marcus slowly undoing the belt of her trench coat letting it fall from her shoulders to the floor. She enjoyed the look of surprise and then appreciation come over his face. His eyes grazed down her body. Wearing a red lace push up bra, she jutted her chest out slightly and then shifted her hips when his gaze lingered on the matching thong panty, sheer black stockings, garter belt and black stiletto heels.
Marcus loosened his tie and appeared to have difficulty swallowing. “That’s quite an outfit.”
Cherilyn ran her manicured nails along the edge of her cleavage. “You like it?”
“I love it.” Marcus grinned broadly.
Smiling, Cherilyn walked slowly over and straddled him, easing into his lap, his hands felt for the curve of her behind.
She undid his tie and started unbuttoning his shirt leaving occasional kisses down his chest pausing at times to smile at him.
“Mmmm. You’re killing me.”
“I don’t want to hurt you - not in a bad way,” she smirked.
Marcus undid the clasp of her bra and began cupping and gently squeezing her breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth teasing it with his tongue until a heat spread from between her legs up through her body causing a low moan to escape from her lips.
“Where’s the quarterly reports?”
Cherilyn’s eyes popped open. Edna Daines, office manager of the fourth floor stood in front of her jolting her out of her daydream and back to the present. Cherilyn was mortified being caught at such a moment.
“Miss Johnson?” Edna tapped her foot. Despite being in her early sixties and only about five-foot-two, with her cat-eye glasses and hair pulled back in a tight bun, Edna had such a severe look that Cherilyn often suspected she had background in the military.
“Yes, Mrs. Daines?” Cherilyn preferred using first names, actually her nickname Cherry, but Edna never allowed the staff to be informal or personal.
Edna’s voice grew shriller, “I need the quarterly reports by four o’clock.”
“Yes, I’m aware.” Glancing at the wall behind her the clock read three-fifteen, which didn’t give her much time. “I’ll have them ready,” Cherilyn gave Edna the most convincing smile she could muster.
Once Mrs. Daines had walked down the long corridor of cubicles, returning to her desk and being well out of earshot, Tashida, Cherilyn’s co-worker and best friend appeared. “You better not keep us here late, girl, or I’m liable to go without you.” Tashida’s cubicle was on the other side of the office but she visited Cherilyn’s several times each day.
“You wouldn’t dare leave without me!” Cherilyn kept working, not looking at her.
“I’m not missing Vegas for nobody.” Tashida crossed her arms and leaned against the partition. “Keke texted me she’s already at the airport.”
“That sounds like Keke.” Tashida and Cherilyn, along with Keke were going to be bridesmaids at the upcoming wedding of their friend Melanie. The four of them were planning on leaving right after work for a bachelorette weekend in Las Vegas. Cherilyn was definitely looking forward to it and didn’t plan on missing the fun either. “Then leave me be so I can get my work done.”
“I know you’re Miss Hard-working Professional, who wants a promotion and a raise, but when four-thirty comes, I’m out the door. Not waiting.”
“Shut up.”
“Just sayin’.” Tash headed back to her end of the office.
The quarterly reports were mostly done; Cherilyn had been working on them for the past two weeks. She wanted to print them out one last time and then review and tweak as needed, never wanting to hand in anything incorrect or sloppy.
Walking to the printer she glanced into his office again. She needed to stop thinking about Marcus Black, no matter how gorgeous, he was without question off limits. Even though her stomach did a flip flop whenever she saw him, any personal relationship was totally inappropriate and would get both of them fired. She took a deep breath and sighed. Sometimes she felt so mesmerized by him she thought it would be worth quitting to be with a man like that, but the reality was she needed a paycheck and common sense wouldn’t let her throw away a good job over a man.
Having worked long and hard for her degree, Cherilyn hoped to work her way up within the company. But, she wanted to be noticed for her intelligence and that she did a good job, not for being the office harlot. And that’s exactly what would happen if she didn’t stop fantasizing about Marcus Black. Office romances usually created a lot of gossip and she didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea and thinking she slept her way to the top. Yet she couldn’t deny the heat she felt whenever Marcus was around.
William Daycroft, nephew to the owner of the company, entered Marcus Black’s office without knocking, which annoyingly had become his habit lately. Marcus had little use for him, finding the young man to be a nosey, unintelligent braggart. But since he was related to the boss, old man Daycroft himself, he unfortunately had to tolerated.
Though not originally from Pittsburgh, in a short time Marcus had grown to love the city. The windows of his office gave a perfect view out at the bridges. He also liked his job and was determined not to let anything screw that up so he decided he would have to endure these visits.
“William,” Marcus acknowledged but his eyes were drawn to Cherilyn Johnson as she walked up to Mrs. Daines’ desk. Cherilyn had an exceptionally pretty face and a figure he felt was best described as voluptuous. He found himself at the oddest times thinking about her eyes, with those long eyelashes, or her lips, how red they were or the shape of her cute behind and what that might feel like.
“She’s nice to look at,” William said.
Marcus shifted his attention back to the man in front of him. “Company policy says otherwise,” he said and wondered why he should have to remind the boss’ nephew of the rules against fraternization. Three months ago two employees had been discovered embezzling. They had been arrested and were now awaiting trial. The couple, a man and a woman had been romantically involved in secret. Although Daycroft industries kept this news quiet from the employees, they had all but outlawed romantic relationships within the workplace. Marcus had been hired and since Mr. Daycroft wanted someone he could trust, William had been brought in. Marcus felt he had a lot to live up to, wanting to instill confidence in his new boss, apparently much more than William did.
William picked up a paperweight from Marcus’ desk and tossed it from hand to hand, “Looking is for free. You have plans for this weekend?”
Marcus felt his irritation growing as William fiddled with some personal items on his desk. “The conference in Las Vegas.” If William had any ambition he would be going also, as it was, Marcus was glad he wasn’t.
“Shame to go all that way just for work and not fun. Bet you’ll be cooped up in classes all day.”
“I’m not going for entertainment, this is business.” His attention was drawn back to Cherilyn who was looking annoyed, Marcus already discovered Edna Daines often had that effect on people, but Cherilyn still looked - sweet - he supposed was the word.
William leered at him with a silly grin
Marcus grabbed his favorite coffee mug just as William reached for it. “That I do.”
“You should watch out for her then,” William flicked a thumb toward Cherilyn, “instead of watching her butt.”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s gunning for your job, everybody knows that.” William walked to the door, a hand resting on the handle. He laughed, “I’d say have fun in Vegas but I don’t think you know how.”
“You never know.”
William left and Marcus noted a tremulousness to his right hand and felt a bit lightheaded. Annoyed with himself he got up and grabbed an orange juice from the small refrigerator in his office. He downed it quickly and sat back in his chair waiting to feel normal again.
Cherilyn finished the quarterlies with just moments to spare. Edna was sitting at her desk and eyeing the clock. She scrunched up her face as she watched Cherry walk past all those cubicles.
Cherilyn forced a smile to her face, “Here you go, Mrs. Daines.”
Edna scowled, saying nothing, looking at the clock again, then thumbed the reports.
“I am on time,” Cherilyn said a little too loudly, but felt the need to point that out.
“Yes, barely.”
“If that’s all?” She vowed not to grovel for this woman’s approval.
“Hmmf,” Edna took the reports and walked away.
Cherilyn turned and began walking back to her desk. “You have a good weekend, too,” she whispered to herself and not paying attention, almost bumped right into Marcus Black, standing outside his office.
“Miss Johnson could you come in for a moment?”
Reluctantly she entered his office and sat down. This was reality and not fantasy. And her friends were waiting on her to go to Las Vegas. What could have been an opportune moment to advance herself within the company or a chance to get to know Marcus Black on a personal level was wasted. The words coming out of his mouth made no impression upon her, she was too busy fretting about missing her flight, Tashida leaving without her, and all of her friends being mad at her.
Cherilyn tilted her wrist to look at her watch.
“Do you have somewhere else to be that’s more important?” Mr. Black wore an amused expression.
Although, his face was friendly, Cherilyn knew his tone was serious. She worried about offending him or losing her job. Tashida was standing outside the office making angry faces at her through the glass walls. Cherilyn, who was always more concerned about everyone else’s feelings, decided to put herself first for once. “Yes, as a matter of fact there is.” She stood up. “I have a plane to catch, it’s vitally important.”
Marcus waved a hand gesturing towards the door, “Then by all means enjoy your weekend.”
“You also Mr. Black.”
Cherilyn was a little unnerved by the encounter with her boss and wondered why he had called her into his office in the first place, hoping it wasn’t anything important. But it was hard to stay in a somber mood around Tash. The two of them were giddy with excitement as they ran through the parking garage. Having been friends since college and now sharing an apartment, they took turns driving in together. Today it was Tash who dove, as she started the car she said, “Text Keke that we’re on our way. Vegas, Baby. Here we come.”
Cherilyn felt a thrill of exhilaration as they took off. Having already put their carryon bags in the backseat of the car this morning, they were all set to go. She texted Keke who quickly texted back. “She says to hurry up.”
“Miss Type A personality.”
Going over the Fort Pitt Bridge Cherilyn glanced out the window at the Monongahela River as they headed for the airport. “Say goodbye to the ‘burgh.”
Tashida laughed, “Love ya Pittsburgh but I’m leavin’ ya, got me another man his name is Vegas, baby.”
Cherry’s phone buzzed with another text. She bent her head to read it.
“Melanie?” Tash asked.
“Keke, again. She says Melanie is on her way. David is dropping her off.”
“Ugh,” Tash hit the steering wheel with the heel of her hand. “I hope we miss that goodbye scene, those two are starting to get on my last nerve, so lovey-dovey all the time.”
Cherry placed a reassuring hand on Tash’s shoulder. “Be nice now Melanie is the bride, the center of attention.”
“Gets to me when I don’t have a man in my life and someone else is so happy.” Tash lowered her voice. “Doesn’t make me a bad person does it?”
“No, it doesn’t. I know what you mean, I feel the same way sometimes.” A lot lately she wanted to add. Seemed forever since she’d had even a descent date, one she’d really been excited about, let alone a relationship.
“We need to get drunk in VEGAS BABY!”
“Stop saying Vegas, baby.” Cherry said goodbye to the ’burgh herself feeling a pang of regret leaving a man like Marcus Black behind.
All four women met up at the airport. And after check in, Melanie, the pending bride, as expected had difficulty letting David go. Tash stuck a finger in her throat miming gagging when Melanie and David were kissing goodbye. Cherry laughed at Tashida’s antics but the two lovebirds were so entangled in their make-out session that she thought they really might miss their flight.
Then they were rushing through the airport to get to the gate, but Tash insisted on stopping to get a glass of wine. When their flight was called over the PA system, her friends complained and Tash attempted to take the drink with her, but since airport policy wouldn’t allow it, rather than leave it, Tash chugged it down.
Once the plane finally took off Cherilyn took a deep breath and relaxed, and then she smiled, because their wild Vegas weekend was about to begin.
“Woo-wee!” Tashida swayed as she surveyed the expansive and opulent hotel lobby. Tashida had been busy during the flight. To get over her annoyance with Melanie, in addition to the wine at the airport, she had several more drinks on the plane and was already sloppy drunk by the time they got to Vegas, baby.
Cherilyn tried to wrangle the unruly Tashida up to the reception desk while Keke was catering to the despondent bride unhappy to be away from her fiancé. Cherry and Keke managed to get them checked in although the receptionist eyed them all like they were going to be a problem.
“That’s what I’m talking about, Vegas Baby!” Tash was becoming louder and attracting attention to herself. “Where are the gigolos, I was promised gigolos!”
“No one promised you any such thing,” Melanie snapped, her eyes red-rimmed.
“Strippers! I want to see guys waving their junk in my face!” Tashida was laughing so hard she almost fell over.
“Junk? Is that the medical terminology?” Keke smirked, amusement in her eyes.
Tash dropped her suitcase. “Somebody better come do me right here, right now,” she announced to the entire lobby.
Melanie gave her a look of disgust, “Quiet down.”
Cherilyn picked up Tash’s bag. “C’mon Tipsy let’s get you to the room,” and moved her toward the elevator.
“Hey, look at that.” Tash said as the elevator arrived.
Cherilyn turned around half expecting to see strippers or gigolos or both. “What?”
“Is that who I think it is?”
The elevator doors opened, Cherilyn entered dragging Tash with her, but followed her friend’s gaze to the front desk where a man was checking in. He briefly turned sideways and with a shock she realized it was Marcus Black checking in to their hotel. “What’s he doing here?”
“Maybe he has a part-time job as a male stripper.” Tashida hiccupped.
“I highly doubt that.”
“He’s gonna ruin our weekend.” Tashida stamped her foot giving a look of annoyance. Throwing her arms in the air as the elevator doors closed, “How am I gonna get buck wild if he’s around?”
Cherilyn hit the button for their floor praying Mr. Black had not seen them, “Somehow I’m sure you’ll manage.”
Their room was amazing with a large living room and two bedrooms. There was a full sized dining room table, two couches and one long wall of windows through which all the lights of the city glimmered. A bucket of champagne sat on the table, Tash made a beeline for it. Keke picked up the note accompanying the champagne and read it aloud, “With Love to my angel and her heavenly friends. David.”