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The Goddess's Curse (Heartmates Book 1), page 1


The Goddess's Curse (Heartmates Book 1)
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The Goddess's Curse (Heartmates Book 1)

  The Goddess’s Curse (Heartmates series)

  Copyright © March 2015 by Cara Bristol

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  eISBN: 978-0-9908052-8-1

  Editor: Kate Richards

  Copy Editor: Nanette Sipe

  Cover Design: Mina Carter

  Published in the United States of America

  Cara Bristol

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The Goddess’s Curse


  By Cara Bristol


  I’d like to thank everyone who assisted in the production of this book: editor Kate Richards, copy editor Nanette Sipe, and cover designer Mina Carter.

  Chapter One

  Under a caress of sunlight, Reena floated in the pond, grateful to have escaped the watchful eyes of servants, advisers, and bodyguards. Well, most of them. She cracked an eyelid. Yep. Carinda was still there, keeping a firm grip on her electrical impulse disruptor and a steady gaze on the perimeter. Her bodyguard’s caution and devotion were admirable—but unnecessary. No danger could penetrate the protected grotto.

  Reena rolled over and dove deep. Tiny fish scattered. She touched the sandy bed then swam along the bottom until the need for air forced her upward again. She broke the surface and flung her hair out of her eyes.

  Hip deep in the water, Carinda splashed toward her. “Oh my Goddess. You scared me to death.” The big burly guard looked like an oversized drowned rodent. Reena would have laughed except for Carinda’s contorted, stricken expression. She didn’t want to scare anybody; she only needed solitude. “You worry unnecessarily. I have been swimming since I was a little girl.”

  “I can barely float, Princess,” Carinda replied. “Anything could have happened. I feared you were drowning.”

  “I apologize. I shouldn’t have frightened you. Why don’t you return to the palace and get some dry clothes?”

  Carinda shook her head. “No, I won’t desert you.”

  “You’re not deserting me. You’ll be right back.” Please, give me a moment to myself. No attendants, no servants, no guards. “I’ll be safe. Promise.” She flashed her most beguiling smile.

  “No, Princess.”

  “I am not asking.” Treading water, Reena compressed her lips in frustration. “I command you to return to the palace.”

  Carinda bit her lip then shook her head. “I’m sorry, Princess, the queen’s wishes supersede yours. I have been ordered not to leave you alone, in case…something befalls you.” Her hurt expression turned questioning. “I don’t know how you got out of the palace without anyone seeing you.” She stopped speaking, probably willing Reena to fill the silence with an explanation.

  The bodyguard would have a long wait. The existence of the secret passage would go with Reena to her grave. She hadn’t shared that information with anyone, not even with her cousin Honna, her closest ally.

  Reena lifted her chin, and Carinda conceded the battle. “It was fortunate I spotted you while patrolling the grounds.”

  Unfortunate. Reena refused to feel guilty. “Please go to the palace. I won’t be long.”

  “You are not well.” Carinda held her ground.

  “I’ll stay with her.” Honna stepped from the path onto the beach.

  Having her cousin nearby didn’t qualify as being alone, but Reena much preferred her presence to the guard’s. Despite a seven-year age gap, they were best friends, as close as sisters.

  “If anyone can take of me, she can,” Reena argued. She owed her continuing life to her cousin. The Goddess had gifted Honna with a natural talent for the healing arts, which she had honed by intensive training. If not for her, Reena would have already died. Once, she would have become Shara, but her mysterious illness cast doubt she would live long enough to ascend the throne currently held by her mother, Ellynna.

  Carinda waded out of the pool. Dripping and shivering, she planted both feet on the bank.

  “If you catch a chill in those wet clothes, then how will you protect me?” Reena called.

  Carinda’s resolute expression wavered. “What if there are invaders? Barbarians who would catch a woman alone? The Lajon.”

  “At the very center of the palace gardens? Unlikely,” Honna scoffed. “They would have to scale the perimeter wall, neutralize our guards, storm the palace, and then choose the right path to this bathing pool.”

  And if barbarians did achieve the near-impossible and breach their defenses, a lone bodyguard would be no match for them. Pointing that out would cause worrywart Carinda to freak.

  “I suppose you’re right,” she conceded, wrinkles of doubt lining her forehead.

  Reena swam toward shore until her feet could touch the bottom and then stood. Water lapped at her shoulders.

  “Go,” Honna said. “Everything will be fine.”

  “Very well. I will be back posthaste.” After one last reluctant, lingering look, Carinda hurried down the garden path and disappeared.

  Reena expelled her breath. “I thought she’d never leave. Thank you.”

  “She cares about you. As we all do.”

  “She hovers, like she expects me to drop at any moment. She treats me like I am a doddering village elder instead of a woman of twenty-two years.” She omitted that she’d sneaked out of the palace, and Carinda had happened upon her by chance. No need to worry Honna.

  “You must be stronger today to have walked this far and to have swum.”

  “I do feel better.”

  “You took the herbs on schedule then? I used a stronger strain. They must be working.”

  “Yes.” Reena pursed her lips and lied. “They are.” So bitter, the herbs gagged her. The foul taste clung to her tongue for hours. She’d skipped yesterday’s morning and evening doses. It wasn’t like it mattered. Honna believed the herbal remedy had slowed the disease’s progression, but Reena knew otherwise. Her weight and strength continued to melt away, and she’d begun suffering strong abdominal cramps.

  This morning, she’d awakened with an appetite and had been able to eat a bit of fruit and some bread. Not wanting to spoil her enjoyment of the meal by filling her mouth with the bitter herb taste, she’d omitted her first dose of this day, too.

  “Good.” Honna beamed.

  She worries so much about me. Reena dropped her gaze and prayed for forgiveness of her falsehoods.

  Her cousin opened her medical pouch. “Let’s keep it working with another dose.”

  Reena stifled a groan. No way out of this one. Not with Honna standing there, mixing a pinch of coarse powder ground from dried leaves and berries into a flask with some water. “Here.” Her cousin held out the vial, and she had to wade closer to accept it.

  The sleeve of her cousin’s robe slipped to reveal her mating crystal. Not fully saturated, but definitely blue. Reena widened her eyes. “You never said a word…”

  Honna’s amulet had changed to cyan the first time seven years ago, and already she had borne two children. Both male, but she could keep trying until she got a female. Now that the color signaled the onset libidinal fever, she would have another opportunity to try for a daughter. A chance Reena would never have. She peeked at her own mating crystal. Clear as ever. It was wrong to envy her cousin, but, sometimes, she couldn’t help it. To hold a babe, even a male one…

  You are ungrateful. Be thankful you have recuperated enough to enjoy this beautiful day.

  “I did not want to rub it in your face that I am in season again when you have yet to experience it,” Honna said.

  “That’s silly.” Reena shook her head. “You shouldn’t hesitate to share your good fortune with me. It gives me pleasure to live through you since I have not been blessed in such a manner.”

  Honna smoothed her thumb over her gem as if she could erase the color. “Blessing? Or curse?”

  “Honna!” Reena glanced over her shoulder. “That’s blasphemy.”

  To her relief, her cousin looked chagrined. “Perhaps curse is too strong. Let’s say I would surrender the dubious pleasure of mating for a calm mind. Although I’m in the early stage of libidinal fever, it distracts me, disturbs my sleep, and forces me to work harder to focus.” A slight smile touched her lips and she motioned. “Now…quit stalling. Drink up.”

  Reena held her nose and downed the noxious concoction. Shuddering, she handed back the empty flask. “I wish something could be done to make that more palatable.” Her tongue seemed to be coated with the stuff.

  “Its potency is greatest at full strength.”

  Her mutinous stomach rebelled, and Reena pressed a hand to her abdomen, praying for the vile herb to stay down. If she vomited, Honna would mix another draught. Accommodating on so many other matters, her cousin was a stickler when it came to health.

pointed to a large boulder. “I’ll wait over there. Finish your swim.”

  “Why don’t you join me? The water is glorious,” Reena invited. “Perhaps it’s because I haven’t been out of the palace in so long, but the pool seems larger.” At one side, leafy branches poked out of the water. She could have sworn the plants had once been rooted on the dry bank, but maybe her memory was hazy.

  “It has,” Honna said. “All of our pools and streams have swelled over their banks.” She motioned for Reena to swim.

  “Please? Join me? We haven’t done anything for fun in a long time. It will be like it used to be.” Having desired to be alone at first, now she wished for company to relive the days when she hadn’t a care in the world. Before responsibilities then illness had taken over her life, she and her cousin used to swim together all the time. As children, they’d received lessons; Honna was a stronger swimmer than Reena even.

  “Not today.” Honna shooed her deeper. “Hurry—before she comes back.” She took a seat on the boulder.

  Reena dove into the water with a splash. She could hold her breath for many minutes—far longer than Carinda would have been comfortable with. It would have been impossible to enjoy herself with the bodyguard hovering as if she would expire at any moment. True, she was going to die, but it wouldn’t be today. She glided beneath the surface, grateful and happy that she felt well enough to swim and could enjoy the pool.

  The first cramp grabbed her in the deepest part of the pool. She doubled over, expelling the air from her chest, and then sucked in a mouthful of water on the inhale. Agony exploded in her lungs.

  Don’t panic. Trying to ignore the pain, she shot upward. She broke the surface, coughing and gasping. “Honna!” Another excruciating spasm hit and knotted her stomach. “Honna! Help!” she cried, scissoring her arms and legs to tread water. The boulder was vacant. Where is my cousin?

  Her gaze darted over the sandy beach. There! Her cousin stood off to the side.

  “Help me, Honna!” Her cousin seemed to stare right at her but made no move to enter the water. Stabbed by white-hot darts, muscles twisted, and Reena went under. Liquid filled her mouth, her nose. Flailing arms and legs, she sank to the bottom, holding her breath while her lungs threatened to burst.

  I’m going to die.

  Let go, death tempted. No more sickness. No more bitter herbs. No more.


  Reena kicked to the surface. “Honna!” she screamed, using the last reserves of energy. She had enough time to suck in a breath before the next cramp dragged her under.

  Please, Goddess, not like this…not like this…

  Chapter Two

  Garat uncapped the unguent vial. He doubted he would run into her at the palace, but if he did, he was immune, and his maturation had changed his appearance so she probably wouldn’t recognize him. Just in case, he smeared the oily ester under his nose then secured the jar and tucked it into his pack.

  “That stuff doesn’t work.” Arms folded, Kor leaned against a post.

  Eyes watering, he blinked. “It works.” He’d get used to the smell—eventually.

  “Why do you continue to resist enrapture? It beats…” Kor shook a loosely formed fist.

  Garat slipped his arms into his leather chest guard and buckled it. While leather mail would not protect him from a direct hit from an electrical impulse disruptor, it would diffuse the energy from a glancing beam. “Surrender and think of Lahon?”

  “What is he fighting, Papa?” Jerak peered up at Kor from the floor where he played. “Are you going to fight monsters, Uncle Garat?”

  Kor chuckled. “The sweetest kind.” He beckoned, and Jerak scrambled to his side. Kor hoisted him into his arms. “Uncle Garat isn’t going to fight monsters. He’s going on an exploratory mission.”

  “What are you exploring for, Uncle?”

  “Water,” he replied. He slipped a dagger into a sheath strapped to his thigh.

  The little boy frowned. “We have water.”

  “We have enough…for now. But that might not always be the case,” Garat explained.

  “So what are you fighting for?”

  Garat exchanged a look with Kor. “He has a mind like an animal snare.”

  “What does that mean?” Jerak asked.

  “It means you must stop asking questions,” Kor admonished, but added, “Your uncle may encounter Sharona. You know what the Sharona are, don’t you?”

  “They’re another tribe. Women.” Expression solemn, Jerak said, “You’re dressed like you’re going to fight monsters.”

  In his nephew’s earnest features, he saw his brother’s face. Like father, like son. Garat stomped down on the buried pain threatening to resurface. “All for show.” He ruffled the boy’s hair.

  Jerak frowned, unconvinced. Kor lowered him to the ground. “Have you collected the eggs and fed the goats?”

  The boy scuffed the floor with his toe. “I was going to…”

  “Going to doesn’t count. Do your chores now.”

  Jerak glanced at his father’s face. “All right.” He dashed for the door.

  “Hey!” Garat called. “Give your favorite uncle a hug before you go.”

  Jerak giggled. “You’re my only uncle!” He rushed over and wrapped his tiny arms around Garat’s waist.

  Garat swallowed. “Be good. I’ll see you when I get back.”

  Jerak peered up at him. “Will you bring me a monster head?”

  “Sorry. No monster heads.” He gave his nephew a gentle shove. “Go now.”

  Jerak ran from the dwelling and slammed the door.

  Kor shook his head. “He’s too smart for his own good.”

  “He must take after his mother,” Garat quipped.

  Kor slugged him, but the leather mail absorbed the blow. Too bad the chest plate didn’t work as well with EIDs.

  “They’re not, you know,” his brother said.

  “Not what?”

  “The Sharona aren’t monsters. What was done to you isn’t the way it happens.”

  Garat scowled. “I know that!”

  “Jerak is right. You’re suited up as if you are expecting to do battle.”

  “The Sharona are…a distraction, not the threat. If seismic tremors diverted our underground rivers, they may have disrupted water sources for other tribes. I could encounter others who might seek to usurp what is not theirs.” He could have a fight on his hands.

  “Like we’re doing?”

  “We must survive.”

  “The Sharona won’t see it that way.”

  “I hope to convince Queen Ellynna it is in her best interests to share her bounty.”

  “And if you can’t?”

  “Then we’ll be forced to drive the Sharona from their land.” Which made him uncomfortably aware the Lahon differed little from the others. We must do what it takes to survive.

  “Provided you stay focused.” Kor looked doubtful. “You’re betting a lot on that unguent.”

  “The ester is insurance. I’m confident of my willpower.” Of the fact he was dead inside, hadn’t felt a stirring since…

  Kor snorted. “Good luck. Few can resist the Sharona when they are in libidinal fever. The pheromones are too powerful.” Like many other Lahon, including Garat himself, once, Kor had succumbed to seduction. After his enrapture, Kor had stumbled back to the Lahon settlement paler, disoriented, and at least a stone lighter. Garat wondered if his brother had bothered to eat at all—or if he’d spent an entire fortnight fucking. Ten months later, a squalling babe, swaddled in a basket, had been delivered to the edge of camp. Jerak, son of Kor, the enclosed note had said.

  “For you, perhaps,” Garat replied. He could not confide in his brother, younger than he by ten years, that numbness offered his true protection. No blanket, no basket, no name had been attached to his son’s body, dumped in the woods on the darkest day of winter. There’d been a note. Son of Garat. The Sharona woman who’d birthed the infant had intended him to know what she’d done. Had desired to hurt him. He had buried his son and his tears under a resolve to never succumb again. And he hadn’t. Nor had he told anyone other than Kor of his loss, his reasons for resisting further enrapture.

  He praised the Goddess for her wisdom in keeping the Sharona separate from the Lahon. She’d recognized her people could not function if overcome by carnality. Mostly he was thankful because he feared what rage might compel him to do if he encountered one particular Sharona.

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