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Road Trip Harem: Book Four, page 1


Road Trip Harem: Book Four
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Road Trip Harem: Book Four

  Road Trip Harem

  Book Four

  Cara Nova

  Copyright © 2024 Cara nova

  No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission. All rights reserved.

  This story is entirely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter 1

  The trouble began halfway through the second day.

  That first evening had been blissful, burning. We’d escaped into the sunset, leaving Krazy Karl behind in a morass of wheel-dust and slimeball fury. Samantha, Mila, Jennifer, and I fell to pieces that night. We collapsed in a tangled mess together, the girls too exhausted to think of anything but sleep - for that, my aching body was thankful. Then things…went wrong.

  The desert morning was crisp and full of promise as we drove down that snaking, endless highway. Jennifer rode shotgun with me in the front (“Mechanic’s rights”) with Mila and Samantha in the back, wide-eyed as they peered out the windows in excitement. I remembered my first day on the Outback road and chuckled to myself.

  I guess it was exciting, in a sparse, savage way. We watched the black kites and wedge-tailed eagles wheel overhead. They flew, fell and feasted on roadside carcasses only to take wing, screaming as we blew past in the rusted van. On occasion, and on more occasions than was comfortable, the burned-out wreck of an abandoned car would loom on the horizon, marking some of the more treacherous turns of the highway. Our spirits were all high, but none more so than mine.

  I glanced across to smile at Jennifer. She lolled lazily in her seat, her gangly, farmer’s-daughter frame sprawled in the van as though she owned it. Jen’s red locks caught fire, the sun dancing amongst them as she looked back at me and grinned, content. She wore a skirt, daringly short, and I struggled to process the sight of her without her customary mechanic's coveralls.

  How could this have possibly happened to me?

  I had struggled to impress even one woman, singular, back in Sydney. And now I was blazing down a deserted highway in a van with three, plural, women. Even the use of that word didn't do them justice, I thought, as I eyed their lithe bodies. The rear-view mirror was now more a danger than a help, containing as it did Samantha's mature voluptuousness which contrasted amazingly with Mila’s tiny, perky, pert body, almost indecently small compared to her divine tits.

  Basically, I had no idea what I'd done to become so lucky, so blessed. Actually, you do, James. You banged them a bunch of times. I thought that only worked in B-grade movies?

  I was no Kerouac, however – everything ahead, nothing behind – there were worries aplenty behind me, and uncertainties around the future.

  What would happen when we reached Alice Springs? Would that be goodbye to Mila forever? And what about Jennifer? After regaining the freedom she longed for, it seemed she was content to let the wind - and myself - take her where we may. But who knew how long that would hold for? And finally, Samantha. Most mysterious of all. I certainly, certainly hoped her ex-husband, (“Cretin of an ex-husband!”, wouldn't find out about the deal we’d struck to buy Jennifer her freedom, or the extensive ‘improvements being added to his car under the watchful eyes of Krazy Karl. But the outback was, despite the vast distances, one small, gossipy country town. News travelled quickly, whether you wanted it to or not.

  But despite this, despite my fears, I was happy. Happy in a way I'd never felt before. And, speaking frankly despite my cock, having taken (and given) the pounding of a century, I was in an almost-constant state of arousal now, hemmed in by these goddesses, hearing their voices and scents mingle in the tight confines of the van. And certainly not by their outfits.

  At this, I thought of Mila, her outfit of the day a Lara Croft “Cock-Raider” special. My eyes flicked to the rearview mirror and met with Mila's, looking questioningly forward at me. She blushed and looked down. Damn, seems like I'm not the only one thinking about my cock. I heard rustling in the back and my eyes moved to check the rearview mirror again, only to see Mila leaning forward, checking her bag. The tight, white singlet that she wore showed her faultless cleavage as she rummaged in the seat pocket. I feasted my eyes on her slim, slender body, her singlet barely able to constrain those glorious tits. Mila looked up, still bent over, and met my eyes again, smiling cheekily. Fuck, she was teasing me. And God, she was good at it.

  My eyes darted across to Jen, who stared forward out the windshield at the desert. The bleak horizon was reflected in the verdant lushness of her eyes – the only greenery this stretch of dusty road would ever see. She was oblivious.

  My eyes strayed back to Mila's reflection – clearly a sluttier and more daring version of Mila herself. Reflection-Mila let her hands trail along the top stitching of her singlet, exposing more and more tanned flesh in a sneaky, subtle way. I glanced at Samantha next to Mila in the back, her legs tucked beneath her. Those creamy thighs blessed the leather of the old van as she gazed out the window, a soft, small smile on those full lips.

  Mila was now running one hand along the smooth, tanned expanse of her thighs, one eyebrow raised as she stared challengingly at me. I recalled the softness of her legs, the way they felt wrapped around my back as I fucked her senseless, spurting my seed into her. As if reading my thoughts, Mila slowly, sneakily spread her legs in the rearview mirror. The thin material of her shorts revealed the tiniest patch of wetness between those long, lithe legs.

  My cock was now aching for release, my thoughts clouded – not the best state to be in on a highway without a speed limit. I tried to focus on the road, but it was useless. Unbidden my eyes strayed to the rearview mirror and I groaned at what I saw. Mila had been too obvious.

  Samantha had noticed Mila’s thinly veiled flirtations and, never to be outdone, had decided to join in. The road began to wind and buck, and my glances into the rearview mirror became more hasty, stolen scenes that burned into my cortex despite their brevity.

  A gentle curve in the road. A glance in the rearview mirror. Flash.

  Mila and Samantha, slatternly grins gracing their faces and nothing at all gracing their perfect breasts - sundress and singlet both pulled down. Samantha's perky, pale globes glowed in serene contrast to Mila’s fat, tanned melons

  The van gently crested the rise of a long hill. Flash.

  Mila and Sam kissing quietly, passionately in the backseat, inaudible over the rumbling of the road underneath us. I gulped, watching Mila's tiny hand running up Samantha's pale thigh, squeezing and sinking into her yielding flesh.

  A lone car passing as we rounded a corner. Flash.

  One of Mila's tanned hands kneading at Samantha's ample rack, the other caressing the top of her exposed thigh, inching closer and closer to her glistening pussy. Their kisses were now frantic, sloppy.

  My eyes flicked over to Jennifer. I couldn't believe they were being so brazen. But blessedly, Jennifer still gazed out the window placidly. A gentle smile played on her calm lips as she watched the tussock grass and twisted shrubs flash by.

  I prayed Samantha and Mila would stop soon. Prayed that the raging erection in my jeans would go down - that Jennifer wouldn't look over. What the fuck were they doing? And why the fuck wasn't I doing that too? I gritted my teeth and focused on the road again, much to the disappointment of Samantha and Mila. A mistake at this speed wasn't worth thinking about.

  In shy, breathy, needy tones, Mila spoke.

  “James, please, James, I think maybe we should pull over to consult the itinerary.”

  God, she was a bad actress - no Viggo Mortensen here. In the backseat, Samantha grinned the toothy grin of a consummate predator, taking up Mila's mating call as well.

  “I think that's a rather sensible idea.” She breathed, her voice husky. “James, dear, it's very likely we could get lost on such a road.”

  It's one long straight road for fuck's sake, girls. At least think of a good lie.

  “Surely pulling over can't hurt. Besides, it does need to be a long look. Just something quick and dirty would suffice.”

  “I think, uh, I think maybe, just because there's not a lot of shade out here,” I emphasised. “Maybe we should save any checking of maps for a bit later in the day. When there’s a bed to spread the map out on.”

  “But James,” Mila said, her piping voice hungry “James, I want to look at the map now! I want you to spread me- I mean, spread the map now!”

  “Yes, and besides, James, I'm famished,” Samantha continued. “If only there was something in this van I could just stuff in my mouth right now. Then I think I'd be able to last – at least until the next town. But I just need it so, so much.”

  Mila had clearly been ‘broadening’ Sam’s horizons with whatever porn movies she was watching to get outfit ideas from – their acting was terrible and I was sure they were half-waiting for a pizza boy to appear up with ‘extra sausage’ just for them.

  Caught in the cut and thrust of some very, very unsubtle phrasing, we were all surprised when Jennifer spoke.

  “Guys. I know you're all banging. Can you just stop this? It's painful.”

  The road flashed by. Samantha removed her hand from Mila’s tit. Mila spoke first.

  “You do?”

  “Mila…you’re almost as bad as J
ames in the brains department (ouch). Firstly, Samantha, I love you, but you do have a propensity to be very, very boastful. You really didn't have to tell me – and by the way, you had literally just met me - how good James was at jackhammering. Jackhammering doesn't even have anything to do with cars! Secondly, Mila, Sam, just take it from me. Please don't go into acting.”

  “I am not boastful,” Samantha boasted. “I'm just excitable - as you well know, James. Besides which, I think I'd look amazing on the silver screen.”

  Mila chimed in; her adventurous spirit lost in her shyness.

  “When did you figure it out? I thought we were subtle…”

  “Mila, you were so subtle that literally the entirety of Tennant Creek knew you guys were fooling around. Everyone goes to that roadhouse to get petrol. You're very sweet, but…not exactly quiet.”

  “For what it's worth, I didn't tell anyone-” I began.

  “SHUT UP JAMES!”, they cried in unison. Outvoted, I vowed in future to just keep my eyes on the goddamn road.

  “Anyway,” continued Jennifer calmly. “I had a very good view from the side mirror of exactly what you were getting up to back there, Mila and Samantha”.

  Fuck, so that's what she was doing.

  “-And it was really, really hot. I want in. I'm sure you'll both agree that there's plenty of James to go around.”

  “Plenty,” Mila breathed.

  “Enormous,” Samantha beamed in pride.

  “So, as designated mechanic, and the person that's been in the Outback the longest, and the one with the absolute certainty that this is a long, straight road with no turn-offs for the next 300 kilometres, I suggest we all check the map.”

  Mila and Samantha nodded gleefully.

  “I'd also like to check-”

  “SHUT UP, JAMES!” they yelled.

  Chapter 2

  Life is surreal, perverse. Except for brief moments. It never seems to make sense – or it makes sense too late.

  As I sat on a mattress in the back of a rusted van, hard cock exposed to the warm desert air, but cooled by the breath of a redhead, a blonde and a brunette as they crowded around worshipping me, life finally made sense, and made sense exactly on time.

  “It really is… big,” Mila breathed, looking up at me with wonder in her ice-blue eyes.

  “I gotta say, I did think you were exaggerating, Samantha.” Jennifer sighed as she devoured my length with a green-eyed gaze.

  “And it's all ours,” Samantha grinned proudly, her dark eyes meeting mine, lashes falling in a slow, seductive wink.

  My cock twitched near their faces and the girls all giggled.

  “So, how should we start? Shall I be the first?” Jen questioned.

  “I think-”

  “Shut up, James”, they purred in unison.

  Jennifer began, boldly reaching out one freckled hand to grasp the base of my shaft.

  “Let's see if this will keep him quiet,” she laughed before wrapping her lips around the head of my cock and sucking hard, her eyes glittering with mischievous excitement.

  “Oh, Jen, he likes that,” giggled Mila, gazing wide-eyed at the redhead as she sucked.

  “He does, but things can always be improved upon,” said Samantha. “Follow my lead, Mila, you just might learn something.”

  With that, Samnatha brushed her raven locks aside, and knelt, proudly. Her tongue began to caress my balls, coating them in her saliva with long, slow licks. Shy but excited, Mila followed suit, and soon the sounds of their slurping, sucking, and my satisfied moans echoed out across the vast plain, the wind our only competition.

  I watched their hair mingling as they worked my shaft, Mila's blonde tresses flowing into Jennifer's red locks, then darkening as they mingled with Samantha's. I couldn't imagine anything more perfect. This was something that a guy like me would never even dare to fantasise about, something so far out of the realm of my experience, that when it did happen, it was almost unbelievable. Jennifer moaned and took me deeply, scribing lines of flame along my aching cock with her supple tongue, and I throbbed in her mouth. Maybe it was believable after all.

  “Oh, he liked that! My turn, my turn!” giggled Mila, ceasing her subtle ministrations and pushing at Jennifer, who relinquished my cock with a satisfied sigh.

  “All yours, cutie,” Jen said, roughly wiping my spit from her chin, and Mila descended happily, doe-eyed. She placed her hands neatly in her lap, pushing her large breasts higher as she bounced happily.

  “Jennifer, that was so hot, but I guess there's a few things that haven't really made it to Australia yet.” Mila winked up at me brattiliy, wrapped a tanned, tiny hand around my cock. “Here's a tip from the Netherlands. Whenever you're sucking on something, you have to make sure you inhale.”

  Mila leaned forward, taking half my length into her mouth, my shaft pressing neatly against the back of her little throat. She inhaled deeply, her angled cheeks hollowing as she sucked, and I felt the entirety of her mouth, her throat, contract around me, milking me insistently. Mila popped off, laughing to herself as Samantha and Jennifer stared wide-eyed.

  “That's how it's done!” Mila pounced again, enthusiastically working her way up and down my shaft, pausing only to giggle and moan as one of Samantha's hands found her breast, squeezed.

  Their hands were everywhere now, roaming over my body, my thighs, my glutes.

  Their hands began to stray from my hard form to their own soft curves. Shyly at first, they began to caress each other's bodies. My groans became more insistent as I looked down at their tangled bodies as they played, bolder now. Hands began to curve down waists, caress thighs, then come back up to grip and toy with nipples. The mingled scent of their arousal wafted through the air, filling my nose, my mind, turning me into an animal in heat. I bucked giddily into Mila's mouth as she took me down her throat again and again.

  “He must be very, very close now,” purred Samantha, and I groaned my agreement. “In that case, Mila dear, do slow down. I have something I'd like to show you.”

  Regally, Samantha took her rightful position in the middle of the girls between my thighs and grasped my aching cock. She began to gently run her manicured nails up and down my length.

  “While youthful exuberance is, of course, something that shouldn't be trifled with,” - Mila giggled to herself - “Elegance has a quality all of its own. Sometimes you need a slow, gentle buildup to really command a man, leave him aching for more. Watch. Like so.”

  With that Samantha, never breaking eye contact with me, gently began to run her tongue up and down my shaft, teasing, licking, but never taking me within that perfect mouth. Giggling, Jennifer and Mila followed suit, immediately understanding her aim. After the incredible sensation of Mila's throat, their gentle ministrations were welcome. The girls teased and taunted my already trembling member, as each of them tried to be the cutest, sluttiest, most tempting. Their eyes met mine by turns, as they licked slowly, seductively, up and down my aching cock. I groaned, my orgasm building hard, and they moaned as one, increasing their speed and flicking their hot, wet tongues up and down with increasing ferocity.

  “Fuck, girls, FUCK! I'm going to… I'm going to-”

  “Do shut up, James,” Samantha breathed, with a final lick. “Cover us, now.”

  At those words, they began a final, a final teasing, bobbing barrage, licking me without mercy, giggling and moaning their appreciation as I groaned. My roar ripped the desert in two.

  I exploded, releasing rope after rope of the cum that they'd skilfully farmed, extracted from me. My seed spattered against their pretty faces, coating them as one, falling amongst their hair to drip down onto their perfect, perky breasts.

  I fell back on the bed inside the van, spent.

  “Looks like we couldn't shut him up after all,” Jen said, and they all laughed.

  They cleaned up as I caught my breath, my cock still sticking proudly in the air, taut as a flagpole.

  “So, girls, that seemed very enjoyable for James here. But what about us? No one's checked our maps yet,” began Samantha.

  Jennifer smirked. “Yes, well, in terms of checking maps, I've been thinking.”

  Jen approached me slowly, her eyes fixed upon my cock, licking her lips.

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