The Adventures of Pinocchio

The Adventures of Pinocchio

Carlo Collodi


The Adventures of Pinocchio is a novel for children by Italian author Carlo Collodi, written in Pescia. The first half was originally a serial in 1881 and 1882, published as La storia di un burattino (literally "The tale of a puppet"), and then later completed as a book for children in February 1883. It is about the mischievous adventures of an animated marionette named Pinocchio and his father, a poor woodcarver named Geppetto. It is considered a canonical piece of children\'s literature and has inspired hundreds of new editions, stage plays, merchandising and movies, such as Walt Disney\'s iconic animated version and commonplace ideas such as a liar\'s long nose. According to extensive research done by the Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi in late 1990s and based on UNESCO sources, it has been adapted in over 260 languages worldwide. That makes it the most translated non-religious book in the world, and one of the best-selling books ever published. According to Francelia Butler, it remains "the most widely read book in the world after the Bible".
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Carlo Collodi


Though one of the best-known books in the world, Pinocchio at the same time remains unknown—linked in many minds to the Walt Disney movie that bears little relation to Carlo Collodi’s splendid original. That story is of course, about a puppet who, after many trails, succeeds in becoming a "real boy." Yet it is hardly a sentimental or morally improving tale. To the contrary, Pinocchio is one of the great subversives of the written page, a madcap genius hurtled along at the pleasure and mercy of his desires, a renegade who in many ways resembles his near contemporary Huck Finn. Pinocchio the novel, no less than Pinocchio the character, is one of the great inventions of modern literature. A sublime anomaly, the book merges that traditions of the picaresque, of street theater, and of folk and fairy tales into a work that is at once adventure, satire, and a powerful enchantment that anticipates surrealism and magical realism. Throng with memorable character and composed the the fluid but inevitable logic of a dream, Pinocchio is an endlessly fascinating work that is essential equipment for life. In this new translation by Geoffrey Brock, the prizewinning translator of Cesare Pavese, Pinocchio finally has an English rendering worthy of the inspired original. This edition features an introduction by Umberto Eco and an afterward by Rebecca West.
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The Pinocchio Megapack: 4 Classic Puppet Tales

The Pinocchio Megapack: 4 Classic Puppet Tales

Carlo Collodi


The Pinocchio Megapack includes 4 tales of Pinocchio -- the original book, "The Adventures of Pinocchio," by Carlo Collodi; "Pinocchio under the Sea," by Mongiardini-Rembadi; "The Heart of Pinocchio," by Collodi Nipote; and "Pinocchio in Africa," by Cherubini. If you're only familiar with Pinocchio through the Disney animated feature, you're in for a pleasant surprise -- whether you're an young reader or an adult! And don't forget to search this ebook store for more volumes in the Megapack series, covering everything from classic mysteries to children's literature to westerns and science fiction.
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