Candy Coated Chaos (Sweet Treats Book 1), page 1
part #1 of Sweet Treats Series

Copyright ©2017 by Charity B.
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any without approval from the author. Doing so would break copyright and licensing laws.
Editor: Joanne LaRe Thompson
Cover Design: Murphy Hopkins
Formatting: Champagne Book Design
First of all, thank you so much for reading my debut novel. Please be aware that this is the first book in a three part series and does end in a cliffhanger. As the story goes on, it gets very dark and contains most triggers, so if you are a sensitive reader, know what you are getting into.
I hope you enjoy this story as much as I loved writing it.
Trigger Warning
This novel contains drug use, explicit sexual content, violence, and sensitive subject matter which may be triggering to some readers.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Author’s Note
Chapter One: Lollipop
Chapter Two: Carnival
Chapter Three: Tickets
Chapter Four: Morningstar Ave.
Chapter Five: Withdrawal
Chapter Six: House guest
Chapter Seven: Art Fair
Chapter Eight: Lotus
Chapter Nine: Control
Chapter Ten: Toben
Chapter Eleven: Parents
Chapter Twelve: Surprise
Chapter Thirteen: Punish
Chapter Fourteen: Blind Mag
Chapter Fifteen: Lies
Candy Coated Playlist
About the Author
To Mom and sister, Kristin: I know you would have been my biggest fans. If you could see me now, I know you would be proud that I followed my dreams. You both believed in me and I will never forget it. I love you and I miss you both every single day. I understand more than ever, how lucky I truly was.
She was delightfully chaotic; a beautiful mess.
—Steve Maraboli
Monday, April 20th
DAMN. THE BOTTLE-BLONDE THAT JUST got in the elevator is hot as hell. She presses the button for her floor and I lean back to properly check out her ass. Oh yes, very nice. Moving my suit sleeve, I look at the time… ten thirty. As I glance up, I see large, possibly fake breasts fighting to be contained in what can hardly be called a shirt. Her pencil skirt shows nice calves and I can’t keep myself from picturing those black pumps wrapped around my neck.
“Hi.” The word rumbles from my throat deeper than I intend in the small space.
Looking up at me, she smiles. “Hello.” Her attention shifts to the light tan Burberry bag hanging from her shoulder as she pulls out some papers and sighs. “I need to have this report to my boss by lunch and it’s nowhere near finished.”
I flash her a quick smile and point to my name next to CEO and the Vulture Theaters logo at the top of the page. “Make sure to put a line through the O in my last name.”
Her eyes bug out a bit as she gasps, “You’re Alexander Sørensen? It’s so nice to meet you!”
I take the papers from her hand. “How about this? Come to my office and we’ll go over these? And don’t worry about your boss. I’ll talk to him if you have any issues.”
She bats her eyelashes and smiles. “Thank you. That would be wonderful.”
Her finished report and our empty bourbon glasses are moving across my desk with every one of my thrusts. I hold her wrist so she doesn’t knock anything off and I’m fighting the urge to reach around and cover her mouth with my free hand.
I press my chest to her back and murmur in her ear, “You really need to keep it down.”
“Then you really need to ease up.” She moans, “You’re not exactly packin’ light ya know.”
The corner of my mouth lifts into a smirk as I flip her over to her back. The indentations from where my desk dug into her skin are marking her pelvis and I trace my thumb across the red lines, when a knock causes my head to jerk up to the door.
I completely stop, hold my finger to my lips, and slide out. The girl nods with a pout as I pull my pants back on. Combing my fingers through my hair, I smooth out the pale strands and try to straighten myself up as much as possible before I open my office door.
It’s barely cracked open enough to allow me to stand in the space and hide the naked woman in my office. Immediately, I’m required to look down, and when I do, I’m staring at the top of a girl’s head with chocolate hair that falls halfway down her back. Her fingers are wrapped around a lollipop that she’s clearly been working on for a while because there’s barely any left. When her head leans back and she looks up at me, all I see is bright violet eyes under wispy bangs.
Her stare sucks the air from my lungs and I have to consciously remember to breathe until her eyes shift to the nameplate by my door.
She’s short and skinny. I love the small ones and she’s fucking tiny. However, it’s her face I can’t take my eyes from. Her cheeks look so soft, I have to fight the urge to reach out and rub my fingers over them.
Her eyes widen before she squeezes them shut. She jerks her head as she whispers, “Shit.”
Looking in every direction other than at me, she’s clearly not sure of what to do. She’s so cute in her confusion, I can’t stop myself from grinning in amusement.
“Can I help you?”
Her eyes flip to mine and the hollowness in them takes me aback. She’s the living definition of a tragic beauty.
Stepping away, she holds up her hands as if I pulled a gun on her. “Oh no, uh… I’m sorry.”
Her voice is soft and raspy and seriously the sexiest thing I have ever heard. If I wasn’t hard before, I sure as hell am now. She spins on her heel and snaps her eyes to the slate-gray floor as she speed-walks to the next door. Being in an office building, she stands out in her flip-flops, skinny jeans, and sheer bohemian shirt.
After pausing to read Silas’ nameplate, she shakes her head and continues walking to Eric’s office. She looks back to the receptionist as she throws away the sucker and lifts a balled fist to knock on his door.
I fight the urge to laugh. What exactly is she doing?
The girl on my desk whispers behind me, “Is everything alright?”
Shit. I somehow forgot about her. Closing the door, I don’t even make it back to my desk before there’s another knock.
Silas’ mop of jet black hair pops in. “Oh damn. I didn’t realize you were with someone.” He winks at her and grins at me.
Nodding my head, I gesture for him to get out. He chuckles and closes the door as I turn to the blonde.
“Hey, I need to get back to work, but if Mr. Walt has any issues with these,” I hand the papers back to her, “send him to me.”
She cocks her head to the side and takes them. “Oh, yeah, uh thanks.”
I wait for her to be completely clothed before I open the door. “Have a good rest of your day.”
Pausing for a moment on my threshold, she nods. “Yeah sure, you too Mr. Sørensen.”
Silas stares at her ass while she waits for the elevator. “You done with that?”
I shrug as he follows me back into my office and I straighten up my desk. “So what’s up?”
Plopping down in the leather chair in front of me, he crosses his arms. “I was wrong about the cotton candy bar.” I glare at him as he props his shiny black shoes on my desk. “It’s surprisingly lucrative. The top selling flavor is, get this shit: bacon.” He shudders. “God that’s disgusting.”
I shove his feet off as I get up to go to the minibar.
The glasses clank when I pull them off the bar and grab a bottle. “Hey, did you ever get the chance to read over my proposal for V sports?”
He grins and nods. “I love it. Other than the fact that Jefferson might need some convincing, and there will be some insurance issues we’ll need to work out, I think it’s the perfect next step.”
I look to the clock above the yellow Vulture Theaters logo on my screen and ask him, “So are we going out tonight or what?”
I hand him his scotch, down mine, and grab my keys while he’s tearing off his tie.
“Hell yes we are.”
Dinner smells incredible as I walk through the sunlit entryway to my kitchen.
Cara Jo shakes some spices into a pan and adjusts the knobs on the stove. “Hello, Alex. Did you have a good day?”
“I did, thanks.” My keys jangle as I toss them into the bowl on the side table. “How much longer until dinner is ready?”
“How much longer until you stop letting your little lady friends leave their underclothes for me to clean up?” She whips her silver haired head around, points the spatula at me, and stares me down with narrowed blue eyes. “I found another thong.”
I laugh as I give her a side hug and a kiss on the temple.
“Sorry about that.” Scrunching my nose and holding up two fingers, I add, “Though to be fair, it was two lady friends, so I at least got one of them to grab their shit.”
“Uh huh.”
Growing up, Cara Jo was mine and my twin sister’s nanny until
I smirk at her. “I have some work to do in my office. Will you come get me when the food is done?”
She nods and I head upstairs to look through the newest reports. Let’s just hope they are as great as last month’s.
Staring at a computer screen all day makes my eyes tired. I keep spinning my pen in my hand and I try to concentrate on the benefits of a new location in Reno, as my mind keeps wandering to the little thing with the candy, from this morning. She looked so heartbroken and so breathtaking at the same time. I’m kicking myself for not asking for her number. Though to be fair, I had been a bit preoccupied at the time.
Who knows, maybe I’ll see her again
Sunday, April 26th
On my way home from Benny’s Boxing Gym, I stop by my parents’ estate. Bridget, one of the maids, informs me that my dad is away on business, and my mother is in the garden. I walk outside through the lush green archway peppered in purple flowers and see my mother next to her prized tulips. She looks just as she always has in an expensive dress, a large sun hat, and the ever present drink in her hand.
“Alexander, I wasn’t expecting you.”
The irritation in her voice from my failure to call doesn’t go unnoticed, just ignored. She stands, and her long blonde hair drapes over her shoulders. Her slender figure and taut features are made more severe with age, and regardless, I still think she’s beautiful.
“Hey, Mom.” She allows me a small kiss to her cheek before she leads me to the round iron table where she holds her tea times and brunches.
She sighs, “Well, since you are here, you might as well eat lunch.”
“It’s so good to see you too.”
The sarcasm is lost on her as she sips her drink. “Hmm.”
My mother has always been somewhat cold. While I have grown accustomed to her lack of affection, there have been times when I really needed it from her.
Eleven years ago…
Her soft taps on the door automatically make my eyes roll. I can’t believe Cara Jo sent my mother after me.
“Alexander? Cara Jo said you won’t come down and dinner is in twenty minutes.” She slowly walks into my room. “Our guests will arrive at any moment.”
Why can’t they leave me alone? I just want everyone to leave me alone.
“Mom, seriously, let me skip it. Please?”
She sits on my bed and her eyes look like she cares, however the fact that she can’t force herself to give me a hug, even now, makes it impossible for me not to question it.
“I know you are struggling dear, but you have been in here for days.”
Struggling? Yeah you could say that. Every time I think about it, it feels as if it’s choking me. I want to yell and hit something. I want to hurt Carrie like she hurt me. I want to weep at everything I’ve lost. I’m just so… sad.
The need to cry climbs up my throat.
“How could she do it? How could she do that to me?”
The tears have too much force and they burst from my eyes. This hurts so much.
She stands and smooths her skirt with the hand not holding her glass. “I need you downstairs and presentable in twenty minutes.”
I’m angry. I’m angry at Carrie for being so selfish. I hate her for lying to me and I hate her for making me feel this way. How am I ever supposed to be able to trust anyone again? I loved her and trusted her more than anyone, besides Sasha. I told her everything, and she threw it all in my face. I’m angry at my mother for never understanding or backing up Sasha and I. And I’m angry that she won’t just let me skip this stupid dinner!
I jump off the bed to face her. “Jesus, why can’t you be my mother for just one second? Cara Jo has done it for you our entire lives. Put the fucking drink down and listen to me for once!”
I hear it before I feel it. The hot sting begins to blossom across my face.
“Skjerp deg! You are not a child any longer so do not throw a tantrum like one. It’s time to pull yourself together, clean yourself up, get dressed, and get your ass downstairs. Adult decisions have adult consequences, Alexander.”
Nobody understands. Nobody really gets it. As much as Cara Jo and Sasha try, they don’t feel this.
She wants me to man-up and pretend everything is okay when I’m heartbroken? Pretend that I’m not a shattered mess inside? Fine. She just lost any chance of me ever trying to open up to her again.
“Yes ma’am.”
She walks away and I allow myself to fall to my bed and drop my face in my hands. Sorrow is exhausting.
“Carrie handled the situation poorly. I am sorry for that.” I look up to see her standing in the doorway with her back to me. “I love you, Alexander, and it does hurt me to see you in pain.”
She disappears from my threshold and I take a deep breath to mentally prepare for my performance.
“I love you too, Mom.”
My mother’s favorite servant serves us lunch as she asks the same question she has every time I’ve come over the last few months.
“Have you talked to your sister recently?”
Her thick Norwegian accent is dripping with accusation.
“Christ. No, Mom, you know that I haven’t.”
“You really need to let all that go, dear.” She waves it off as she takes a drink.
“Let it go? Are you serious? She stole Aslaug’s tiara and sold it for drug money. That isn’t something I’m just going to ‘let go’.”
“I do wish you wouldn’t have named her,” she dabs her perfectly painted lips with a handkerchief, “especially after your Mormor.”
I still don’t see how she doesn’t understand. She’s a mother for Christ’s sake.
“Yeah I know, you’ve made that clear.”
“Oh darling, it was nearly three years ago and she has been clean for almost two now. Don’t you think it’s time to take the hatchet to the grave yard?”
My parents moved to the States from Norway, before my sister and I were born, and for some reason she still confuses some common phrases.
I laugh, “You mean bury the hatchet, Mom. It’s bury the hatchet, and I tried to help. You know that. I’m the one who paid for her rehab when you guys cut her off, remember?”
Our trust funds were supposed to be given to us on our twenty-fifth birthday. Mine was, however Sasha was so strung out, there was no way my parents were giving her that kind of cash. They still haven’t relinquished it to her.
“Oh don’t be so melodramatic. I know for a fact your father was giving her money the whole time, and it all went into her arm. So she was hardly ‘cut off’.”
“Regardless, I said some cruel things to her when she tried to reconcile. She doesn’t want to talk to me either.”
“You came into this world together, Alexander. Most people have to do that alone. I know you two sometimes clash, as well as you mesh, nevertheless I am leaving it up to you to fix this.”
I roll my eyes. “Yeah, okay, Mom.”
Friday, May 1st
I’ve come to the conclusion that the lollipop girl was probably interviewing for Eric’s assistant position. He goes through them at an alarmingly fast rate. Considering I haven’t seen her again and it’s been almost two weeks, I can safely assume she didn’t get the job. I look at my alarm and it’s about to go off.
The girl from last night, whose name evades me, mumbles in her sleep.
“Hey,” I smack her ass to wake her up. “You need to go. I have to get ready for work.”
She props herself on her elbow and rubs her fingers down my arm. “What about breakfast?”
“No breakfast.”
Pulling back, she kind of huffs. “Well, do you want my number?”
“Not really.”
“Wow. Seriously?”
They always want to make me out to be this huge dick, but watch this: