Road Trip Harem: Book Five (Road Trip Harem, a MFFF Slice-of-Life Adventure 5), page 1

Road Trip Harem
Book Five
Cara Nova
Copyright © 2024 Cara Nova
No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission. All rights reserved.
This story is entirely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.
Chapter 1
“Very resourceful, Samantha. I too am resourceful. See?”
“Basil…” Samantha breathed, regaining some semblance of consciousness. Her long lashes fluttered in her pearly white face, as she gazed at the man, a ghost out of a dream.
“Yes, Samantha, me. Basil. Or have you already forgotten the way the man who made you looks, the man who owns you? I'll admit it - I didn't think you were capable of, well, this. No doubt you had a lot of help from your little friends here. Or not so little,” he said as his eyes flicked to Mila's buxom chest.
Basil started, shiftily, flicking his eyes away as he licked his lips greasily.
“I'll admit, Sam, I'm not happy. You know I love this car, the way I love all BBWs. The modifications your friend Karl made were not…exactly to my taste. But, Samantha,” and his voice took on a wheedling tone, “you still are.”
“Come back home. Come back home with me. And we can pretend this all never happened. I don't forget so easily, but we can at least pretend.”
“Come back home?” Jennifer mouthed. Basil twitched, as if noticing the statuesque redhead for the first time.
“Yes, come back home. I'll admit there's been a bit of unpleasantness, but-”
“The divorce papers are signed, Basil, you sick fuck!” screamed Samantha, her typical haughtiness lost in her fear.
“- we can still work it out,” Basil continued, as if there was no interruption, as if the dark, dangerous damsel before him were no more than a gnat beating futile wings.
“You were the jewel in my crown, Samantha. A glittering - if plastic - gemstone that other men looked at and longed for. And sure, I could replace you with a younger model,” Basil slimed, his eyes roaming down Mila's exposed legs. “But you know our circles, people would talk. And men like me don't like being talked about.”
“How did you find us?” I whispered. Basil's attention turned to me for the first time.
“Ah, yes, the servant boy. I knew she couldn't make it without a man's help. What - beguiled by those black eyes? Fetish for older women? I've seen it all before. She has them wrapped around her finger in seconds. Bet she promised you a kiss on the cheek after it was all over too, didn't she? Good boy,” he said, tone mocking.
“In the future, shut up when your betters are talking. But…” Basil continued, the sound of his own voice clearly having an opioid effect on him, as it did on all men who lacked the use of anything else.
“But it is fair that you know that you were outsmarted, cleanly. In business, in life, in love, no one outsmarts me. It was simple, really. It's a straight road, with no turn-offs. I knew you were going to Alice, and knew that you could be easily herded - especially you, Samantha. Just like all the other cattle.”
“Don't talk to her like that!” shouted Mila, tiny fists balled.
Basil laughed, his unpleasant snicker high-pitched and wheedling.
“I'll talk to her however I want, girl. She's mine, after all. Do try to remember,” he said, looking her up and down,” in future little girls should be seen and not heard - especially seen.”
Basil licked in his lips again. “I guess you won't be, for a while, none of you. Let’s count, shall we? Grand Theft Auto. Sounds serious, doesn’t it? Fraud, profiteering, racketeering, kidnapping. Those are serious crimes in a law-abiding country such as Australia. Particularly when all the law-abiding judges are in my pocket, and will return the verdict I ask for, whatever it may be. Take a good, long look at the sky. Smell the fresh air. It's the last you'll be seeing of it for a long time.”
“No,” breathed Samantha, “no”.
“Unless, of course,” Basil said, unfurling like the snake he was and taking one strutting step towards Samantha.
“Unless you decide to make it all go away, Samantha. You can make it all go away. And you know how.”
Samantha was wide-eyed, wild. She stared up at him with resigned terror in her eyes.
Her perfect, ruby lips formed a single syllable. How?
“Come home with me, be the jewel in my crown again. You'll need a bit of polishing, Basil said, looking at her with disdain, “to get you back up to standard. But I'm sure that won't take too long. After all, the meek ones shine most brightly, after the polishing. And you really are meek, Samantha, aren't you? Just a docile little dormouse. It's a wonder you made it so far as you did.”
Samantha's eyes were locked with his now. She took a hesitant step forward.
“I'll soon have you out of this… outfit,” Basil said. “And back into my bedroom, where you belong. Take my hand, get in the car, and this all just… disappears.”
“Samantha, no!” Mila pleaded, pulling on her arm. My goddess, our goddess, tried to shake her off. Jennifer dropped her supporting grasp on Samantha and looked at her as if for seeing her for the first time. A mixture of pity and revulsion flickered at the corners of her cold features, one trapped animal sighting another.
My world - this new, exciting world, crashed around me as the blood stilled in my chest, ice crackled through my veins. As Samantha fell apart, so did I.
I recalled the times I’d shared with her - laughing in the van together that first day. Her haughty, playful commandments sending shivers up my spine. Her submissive moaning sending shivers through my shaft as I shoved my cock down her throat. This was so unfair.
Like a squirrel faced with the eyes of an adder, Samantha walked towards him, trance-like, taken. There was nothing we could do as a whole… but maybe there was something that I could do. I thought, desperately, ignoring the blood chilling in my veins.
My heart hammered as Samantha turned her perfectly curved her back on me, on us. I thought about what the girls had said about me, casting my mind crazily through my list of assets. A bit dumb, a bit naive. Good-hearted, decent. Twelve-inch cock.
There it was. Perfect. I forced my eyes to roam over Samantha's perky cheeks, rotating as she took mincing steps towards her doom. I glued my gaze to Mila's huge, juddering udders, bursting at the seams of her bodice as she breathed. Jen's tight, sinuous waist, stole my vision, as I steeled myself against what I had to do.
“Wait,” I called. And Basil's eyes flicked to me, filled with a flush of victory.
“She's made her choice, boy. Quiet down.”
“But Samantha, Samantha, you aren't useless! Not at all. Samantha, please remember there's one thing you can do better than anyone else. Something that only a ‘brave, experienced woman who knows the pain of heartbreak’ can do.”
The girls turned to look at me. Basil’s snaky spell wasn’t broken, but did crack, floundering.
“There's something I need your help with, Samantha.” And, under the fading sun, under the rising moon of King's Canyon, under the watchful eyes of the redhead, blonde, brunette, and the basilisk, in front of God and everybody, I unzipped my trousers and let the anaconda within fly.
My (not even close to) twelve-inch cock jutted proudly out.
“What the fuck…” Basil began, drowned out by my confident call.
“Only a brave, experienced woman can deal with this!”
Mila began to giggle uncontrollably. Jennifer gave me a long, appraising, wry look, half proud, Half incredulous. But Samantha turned.
She stared at me, at my length her body half turned. Face flushed. Samantha licked her lips. Memories of our burning days and blazing nights came back to her. The time she’d spent with that magnificent rod buried within her.
The spell broke for but one second.
And it was all I needed. Staggering forward, my cock waving wildly in the breeze, I grabbed Samantha's hand and pulled her to me.
“Run!” I yelled.
And we did, scattering like selkies into the welcoming night.
Chapter 2
We ran, or more accurately, Samantha ran, her footfalls dainty, while I bobbled beside her, my cock flailing in the wind.
Basil was left behind, beleaguered by the scattering of shapely legs. We ran on, through the fading sun, the growing moonlight, to fall together under a rocky outcrop, breathing heavily.
Deep pools of shadow caught us, caressed us, and hid us from the watchful, cretinous eyes of Basil. The sun blazed low on the horizon, sinking into the gulf of the canyon and we lay together. Our backs pressed back against rock and we looked out at the setting sun, at the chasmous boulders cracked beneath the fading rays.
I held her, held my proud, haughty Samantha, as she shook next to me, trying to hold back tears, but not quite making it. Sam’s dainty form shuddered in my arms, as she choked out between sobs.
“Maybe it's true?”
“What's true,” I said, drawing her to me, trying to surreptitiously pull my pants up as a cold wind batted aga
“Everything!”, Sam cried, with a wide gesture. “I'm dumb, foolish - look at the trouble I got you into. Look what's happened. I've done this to you, you, Jennifer, Mila, to my sweet boy and my lovely girls. I couldn't even make it two days out of Darwin by myself.”
Her body stopped heaving, and that was worse, I thought, watching an icy finality settle over her.
“I couldn't keep you safe, and I couldn't beat him,” she said. “I'm a failure.”
I held her and the sadness, helplessness in my body was replaced by white-hot anger. My still-hard cock throbbed painfully, in angry agreement. I grabbed her by her graceful shoulders, whirled her around.
“Look at me, Samantha, really look at me.” Her downcast eyes rose to meet mine, doe-like, dreary in despair as she meekly waited for me to speak.
“Samantha, to me, you are perfect. To me, you were never a fuck-up, never a failure. You say you can't get anything right, but who was it that saved Jennifer? Who planned, plotted, held herself together in that bar full of thugs? Without you, Jennifer would still be working for Crazy Carl, miserable, indentured. Without you, I would never have stopped for Mila. She'd never have been a part of our lives, never learned so much, never became so close to you.”
I continued, as she hiccupped gently to herself.
“You saved me. Without you, there's no road trip, no magic, no adventure. Just a fucked-up young man, alone. Driving soulless miles by himself. This trip isn’t a place, Sam, it’s the people. That's what you've shown me. You're a perfect, bright, burning person. You’ve experienced things I can't even begin to imagine, given me experiences I can’t even believe happened. Without you holding us together, we would be lost. I would be lost. Besides which, you did it. You escaped. And that's the hardest part.”
“But I couldn't! I couldn't in the end. You saw, he almost had me.”
“Bullshit,” I said, my voice, low, harsh.
“He didn't almost have you. What almost happened was not him having you. What almost happened was you sacrificing yourself for us. Because you loved us. Don't you see? You think you're a failure. You think you were giving up. But really you were trying to save us. Me, Jennifer, Mila. You always do, you save us again and again. caring for everyone except yourself. That's not failure in my book. That's success and love and doing the absolute best you can. You're allowed to be complex. You're a Samantha.”
“But look at me!” she wailed, waving her arms and gesturing at her outfit. “What am I doing? I was so excited to dress up for you. But it’s all wrong! I'm dressed like some sort of...”
Samantha’s voice faded from my mind as I really looked at her. I took in every curve of her profile. The noble arch of her eyebrows. The angular curves of her cheeks. The aristocratic, petite lines of her nose, her chin. And as I looked, I finally noticed her outfit.
Sam’s typically flowing black tresses were done up into high slutty pigtails. She wore a tiny tie-dyed, singlet that barely covered the bottom of her nipples. Sam’s lithe, taut stomach was on display, leading to hips covered by the sheerest, shortest skirt in that same tie-dyed material.
She was a lucid, luscious LSD dream come to life. Woodstock on steroids. My cock throbbed as I looked at her.
“And I can't...” she continued.
“Fuck, Sam, you look so fucking hot.”
“This,” I said gesturing. “Fuck, look at you. You're amazing.”
“But James, I feel so foolish,” she said, giving a watery chuckle. “And it was supposed to be a surprise for you!”
“It is a surprise,” I grinned. My eyes, my hands began to take in every curve of her exposed flesh. “A fantastic surprise. Are there any surprises underneath?” I said as my hand strayed to her thigh, stroked higher.
“James, dear, this is hardly the time,” Samantha purred, a hint of her old imperiousness back. “I mean, I'm so loud when I'm full of your cock - we'll get caught!”
“Let's face it, Sam, we'll get caught anyway. Besides, wouldn't this be a perfect way to end the trip?”
“At least we can say goodbye,” she whispered as her lips met mine.
I twined a pigtail around my wrist, pulled her into me, and she groaned needily, haughtily into my throat.
“I guess,” she moaned as I kissed my way down her body. “I guess it would only be proper to reward you one last time. And it is true, you won't have anyone to take care of you all – or to take care of this big cock in the future.”
My questing, kissing lips found the top of her hip and Sam gasped.
“And besides which, James, I'll miss you terribly.”
My lips met her pussy, tongue darting in to find her clit, and she shuddered.
“And fuck, no one does it like you, James. Fuck, I need it one last time!”
I licked her gently as she moaned and bucked like a college hippie slut. Samantha’s hips ground against my face, her hand buried in my hair. I kissed her, licked her, teased her, pouring in all of the love I had for her. My tongue strident, I traced words with the tip. Everything is going to be all right.
The sun slipped below the horizon and I slipped my tongue inside her.
Samantha screamed, pulling me closer, clenching her thighs around my head. She clapped a dainty hand to her mouth, champing down to bite off her bliss. But, hateful, odious, cruel, and cretinous as Basil was, his hearing was terrible, and we continued uninterrupted.
“Now, what is it you always say, Samantha? That only a fuckable, MILFly woman can take this 12-inch cock?” I teased as she whimpered in front of me, a sopping, writhing mess. “Let's put that to the test for the last time.”
Sam spread her legs invitingly, eyes lit with a dark fire, beyond words, beyond caring. I sunk into her, lost in the dark ocean of her eyes, and cast myself adrift into her shining sea.
I began to thrust, slowly, enjoying her, remembering every curve, every squeeze of her supple body. Sam began to gasp and scream her enjoyment, her moans echoing, booming across the horizon from our cave.
We're going to be discovered, I thought. Fuck it, if we are going to be discovered, may as well go out with a bang. I scooped her up, and she clung to me like a baby koala, arms and legs wrapping themselves around me.
Sam groaned and ground my cock into her. There was nothing to her, the weight of her body borne away on her sadness.
Heedless of observers, defiant against fate, I carried her, traipsing from our tumbled outcrop cave and lifting her to stand boldly on a rocky mound. Visible to all, we silhouetted our lust against the horizon as I fucked Samantha silly.
Through the slapping sound of her flesh on mine, Sam’s moans and screams of delight pealing into the air, we almost failed to notice Basil as he slithered up to us. Samantha gasped over her shoulder and I whirled to face him. He was malevolent, maleficent, and impotent against our love.
Chapter 3
“In for a penny, in for a pound,” I muttered and began to really ravage Samantha's tight pussy. I slammed my cock home again and again. Sam’s eyes rolled back in her head and she began to drool, entranced as she was by our ‘lovemaking’.
“Samantha, what is this? What are you doing?” Basil spluttered. “You're shaming yourself with the servant boy!”
This woke Samantha from her trance. Her head snapped up, her dark eyes endless orbs. Sam’s voice was haughty, commanding, superior once again.
“Yes, Basil, I am fucking myself filthy on this hot fucking gigantic servant boy cock. You don't mind, do you James, dear?” she whispered in my ear nibbling at my lobe before continuing. I fucked her harder in response.
“I guess I never realised what the embrace of a real man feels like. And Basil, I honestly, honestly think he was the one that took my virginity, not you. God knows what you were doing down there.”
“What, Sam? But, but - no, no, this can't be true! Ah. Got it. He's using you. This is some sick joke”, Basil said, smoothing his suit and hissing his snake-like spiel once more. “You're too weak, too foolish to think of this. You're docile, dumb, submissive.”
“James,” Samantha trilled, her voice crisp. “Put me down.”
I did so.
Sam turned to face Basil. I loomed over her, my cock rubbing against the curve of her perfect ass, my arms still on her hips. Slowly, condescendingly, she pulled down her tie-died top to cover her flawless, perky tits, hiding them from his odious gaze.