Craft, p.1
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Craft, page 1

 part  #2 of  Springbrook Chronicles Series


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  The Springbrook Chronicles

  Chanel Harry

  Copyright © 2018 by Chanel Harry & Noire Publishing. All Right Reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of very brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  To all black girls who possess magic and courage.

  You are loved…

  Chapter 1.

  Kenya watched the graying clouds form in the thundering sky as she held onto the straps of her backpack with both of her hands. She was on her way to school when the sky started to get black and thunder rumbled loudly almost shaking the town with it. Kenya lightly touched her untwisted coils as to make sure that the drizzle she felt on her nose did not interfere with her puffed hair crown.

  “Thank God it’s senior year.” She mumbled to herself as she walked toward Wittington High School. When she felt the wet drops of rainfall onto her nose, she kicked herself for not driving to school like she normally would. She started to walk faster down the sidewalk hoping to make it in time before the rain began it’s down pour.

  “If this rain messes up my hair!” Kenya grumbled. She could feel herself becoming angry by the second as the rain now started to pour down. Although it was her sheer absent mind that forgot to bring an umbrella with her on the way to school, she still cursed the sky for her hair. As her anger came to a hilt, she could feel something inside of her brighten like a gemstone in a dark cave. She grabbed her chest and breathed heavily trying her best to control her emotions.

  “Calm down.” She whispered. “Calm down.”

  It was too late; the brightness inside of her grew to the point where she needed to open her mouth to let it out. “Not…now!” She pleaded. She looked over to her left and noticed that she was already near the woods. She made a dash toward the trees trying to find her circle; the circle she formed to protect her against what was about to come.

  The brightening was glimmering now almost burning her insides as she ran through the large trees, covering her mouth. Kenya cursed herself once more having let the most minuscule thing like rain get her this angry to the point where she had to run to find her safe haven.

  Finally! She thought as she saw the circle of red brick dust that she had laid on the ground beneath a tree months before in a circle with symbols inside of it. She quickly took off her backpack and stood in the circle as the brightening was about to form and come out of her mouth.

  Kenya took a deep breath and exhaled the brightening out of her mouth. She heaved letting it all out onto the damp earth outside of her spell circle. Once all of the purple dust was out, she looked up and noticed that the sky now went completely black.

  “Oh no!” She cried. She felt the ground beneath her let out a low rumble as she braced herself for what she knew was about to be horrible and possibly smelly.

  “Hello…” A voice said. It sounded like it bounced from tree to tree with its echoes. Kenya let out an exasperated sigh as she knelt in the circle.

  She looked all around the wooded area hoping that she would not see who was behind the voice.

  “I…need water…I’m so thirsty…” The voice whispered.

  “I don’t have any.” Kenya replied.

  “I’m…so thirsty…please help me…” The voice whispered. It sounded closer now and Kenya knew what she needed to do in order to stop what was happening. She noticed a figure that was coming toward her. Her eyes widened once her mind registered the person or what was a person before.

  It was a woman; her clothes were tattered and dirty. Her shirt was ripped exposing her stomach and her pants were muddied with dirt. Her fiery, red hair was matted and dirty as well. Her eyes were white and her skin was ivory and leathery.

  Kenya kicked herself for letting her anger get the best of her. It was like this almost every day for her—every time she would get angry or sad, she would raise the dead.

  Kenya Bennett was a witch, a Necromancer to be exact. Since she could remember, it was all that she had ever known to be.

  Normal was anything but her and her family—it’s what was to be expected from a citizen of Springbrook. In this town, normal was taboo.

  “What do you want?” Kenya asked, her eyes wide.

  The woman, who was now close but stood outside of the circle, started to sob.

  “I’m…dead…aren’t I?” She sobbed, her voice soft.

  Kenya nodded her head slowly.

  “I can’t believe Jake would do something like this…to me. I loved him so…much.”

  “I-uh...” Kenya mustered.

  “You asked if I wanted something, right?”


  The woman dug into her jean’s pocket and pulled out a gold ring with a protruding rose pendant in the center of it. She wiped away her tears and smiled.

  “Give this to my mom, please? Her name is Alice, Alice James; she’s probably old by now.” She held out the ring. Kenya was a bit hesitant, but this was the nature of her power.

  The dead always wanted her to write some kind of wrong they faced or did. Whether it be giving anonymous tips to the police on where their bodies where hidden or giving something back to their loved one—even a descendant that probably knew nothing of their ancestor’s death.

  Kenya took the ring from the woman and placed it into her jean’s pocket.

  “Tell my mom that Hannah wants her to have this. Also, tell her that Jake Warren murdered me that night her and I got into an argument and I stormed out. Tell her I should have listened to her about Jake. Tell her he was no good after all.” Hannah sniffled. “Mom lives just off of Lily Avenue…the house number is four-fifty.”

  “Alright, I can’t say she will believe me, but alright.” Kenya replied.

  “Thank you…” Hannah replied, turning to go.

  “Wait.” Kenya shouted. Hannah turned back. Kenya dug into her backpack and pulled out her purple, floral steel thermos bottle. Her mother had filled it with green tea an hour before Kenya walked out of the house. She held it out in front of her for Hannah to take bottle.

  “It’s not water, but it will help with the thirst.” Kenya offered.

  Hannah took the bottle and smiled, feeling the warmth of it. She held it close to her chest.

  “Thank you!” Hannah grinned, showing her few rotting teeth. Still smiling, Hannah turned away from Kenya, walking, disappearing into the woods.

  Kenya breathed a sigh of relief. She stood up from the circle, dusted her jeans off from the dirt, grabbed her backpack and walked towards the entrance of the woods. Once again, she thanked the universe for her not being attacked by Hannah. Some days, were not like the one she had today. Some days, the reanimated were irate, wanting nothing more than to exact their vengeance on anyone in their path. If it weren’t for the circle that she made, she would for sure have been zombie food.

  Once she made it to the sidewalk, she let out one last breath of relief.

  “Lord, please don’t let anyone get on my nerves today or else the whole school will look like a Night of the Living Dead sequel.” Kenya said to herself. She steadfast walked down the sidewalk until she finally made it to school. The whole student body was filing onto the lawn. Some with hoodies, some with umbrellas. The students were cheerful on the gloomy day, laughing and smiling. Kenya needed to channel this same cheerful energy. She did not want her negative emotions to seize her day or worse, everyone finding out her secret.

  Although Kenya was only seventeen years old, she learned to keep secrets at a young age. Especially the secret of her power. Sure, there were witches in Springbrook. In fact, there were many covens of them around the town, some living in secret, while some lived out in the open. However, none wanted anything to do with the Necromancers or as Kenya and her mother jokingly deemed “Zombie Whisperers.”

  Nonetheless, Kenya tried to keep her secret well hidden; even from her best friend since diapers, Aliyah Campbell, who was now walking toward her with Emily Steinberger, their other friend.

  Aliyah and Kenya were inseparable since they met in daycare. Their mothers had dropped them off at the Springbrook Lake Center for Tiny Tots when they were about three years old. Kenya was finger painting when Aliyah came over and told her that the sun should be yellow instead of orange. Aliyah always had a knack for tutoring and helping while Kenya was a person that always colored out of the lines, built castles with the Legos and ate peanut butter sandwiches without the jelly. Like the odd couple, they have been friends from the start. Emily came into the picture in the sixth grade when she moved to Springbrook from Massachusetts. Emily was made fun of because of her New England, accent, but it-intrigued Kenya the most. Emily won Aliyah over when they both found out that they loved the Boston Celtics. To Kenya’s chagrin, they wore throwback jerseys to school, which was not in style back in sixth grade.

  Nonetheless, the duo became a trio and they have become the glue that held each other together during the trying times of high school.

  Kenya waved to her friends noticing that Aliyah was the same five foot six inches in height, and slender with, sepia toned skin, her round, plump nose, wide, doe eyes and her jet black, shoulder length relaxed hair. Emily was a chubby build with fair skin that had reddish, brown freckles on her all over her arms. Her hair was a rusted brown an
d her nose was straight but the tip curved a bit, almost pointing to the sky. Her eyes were round brown.

  Meanwhile, Kenya was taller than Emily with deep brown skin, natural kinky hair that brushed her shoulders, almond shaped, brown eyes, with a wide nose and full lips.

  “There you are!” Aliyah shouted to Kenya as she walked over to them. “I was calling your phone non-stop. I thought you’d miss the assembly.”

  “I-I got sidetracked.” Kenya stammered, thinking of Hannah. She remembered the ring in her pocket that she was to deliver after school.

  “Well, Principal Winters is making a formal announcement about graduation.” Emily chimed.

  “Why do y’all care so much? She’s just talking about the tickets.” Kenya replied, rolling her eyes.

  “Um because it’s the next phase of our lives as seniors!” Aliyah exhaled. She grabbed her best friend by the arm, dragging her towards the doors of the school. Emily followed them in toe. Wittington was just a month and a half into the fall term and Kenya could not be more excited to be finally graduating in May of 2018. From the urgency of her friends, she knew that they were too.

  Kenya, Aliyah and Emily entered Wittington to the bustling hallway of students, talking, opening their lockers, saying hello to their respective friends as well as faculty hurrying the seniors into the auditorium to the assembly. Kenya looked to the left and observed the cheerleaders hanging up a poster in the hallway that read: Cupcake Fundraiser Tomorrow at 12pm! Come join us. She made sure to note to grab a cupcake from the fundraiser. She was always open to giving to charity; even it was buying cupcakes baked from the cheer captain, Megumi “Meg” Tanaka.

  The trio headed into the large auditorium and took a seat in the twentieth row. Most of the senior student body class were seated. Kenya noticed that her uncle and Math teacher, Mr. David Bennett, sat with the faculty on the left side of auditorium. Kenya thought twice about waving to her uncle, she wanted some semblance of independence, which meant not having her father’s brother breathing down her neck at every turn.

  For some reason though, he found her eyes and smiled a stern smile as if to tell her he approved of her coming to the assembly on time. Kenya reluctantly returned the smile and turned back to her friends.

  “Jeez, your uncle is a hawk, sis!” Aliyah chuckled.

  “Tell me about it! It’s like having my dad here.” Kenya replied.

  “At least you have a family member here; no one can bully you.” Emily chimed.

  “I guess you’re right about that, but he’s always reporting back to my parents on what I’m doing, who I’m talking to.”

  “That can be a real pain.” Emily agreed.

  “Shh, you guys. Here comes Principal Winters.” Aliyah whispered. The whole auditorium fell silent when Principal Winters walked down the aisle wearing an all green pantsuit. She had a cheerful smile plastered onto her dark brown, freckled face. In fact, Principal Winters always was cheerful and to Kenya, too cheerful sometimes.

  Principal Winters walked up to the podium and shuffled some papers in her hand. She cleared her throat and began to speak.

  “Good morning, seniors.” She greeted into the microphone.

  “Good morning, Principal Winters.” They all said in a chorus like unison.

  “As you all may know, the fall term is well underway and graduation is coming up sooner than you know. I want you all to know that your class has one of the highest ratings of graduating students seen in the state of New York—’’

  The students, especially the ones in the front row, started clapping. Principal Winters grinned and waved her hand for them to settle down.

  “I would like to keep it that way,” She continued. “You all are the best of the best and I wanted to call this assembly to congratulate you all on your success and continued success in your higher educational years. With that being said, we are going to have an alumni speak at graduation whom you all know, Jermaine Simms, a major fixture in our community as well as celebrated author and City Councilman of our town…”

  Kenya’s eyes started to get low when she was startled by her cell phone vibrating in her front jean’s pocket. She pulled it out in hopes of not alarming Principal Winters. When she saw it was a message from her uncle, she immediately knew she was in trouble for something.

  Uncle David: Sit up straight and pay attention.

  Kenya rolled her eyes and placed her phone back into her pocket. She glanced over at her uncle, who was now staring at her intently. She gave him a nervous smile and looked straight ahead at Principal Winters who was now wrapping up her speech.

  “I’m going to end off here: let’s make our last year, our best year!” She replied excitedly. Everyone stood up, even Kenya because it was finally over, to give a standing ovation.

  “So glad that’s over.” Kenya yawned.

  “You’re silly, Kenya. You actually wanted to go to first period?” Emily asked. The trio starting filing out of the auditorium doors. Kenya thanked the heavens that she put dust between her and her uncle.

  “I’d rather listen to Ms. Charmaine go over Macbeth and how toxic masculinity is incorporated in the play than hear Principal Winters babble on and on about how much she loves her job.”

  “Dang, I did not know you hated Winters so much.” Aliyah chuckled. Kenya thought about her words and sighed. She was doing it again; letting her frustrations from this morning get the best of her.

  “I don’t hate Principal Winters…” She drifted, feeling horrible for what she said. She let out a long sigh and smiled.

  “I’m sorry.” She grinned at her friends.

  “It’s okay.” Aliyah replied. The bell rang for second period loud and clear.

  “It’s time for Philosophy. See you guys at lunch!” Emily said, waving as she walked down the hallway.

  “I guess I’ll get on to History.” Aliyah mentioned. “I’ll see you later, Kenya.” She started walking past her friend but stopped.

  “Try to have a good day, please?” She asked Kenya. Kenya nodded her head and smiled again.

  “You know it!” Kenya replied. Both of the friends parted ways.

  Kenya started down the hallway toward her second period English class. Since English was her favorite subject, she put an extra pep in her step. When she entered the classroom, most of her classmates were filing in and sitting in their assigned seats. Mrs. McKay was already writing on the white board the lesson of reading Toni Morrison’s ‘Beloved’, which made Kenya even more excited.

  “Settle down, class!” Mrs. McKay said. Kenya took her seat in the second row, third seat. A seat right next to Rick Zanotti, captain of the Lacrosse team. Rick was an even six feet tall, lean guy with pale skin and brown hair with a straight nose that had a cut on the bridge from getting elbowed by an opponent. Of course, he was a popular jock besides Kyle Thomas who played on the football team.

  “Hey, Kenya.” Rick greeted. “Did you do the homework assignment for chapter one?”

  “Yes, I did and you’re not copying this time.” She replied taking out her notebook and a copy of the book.

  “Don’t be a jerk. I got to pass this class or else I won’t graduate.”

  “I said no. Why don’t you ask Meg?”

  Kenya turned to Meg who was eying them from her seat nearest the window. Not wanting Meg to get the wrong idea, which she usually did when it came to Rick, Kenya rolled her eyes and paid attention to the lesson.


  “Are you sure that you don’t want to go to Ellie’s with us?” Aliyah asked Kenya. They stood in the school’s parking lot for students. It was the end of the school day and Kenya wanted nothing more than to bring the ring to the mother of Hannah. Emily was starting her car while Aliyah was on the passenger’s side, holding the door open.

  “No, there’s something I have to do for my mom.” Kenya replied.

  “Come on, can’t it wait?” Emily whined. Kenya thought of the ring that was her pocket. She was determined to get rid of it.

  “Nah, y’all go ahead.” Kenya grinned.

  “I hope you’re not ditching us for a boy. My brother would be so upset.” Aliyah teased. Kenya could feel her cheeks become extremely hot. She sucked her teeth and folded her arms.

  “Shut it! I’ve got to go.” Kenya shot back. Aliyah laughed, closing the door and so did Emily. Kenya watched as the pair drove off. She started heading in the direction of Lily Avenue. She counted all of the house numbers until she got to house number 450, which was a blue, and white Tudor styled home. Biting her bottom lip out of anxiety, Kenya walked up to the door and rang the doorbell twice.

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