The Saga of Tanya the Evil, Vol. 13: Dum Spiro, Spero Part 1, page 1

The Saga of Tanya the Evil, Vol. 13
Carlo Zen
Translation by James Balzer
Cover art by Shinobu Shinotsuki
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
YOJO SENKI Vol. 13 Dum Spiro, Spero JO
©Carlo Zen 2023
First published in Japan in 2023 by KADOKAWA CORPORATION, Tokyo.
English translation rights arranged with KADOKAWA CORPORATION, Tokyo through TUTTLE-MORI AGENCY, INC., Tokyo.
English translation © 2024 by Yen Press, LLC
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Zen, Carlo, author. | Shinotsuki, Shinobu, illustrator. | Balistrieri, Emily, translator. | Steinbach, Kevin, translator.
Title: Saga of Tanya the evil / Carlo Zen ; illustration by Shinobu Shinotsuki ; translation by Emily Balistrieri, Kevin Steinbach.
Other titles: Yōjo Senki. English
Description: First Yen On edition. | New York : Yen ON, 2017–
Identifiers: LCCN 2017044721 | ISBN 9780316512442 (v. 1 : pbk.)
Classification: LCC PL878.E6 Y6513 2017 | DDC 895.63/6—dc23
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ISBNs: 979-8-8554-0287-2 (paperback)
979-8-8554-0288-9 (ebook)
Title Page
Chapter 0: Prologue
Chapter I: End of the Beginning
Chapter II: House of Cards
Chapter III: Last Ditch
Chapter IV: Setback
Chapter V: Dawn
Chapter VI: Mutiny
Appendixes: Explanation of the Strategic Offensive Rising Dawn
Yen Newsletter
[chapter] 0 Prologue
General Hans von Zettour was in an excellent mood.
An absolutely excellent, splendiferous mood.
He was refreshed and raring to go, a song of triumph on his tongue. His footsteps bounced lightly off the dull, impersonal floor of the General Staff Office in time to the staccato lilt of his heart, which was beating exuberantly thanks to the rarest stroke of luck.
“My, oh my.”
Zettour was acting rather strangely for his age; he knew that. But he couldn’t help it when he felt like a sudden gust of fresh air had banished the gloom that had been hanging over him since the start of the year. It left him relaxed, and the excitement was visible on his face.
“I see the way out. Yes, how wonderful!”
He had been in dire straits. Torturously constricted, an impossible burden weighing on his shoulders, his stomach twisted in viselike agony, and he was unable to speak except to groan. All the while, he sharpened himself as an instrument of violence in his role as a staff officer and as the devil Zettour, who was an enemy of the entire world, as necessity demanded. For the sake of the Heimat, he played his part in deceiving the world.
“I see it.”
He now clutched a single thread of hope. Just one. The narrowest of paths.
“Yes, like the eye of a needle. But I see clearly now.”
And why was it so narrow? Zettour, old man that he was, knew that it was his own mistakes that had led him here.
First and foremost, he had misjudged the timing of the Federation Army’s offensive.
“My own bungling led to this crisis. I will admit that. It was my mistake. I underestimated the determination of the Federation and the material support the Alliance was willing to provide. Feckless. Absolutely feckless for someone as involved in logistics as much as me.”
The result of Zettour’s miscalculation had been a headfirst plunge toward catastrophe, putting him on the verge of witnessing the dissolution of the very world he wished to protect.
It was either a divine blessing or an unparalleled feat of human intellect that allowed Zettour to secure a miracle while teetering on the edge of utter disaster.
“God is with us, or so they say… Those words can’t help but sound hollow. If God is with us, then what a sad way he makes himself known. Still, a far cry from being abandoned.”
Zettour snorted. Zettour, public enemy of the world, was now prepared to face it. To go beyond the bounds of human intellect, challenge the limits of mankind, vanquish the resentment pointed his way, and force his will upon the world.
He finally had the last piece he needed to make that possible.
The elation welling up inside made it hard for Zettour to maintain his usual smile of composure. Right now, more than anything, he just wanted to shout in exaltation. In Zettour’s subjective opinion, he was, at this moment, the happiest man in the world by far.
When was the last time he had smiled with such genuine joy? It mattered little. Here, in this moment, he was smiling.
There was only one reason. A single spider’s thread. And the man who had brought Zettour such wonderful news was here with him now. Zettour grinned like that would be enough to share his joy with that benign messenger.
“First Lieutenant Grantz, whatever is the matter? You look atrocious.”
If the emotion appearing on the aerial magic officer’s face could have been summed up in one word, that word would have been tragic—so tragic, in fact, that it nearly made Zettour want to cry despite his paroxysms of joy.
“As regrettable as it is that I cannot ask you about the situation…I am actually in quite a good mood at this moment.”
As a superior officer, Zettour was perfectly aware how severe he could be with junior officers and how much he demanded from staff officers. When it came to magic officers, however, especially the ones heading back to the front, Zettour had a mind to be more gentle.
All the more so, thanks to his current mood. Zettour’s high spirits made him feel particularly magnanimous.
Though he was a general now, Zettour had once been a junior officer himself. He was more than ready with a word of pity or two for those poor officers at the mercy of their command.
“Truly sharing this joy with another would likely be impossible, but if I could impart some small share of my good fortune…”
With a gentle smile, General Zettour rested his hand on Lieutenant Grantz’s shoulder, assuming the demeanor of a kindly old man toward this officer he once browbeat in Ildoa.
“No need to be shy. Perhaps you should get some sleep? As a mage, you must endure some rather long flights, I imagine. Don’t worry, I will speak to your commanding officer.”
That reminds me, there’s still the leftover Ildoan champagne from the New Year’s banquet. Why not allow the young officer to enjoy a glass?
General Zettour continued speaking. He was good humor incarnate.
“It is a shame we are in the middle of an operation. Otherwise, we might have celebrated with some of the Commonwealth Embassy’s finest champagne. Truly regrettable!”
“G…General! Get a hold of yourself…!”
“Please, General Zettour, calm down. Don’t you see? The situation we’re in…”
The young officer had gone pale. The sight of the young man’s face, so desperate to save the world from annihilation, finally brought General Zettour to his senses.
“Why, First Lieutenant Grantz. You must think I’ve lost it.”
Before General Zettour could offer another bemused response, his thoughts emerged from the morass of euphoria and returned to dismal reality.
“Ah, of course,” he murmured.
This messenger had just come on a special mission from the front lines, entrusted by Lieutenant Colonel Degurechaff to deliver a bombshell. Of course it would be disturbing to see the general laugh like this as that bomb exploded at his feet. The first lieutenant couldn’t say so openly, but he probably suspected the senior officer had just gone mad.
There in the depths of the General Staff Office, the chief officer of the Imperial Army and the monster who had become the nerve center of the Empire smiled as if he was human.
“Forgive my little outburst.”
Zettour chided himself lightly. It had been more than just a little outburst. He flashed a smile to cover his embarrassment. This was something he hadn’t experienced in quite some time.
Upon further reflection, Zettour realized his giddiness was almost insufferable given his age. He grimaced at his own lack of discipline. It was mortifying, if he was being honest.
“Ha-ha-ha, forgive me, Lieutenant. It wasn’t my intention to worry you.”
However, General Zettour still could not completely disguise his elation as he continued:
“Thank you, Lieutenant Grantz. You’ve brought better news than I could have hoped for. I am now certain that I shall triumph over the world.”
The Official Stance of the East
As the crisis in southern Alliance territory developed, the Federation Army had a difficult choice to make toward the end of 1927. Increased imperial activity in southern Alliance territory, known as Zettour’s Ruse, was intended to draw out the Federation’s principal forces. Once the Federation Army realized that this was an unscrupulous plot to bait them into counterattacking before they were fully prepared, the Federation was forced to choose between overlooking the danger the Alliance forces were in, or sacrificing the lives of its people by coming to their aid, fully knowing that this was a trap.
After considering the importance of diplomatic relations and the spirit of cooperation, the people of the Federation decided they could not ignore the threat to the Alliance armies and executed the offensive operation Rising Dawn in January 1928. Despite facing fierce opposition from waiting imperial forces and suffering heavy losses, the Federation Army was able to push back the front line that General Zettour was holding, decisively precluding any further possibility of the Imperial Army putting more pressure on the Alliance’s southern front. This sacrifice was politically necessary, as they had to aid their allies. While it was, tactically speaking, a textbook example of a hopeless battle, it was simultaneously a complete strategic victory.
The Unofficial Stance of the East
Despite achieving total strategic surprise with the offensive of Operation Rising Dawn, the Imperial Army was able to respond with speed and flexibility. According to in-depth investigations by military experts, reacting so proficiently to this attack should have been “impossible without prior knowledge.” Therefore, the most logical explanation is a catastrophic intelligence leak. It’s probable that, after learning of the offensive in advance, General Zettour instituted an information blackout and laid his trap by leaving the eastern theater unguarded. However, it is impossible to determine whether there actually was a leak and to what extent. If the events cannot be attributed to a leak, then General Hans von Zettour must have been the devil himself. Either that, or the west was responsible.
The Official Stance of the West
Toward the end of 1927, southern Alliance front had completely tied up the Empire’s strategic reserves and forcibly captured the attention of General Zettour himself. In January 1928, just as this situation was developing, the Federation Army launched its Rising Dawn offensive, aiming to bring an end to the war. While this successfully caught the Imperial Army unawares, General Zettour struck back with unrelenting counterattacks, and the Federation suffered tragic losses. Haste ultimately leads to defeat, and Rising Dawn was a textbook example of a tactical victory that was simultaneously a complete strategic disaster.
The Unofficial Stance of the West
The events of January 1928 were an unscrupulous trap laid by the fearsome General Hans von Zettour. This uncanny strategy, carried out by the general in the south of Ildoa in the latter half of 1927, was an ambitious tactical diversion that led to the implosion of Federation Army forces. If its purpose from the beginning was to reduce the Federation Army’s offensive capabilities, then General Zettour truly was an unparalleled strategic genius. The hostilities that occurred from late 1927 to early 1928 served as no more than a trigger for Rising Dawn and its counter, Morning Light. It is a distinct possibility that General Zettour anticipated everything. There is no other obvious explanation. These events have had a massive impact on current international relations, but just how much did General Zettour foresee? His impact reaches far!
War is cruel.
What’s the big deal?
Of course no one would disagree that war is brutal! Cruel or not, though, when was the last time people stopped a battle halfway because of brutality? The hand-wringing usually only starts after the fighting’s all over. Regardless of whether everyone truly recognizes the brutality of war, only those who survive can have those sentiments.
And no one is more aware of that than Lieutenant Colonel Tanya von Degurechaff.
I quietly grumble, “Shit, they’re getting closer,” in response.
The whistle of artillery shells. Where will they land?
That sound is all it takes to understand what’s about to happen. As creatures, humans grow accustomed to things. The defining feature of the human species, you could say, is its ability to adapt to its environment. An ability that becomes extremely apparent on the battlefield. But accustomed or not…on the battlefield, entertaining extraneous thoughts is a luxury.
Humans and their oh so human thoughts are a wonderful product of civilization. Far be it from me to speak ill of civilization. But you can’t assume that civilization will always be there.
Is that sad?
We occupied these trenches that the Federation Army had so carefully prepared, and now the previous tenants are back, and they’re mad. Looks like they want to till the land with artillery and make sure they bury the imperial troops along with the remains of their old camp.
Dig a hole, fill it up.
Did I read that in a textbook somewhere?
The Communists should also give reading a try! Why not pledge fealty to Keynes and transition over to a market economy already? So long as you can build a home in peace, who gives a damn about productivity?!
Even as I continue to toy with these ideas in the back of my head while hugging the dirt, I have to admit: Who can aspire to anything more than survival at a time like this? At the same time, it only makes me wish all the more for peace.
As it says in “A Song of Liangzhou,” do not laugh. Of course, this is the eastern front. There are no jade cups to be found here, and the only thing a passed-out drunk will accomplish is freeze to death. The end is the same, either way. How many soldiers ever come home?
Yes, that is war.
Tanya, however, will still do her best.
In place of a lute, we have the overwhelming symphony of war pounding in our ears. The strumming of the Federation’s corps-level artillery leaves our inexperienced new recruits pinned to the ground, trembling and unable to move. Deplorable as it may be, the General Staff Office has infused a great deal of promising human capital into our ranks to make up the numbers needed for this mission. With any luck, they’ll get a chance to accumulate more value in the future.
Using the kindness reserved for new soldiers (a strong and entirely altruistic kick to the ass), I drive them forward, shouting, “Unless you want to die, move!” Adjutant in tow, I change position slightly, praying that the enemy barrage will soon come to an end.
In a sense, we are lucky.
Imperial or Federation, a trench is a trench, after all.
The Federation’s field engineers must have known what they were doing. These trenches, lovingly crafted and only recently stolen by us, continue to stand firm even as their former occupants rain artillery fire down.
A cynical smile crosses Tanya’s face. Former occupants? As if anything has really changed.
“Didn’t think we’d reenact the Rhine front here.”
Did we drop into enemy territory and seize this position just so we can sit here with our dicks out under enemy fire?! Tanya grimaces reflexively.
As the saying goes, infantry wins wars. However, from a footslogger’s point of view, it’s hard not to complain!