Spring Fling, page 29

Fucking beautiful witch of a woman. She’s got me under her spell already. Sweet intoxication.
With the tail of the braid, tied with black satin, she brushes lightly over the aroused buds.
My balls twitch.
I need to have a taste. Taking a nipple between my lips I use my tongue to tease, then suck until she starts to moan. My pulse quickens with the sound of passion.
Her hands go to my zipper. My dick’s pushing, straining, begging to be touched.
Natalie’s eyes dart to my package.
That’s right, baby. Look here. I’ve got something for you.
I unbuckle my belt, unbutton my pants and push them down just enough to make room for the reveal.
Reaching into my boxer briefs she grazes the length of me then grabs ahold. I’m hard as fuck.
Hope she doesn’t scare easily.
She maneuvers to lift it out. Ta da. A flush creeps up her face. That’s a first.
“You should have told me to brace myself,” she says perfectly serious.
It’s on.
I kick off my shoes and drop my pants. Socks and shirt are discarded in a frenzy of lust. As she goes for the thong, I have a request.
“Let me.”
I drop to my knees, face three inches from heaven. She places her hands on the sides of my face. Leaning in, my lips settle on fabric. Christ, I can feel the shape of her. My tongue automatically traces a journey top to bottom, tucking the cloth inside the slit.
She takes fistfuls of my hair, steadying her stance.
Hooking fingers in the red lace, I pull it aside, uncovering it all. There’s a thin strip of hair pointing the way. Otherwise she’s waxed smooth. Fucking perfect.
My mouth touches velvety skin, well-formed lips.
I want more.
“Let’s take it off,” I say pulling the thong down.
There’s no hesitation. She steps out of the last thing hiding her nakedness. I toss it aside. Here it is. My fantasy come to life. Naked in heels.
“Why don’t you open your legs for me.”
When she does I return to the sweet center. My hands grip her ass and explore the wonder of it while I dine on pussy.
She’s wet. I taste the slick juices and use my tongue to make more.
“That’s good! Right there,” she says eyes closed, head leaning back.
I need to have better access. The bed’s just a few feet away.
“Sit on the edge of the bed,” I command.
Backing up she takes a seat and removes the heels.
I stand and move in front of her.
“Lean back, baby.”
Grabbing her legs I position them over my shoulders, scooting as close to the bed as possible. Now her pussy is level with my mouth and those full cheeks rest on my chest.
“Love it,” she says.
Oh yeah. Sweet sex. I’ll make her come like this. I go light, strong, shallow, deep. Easy access.
We’re a machine. She’s working with me to make the sensations strong. Every so often she lifts and pushes against my mouth. We’re on fire.
When I sense her legs begin to stiffen, I change the rhythm. Soft and slow now, methodical. Light flicks of my tongue on her clit. Here she comes.
A loud cry accompanies her release. It surprises me. She’s a screamer. Yeah! I’m hard as fuck with the sound.
I quiet my tongue, pressing it against her. The throb is everything.
My dick’s throbbing too. It wants to get in the game.
“Oh God!” she says, putting an exclamation point on the orgasm.
She stretches out her arms as if gathering the moment. When she meets my gaze we’re both smiling.
With legs still over my shoulders, I take her by the ankles and slide her slowly down the front of me. Backing up a bit, I pause when her feet reach my dick.
“Let go,” she orders.
My arms open, releasing her ankles and I spread my legs. Don’t forget the balls.
As I’m being played with by delicate toes, it’s hard to look away from her pussy. She catches me watching and bends one leg up and out. Holy shit. I see the cum from here.
“Let’s get wild,” I say.
She’s up on her elbows and for a moment her eyes flash.
My hands grab her ankles and pull her toward me.
“Sit up.”
Hooking biceps under her legs, I lift her into my arms. Long smooth legs wrap around my waist and arms encircle my neck.
“Get on it, babe.”
I take ahold of my steeled dick and find the spot. She settles against the head and locks eyes with me. This position’s good. Her legs spread wide.
“Take it slow,” I warn, moving inch by inch.
Instead, she squeezes that little pussy and keeps doing it till I’m questioning my ability to hold back.
Her face as much of a turn on as the movements and sounds. It’s transformed. A flush has risen on her cheeks, and the scent of sex is in the air. We’re lost in the lust.
I’m inside. Warm, slick, soft as silk. Tight.
Her head leans back as I start to pump, solid in my stance, legs planted firmly. Soon she begins to really move in a kind of twerking motion back and forth in my arms. I’m getting fucked as much as she is.
Kissing her, sucking her nipples, it wouldn’t take much more to let go. Got to switch it up.
Let’s see how she handles this one.
In a move I’ve pretty much perfected, I crook an arm under her thigh and flip her completely upside down. Now we’re in the standing sixty-nine position.
“Oh!” One syllable says it all.
“Open your legs,” I say, burying my face in sweet pussy. The well-packed ass is only inches away.
Her mouth finds my dick as she follows orders and opens wide. Now it’s all on display. Her little asshole gets my attention too. I’m a fucking beast.
Oh, God. She can suck like a Dyson, upside down, while having her clit licked. That’s real talent.
I’m tongue deep, and I hear my own moans as she takes the braids end and brushes it against my balls.
That’s it. I’m about to blow.
I reach under and interrupt the excellent blowjob. She releases me, and I flip her right side up.
Face to face. What a sight. Blonde braid looser than before, face flushed bright red and lips rimmed wet. My own mouth juicy from licking her cum. We meet in a wicked hard kiss.
There’s just enough time to give her one more orgasm. Then I’m going to come inside the sweetest pussy I’ve ever had.
With legs wrapped around me, I turn to the wall and rest her back against it. She raises her arms high, bracing herself as I lift her over my shoulders. That’s it, babe. Pussy meets face.
I dive in, arms bracing myself on either side of her.
* * *
* * *
Okay, so he’s a god in the bedroom. Thor, Hercules and Superman all in one.
I can say with absolute certainty I’m never going to forget what I will forever refer to as the night of endless pleasures.
But what now? Am I supposed to go back to sex that pales in comparison? For the rest of my life? I’d hate to think I peaked at thirty. I did not think this through.
It’s four forty-five a.m. and we haven’t slept yet. I’ve been up almost twenty-four hours. In addition, I lived through airplane terror, Coco Bongo, and three hours of acrobatic sex. I’m wearing down.
He, on the other hand, doesn’t show fatigue. Stamina Man, that’s my new secret name for him. I’ve sampled his superpower and it’s otherworldly.
We sit naked and cross-legged on top of the bedding, finishing the room service feast. Looking like we’ve been locked in for days. My braid was undone long ago and now my hair’s bedhead messy. Last night’s smokey eye makeup is mostly on the pillows, right by the lipstick marks. Proof I was ass up face down a few times.
Parker’s look isn’t much better. He has an ice pack on his shoulder. It’s aching from when he hoisted me against the wall. And the skin under his bottom lip is bruised from eating pussy for so long. Whenever my eyes settle on it I smile in memory of his skills.
Unfortunately, that’s not his only draw. I’m also finding him fascinating.
We’ve been talking for an hour. The kind of conversation you get lost in.
This would be our default setting were it to be an actual relationship. Not the ships passing in the night kind we’re in. For some reason it’s deceptively comfortable, as if we’ve known each other a long time.
My smarter self whispers it’s just an illusion.
“So, what do you want out of life?” he says feeding me a spoonful of ice cream.
“I want to be desperately happy.”
He takes it in as I get the last lick. An eyebrow raises. “Have you ever been desperately happy?”
“So far, just with myself. But I’m hopeful some day in the future someone else might be included.”
His head tilts with my answer and his mouth curves into a smile.
“You’re an interesting woman. Don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you.”
“Oh yeah? We hardly know each other,” I say wiping up the chocolate sauce that dripped on my leg. I lick my finger.
I can tell he likes watching how my mouth moves, because one corner of his smile turns up. Then he looks into my eyes and gets serious.
“That’s not true. I know when you’re scared you quietly pray. I know your eyes get darker when you’re aroused. And I know you’re trying not to like me too much.”
The words hit me where my heart lives. Stunning me silent for a few beats.
“Do you always pay such close attention?” I say.
I can’t hold in the grin. The man is charming me.
* * *
* * *
Opening the door to my own room, I toss the key and take in the view. The wall of glass showcases sunlight on the sea, the bright-red umbrellas and chaises and a nearly empty Coral Beach. It’s still early.
Too early to call the girls?
My cell sounds. I retrieve it from my purse and find it’s Elizabeth.
“I’m so glad you called,” I say taking off my shoes.
“Where are you?”
“Here. I just got back.” I unhook and unzip.
“How was it?”
“Elizabeth, it was beyond. Without going into details, the man has skills.”
“Oh my God! You whore. I love it!”
“How about you? Did you and James hook up?”
“No. We had a great time though.”
“No chemistry?” I step out of the dress and pick it up.
She laughs. “It was off the charts. He’s an awesome guy.”
“What then?” I say, moving to the closet.
“Did you know they’re here on a bachelor party?”
A stabbing pain runs through my temple. I stop dead in my tracks.
“James. But it’s not as bad as it sounds.” The pain leaves as quickly as it arrived.
“There’s not going to be a wedding. They’re here to get away from the drama. I’ll fill you in later. We’re all meeting downstairs at Isla Contoy for breakfast. The guys are coming too.”
“Thought you’d like that.”
“You’re the one who said to get wild.”
“True. Oh, and Jenna arrived a half hour ago.”
“I take it she got over her flu?”
“Yeah. I’ve got to give it to the girl. To come for one night tells me she’s a rockstar,” she laughs.
“Let’s make it a good one.”
“She wants to party with our friends. I told her how much fun they are.”
“Okay. What about Holly and Maggie?”
“Maggie’s in her room. She and Matt spent the night seeing who could tease each other the most. No sex. Holly and the preacher haven’t shown up yet.”
I start laughing. “Are you kidding me?”
“Nope. They were all over each other in the taxi. James was shocked. Said it was out of character for the guy. Apparently the preacher has another side to him.”
“I want to hear it all. I’m going to get in the shower. What time are we meeting up?”
“Eleven. See you then, and I’ll catch you up.”
When we disconnect, I roll the news around in my mind. Bachelor party? Why didn’t Parker tell me? What else is he hiding? Shit! I’ve known the man one day. Why should he tell me anything? My divorce really fucking screwed with my confidence.
This is exactly what I do wrong. Attach too quickly. Expecting things I’m not sure the man is capable of giving. No, that’s not it. It’s expecting things that can only be given with time. Mistaking lust for something deeper.
Get smart, girl. I’ve got to protect my heart and just have fun.
* * *
* * *
I’m sure the other guests can hear our conversation and laughter fifty feet away. The long table overlooking the turquoise sea is packed with dirty dishes and half-empty glasses. Champagne, Bloody Mary’s, beer, we’re starting early.
Parker picks up the last piece of extra crispy bacon and feeds me.
“I’d like to propose a toast,” Elizabeth says standing. “To our beautiful friend and soon-to-be bride, Jenna! We love you, baby.”
“Thank you all! I’m sorry I had to miss so much. But it looks like you did the best you could without me.”
It’s funny because it’s true.
Then she addresses the men. “I’m not even mad that you fucking guys shanghaied my bridesmaids.”
“It wasn’t our fault,” Matt says pitching his thumb at Maggie. “This one couldn’t keep her eyes off me.”
That elicits groans and laughs and a flick of Maggie’s finger on Matt’s head.
“Oh, that’s different then,” Jenna says. “I totally get it.”
Jenna’s personality is big, like her heart. And she’s comfortable enough in her skin to wear a bikini to breakfast. Doesn’t matter that her body is not the typical bikini-wearing type or that the suit may be one size too small.
“Tell me though, what did I miss?” she says sincerely.
“You missed everything that could possibly happen,” Matt pipes up. “We almost died in a plane crash, we did the Conga with the kid from The Exorcist and your friend here gave me blue balls.”
He gets a nod of agreement from Maggie for his accurate telling of the story.
“What? Well shit. That sounds like a blast,” Jenna says.
Parker chuckles at her idea of fun.
“No sign of Holly yet? Should we worry?” I say.
“Elliott texted. They’re gonna meet us at the beach,” says James.
Elizabeth leans around James and smiles at Parker. “Your brother tells me you’re a stuntman. Sounds exciting.”
“What?!” Before Parker can answer, Jenna responds with the enthusiasm of the crazy movie fan she is. “I’m so excited! Tell me everything!”
Parker thinks it’s funny. He goes right along with her.
“What would you like to know? Want to hear who’s a nightmare on set?”
This makes Jenna almost apoplectic.
“Yes!! Who is it? Wait! Let me guess. Is it a guy?”
“Okay, a woman then. Is she a blonde?”
“It’s Caprice Avanti,” Matt blurts. “Sorry. He was taking too long. It’s that Italian mess. I’d call her a cunt, but she lacks the warmth.”
We’re all talking at once. Jenna’s trying to get the details, while Matt’s defending his use of the c word. Parker signals for the tab.
“Who’s your favorite star you’ve ever worked with?” Jenna probes further.
I’m interested too. He doesn’t have to think long.
“Finn Kennedy. For sure.”
Three of us girls react without thinking about it. Finn is the sexiest bad boy in Hollywood. Jenna pretends she just fainted. Elizabeth raises her hands in the air, testifying. My body language is a little less obvious but anyone who knows me can read my expression. The man’s hot.
“He’s my absolute favorite!” Jenna screams.
Only Maggie stays cool. “He’s alright. I’ve seen better.”
This delights Matt, who takes it as a personal compliment to him.
“Next time I work with him you could come to the set,” Parker says to Jenna.
To her that’s the golden ticket, the lottery win. Here we go.
“Oh my God!” She scrapes back her chair and sprints to our side of the table. Throwing her arms around him from the back, she lays a big kiss on his cheek.
“I love you! Do you mean it? I can come?”
Parker’s laughing along with the rest of us. “Yes. Here, give me your number.”
He takes out his cell and passes it to her. Hands are shaking as she enters the information.
“Hey, anybody else ready for the beach? Let’s go,” James says, getting up.
“I’m so fucking excited! I’m going to meet Finn Kennedy!”
* * *
* * *
My thoughts don’t move much without bumping into her. But the visual has my attention now.
Seeing Natalie coming out of the ocean is eye candy. The white bikini against honey-colored skin, her dripping long blonde hair slicked back showcasing her face. She’s the whole package.
Jenna has said something to make her laugh and those dimples are on display.
Noticing my stare, she holds back a smile and dips her head in embarrassment. I don’t hate that one bit.
How am I going to keep this thing going? She said she’s not looking for boyfriend material. A good time. That’s been the goal.
Why is that? Was she hurt by some stupid man who didn’t see her worth? Possibly. I know lots of guys who’d fit the description. But I’m not one of them.
Walking up, she stands shielding the bright sun from my face. Even in silhouette she impresses.