Rule, p.16
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Rule, page 16


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  He’s always been off limits.

  You broke the rules.

  Now you need to pull your shit together and focus on school.

  I start walking again and weave around people, dreading the thought of seeing him. I’ll tell him about Skylar and hope I can still drop the class, because if I don’t… I can’t even think about it.


  “Jenners, I’m not approving that.” I lean back in my chair and scrutinize my colleagues’ faces. Both look stunned, and Pete Jenners looks like he might be ready to blow a blood vessel.

  “I told Richard you would try to sabotage us, and that’s clear.” His voice almost shakes with rage.

  I can’t help but smile. He’s grasping at straws, and he knows it. “I’m sorry you feel like that, because I’m not. If Richard wants to green light more money for this, fine. But he doesn’t, which is why you two are sitting here.”

  Sally Hemsworth scoots forward in her seat. “Look, Powers.” She points at the graphs and blueprints. “I know you think it’s been done, but what we—”

  “Sally,” I interrupt her. “It has been done—by Stanford last year. I get your disappointment, I really do. But as scientists, you know that we are always racing the clock to be first. Sadly, they got it done first. I can’t dump more of the university’s money into funding this,” I say.

  Jenners narrows his eyes at me. “I don’t know why we even thought to bring this to you. You’re not the head dean yet.” He stands.

  With a nod, I hand him the blueprints.

  “I’m not. Dean Murphy’s office is down the hall to your—”

  “Just keep making jokes, Powers, but you think you’re above everything because you lucked out. I work ten times harder. I put my family life on hold and—”

  “Dean Jenners, we don’t need to do this.” Sally clears her throat and stands as I lean back in my chair.

  This day has been one shit show after another. Starting with Skylar barging into my office minutes after I hung up with Alex, to the president of the university letting me know Jordan’s dad just made an enormous donation to the school, begging me to please rethink my criteria for my team, and that he’d be forever grateful. Now this.

  “Fine.” He stuffs papers into his briefcase. “I’d watch my back, Powers. You might need friends someday.”

  I cock my head and smile, because if I could fire him, I would. Instead, I turn to Sally.

  “How’s George doing?”

  “Oh, um, good. He’s actually in Hong Kong right now…”

  A light tap on my door distracts us, and Alex comes barging in, then stops, frozen as she stares, horrified. My cock instantly wakes up.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I had no idea…” She waves her hand around at Jenners and Sally who simply stare at her in shock.

  “Ms. Carter, you’re a few minutes early for your appointment.” I adjust myself in my chair. “But as Dean Jenners and Professor Hemsworth are done, please have a seat.” I smile as Jenners’s face grows redder. Fucking arrogant, jealous dick. It’s not my fault he can’t seem to be first at anything.

  “No, I’ll wait outside. I shouldn’t have barged in.” She goes to leave.


  All three of them peer at me.

  Sally recovers first. Smiling tightly, she heads toward the door saying over her shoulder, “We will let you get back to work.”

  “Send my best to George.” I bring my coffee to my lips and take a drink, not bothering to stand.

  “I will be talking to Richard about this,” Jenners mutters. “Don’t think I won’t.” Straightening, he stares at Alex, who looks down and quickly moves out of his way so he can pass, jumping as he slams the door.

  “I’m so sorry, I had no idea. I’m mortified.” She points at the door.

  With a smile, I stand and step over to lock the door, her fucking coconut scent teasing me. What is it about this one? All day long, my mind kept drifting to her. I’m borderline obsessed.

  “Don’t be. Jenners is a bitter man, pissed that I’m going to be head dean, and that I’m ten times smarter than he is.” Reaching for her chin, I tilt her head up. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  Her eyes fill with tears and I clinch my jaw. If anyone hurt her…

  “Skylar knows.” She pulls away.

  “What?” I hiss, grabbing her arm, forcing her to face me.

  “Yeah, she suspects we are sleeping together. She believes in her wacko world that you’re hers and supposedly going to propose—”

  “Alex.” I stop her. “Breathe, baby.” My voice sounds calming, and for her sake, I hope it is. She blinks up at me, and I’m lost, sucked into a pool of glistening emeralds.

  “Now, calmly tell me what happened.”

  “I…” She takes a breath and exhales. “I came home this morning, and she was up, like, I think she was waiting for me. Then she blocked me from getting into my room and smelled me.”

  “She what?” I frown.

  “Yes, she said she smelled you on me. Then after our phone call this morning…” Her cheeks flush.

  Trying not to smile, I take her in my arms. She’s clearly upset. “Go on.” I stroke her hair.

  “Apparently, she called my dad and told him I was sleeping with you. And if she told him, I would think she’s telling others.” She sniffs into my chest like this is the worst thing possible.

  “So your dad knows about us?”

  She raises her head, “Well, no. I mean, I don’t know. My brother just said it was ‘her boyfriend.’”

  “I’ll handle Skylar,” I tell her.

  “But.” She looks shocked. “You aren’t freaking out?”

  “Baby, she has zero proof. Skylar’s up for tenure. She’s not going to say anything that would ruin her career.” I bring her close. “You hungry? How about dinner?”

  I kiss her lips, and she leans into me. I rub my nose on hers.

  “Brett, isn’t it bad for us to… I mean, isn’t it against the rules?” she mumbles as I brush my lips on hers, then lift my head.

  “What? Me fucking you?” I grin as her eyes get big and instantly look at my door.

  “It’s one hundred percent against the rules.” I laugh as she stands frozen, as if she’s been blindsided. I grab my keys from the desk, her eyes following me.

  “Pizza? Cheeseburger? Salad?”

  “Wait.” She holds up her hands. “You don’t care if we get caught?” She says this slowly, as if she’s trying to digest it all.

  “No. I care. I just know we’re not getting caught. There’s a difference.” I take her hand, but she pulls it away.

  “Brett, are you kidding me? I’ve had a really bad day. Been terrified that you’re going to be ruined because of me.” She dramatically puts her hand on her chest. “That you were going to be fired. And you’re a genius, so all of mankind would suffer because of me.” She exhales and looks up at the ceiling.

  My eyes trail down her slender neck to her hard nipples, beckoning me through her tee.

  “And all you can say is you know we’re not going to get caught?” she snaps. “And do I want pizza?”

  I grin. Can’t help it. “So you don’t want pizza?”

  “Oh my God.” She goes to slap my chest, laughing.

  I pull her into my arms again, liking everything about her.

  “Pizza is great.” She rolls her eyes, looking up at me.

  “Look, why don’t you pack a bag, and we can hide out at my house. You can study, and I’ll work between your legs…” I waggle my eyebrows at her.

  Pressing her lips together, she doesn’t full-on smile.

  “I hope you feel bad,” she huffs at last. “I’m pretty sure I failed my physics test worrying about you.”

  “I do. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” I step back, holding the door open for her as I watch her face fight a battle that’s futile. I can’t stop this fucking need any more than she can. I cock my head, my eyes narrowing as we both stare at each other. Our energy thick, erotic…

  “Well?” I demand.

  She takes another deep breath, straightens her shoulders, then walks out, head held high, and my heart gets that weird ache again as I follow her to the exit.

  She’s right. Everything she said is true. We are breaking rule number one. I smile, making my way to my car. Fuck it. Rules are made to be broken.


  “Can I get you another coffee refill?” I blink at the guy in the green apron staring down at me with a couple of muffins in his hand.

  “Oh.” Straightening in my seat, I glance down at my cup. “I’m okay. If I need another, I can get it. Thank you, though.” I smile at the clearly disappointed barista.

  “You sure? It’s no problem, I’m heading back that way.” He smiles, pretending to run in slow motion.

  “I’m sure.” I laugh, stopping when I see a group of guys walk in. “I’m good,” I say again, looking down at my laptop screen, wondering if I should pretend I don’t see him.

  This is ridiculous. I’ve apologized to Jordan so many times this week, I can’t do anything more. I felt bad and told him that, yet he said it was fine. But clearly he’s still holding a grudge if the death stare he just gave me is any indication.

  I sigh, then drink half my coffee in three gulps so I can go stand in line with him and a couple of his buddies I recognize from the frat party.

  “Hey, Jordan.” I peek around his shoulder. He looks back, nods, then stares forward.


  Annnd perfect. I look down at my coffee cup and try again. “Can we talk for a second? I’ll buy you a cup of coffee.” While I’m standing here trying to be cheerful, his buddies snort and walk up to the counter to order.

  “Nah, Stan’s buying,” he says, straightening his glasses, still looking straight ahead.

  “O-kay. Well, enjoy.”

  I shake my head. He’s making me feel like the worst person. It’s not like I was dating him. He’s a friend, for God’s sake. Yes, I forgot dinner, and I apologized. That’s pretty much all I can do. Returning to my table, I take my seat. Great, now I’m almost out of coffee, and I can’t get more until they leave. Crossing my legs, I look down at my phone.

  BRETT: Morning, beautiful.

  My pulse leaps to my throat, and I can’t help but smile. I love when he uses endearments. Glancing around, I pick up my phone and text.

  ME: Morning.

  Not gonna lie, the last two weeks have been the best of my life. I straightened everything out with my parents, informing them I met a guy. My dad wasn’t happy, but my mom was thrilled, so that balanced it out. I’ve barely had to see Skylar since I’m hardly at her place, and when I am, she’s either working or locked in her room playing depressing songs over and over.

  What started out as dinner morphed into a thing—we’re kind of a couple. Well, a couple who hides inside his house, but come on. He’s the most exciting, brilliant man alive, so being tucked away in our own world suits me fine.

  BRETT: Dean Powers is in need of you.

  I grin. He’s so deliciously filthy. I prepare to type.

  “Who are you texting?” Jordan’s voice makes me let out a little shriek, and I drop my phone.

  “Holy shit, you scared me,” I say, my face instantly heating as I reach down to retrieve the phone and plaster on a smile. Great, the whole café is looking at us.

  “I thought you saw me,” he grumbles, plopping down in the chair across from me.

  Clearing my throat, I set my phone facedown. His eyes follow my every move.

  “Look, I’m trying not to be a dick, but I have a lot of shit going on.” He slumps forward and bounces his leg up and down, then sits up.

  “Again, I’m so sorry.” I smile supportively, ignoring the vibration on my phone that another text has come in. I mean, I can’t jump up and leave him. That would be awful. He looks around the café, then at me.

  “You know who my dad is, right?”

  I take a small sip of the last of my cold coffee and nod. “Yes, why?” Jordan does tend to brag. And I’m already going to be in trouble for keeping Brett waiting. My pussy pulses at the thought of that.

  “Well, he donates a lot of money to this school.” He moves closer. “He personally asked Dean Powers to put me on his team, and the fucking arrogant prick said no.”

  “Oh.” Where is this going?

  “Yeah. I’m telling you, he thinks he’s above everything because he passed the vetting process—”

  “He did?” Interrupting, but still trying to act casual, I sip the last of my nonexistent coffee.

  “Yeah.” He shakes his head as though he’s deep in thought. “Somehow, he has no skeletons that anyone can find in his closet. Do you need more coffee?” He frowns at me as I set my cup down with a rattle.

  “No, I’m fine.” Taking a deep breath, I try to school my features into looking calm.

  “The thing is, no one doesn’t have some kind of secret. He can’t be perfect is all I’m saying. My dad is fishing around. He’s on the board, you know.” Jordan pulls his phone from his pocket to look at it.

  “I thought you said he passed. If he had a secret, they would have found it.”

  “Not necessarily. I mean, it’s pretty casual. Run his name through the system, interview a few of his colleagues, that kind of shit. But he fucked with my dad, so…”

  I frown and shake my head.

  “What?” He looks at me as though I should be on board with this.

  “That’s horrible, Jordan. And why would you want to be on his team if he doesn’t want you?” What the hell is wrong with people? Does nobody wish anyone well anymore?

  “What are you talking about? Alex, he’s a genius doing groundbreaking work. The people on his team are going to be able to write their own ticket. I deserve to be on his team.” His leg starts bouncing again.

  Shaking his head at what I guess is my stunned face, he continues, “Oh, relax. If my dad found anything on him, he’d just use it to urge Dean Powers into doing the right thing.”

  “Which is bribing him to put you on his team.” I stare at him, wondering why I’m only now seeing what a pig he is. That old saying keep your friends close but your enemies closer seems fitting right now.

  “Exactly.” Sipping his coffee, he nods at his buddies as they leave.

  “Okay.” I shrug. “But I think having your dad trying to find dirt on him… is wrong.” I reach for my backpack.

  “You’re kidding, right?” He snorts. “Why are you defending him? He thinks you’re an idiot, you know.”

  “What?” I stop packing my laptop to stare at him.

  “Yes, Alex. He made a comment in our meeting about me dating you. I could tell he disapproves. Christ, maybe he likes to suck dick, and that’s why he won’t let his team have relationships.”

  I blink at him. “Who he sleeps with is no one’s business,” I snap, completely uncomfortable. What the hell?

  “Nah, he can’t be gay. They’d have found that out. Also, Alex, you’re naïve to think who Dean Powers fucks is not a huge issue. That’s why Professor Jenners is pissed. He thought he had a chance since he’s twenty years older and married with kids. It’s all sorts of drama.” He stands up with me, helping me put my backpack on my shoulder.

  My head spins. “What exactly did he say about me?”

  “I can’t remember it word for word but…” He reaches for the door to hold it open for me like he’s a nice guy, when, in fact, he’s a spoiled brat, thinking he’s entitled to everything because of his last name.

  “I asked why he passed on me, and he called in one of his lackeys, asking him if he parties or has a girlfriend. Of course, the loser said no. Then he said your name and talked shit about me not having the work ethic he needs for his team because I’m in a fraternity.”

  I stare straight ahead. “When was this?”

  “A couple of weeks ago, the day you dumped me.” He shakes his head.

  “Jordan.” I grab his arm to stop him because he needs to understand me. “I didn’t dump you. We’re friends.” My voice sounds bitchy even to my ears, but I’m surrounded by vipers: first my sister, and now Jordan.

  “Yeah, I get it. But I like you, really like you, and I thought…” He rubs the back of his neck.

  “I like you too, but not in that way.” I start to walk again.

  “Let me try again. How about dinner tonight?”

  I take a breath as I enter the engineering building. “I can’t. I need to finish my paper for English,” I say over my shoulder, wishing he would go away. I have a horrible feeling something bad is going to happen.


  Sighing, I turn to face him.

  “If you just want to be friends, I’m down with that.”

  “Thanks, Jordan. I think it’s for the best.” Though I’m trying to smile, I can’t stand the sight of him anymore, so I dart into the classroom, purposely not looking at Brett, going straight to the back where there’s only one seat.

  “It’s too crowded up there.” Jordan grabs my arm, stopping me at a table that has only one person at it.

  Oh God, please, please, don’t let Brett be watching, I chant as I quietly sit in the middle seat and Jordan sits next to me.

  “You know what really sucks?” he grumbles. I almost scream, Shut up, Jordan, but I take a deep breath and suck it in. This is already a mess, and I don’t need to make it worse. I know Brett’s looking at me. I can feel it.

  “It doesn’t even matter if my dad finds something. He’s still gonna get the Nobel Prize, probably.” He snorts, then coughs out, “Shit. Heads up, he’s coming.”

  “Jordan.” His deep voice makes my heart skip a beat and face heat up.

  God, I’m so screwed. This is all so bad. I’m falling for him, like I might never recover, and I can’t have him.

  “Dean Powers,” Jordan mumbles as he takes out his laptop.

  “Alexandrea?” My heart pounds. Swallowing, I look up at him. “You missed your office visit this morning. See me after class,” he demands.

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