The entitled, p.12
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The Entitled, page 12


The Entitled
Select Voice:
Brian (uk)
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Salli (us)  
Justin (us)
Jennifer (us)  
Kimberly (us)  
Kendra (us)
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  “Reed!” My mom sounds appalled.

  “What?” I snap.

  “Son, we need to eat the cake?” My dad chuckles.

  I look around the room and run my hand through my hair. I completely forgot about eating the cake. “Sorry, of course, cake.”

  Letty has turned on the lights and the music is back on. Maria is happily cutting the cake. Reluctantly I take a piece.

  “God,” Jax moans, “this is fantastic.” He has a serious sweet tooth and he’s a bona fide chocolate fanatic. Looking down at my cake, I realize I got a piece with a T on it. With a smile, I take a bite. Jax is right—the cake is amazing. The chocolate is dark and not too sweet, so I eat it.

  “Wait.” Claire stands up. “Before we open gifts, I would like to make a toast.

  “Christ,” I say under my breath.

  “Letty?” Claire calls for her. She comes out with a silver platter, filled with champagne flutes apparently for all of us.

  I glance at Maria, who shrugs and rolls her eyes.

  “Now, I know that some of you are not old enough to drink, but a little champagne never hurt anyone.” She giggles.

  “In Russia, you are raised on this stuff. Come, Claire, make the toast to your beautiful daughter,” Dimitri chimes in. His bloodshot eyes are a good indication he should probably not accept a glass.

  Brance finds his way to Claire’s side. She raises one of her skinny arms. “To my baby… Happy sweet fifteen.” She dabs at her eyes; the fucked-up one is starting to droop again.

  “I know it’s been a rough year for us, what with your lying, cheating bastard of a father gone—”

  “Whoa, Claire.” Brance leans over and whispers something in her ear.

  Tess turns to stare at me, her eyes wide but her lips twitching.

  “Anyway… I love you and hope that you have a better life than me.” She starts crying, clutching Brance.

  “Jesus Christ, Claire,” I say.

  “Reed, language,” my mom responds, reaching for Claire. She hugs her, stroking her hair.

  Brance steps back and takes a glass of champagne. Shaking his head, he raises his glass.

  “To Tess. Happy Birthday, Pretty Girl! I wish you nothing but joy and happiness.”


  Everyone is cheering at Brance’s toast. Well, everyone besides my drunk mother and the psycho chick. Again, resentment wiggles inside me like a worm inserting itself into the dirt. I hate that in some ways she is right. My dad isn’t here, and the reminder of my father’s stupid phone call gets me fired up. Quite frankly, my feet hurt and I’m sick of 90 percent of the people in this room.

  Reed touches my chin, forcing our eyes to meet. “Let it go, Kitten. You know it’s the alcohol.” He knows me so well, and I smile, already feeling better. “Finish your cake. I want to give you your present and get everyone out of here.”

  Not even bothering to whisper, I say, “My mom makes me sick. She’s a complete waste of oxygen.”

  “Yeah, she’s on a roll.”

  I shake my head. Her speech about my dad hit a nerve. Nothing like airing our dirty laundry in front of the Russians. Does she always have to humiliate me?

  My eyes shift over to Lexi, her weird smile making me uneasy. I don’t like her. I’ve never felt such an instant repulsion for someone. She reminds me of a black widow, waiting quietly in the dark.

  “Reed?” My hand clutches his forearm.


  “I’m ready for presents.” Moving my eyes away and back in Lexi’s direction, an odd anxiety engulfs me—that sense of unease that you can’t explain, but you want it to go away.

  “You okay?” Reed’s turquoise eyes take me in.

  “I’m ready to be alone with you.”

  He nods, turning to the drunken messes we call our parents.

  “It’s gift time.” His strong voice makes everyone respond. He sits me down in a large, soft gray leather chair.

  I check to see if my mom has stopped her drunk crying. She hasn’t.

  Jax hands me a large silver box, plopping it onto my lap.

  “Mine first.” He flashes me those identical Saddington dimples.

  “I love it already!” I touch the white ribbon on it.

  “Open it, Tess.” With his large hands, he starts to help me unwrap it.

  “You’re the best, Jax.” He’s so excited, I can’t help but giggle with him. “What did you get me?”

  Opening the top, he rolls it out of the box and onto my lap. My eyes go wide. It’s an incredibly large crystal ball, the size of a soccer ball. “Holy God, this is heavy.”

  Reed helps me hold it, so I can show everyone. Not that anyone but Brance and creepy girl are paying attention.

  “It’s heavy because it’s a real crystal ball. It will protect and calm you, sis.”

  My eyes fill up with tears. “I can’t believe how much I love this.” I hand it to Reed, so I can hug Jax tightly. “Love you.”

  “Love you too,” he whispers back.

  As I sit back down, Brance disentangles his hands from my mom, who clutches at Caroline as he moves away. Gross. I mean, come the fuck on!

  My eyes narrow as he places the pretty pink box in my lap. “What is wrong with you?”

  He smiles and winks.

  “Somehow I think I know what this is.” Ripping open the paper, I hold up the firm beige box with the white Christian Louboutin Paris logo on top.

  Brance and I were drooling over them the other day, but I walked away after I saw the price. “You’re crazy—the dress and now these shoes?” I shake the black heels for effect. “What are you, the son of a billionaire or something?” I tease.

  “Only for you, Pretty Girl.” A wave of emotion bubbles up out of nowhere. I truly am lucky. I might have crappy parents, but I’m loved.

  “Thank you,” I whisper. He squeezes my shoulder.

  Dimitri and Anna hand me an envelope, which I’m sure is full of cash. I choke out a thank-you and hear my mother mumbling to Caroline about their gift. Rolling my eyes, I glare at her and cringe. All the work Tilly and Brance did taping up her eye has vanished, and she looks like an emaciated stroke patient again. Only she’s wearing a couture gown.

  Caroline pats her shoulder, taking a slim box from my mom. “It’s from your mother and me.”

  “Thank you, Caroline,” I say, hoping my mother hears my jab. She’s still sniffling loudly.

  Untying the pink bow, I see an itinerary for Fashion Week in Paris in September.

  “Wow.” The fake smile is firmly plastered on my face. I so do not want to go. “Um, thank you, Caroline and Mom.”

  Caroline hugs me. “We’ll take the private jet: you, me, Claire, and Brance! We are going to have so much fun!”

  Clapping her hands with joy, her eyes suddenly fall on Lexi. “Oh my goodness, would you like to go, Lexi?” She grabs at my arm like she’s a genius or getting ready to pass out. Either way, I want to scream.

  “Tess?” I must not be breathing because Reed has to instruct me.

  “She did not just do that!” I whisper as I take a breath. Reed’s hands massage my bare shoulders. The room is silent, I guess because I can’t form words. My manners have completely left me.

  Reed clears his throat. “Mom, you can talk about all that later. It’s my turn.” His eyes darken.

  He squats down to me and I have never been more grateful or turned on. His turquoise eyes and long black lashes make me warm in all sorts of places. His full lips spread into a grin as he hands me a small box. Excitement makes my hands shake as I unwrap it. Sucking in my breath, I take in the bright red box and sparkly gold letters. They tease me.

  “Cartier. Nice, Reed,” Brance murmurs.

  “Reed!” I exhale.

  “Open it.” His eyes are gentle.

  He reaches into the red velvet case and pulls out the white gold Diamond-Paved Love bracelet.

  Unlatching it, I blink back the tears as I gaze at the sparkling, precious bangle in my hands. “Oh my God, Reed. It’s… it’s magnificent.” My eyes lock with his, and for a moment, I don’t know what else to say. “I love you,” I say at last, throwing myself into his arms and crying.

  He kisses me. “I love you too,” he whispers into my ear.

  “Tess!” My mom’s screech makes me jump. “He did not give you that for your birthday. You have to put that in our safe.” Leave it to Cartier diamonds to revive her.

  “Claire.” Reed turns to her. “I had this made the exact size for her tiny wrist. When I put it on, it stays.”

  He pushes it on. It’s tight over my knuckles, but once it’s on, it dangles perfectly.

  Brance is dabbing at his eyes.

  “Stop it—you’re going to make me lose it.” I slap at him.

  “I want Reed,” he whines dramatically then starts laughing at himself.

  “You’re crazy.” I can’t help my own laughter from slipping out.

  I look over and give Lexi a fuck-you stare. The girl looks me right in the eyes and smirks. Smirks! What the hell? I’m done. I want Reed alone. I smile sweetly and clear my throat.

  “Everyone, thank you all for the beautiful gifts and sharing my birthday with me. I love you all so much.” I look at everyone except the Russians.

  Caroline and my mom stumble into my arms. Reed helps steady me so that I can steady them.

  “It’s been a long day, so I’m going to—”

  “Come on, Tess, don’t kick us out,” Jax says. I throw him my “I’m going to kill you” stare. He chuckles but shuts up.

  “You look tired, Jax.” Sarcasm drips from my voice.

  “Whatever…” He rolls his eyes at Reed and me.

  “Mom, Dad, I guess I’m heading home.” He gives Dimitri a salute and winks at Lexi. I almost kick him.

  “Wait up.” Reed holds up a hand. “I’m just going to say good night to Tess and then I’ll join you. I’m beat too.” He kisses my nose. “Brance?” he calls over his shoulder. “Why don’t you help Claire to her room.”

  I almost start laughing. We’re so completely obvious. Thank God they’re drunk.


  Dimitri and Anna eventually take the hint and say their goodbyes. I give a quick nod to creepy Lexi, who is back to staring at her feet. “Nice to meet you,” is all I can think to say.

  “Yes,” she whispers. Not having time for her kind of crazy, I move on, a man on a mission. After kissing my mom, I give my dad a bro hug and stride into the kitchen, looking for Letty or Maria.

  I find Maria, putting the mountain of leftovers into the refrigerator. Trying not to startle her, as she has earbuds in and is humming away, I tap her shoulder. She whirls around, hand on her chest.

  “Mr. Reed! You scared me.”

  “Sorry, Maria. Listen, I’m going to see everyone out. Can you do me a favor and not lock the side door?” I give her my puppy eyes—they always get the job done. She hesitates then smiles and pats my cheek.

  “Thanks, Maria. I owe you one.”

  “Yeah, yeah, go be a good boy and let me finish. I’m tired.”

  “I will be on my best behavior.”

  I make a big show of saying good night to Tess. I’m not an actor and if all the adults in the room were not drunk, it would be painfully obvious that we are up to something.

  Jax and I take the elevator down. My pulse is racing. In ten minutes or less, I am going to be with Tess. I can’t decide what I want to do first—go down on her or finger her. I’ll do both…

  “Reed! Hello.” Jax is waving his stupid hand in my face.

  “Knock it off,” I snarl, pushing it away.

  “Dude, have you heard anything I said?” I must give him a blank look because he sighs dramatically.

  “Do not take her virginity tonight! She’s not ready.”

  “You’re drunk, Jax.” My eyes meet his and I speak tersely. “I have no intention of doing that.”

  “I’m serious, Reed. You should wait a little longer. It’s my job as her future brother to take care of her,” he says, pushing himself off the elevator wall as it opens to the parking garage.

  “I’m a little insulted you think I would ever do anything to hurt Tess.”

  “Just don’t, Reed.” He points at me and weaves slightly as he moves forward.

  “What the hell happened to him?” Jay yells, helping him into the car.

  “The Russians.” As if that explains it all. Stepping back into the elevator, I hear Jax plead with Jay to take him to one of his buddies’ strip clubs while the doors are closing.

  Leaning my head back, I’m way too excited. My dick is already hard as a rock. Entering through the side, I hear my mom and dad. They are still talking with Dimitri and Anna. Thankfully, Claire’s obnoxious voice is absent. Brance must have been successful in putting her to bed. Avoiding that side of the apartment, I head straight to Tess’s room, enter, and lock it.

  Tess is sitting on a black-and-white-striped ottoman at the end of her bed, talking on her cell, still in her dress and heels.

  “Brance, you just left here…” At my entrance, her face lights up with relief.

  “Absolutely, I’ll support you one hundred percent.” Her sapphire eyes take in my appearance as she eyes me up and down. She mouths Brance, like I don’t know who she’s talking to.

  Rolling my eyes, I drop to my knees. My hands start at her ankles and travel upward. Her breathing changes as she watches.

  I grab the back of her knees and pull her forward. She squeals.

  “Maybe, you should say good night to Brance now, Kitten.” Glancing up, I take in the tiny little lights that she has strung up all over the wall.

  She bites her lip, then bolts up. “Shit, Brance! Sorry.” She almost drops the phone. “Look, Ree… I mean Brance, God… I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Hanging up, she turns toward me. “Reed!” She pushes against my chest.

  “What? I’m here now, and when I’m with you, it’s only you and me.” My hands explore her long legs. “I love how soft you are.”

  Leaning forward, I grab her right leg and lift it over my shoulder.

  “I’m nervous,” she whispers.

  That stops me. Placing her leg down, I crawl over her so that I can look at her. “It’s just us, Kitten.” I reach for her neck and trace my thumb over her racing pulse. I love being Tess’s everything. Yes, I know I sound like an ass, but it turns me on. “We’re doing this together.” My hand gently caresses her breasts. Long dark chocolatey hair spills over the end of the ottoman. My cock jumps with excitement. “Tess…” A small groan escapes me. All I can focus on is her. Her scent, her lips.

  Dropping back to my knees, I slide my hands up her legs, not stopping until I reach my goal. “Fuck, your panties are wet.” It comes out harsh, but I’m two seconds away from coming in my pants. I need to focus on my task. Willing my mind to stay calm, I pull her underwear down and over her heels. “Jesus.” I swallow and slowly pull her legs open. She hasn’t spoken, and her big eyes remain focused on me as her body responds to my touch.

  “You okay, Kitten? We don’t have to do anything you don’t—”

  Before I get to finish, she snaps, “If you stop, I will kill you.”

  Raising an eyebrow, I grin. “Just checking.” I stop talking. My fingers have found her pussy and it’s wet and slick. “Tess…” Laying my head on her stomach, I gently explore her with my fingers, fascinated by her wet folds, her scent, the way my fingers touch certain areas and she almost screams.

  “Does it feel good?” My voice doesn’t even sound like me.

  “Unbelievably good…” Her eyes flutter shut.

  That’s it. My patience is wearing thin, and I pull my fingers away. She sits up, her brows drawn together.

  “We need to get you out of this dress so that I can see this. Otherwise, I think I might rip it off you. And I don’t want to deal with Brance bitching at me. Stand up.”

  I help her up as she wraps her hands on the wood of her canopy bed.

  “Clips, Reed don’t forget the clips,” she croaks.

  “What the hell? How do I… Tess, I swear to God.” My hands are shaking. What clips are she talking about? Where’s the zipper? Why isn’t the dress off?

  “Reed, there are little hooks on the top and bottom.”

  Looking closer, I finally see them, and she helps by straightening her back. Groaning, I’m harder, if that’s possible, because the action pushes her breasts out. But it makes it easy for me to unhook the neck. The dress falls off her shoulders quickly, and I unhook the one at the waist too. Thank Jesus. Pulling it down, I slide it over her waist and it spills like silk, pooling in a giant pile of chiffon mess. I have lost all patience and make a mental note: Tess should never wear a contraption that requires this much work!

  Lifting her in my arms, I carry her naked to her princess bed. With a frown, I look at the frills and stuffed animals and fluff. I used to get a kick out of it, and she always looked so pretty lying there. Now it’s a weird reminder that we are still young but way too old to be in this pink, floral bed.

  Setting her down, I step back. “Don’t move,” I whisper.

  She doesn’t even try to cover herself. Tess knows she’s beautiful and completely owns it. All her insecurities are locked deep inside her. She has no problem letting my eyes feast on her. So I do, starting with her flushed face. Her lips are swollen red and her eyes look like midnight blue glittering pools.

  My bracelet sparkles on her wrist. But what makes me want to unzip my pants and stroke myself is my name tattooed on her side.

  The need to claim her overwhelms me, and I’m almost confused at how my body seems to have a life of its own.

  “Tess.” It comes out way harsher than I intended.

  “Yes?” Her eyes search my face.

  “I’m going to touch you, but you have to be quiet, Kitten. We can’t afford to get caught.”

  “I’ll try.” She doesn’t sound very confident, which makes me smile. Her eyes are half-mast—she wants this as badly as I do.

  As I lie down next to her, she instantly pulls off my jacket, tossing it to the floor, followed by my shirt. She is much better at undressing me than I was of her. I’ll have to work on that. When her hands reach for my belt, I grab them and pull them above her head. “Probably better if we leave the pants on,” I hiss.

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