Repent (The Disciples Book 3), page 20

“Your boyfriend’s a criminal. He’s loaded. We can buy you everything else in Vegas. I packed your underwear and shit.”
“You suck.” I hit his leg with my bag.
“Sorry… your fiancé. Better?”
I roll my eyes and give up. Time to let Doug do his thing. In a way, it’s better since I can’t seem to pull myself out of my post-stabbing funk.
“Lock the door.”
“Shhh, I know I have to lock my door.” Shooting him a glare, he doesn’t look convinced but grabs my bag to hand to the driver. I stop and blink at him.
“I know. Fucking hot, right? Remind me to send Edge a thank-you text.” He smirks as he slides into the limo.
“Is that all?” The deep voice makes me turn.
“Yes, thank you. I’m Dolly and this is Doug.” I glance inside the limo to see Eve with her long legs crossed trying to reason with a visibly cranky Charlie.
The driver is tall and lean with pitch-black hair. It looks like he dyes it. No one has hair that color. He reminds me of a young Elvis as he pops the trunk and looks up at me sporting blue eyes. Not as blue and gorgeous as Edge’s, but still hot.
“I’ve met Doug.” He clears his throat and I swear his cheeks pinken. “I’m Robert. The limo has a full bar and snacks, but we can always stop if you guys need anything.”
He holds the door open as I thank him and swirl to look at all the faces in the back.
“Holy shit,” I whisper, giving Doug the hot guy stare. He looks at me like I’m insane.
I sigh and move to go sit by Charlie who scowls at me.
“What? You’re looking at me like this is all my fault.”
Charlie holds up her hand, her ridiculous diamond sparkling rainbows around the dark leather interior. “Are you kidding me? I’m fucking eight-and-a-half-months pregnant. I have to get my fat ass out of bed—”
“You’re not fat.” She shoots me a glare and I look over at Eve who mouths, Don’t say anything.
“Go on.” I hold up my hands and sit back in the buttery soft seat.
“I have to get my ass up at the crack of dawn to the hospital because you”—she points at me—“stabbed Edge?” Her voice is getting louder.
“I’m sorry, but I thought he was cheating on me.”
I glance out the darkened windows. We’re already getting on 134 East. The partition between the back and front seats is still down.
Eve, who looks fantastic as usual, leans over to Robert. “Hey, we’re going to shut this. Nothing personal.” She smiles. He looks up into his mirror right at Doug and says, “Let me know if you need me.” Then he grins as he pushes the button for it to zoom shut. Both Eve and I look at Doug.
“Helllooo Doug.” Eve swings her head dramatically causing her long hair to whip Charlie in the face.
“Oh God.” She snorts and scoots up rubbing her stomach.
“Sorry. I know you don’t feel well, but you’re in the home stretch.” Eve pats Charlie’s stomach and looks at Doug and me. “This might turn out to be the best trip ever,” she says, nudging his leg.
“Look.” He laughs. “As delicious as he is, there is only one of me. We’re on a schedule.” He reaches for the tequila, pours it into a cup of Starbucks coffee, and hands it to Eve.
“I should ask him to be our driver all day.” She looks at me. “I’ll tell Jason we want him. I mean, come on… what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”
I can’t help but laugh. Eve is fantastically ridiculous. I don’t think I’ve seen her this excited in a long time.
“Are you guys kidding me?” Charlie reaches for a bottle of water.
“Charlie, I know you’re grumpy, but for Dolly’s sake, try to have fun.” Eve crosses her legs and sits back. After sipping her tequila coffee, she pulls out her phone to text.
Charlie turns to me and I slide closer to Doug. “Am I the only sane one in our group?”
Doug hands me a Starbucks cup of tequila and coffee. “No, sweetheart. We all know what Dolly did was awful, but no one is perfect—”
“Doug, she stabbed Edge.” Her eyes are huge.
I lean my head back as the sun caresses it through the darkened window. “I know I might have made a mistake, but I truly thought he was fucking Crystal.” I look up at her.
“Dolly, Axel and Derrick were in the office with them. According to Axel, Edge had just shown up.”
I sit up and sip what is pretty much hot tequila. “Exactly. According to Axel.” I stare at her. “It’s Axel,” I say, cringing because I have pretty much acknowledged that I fucked up. Trying to defend myself when all three of them know I’m wrong is stupid.
She blinks at me and Doug leans back, his one arm stretched out across the back of his seat looking like a king.
“Look, I don’t know what came over me. Like I had dropped him off and saw he left his wallet on the seat.” I rub my head and look out the window. Everything’s a blur as we speed down the freeway.
“I asked the bartender where the office was and whether he’d seen Edge and he said that he was occupied with Crystal. And that was it. I freaked.”
I take a huge sip almost gagging as the tequila goes down, although the warm blanket of bliss is already starting. The limo is silent save for Doug sighing and the small buzz of wind coming in through one of the windows.
“I can understand that,” Eve says as she pushes the remote to zip up the window.
“You can?” Charlie looks at her like she’s crazy.
“Yeah, if that happened to me and Jason, let’s just say Blade would be dickless.” She snickers into her coffee.
And I didn’t think I could love her more, but the relief that at least one person gets where my head was makes me feel so much better.
“Thank you.” I grab her hand and lean forward. “And”—I point my coffee cup at Charlie—“he was shirtless.”
“Because he spilled alcohol on his T-shirt.”
“Well, that’s what he says…”
“No, that’s what they all said.” Charlie cocks her head, her beautiful face full of concern.
“Come on, it’s a bit suspicious. Who drinks that early anyway?” The limo goes over a bump as Doug snorts.
“Really? You’re kidding right?” Her eyes span all of us as we drink. Shaking her head, she adjusts herself and rubs her lower back.
“I mean, besides a special occasion, or…” I wave my hand.
“Or they’re a Disciple,” she finishes the sentence for me.
“I know.” I nod. “Well, at least he’s alive, and at the end of the day, that’s all that’s matters.”
She simply stares and closes her eyes mumbling about Cindy being lucky that she has to manage the diner.
Thirty-one years old
Five hours later, and I’ve lost count of the cocktails. I stand looking at myself in the full-length mirror. Edge booked us a suite at the Bellagio, and Charlie is insisting I drink water as Doug puts the last touches on my makeup.
“Is it hot in here?” Charlie fans herself then pulls her long, thick black hair off her neck.
“You look beautiful.” My eyes swell with tears at her. She’s wearing a clingy red dress.
“No. You, Dolly.” She nods as if I’m truly amazing. “You look beyond stunning.”
Doug sighs as he puts one last curl in my hair and steps back to examine me. “She does. My God, if I make it through this night without crying, it will be a miracle.”
“Okay.” Eve speed walks into the room wearing a dress that’s jaw-dropping. Her long legs, which seem to never end, and her great boobs make me smile. Doug went natural with her makeup besides her lips. All of us are wearing my signature red.
“We’ve got to go,” Eve says, staring down at her phone. “The boys and Edge are at the chapel. Apparently, he’s making the owners nervous. Is she ready?” She looks up from her phone and stops.
“Holy God.” Her hand goes to her throat. “You’re a princess. A gorgeous princess.” She circles me in her high heels and I can only hope for the best since Charlie is the sober one among us. Eve wipes her eyes causing Doug to slap her hand and immediately fix them.
“Okay.” He holds up his hands. “Listen up. I have worked too hard on all of us. We are not allowed to cry until after the pictures. No matter what. Understand?” He glares at us.
Charlie hands me the water and I take a sip and pass it to Doug who frowns and gives it back to Charlie.
“You outdid yourself, Doug.” My head is buzzing with the fact that in an hour, I’ll legally be Mrs. Daniels.
“Christ, I’ve had way too much champagne and tequila.”
“Please, drink more water.” Charlie looks at all of us.
“You’re fine.” Doug picks up his phone for a selfie. “Smile. Here’s to finding your happily ever after.” He takes around ten photos before Charlie stops him. It was a long car ride, and trying on all these dresses helped because we had alcohol, but poor Charlie is sober and swelling as we speak.
I take one more look at myself, turning to the side and then facing front again. The truth is I want to look like a princess. I want Edge to see me and remember this as another one of our moments.
“Let’s do this.” I blow out some air.
“You ready, Baby Doll?” Doug slips on his black tux jacket.
“I’m ready.” I try to move, but my heels and the dress are a major challenge.
“Hold on,” he snips as he takes one last look at himself in the mirror, then reaches for the bottom of my dress.
“How am I going to walk when we get there?”
“Edge.” That’s all he says as he looks around to make sure we have everything. Eve holds our purses and the open champagne bottle. Charlie has the makeup bag. We barely get out the door of the suite when Robert is at our side taking all the purses and the rest of our belongings. He holds his arm out for Charlie as he maneuvers us through the loud casino.
The sun is starting to set as we exit the Bellagio. The deep burnt oranges and reds with a slight purple hue at the top make it seem as though the universe is sending out good vibes for us.
“Ohhh, Robert, how far away are we?” Eve turns to him as he helps Charlie scoot into the back. “We need to get there in time so we can capture this in the wedding pictures.” She dramatically holds up her hand at the sky.
I have to bite my lip not to blurt out we might not even be taking pictures. But why rain on her excitement. No one likes a Negative Nancy.
“It’s not far, and as long as we don’t run into traffic, we can be there in ten minutes.” He smiles as she settles into the back.
“Can I just say you look beautiful?” He takes my hand, helping Doug stuff the back of my dress inside. I lean over trying not to spill out of the top of my dress.
“Thank you. I hope you’re okay. We’ve kept you all day,” I say. As I flop down next to Eve, I catch Doug and him smiling at each other. Doug shakes his head at him and grins, then follows me into the car.
Robert climbs into the front and says, “That’s my job.” He looks at us then flashes a big smile at Doug as he starts up the limo.
“Holy shit. You’re going to get more action than me tonight,” I hiss at Doug.
“Something tells me we might both get lucky.” He adjusts himself, causing all three of us to look at him.
“What? I never said I was a saint.” He moves my dress aside so he can take the bottle of champagne from Eve.
I look out the window, so nervous that my stomach clenches. The limo speeds down the street. “Tell me this is right. That Edge and I are going to be okay,” I announce to any of them. I don’t care which one of them reassures me, but someone needs to.
Surprisingly it’s Charlie who grabs my hand and squeezes it tight.
“If you allow yourself this, Dolly, really let yourself accept him, then no one can have a more pure love than you and Edge.”
I look at her, then at Eve who nods. “She’s right. Edge and Dolly forever.”
My eyes instantly get teary.
“Just breathe. I’ll fix you when we get there and no more talking.” Doug looks at all of us and reaches for Eve’s hand. “Robert, please put some music on.”
Doug’s hand tightens on mine and I squeeze his back.
“Running Up That Hill” by Kate Bush fills the back of the limo as Doug drinks champagne out of the bottle.
I try to take a deep breath, but my dress is like a boa constrictor squeezing the very life out of me.
“I can’t breathe,” I hiss at Doug. “I told you this dress is too tight.”
He rolls his eyes and brushes the hair off my shoulder.
“Sometimes we have to sacrifice for beauty.”
“So, I’m going to faint again,” I mumble as I twist, trying to loosen the dress.
“At least you’ll look fantastic.”
“Thank God for that.” I can’t help but laugh as I try to kick him, but I’m tied up in the dress, so I settle for glaring at his shitty grin.
“Why are they always playing this song? And I wish you two would drink water.” Charlie blows some hair out of her flushed face.
“Because Meg Myers remade it.” Doug waves his hand, ignoring her last part as he takes back the champagne bottle.
I exhale as the limo pulls into a large parking lot. “Eve, did Edge say anything to Blade?” She’s texting away, a big smile on her face, which means she’s texting with Blade.
“Nope, but we’re gonna find out soon enough because we are here.” She scoots up to the end of the seat and looks out the window. The pink neon lights from outside enter the limo.
“Shit. This is happening.” My eyes are wide as I turn to Doug. He hands me the bottle. I take a quick guzzle, then look around.
“That’s a lot of Harleys,” Robert says from the front. It dawns on me that he has no idea he’s been driving around the wives of the most-feared and powerful 1 percent motorcycle club in the West.
“You ever hear of the Disciples?” Doug laughs as I elbow him.
Robert pulls the limo to the front of the white chapel and stops.
“What the hell?” I look out the window, and there must be a hundred or more Disciples partying in the parking lot. “Wait. Did you know everyone was coming?” I grab Eve’s hand before she can get out.
She looks back at me and says, “Head up, shoulders back.” The very same words I said to her years ago when she was being thrown into the lion’s den. I sit back as I let go of her hand.
Robert opens the door to the limo as Eve’s long, tan legs pour out. Blade walks over to get her, looking like he’s a movie star rather than a biker. If he wasn’t wearing his cut, you’d think he was going to walk the red carpet.
“I missed you,” he growls, pulling her into his arms as his eyes caress her face. For a second, I think I might be sick with jealousy.
Blade always looks at Eve as if he worships her. Sometimes it hurts to see them so happy. I used to feel guilty about it; now I acknowledge it. Eve and Jason have worked hard to get where they are and maybe that’s what I need to think about. Not everything comes easily. If it did, everyone would have it.
“This is surreal.” I blink at Charlie whose stomach looks as if it dropped in the last hour.
“Are you okay?” Shit, the last thing we need is Charlie going into labor. David would kill me. I lean over and help her scoot forward.
“I’m fine, just pregnant.” She sighs and her golden eyes meet mine. “I meant what I said earlier. Go get him, Dolly. He loves you… love him back.”
Before I can open my mouth to tell her that love is not my problem, David leans into the limo, his eyes instantly finding Charlie’s. She beams at him and her face softens.
I look down at my hands, then over at Doug so they can share a moment that some people never get. David reaches for her and gives me a quick glance. His silver eyes focus on me and he winks.
Doug and I remain in the back seat. And like a lunatic, I reach over and slam the limo’s door. For a desperate moment, I think about locking it.
Doug sighs and pinches the tip of his nose. “Baby Doll, what are you doing? We have to go.”
“I need a second. What if he doesn’t want me? What if he’s only doing this because…” I reach for his hand. Doug takes a breath and faces me.
“No one, and I mean no one can make that stubborn ass do anything he doesn’t want to do. Now I know you are feeling all kinds of shit…” His eyes stray out the dark window at someone and I roll my eyes.
“Doug. I’m fucking nervous. Focus.” I snap my fingers in his face.
He turns and smiles kissing the top of my head. “You got this.” He swings open the door, but before he steps out, he says, “Edge and Dolly, you can’t have one without the other.”
He gets out and starts laughing at something Robert says.
My heart is pounding. This is it. It’s not what I imagined, but this is fucking it. I straighten my shoulders, take a breath, and reach out for Doug’s hand. But instead of Doug’s long thin fingers, I grab hold of a tan, weathered hand with tattoos all the way down three fingers. I blink at this hand and the Disciples brand on the back that at one time was black and now is a faded green.
Holy shit… it’s my dad’s.
Thirty-one years old
“She’s here.” Axel walks up to me. It’s times like this that I’m grateful I hired a photographer. The guy threw in his son’s videography services for free. I almost motion for the photographer to come over and take Axel’s picture if only to fuck with him.
I always forget what a pretty boy he is. Of course, I won’t say that. I don’t need him breaking my nose before I marry her even if he is somewhat unrecognizable. When Axel cleans up, like shaves and puts on a suit, he looks like a model or some kind of rock star.
“What? Why are you smirking at me?” he growls and pulls out a joint.
“You look very handsome.” I can’t help it. I have to, at least a little.
“Fuck you.”
“Sorry, I know you’re sensitive about your looks.”
“The fuck?”
I don’t engage this time. The last thing I need is Axel being an ass. It’s not a perfect wedding, but for Vegas, last minute, I think it looks pretty damn good.