The enlightened entitled.., p.13
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The Enlightened (Entitled Book 2), page 13


The Enlightened (Entitled Book 2)
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Kendra (us)
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  “I need to find my children.” I spin on my heels slightly dizzy.

  He steadies me. “I want Reed to be happy. I don’t know you, but I know him and he would die for you. In fact, he almost did.” He drops my arm and walks out of the room, his shoes echoing on the wooden floor as he retreats.

  “God.” I grab my glass and pour myself another drink.

  “You okay?”

  I almost scream as I swirl to see Brance holding Luke’s and Lilly’s hands.

  He grins and rolls his eyes. “Sorry. I got caught in a political conversation with some ass Jax was talking to.” Then he frowns as his eyes sweep my face. “Let’s go eat. You need more than gin in your stomach. Why are you flushed?”

  I want to start crying or screaming that I was wronged by a man I can’t stop loving.

  “I’m tired. Let’s go.” Brance looks at my large gin and tonic.

  “Okay, who wants to tell Mommy what we are having for dinner?”

  “Cheeseburgers and French fries,” Luke yells, jumping up and down.

  “And chicken tenders, and that white stuff you like to dip your fries with,” Lilly yells louder. I smile as we all climb the stairs.

  Later, I close the door to the twins’ part of the suite and walk over to the table, which is a mess from our dinner. Luke and Lilly scarfed everything down and splashed around in the tub for another half an hour.

  “Right, Logan.” Brance sneers into his phone then snaps, “Oh, I know everything you do is perfect.” The anger in his voice makes me look over at him. He lounges on the large gold-and-pink-striped satin couch, rubbing his forehead. His bare feet are crossed and propped up on a gold wooden coffee table.

  “You know what? I’m tired. Tess is back in the room. We’ll talk later.” He moves his phone to his other ear, miming that he needs a drink. I nod and walk over to the liquor cabinet and pour us two more gin and tonics. I’m already slightly buzzed, and with the way the conversation is going for Brance, I decide to add a little more Bombay Sapphire to his.

  He lets out a huge sigh. “I don’t want to hear that, Logan. You should be here. I know you think you are somehow excused because you said it was wrong, but… hello? Hello?”

  I sit down next to him as he gazes at his phone, his striking features twisted in pain. I hate Logan at this moment.

  “He hung up on me. That’s a new one for us.” Brance throws his phone on the gold table. It lands with a loud thud.

  “Here.” I hand him his drink. “He hates that you’re here, right?”

  Anxiety at the thought of Brance leaving me makes me take a big swig of my drink. He snorts and looks up at the ceiling. “He’s unhappy about everything I do, Tess. I can’t even take out the garbage right.”

  I stare at him and set my drink down, giving him my full attention. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that we’ve come to a point where everything each of us does is an argument, an aggravation. He ‘disapproves’ of us.” Brance uses air quotes.

  I eye him, wondering if he didn’t have a couple cocktails while the twins were in the bath and going to bed.

  “I don’t know, Pretty Girl. I’m walking on eggshells in my own home. He makes me feel like I’m beneath him.” He drops his feet to the floor and leans forward.

  I reach for his shoulders and he turns, letting me massage him. “I don’t understand… you haven’t mentioned all this in a while. You said you two were committed to working things out.”

  I feel him breathe in and out, trying to relax his muscles. “He makes me feel inferior, like I’m scum because I’m Colombian and my father is who he is.”

  I freeze. I knew Brance and Logan were having issues, but I had no idea Brance felt like this. Have I been so self-absorbed in all of my own drama that I’ve completely not been there for him? “Why haven’t you said anything?”

  He reaches for his drink and downs it in one big guzzle. I stop massaging and lean back, letting him get it out. “What should I say? I’m miserable and living with a stranger.”

  “Yes. Yes, that’s exactly what you should say. I tell you everything.”

  He shrugs. “Fine. I haven’t fucked him in months.” He gets up to make himself another drink.

  “Oh, well everybody goes through rough spots.” I lick my lips. “It’s not that big of a deal, right? I mean, I haven’t slept with Scott in a long time too.” I’m trying to be supportive, but even when I’m intoxicated, it sounds all wrong.

  He laughs. “Pretty Girl, when the sex goes, your relationship goes. Now some people are able to adjust to it and they create a new relationship based on love and companionship.” He waves his hand around. “But that’s not us. We used to fuck like you and Reed.” My face grows hot at the mention of sex and Reed. Thankfully Brance is completely on a rant, so he doesn’t notice, or maybe he does since not much gets by him. “Logan hates my heritage, my family and he’s jealous of the most important person in my life.” He points at me.

  “Great, I told you he hated me.” I shove my empty glass in front of him. He arches a dark brow but reaches for the gin.

  “God, we are a pair, huh? Me with Reed and you with Logan.”

  Brance’s eyes snap to mine. “No comparison.” He waves the bottle, his cheeks flushed. “Reed always put you first. His love was so obsessive and pure for you he lost his mind.” My mouth must be hanging open because Brance chuckles and tells me to shut it.

  “You need to stop drinking,” I snap, because what the hell? “Are you saying that Reed is… I don’t even know what you’re saying.”

  Brance taps my nose and laughs. “You two are so in love with each other it’s… well, it’s beautiful.” He brings his drink to his mouth. His chocolate eyes search my face.

  “He hates me, Brance. Trust me, he hasn’t forgiven me.” My face heats up at the mere thought of his dirty voice and talented fingers.

  “He will, and all will be right.”

  “God, you’re drunk.” I roll my eyes. “Earlier you were telling me we need a lawyer. Now you’ve jumped on the Reed bandwagon?”

  He slowly sets his drink down. “No, I can’t lie about you two. I see it in your eyes and his. I feel it when I’m in the same space as you two. And I’m getting too old for drama—I get enough of that with my fake of a husband.”

  “Holy shit. Reed always said he was a fake.”

  “I know, but when your dick is involved, you don’t think straight.” Brance’s phone lights up and starts vibrating. We both stare at it.

  “I’m going to bed.” I kiss his pretty frowning lips. “Answer it. He’ll only keep calling, and what good does putting off the problem do?”

  Brance arches a dark brow at me and I turn. “Are we talking about you or me?” he calls after me.

  I ignore him as I undress and throw myself into bed.


  “You need to get up and in the shower, Tess. The lawyer is here. Brad dropped this off about an hour ago.” Brance shakes me then tosses a slick black folder next to my head. “This appears to be your copy of the will. I’m assuming there is going to be some formal reading of it.”

  “God,” I groan as I massage my neck and blink the sleep out of my eyes. “I feel horrible.” I glare at him. He looks bright eyed and fresh—so unfair. “Why are you not hungover? I’m not going. I already have a copy.”

  Brance stares at me. I sigh and sit up. “Fine, what does it say?”

  He tosses it on the bed. “A lot. Your children are rich. You, not so much, although I think he did bequeath you your favorite Monet.” My eyes snap open to Brance’s brown ones. I reach for the extravagant folder.

  “Brad personally asked me to make sure you are there.” He goes to the closet and comes out with my form-fitting black suit.

  I toss the folder on the edge of the bed. “You go in my place. I’m not in any condition to face this today.” I pull the soft, downy comforter up around my ears. “Whatever it says can wait until I feel better.”

  “Yeah… No. I promised Luke and Lilly we would go frog hunting.”

  “What?” I lean up on my elbows. “Jesus, we didn’t drink that much did we? I’m feeling it this morning.”

  “I tried to warn you to eat. You can’t drink without food, Tess.” His eyes remain focused on my wardrobe.

  “I tried to eat. The food was cold by the time I got Luke and Lilly out of the bath.”

  “Right, because it’s so hard to have the personal chef make you something no matter what time.”

  “I hate your sarcasm.” I moan into my cloud of a pillow.

  “Get your skinny ass up. We drank almost a whole bottle of gin last night.” Brance claps his hands in my face making me jump and nearly pee the bed.

  “Stop it, Brance.” I throw the covers off me.

  “Come on, Pretty Girl, up you go.” He holds out his hands and I take them, forcing him to pull me up.

  “Wait, why is it so quiet? Where’s Luke and Lilly?” Panic fills my brain. It’s amazing how I can go from zero to one hundred in seconds.

  He ignores me. “Brance?”

  He holds up a hand. “I’m trying to decide on shoes,” he snips.

  “Where are they?” Dread replaces my dissolving panic.

  “Reed came by and got them an hour or so ago. He wanted to make them pancakes.” He sighs.

  I sit back down on the edge of the bed. “And you let him take them?”

  “Well, yeah. It’s pancakes.” He sits down next to me and takes my hand, looking at my nails. “And they want him, Tess.” He brushes my hair off my shoulder. “He’s their father. How could I possibly say no?”

  I stare blankly around the room. It’s a mess. Toys have somehow found their way onto the tables and my bed. My clothes from yesterday are on the floor.

  “My head is pounding.”

  He nods. “Go take a shower. You’ll feel better.”

  “I need coffee and Advil,” I yell as I blast the shower. The hot water works. Brance is right. I feel better—not ready to run a marathon—but better. Wrapping a towel around my head and another around my body, I open the door to get my purse and some Advil.

  “Hi, Mommy.”

  I scream as I turn around. Luke is on my bed, his fat little legs crossed at his knees. He’s playing with what looks like a real Fabergé egg.

  “Oh my gosh, honey you scared me.” My eyes search for Reed or Brance. “Where’s Lilly and your father? And what is that?”

  He proudly holds it up. “It’s my tweasure. I fouwd it in a secwet hiding place.”

  “Sweetheart, let Mommy have that.” I take the egg. He jumps up shoes and all on my unmade bed. “Mommy, that’s mine!”

  “Luke, this is not yours. I’m sorry, but you might as well learn that you can’t always get what you want.” The Rolling Stones play in my head and I roll my eyes.

  “Where is your father?”

  “I’m behind you.”

  I swirl to face him, horrified that my stomach gets butterflies. He stands dressed in another dark suit. Lilly holds his hand, smiling at me.

  “Hi, Mommy.” She waves. “Daddy made us pancakes. We wanted to bring you some, but he said you’re not a pancake fan, which is true, right, Mommy?”

  I stare at Reed wanting to kick him for knowing me so well. My cheeks grow warm. “Um… No, I don’t like pancakes.”

  Lilly looks up at Reed like he is her hero. “Daddy says he knows everything about you. Because you guys have been together for seventeen years.” She grins proudly.

  I stand there like an idiot holding a real Fabergé egg in one hand and clutching my towel in the other.

  “Breathe, Tess,” Reed orders as he reaches and lifts Lilly in his arms.

  “Where’s Brance?” It comes out raspy.

  “He went to get you coffee and something to eat.” A cocky grin crosses his face, and I suck in a quick breath because he seems to have stolen all my oxygen. Luke grabs my hand and wiggles the egg out of my grip.

  I clear my throat. “Can you please talk to Luke about taking things that don’t belong to him?” I snap. “And take them out of here. I need to get dressed.” I sweep my hand at him. He smirks and sits down in a large wing-back chair, his long legs stretched out as he pulls Lilly onto his lap.

  “We’ll wait.” He eyes me with nothing but disdain, then turns to Luke and smiles. I’m way too hungover to deal with Reed. Besides, I hate him and Lexi.

  Also, watching him with our kids makes me want to punch him or kiss him because he is truly the hottest man alive when he gazes at them the way he’s doing right now. Any woman with a pulse would feel as I do.

  “Bring your treasure to me and tell me where you found it while your mother gets ready.”

  I look down at my pink toes and try to pull myself together. I hate that I have this pain in my chest when I’m near him. That my body gets flushed and needy with one look from his pretty eyes. I need to move before he notices all these things. Of course, as soon as I think it, he looks over at me. My stomach flips, and I tighten my hand around the soft towel until my fingers sting. I recognize this look, and instantly my heart’s in my throat.

  “Get ready.” Turquoise eyes sweep me from top to bottom and stop on my lips. “You have twenty minutes and if memory serves me, your hair alone takes an hour.”

  I open my mouth to tell him not to boss me around. But I decide to remove myself from the energy that is vibrating like an orchestra through the room. I hope he can’t tell he’s flustering me. I reach for my outfit and silk stockings. I’d have to walk across the room if I want underwear and there’s no way I’m doing that, so screw it. Shutting the bathroom door, I lock it and lean my back against the cool wood. He’s like an evil wizard. Making my body crave him with a mere stare is his forte. Shaking my head, I turn and unlock the door. After all, I need Brance to be able to get in.

  I look down at my hands, which are slightly shaky. Hell, my whole body is shaking. I want to say it’s because I’m hungry, but it’s probably because I’m terrified of what I still feel for him. I toss both towels on the floor and sit on the side of the tub. “This is stupid, Tess. Do not let him see weakness,” I mumble as I pull on one silk stocking then the other. Reaching for my black pencil skirt, I pull it up. Thankfully it’s form-fitting. I’m thin right now, so the clingy material helps to show off my small waist.

  “You have to be kidding me. I don’t have a bra?” I look around the pink and gold bathroom and lift my towel and jacket up.

  “Perfect.” I toss my wet hair out of my face and jerk my jacket on, not caring that he’s got me so wound up I’m talking to myself.

  I peek out the door. Reed, Luke, and Lilly sit and talk. Lilly has one hand on her ear as she rubs it and Luke is entertaining Reed. He looks so happy and peaceful sitting there listening to Luke. He must sense me because his eyes glance up and trap me. Vaguely I think I might throw up. That’s how much havoc he’s wreaking on my system.

  Brance saunters in with a huge mugful of coffee and a plain bagel with crème cheese. His eyes dart to me and then Reed, and he frowns. “What’s going on?”

  “I need help.” I snatch a black bra and wave him into the bathroom, slamming the door behind us.

  “Bit dramatic.” He sets down the coffee and hands me the bagel. “Here eat and drink.”

  “I swear to God, Brance, I’m going to have a nervous breakdown. I can’t do this today.” I take the coffee. My mind is reeling. “I’m serious. I’m thrilled my kids got whatever they got from Grandfather Ian, but I can’t do this with him,” I hiss.

  He eyes me and his voice is calm. “You need to pull your shit together.”

  I groan, frustrated and wanting to stomp my foot like a child. Except I can’t because I’m a mom. So I sip my hot coffee and sit back down on the toilet seat.

  “You forgot to set out panties and a bra,” I snap.

  His eyes grow huge and he laughs. “You’re joking, right? Do you have any idea how insane you sound?” Ignoring him, I slip off the jacket and reach for my La Perla bra.

  “Stand up and turn around.” Brance holds up the suit jacket for me to slip into as he spins me around to tighten the laces on the back.

  “God.” I try to breathe. “That is way too tight. Look at me—I’m busting out of it!” We both look into the large gold mirror.

  “You look hot. Throw on some makeup and I’ll put your hair in a bun. You don’t have time for anything else.” He grabs a rubber band.

  “I’m spilling out of this,” I say, pointing at my breasts, which are on display. “I look like I should be walking a runway not going to a will reading.”

  “I know,” he snickers. “Lighten up. You’re in black and a suit. It’s perfectly acceptable.”

  He pulls the brush roughly through my hair. I wait as he does his magic before I start on my eyes.

  “Go smoky. Maybe we won’t be able to see the black circles so much.” He digs around in my makeup bag. “Here, red lips.” He slams the makeup on the French granite counter.

  “Can you go check on them?” I reach over to stop the lipstick from rolling away.

  “We’re leaving. Good luck.” He kisses the top of my head. “After frog hunting, if it’s not raining or snowing, we’re going on a picnic, so we won’t be back until later. Call if you need me.”

  I nod, taking a huge bite of the bagel and licking the crème cheese off my lips. “I’m jealous. I want to go on a picnic,” I mumble.

  “You hate the cold.” He taps my nose.

  “I know.” I swallow. “That’s how much I don’t want to do this.”

  Brance grins. “I can’t wait to hear all about it.” He swings open the bathroom door and yells, “Who wants to go frog hunting?”

  Luke and Lilly instantly scream, “We do! Bye, Mommy and Daddy.”

  Silence ensues. I scarf down the bagel, brush my teeth, and finish my lips. As I’m reaching for my coffee cup and turning off the light, he’s there in front of me blocking my way as he steals my air again.

  “Reed.” I back up. He flicks the light switch back on and I find myself hitting the wall as his eyes travel up and down me. This is not the boy I grew up with or even the man I gave my heart to. This is a man who stuck his hands down my pants and made me orgasm in seconds. This Reed scares me, and without Brance or our kids… “We have a meeting and we’re late,” I rasp out. He cocks his head as he reaches for me. I go—not because I’m stunned and I don’t know what I’m doing, but because he’s in my blood. His tan hand reaches behind me and pulls my hair out of the rubber band. The long, slightly wet curls fall down my back. Reed wraps one hand tight at the base of my neck bringing me close with only his grip.

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