Shakespeare's Hamlet in Plain English

Shakespeare's Hamlet in Plain English

C.J. B.

Science Fiction / Fantasy

In the language of Shakespeare, meaning can seem obscure, its style elaborate and theatrical. This work presents the language of Shakespeare’s classic tragedy, Hamlet, in more natural and readily comprehensible English. This may prove of some value for studying, understanding and gaining superior appreciation of, and insight into, the play.In the language of Shakespeare, meaning can seem obscure, its style elaborate and theatrical. With much of it not easily intelligible, it can often require some effort to interpret. This work presents the language of Shakespeare’s classic tragedy, Hamlet, in more natural and more readily comprehensible English. This may prove of some value for studying, understanding and gaining superior appreciation of, and insight into, the play, allowing one to more easily comprehend the language in which it is written.
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A Christmas Carolling

A Christmas Carolling

C.J. B.

Science Fiction / Fantasy

Rodney Screwge is a miserable, ungenerous character with no time for Christmas, his spirit somewhat deflated by life, his mind now devoted only to intellectual pursuits, and with a taste for expensive food and fine wines. That is until one Christmas Eve when he is visited by a certain someone and thrust into an experience that will inspire him and change his outlook forever.Proverbs are a huge part of our oral tradition. In fact, whole sections of our traditional history are understood and transmitted through this method. Unfortunately, it is underappreciated like many other aspects of Liberian literature, culture or history. Our elders are known for dispensing their wisdom in these wise sayings. They believe that the young should take some responsibility in searching to find answers to life. This personal journey only served to make a person better fit for life and its challenges.This book collects 460 proverbs; it is a must-have for those wishing to connect to their ancestry. As for the lover of wise sayings, it is an adventure for a treasure chest. Most importantly, it is suitable for readers of all ages.
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