Invasion Bundle #1: (Rough Alien BDSM, Medical Play, Extreme Male Size), page 1

Claudia Balvenie
Cover Art by
Copyright 2014.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author.
Maya tripled checked her readings. Everything was normal. Still, this was her first trip as Captain and she wanted to leave nothing to chance.
Her two crew members had already gone into cold sleep several hours before. Though she'd gone into cold sleep herself twenty eight times before and for much longer durations, this was the first time she was completely in charge. She wanted to make certain everything was perfect.
She ran down her checklists one last time, set them down, and took a swig of her cup of coffee. She then stood and stretched deeply. One more walk around the small tractor ship and she'd be ready to go under.
In truth, there wasn't much to her ship as far as livable space. It was barely large enough for the three of them. The majority of the mass was devoted to pulling whatever cargo they had attached.
This time she was hauling twenty-two thousand, four hundred and seven colonists.
She stared out the porthole at the giant cargo box containing over twenty thousand sleeping souls. It was not a difficult flight, she'd made this particular one seven times already. The colony they were being relocated to was on an earth-like planet, but one that needed certain goods that they could not yet produce.
And it was a good business after all. When you require your crew to give up six years of their lives in transport, plus assume the risk of actually going into space and the rigors of cold sleep, you had to pay very well. She had amassed a fortune back on Earth. In truth, she didn't even need to take this mission. But how could she turn down being a Captain herself?
Her former boss just shook his head when he'd found out she'd taken the job. He warned her she'd never have a real life, she'd just be a space rat forever. She'd eventually just get a bad batch of the sleeping serum, get killed, and some distant relative would inherit all that money she'd horded for all those years. Of course, he'd just met a sweet young fellow and was deep in the throws of lust or love and ready to give up his career. She was not.
She lay her hand against the porthole and sighed. All those people out there were depending on her. She wondered if she should stay up longer. But she knew that couldn't happen. While they had more than enough food for intravenous feeding during cold sleep, they simply didn't have the resources to handle a living human over three years. It was not designed that way.
She knew they were safe. Human pirates existed, but none that could get past her automatic defenses, They could even steer straight through a meteor field, the shields would hold up. All she had to do was to get into her cold sleep bed and let go.
She finished her coffee and sighed. She pulled off her jumpsuit and lay it across one of the chairs and looked at herself in the mirror. She should be comfortable enough in her plain cotton underwear. She ran a hand through her shoulder length dark locks. She looked tired. Maybe her old Captain had a point. Since she'd been running these jobs she'd turned into nothing but thin, wiry muscle. None of the curves of her youth remained.
Though the thought of her youth being gone was a strange one. She was only physically in her mid-thirties. Yet with all her jumps she was actually much older. She glanced at a display screen. Yeah, she'd be missing her hundredth birthday while she was under this time. She'd have to remember to have a party when she got back. Course, most everyone she knew was dead by this point so she figured she'd celebrate that milestone like she did every other one. She'd get drunk on far too expensive of booze, eat every bit of candy she could find and catch up on all of the television she'd missed over the last decade.
Yeah, it sounded pretty nice. She went to her sleep chamber, a standing tube that had custom cushions formed to her body. She sank into the comfort and sighed deeply. As soon as she fell asleep, the time would seem like nothing. She knew this but she still rebelled against it like a toddler against naps. She went through her mental checklist again. She could think of nothing she'd forgotten.
It was time.
She entered in her sleep time and pressed the button. Her chamber closed and immediately began to fill with the gel that would freeze her body. She gave up consciousness.
She'd never dreamed before while she was chemically under. There were others who claimed they did, who would wake up with horror stories of being trapped in nightmares for what must have seemed like eons. It would explain why some people died of heart attacks while they were under. Yet this had never been a problem Maya faced.
This time was different. Not only was she dreaming, but she was lucid. Scenario after scenario played out in her brain. She would bend it to her will, if and when she could, but being trapped in the dream triggered her claustrophobia. She wanted to be awake. Struggling, she fought to consciousness.
And suddenly, she knew that she'd found it. She was awake, but she could not open her eyes nor could she move. This was natural during cold sleep, especially if the person was one who metabolized the sleep serum more quickly. She'd adjusted hers though so that she would not be trapped in this catatonic state. She cursed inwardly as she thought she'd have to adjust again when they made planet fall.
Her annoyance was already high at all these issues, all things she should have been able to take care of, when she heard voices. The words were a jumble, nothing she could understand, nor did she recognize the voices. She strained to hear though she was fully conscious, she still couldn't move.
She was more concerned by the language. It was something she did not recognize. As most cold sleep pilots did, she supplemented her time under with subconscious learning, meaning that she was now fluent in all major Earth languages and several minor ones. This did not even have any commonality to any language she knew.
Fear washed over her. It was entirely possible that whatever was speaking in her cabin was of non-Terran descent.
The tinny sound of a recorded newscaster began to play. The strange language speakers quieted down and listened.
“The attack has destroyed much of the Eastern Seaboard,” the anchor explained. “Everyone within the affected areas is requested to go to your designated government safe place for processing. Talks are being held with the Creon leader...” the voice cut off then.
They began to speak to each other again, though she could tell there were a few English words thrown in. It was as if they were digesting her language!
“I love,” the voice speaking was deep and strangely accented. He seemed to struggle with the next word before continuing, “learning ancient languages.”
Another joined him, with the same unknown accent, though he seemed far stronger in her language. “Fascinating isn't it?”
A third voice, this one softer and more slow in speech asked, “The female?”
The fast speaking one answered, “Oh yes. I do believe she is waking up.”
They must have been scanning her vitals. She focused on opening her eyes, they already knew she was regaining consciousness.
Finally she was able to open the narrowest slit, though the bright light was blinding. She closed it again, and tried once more until she could finally see. Peering at her was what she could only describe as an alien.
It was taller than a human male, perhaps seven feet tall and very thin. It had some sort of device across it's eyes, something mechanical, in which it was using to slowly look over her body. Lights blinked on and off and he was touching it with his clawed hands. He was reptilian, covered in thick brown scales with a protruding mouth and long, sharp teeth. He reached forward and touched one claw to her cheek.
“Welcome to the world of the living. I trust you understand my speech? Blink twice if you do.”
If she could widen her eyes more, she would. Her whole body save her eyelids was still unmoving. She did however, blink once slowly, then again.
“Ah, delightful! It has been such a treat dissecting your language. My is it a big one! I am certain I will gain quite a bit of acclaim in the academic community when I publish my findings! And you, you are still alive, you shall be my greatest asset!” He pushed the goggles off of his head to look her over again with his real eyes. They were slitted and glowed a strange yellow color.
He was abruptly shoved out of the way and another alien stood in front of her. This one was shorter than the previous one, but much much more muscular. He was green and scaled, obviously of the same crocodile like race that the first one had been. He was still far taller than her. He put each of his clawed hands to the sides of her sleep capsule and leaned forward, smiling in such a way as to assert dominance.
“You can help him, but you belong to me, understood?” He made it a point to look her body all the way down, then back up to her face. “And I do so enjoy conquering other species.” He laughed darkly.
The first one spoke up, “I suppose you might as well have our names. On your planet I would be called a .. doctor, I suppose? Perhaps an academic, but the title doesn't quite serve. You may refer to me as Doctor Mashu. My burly friend here is our leader, h
A third being squeezed in between the two of them. He was not of the same race, though still reptilian. He had strange gills along his neck along with a strange, webbed skin that ran along his neck. His hands too were webbed, though still clawed. He did not seem to have the same command of the language as the other two. “She make rich.”
Mashu nodded to the third one. “And this odd fellow's name is quite unpronounceable to your tongue, I suspect. Just call him Ed.”
“Ed fine.” he nodded. He then darted away with speed she'd never seen before.
Mashu's goggles made a strange noise so he pulled them down over his eyes. “Ah, she's having some shock. It's only natural. I'm putting her back under until her vitals stabilize.”
Still Krag stared at her hungrily. She could not believe that this was how the fabled First Contact was going to go. She did not take her eyes from him until she lost consciousness.
When she felt consciousness swimming back, she was still inside of her capsule, but her entire capsule had been moved. She did not recognize the surroundings, but it had to be inside the aliens ship. Everything was shades of green, she supposed it was due to the green lights above. She would believe she was in a swamp if not for the fact that there were large windows showing space nearby.
“Good. You are awake.” Krag stood in front of her. If his race could leer, that was exactly what he was doing. She became aware that hands were running along her sides. He leaned into her, using his body to intimidate. “Never had one so soft. Is that a trait of you humans? Or are you just special?”
She tried to move her lips, and only a small sound escaped. He took that for encouragement. He began to pull the thin shirt she had covering her chest up to expose her breasts. He palmed one of her breasts, the sharp claws hovering over her skin.
“Very nice.” He palmed her other breast with his other thick hand. Though she was blessed in this area, he was still able to hold all of her inside one hand, the claws just touching her chest. He squeezed lightly, the claws leaving thin scratches behind. He pulled back and ran a claw along her nipple, flicking it and watching her reaction.
“I've always favored these on mammalian races.” he began, before turning to the other nipple and pinching it between two of his claws. He was too sharp. It drew blood. This seemed to excite him. He leaned over, opening his mouth to take the blood and her breast into it.
A throat cleared behind him. He stopped in the middle of what he was doing and turned to the doctor. “I am in charge here, Mashu. What I choose to do with my property is my business.”
“I do not argue that, Captain. However, I have been unable to run diagnostic tests upon the subject while she was awake. She cannot move, after all. I cannot be certain that everything works in a way that is compatible with our species.”
Krag closed his eyes and muttered something that sounded like a curse. “Leave us,” he growled to the doctor. The doctor bowed his head and exited.
“You are fortunate.” he said to Maya once they were alone again in the strange smelling room. “I have not enjoyed the pleasures of a female in quite a while, and my people have never tasted human. I will be the first.” His hands again began to feel her body, this time moving to the lower underwear she'd been wearing. She willed her hands into motion, she closed her eyes and tried to gather the strength, but her body was still unwilling to cooperate. She was helpless as he put one claw in between her skin and her clothing and ripped.
“But I will learn all your secrets then before I take you. This only heightens the experience, after all.” he went to his knees, though even then he was taller than her waist. He leaned down and took a deep breath. “Ah, this must be the human smell. Very interesting my dear. And this hair you have, I like it.”
And she found herself strangely excited by his actions. No she had not been consulted as to what he was doing, but her body responded just the same. But it excited her more to let him do as he willed.
But then his words distracted her. The hair she had? That thought tugged at her mind. She was always clean shaven, including when she'd gone under.
And the thought was purged from her mind then. He stood back up and ripped off her shirt as well, so that she was completely nude in front of him. His leer was primal. She could feel the sweat dropping off her body from fear. He sliced through the straps that had kept her in the sleep chamber, then grabbed her by the waist. He tossed her over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. She was then dumped onto a nearby medical table.
“Easier to reposition you this way.” He muttered and spread her legs wide open on the table. She was wincing in pain since she'd had no ability to block the fall to the table. She stared at the ceiling because she still had no control over her body. She felt his claws between her legs, pulling her lips apart. He flicked her folds a few times with the curve of his claw, and chuckled to himself. “Your ancient videos say that you females enjoy this.” Then he became distracted with her hole a bit further south. He stuck the tip of two claws in there and pulled it apart. “So tiny. Oh yes, the doctor needs to examine you first.”
Then she felt him stand up. He pushed her legs back together and moved to her head. He propped a pillow under it so that she could see her body and him. Then, in one quick motion, he straddled her body.
“Doctor says I can't penetrate you, yet. Doesn't mean I can't give you a taste of what's to come.” His eyes, though they were truly alien, were heavy with need. She could swear they were glowing even brighter. Then she looked down in terror. He'd freed himself.
It was similar to a human phallus, at least she supposed it did the same thing. It was even a green fading into purple towards the head, which was thicker than her fist. The curve was slightly different, she supposed the women of his race had different internal anatomy. If it wasn't so damnably big, it might even work on her body.
He began stroking it while he was above her. “Never seen one quite like this, have you? I want you to appreciate it. I want you to see what is going to be inside you. You will be the first human to ever be blessed by my seed.” He began to stroke faster. “You are so very small, your race. But you will adapt. You are my property, after all.” His hand became more urgent along his member, and he grabbed the back of her head with one clawed fist, bringing it forward.
“Look at it, human! Look! This is your master now.” with that he tilted his head back and roared primally, as the head literally nearly doubled in size, then sprayed all over her face a green substance. Some got in her mouth , she had no way to control it. It sat on her tongue, and she could taste it's sickly sweetness.
Suddenly the doctor was back in the room. He had his hands in the air as he viewed the scene. “Captain! You can't do this, you can't..”
“Relax, Mashu. I didn't penetrate her.” He stood and was wiping himself and his hands on a nearby towel. The doctor had moved to her side, his goggles back on as he quickly pressed keys on the side. “I just needed to explain the predicament she's in.”