Safeword: Matte - In Training, page 1

eXcessica publishing
Safeword: Matte – In Training © June 2014 by Candace Blevins
A Smashwords Edition
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First Edition June 2014
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Safeword: Matte
In Training
By Candace Blevins
Matte, pronounced mah-tay, is the word used in some forms of martial arts to stop a fight.
It’s the Japanese word for stop or wait.
The wedding is four months away, and Ethan has promised to train Sam to handle a planned honeymoon activity. He’s calculated the math to figure out her goals each week. When she reaches the weekly target she gets a massage and lots of fun orgasms. But if she doesn’t, it’s the stainless steel cane.
All this along with navigating her clients’ drama, planning a wedding, dealing with her mother while planning the wedding, and having lots and lots of wild and kinky sex.
And we haven’t even mentioned the bachelorette party.
Warning: This title contains graphic language, consensual BDSM some may find objectionable, anal sex, bondage, and the use of toys including crops, clips, clamps, plugs, and gags.
Chapter One
Sam looked at the ring on her finger and her knees went weak. Again.
She wasn’t worried about marrying Ethan so much as freaking out about how ideal her life seemed. Did anyone get their idea of a perfect life for long, before something came along to screw with it?
As a divorce attorney, she’d seen enough ‘happily ever after’ stories go horribly wrong to know there were no guarantees she and Ethan would live out their lives in blissful harmony. But she knew marriages survived — her parents and Ethan’s parents were proof.
Panicking never solved anything, nor did focusing on the negative, so she took a deep breath and reminded herself they were starting better than most couples, and had a really good chance of making it work. They both communicated when there were issues, and both were willing to compromise when needed. As long as they kept up the communication, they should be fine. Theoretically.
“What’s going through your head? You’re supposed to look happy when you stare at the ring on your finger.”
Her gaze flew to Ethan’s and she smiled. “I’m just thinking. You know I’m happy, right? I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t think we could make it work. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I’m just...”
Ethan let the silence weigh heavily for several long moments, as if he were seeing if she’d finish. He finally said, “I think the worst choice of career for a fiancée has to be divorce attorney. If someone had told me a year ago I’d be engaged to one I’d have told them they were crazy.” He shook his head, pulled her into his embrace, and added, “But you aren’t the average divorce attorney. You aren’t the average anything, and it’s part of why I love you so much.” He leaned back, looked into her face, and brushed a loose strand of hair away from her face. “Still, it has to be hard, watching the end of relationships that likely started out with such promise.”
“Yes,” Sam nodded, relieved he understood without getting his feelings hurt, “but I think it’s also given me a window into the type of people who are bad marriage material, and you don’t fit the bill,” she said as she poked his chest with her pointer finger. “You’re honest, you’re a good communicator, you hold yourself responsible for your actions, and you’re considerate of other’s feelings. We’ve only known each other five months, but…” She shook her head. “You know what? I don’t want to talk about that right now. I want to hear more about your plans for, ummm, preparing me for our honeymoon.”
Ethan eyed her a moment before saying, “Five months and three weeks, which rounds up to six months. As for your training, I’d planned to give you the basic outline tonight. I’ve ordered a few things that should be here Thursday or Friday, so we’ll begin the training Friday evening. I intended to email you some things to read before I explain the process, but we can talk it over instead, if you’d like.”
“Yeah. I’d like.” Sam rolled her eyes. “That’s why said I wanted to hear it.”
Her insides warmed and her stomach threatened to flip-flop as Ethan’s eyebrows rose, but they weren’t in a scene at the moment so he couldn’t punish her for being a smart-ass. Thank goodness.
He relaxed his eyebrows as he flashed a quick smirk — he knew his look had affected her, but didn’t comment and easily carried on with their conversation. “You’re an athlete with good flexibility and probably already know most of this, but I’ll detail it anyway to be sure you correlate what you know about flexibility with anal training.”
She put it together in her head, talking as she thought. “Yeah, the rectum is a strong muscle, so stretching should be like….Oh.”
Ethan smiled and let her go as she stepped out of his arms. “All stretching will happen from Friday evening through Sunday. I’ll expect you to be able to handle the next size up on Sunday without difficulty, and then keep yourself accustomed to the new size throughout the week so you’ll be prepared to be stretched again Friday evening.”
“You aren’t expecting me to wear a plug at work, are you?”
“Of course not,” he said with a smile and a quick shake of his head. “During the week you’ll be required to insert the training tool four times a day for a total of forty-five minutes per day, at least two hours apart, with a minimum of five minutes per insertion. This means you can have it in for thirty minutes once, and five minutes three times. Or for twenty minutes once, five minutes once, and ten minutes the other two times.” He paused a beat before adding, “When necessary, you’ll have the option of reducing it to three times a day, though your total time will increase to one hour. You’ll need to clear it with me if you want to alter the schedule more than twice a week, though.”
Sam thought it through; she could do it in the morning before work, and then at around 5:30, 7:30, and 9:30 in the evenings. If she had to wear it five minutes on a lunch break she probably could, to knock out one of the evening times. He’d said this was during the week, though. Her gaze rose to his eyes. “And on the weekend?”
His smile was maybe just a little too gleeful. “We’ll be together on the weekends, and you’ll be required to submit as often and as long as I say.”
Sam’s insides flared to life. He could set her on fire just by changing his tone of voice, but — remembering his smirk from earlier — she worked hard to keep her face and body relaxed as she said, “You just asked me to marry you yesterday, when did you order the…stuff?”
“Last night after you went to sleep, and I paid extra for expedited shipping.”
Neither of them said anything for a few seconds and he pulled an exam glove and a small bottle of lube from his pocket. “Strip and get on the bed; knees and shoulders, with your arms spread to the side.”
Her pulse jumped to life as his tone of voice changed and her body anticipated the promise of a scene.
Ethan stretched the glove over his large hand while she stripped. His deep voice kept a steady tone as he said, “I’ll be using gloves to finger you, and all toys and tools will be smooth. I intend to prepare you for my size and length, but I don’t want you accustomed to friction. Nothing in the next four months will give the motion of having your ass fucked. You won’t feel my flesh in your ass, not even fingers, until our honeymoon.”
Sam climbed onto the bed and spread her knees wide before laying her chest on the bed with her back arched sharply, the way she knew he liked. She spread her arms as instructed and, when he placed them in her hands, she grasped the straps now permanently threaded between mattress and box spring.
“I won’t bind you today, but I expect you to hold the straps. If you let go you’ll be punished. I won’t take your voice this evening, but you need to use respect if you choose to speak.”
Sam wanted to turn her head to look at him, but remained motionless as she said, “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”
She felt a lubed finger at her ass a brief moment before Ethan pushed it in without hesitation, all at once, and then held still.
“I won’t be able to get an accurate me
His finger was quickly removed and replaced with two. Probably. He had such large hands, two of his fingers felt like three of anyone else’s. He went slower this time, but not slow enough, and she groaned as she fought to stay relaxed and accept the invasion. His fingers stopped at her groan and he said, “You have your voice tonight Samantha, let me know when it’s too much. I’ll hold here until you’re used to me. Tell me when I can push again.”
Sam took a series of deep breaths as she focused on relaxing the muscles of her thighs and bottom as well as her asshole. When she was completely relaxed around his fingers she said, “Okay Sir, I think I’m ready.”
“That’s not what I instructed you to say.”
She held back a sigh as she said, “Please push your fingers into me some more, Sir.”
Someday she’d stop fighting her submission and give him what he wanted without making him insist. It was so hard, though. She hated having to ask for something so specifically, and he knew it.
He pushed in slower this time, and she pulled in another breath and focused on relaxing around him as she blew it out. When she’d taken the full length of his fingers he held them firm a few seconds before she felt his fingers at her pussy.
“I’m going to encourage you to orgasm at least once every time you have something stretching your ass. Every time you insert the training tools, you’ll text me the length of time in minutes, followed by either plus O or minus O.”
Sam’s body shifted forward and back on the bed as the fingers in her pussy pistoned in and out, swiping across her g-spot with each pass, and all she could do was screech the beginnings of an orgasm.
“You wish something was touching your clit, don’t you? But you’re going to come with something in your ass and pussy, with your clit left hanging without any attention at all. Come for me. Now.”
Sam’s legs went week as she gripped the straps and held on. The walls of her pussy spasmed around him as her ass tried to close around the fingers spreading it wide. She desperately wanted to release the strap and reach for her clit, but all she could do was hump his hands to try to bring the orgasm to its peak. She screamed through the waves and tremors, and felt his gloved fingers sliding deeper inside her ass as she soaked the non-gloved, work-roughened fingers inside her pussy.
When the orgasm finally waned he slowly pulled his fingers from both holes as he said, “Stay put. You’ve done excellent so far, but we have one more thing to measure.”
He moved off the bed and returned to the side she wasn’t looking. She knew from experience he’d come to the side she was facing if he wanted her to see, and turning her head would only displease him.
His weight settled between her feet again and he said, “I have to be careful with my length in your pussy, but your colon can be trained to take my length with no problem. The toy I’m using now isn’t very big around, but it’s long. I’ll go in slow, and I need you to tell me when you feel it hit the curve inside of you.”
“Curve, Sir?”
“Yes. You can look it up later if you like, but trust me, you’ll know when I reach it.”
The dildo wasn’t as big around as his fingers had been, and she relaxed when she realized this wasn’t going to hurt. He pushed slowly for what seemed an eternity, and she almost assured him he could go faster, but held her tongue.
When she finally felt it hit a wall inside of her, she was glad he’d been going slow. “Stop, Sir. Ow!”
He stopped immediately and she heard a pop, felt the toy being jostled, heard a louder pop, and finally felt the toy being removed.
“I marked the depth. You can let go of the straps and turn around.”
She turned to see him holding the toy beside his cock, lining it up. The permanent marker on the bed explained the popping noises. Judging by the line on the dildo, it looked like his cock was about two inches longer than she’d managed to take. He smiled, “That won’t be a problem to get you used to; we’ll be able to work on it almost exclusively on the weekends, with perhaps one night midweek.”
He picked up the inside-out glove and the marker, and swung his legs to stand beside the bed. “You’ve done well and deserve a reward, but if I don’t come soon I’ll hurt you when I finally do, so I’m afraid your reward is going to be deciding how to get me off. I’ll be back in a few seconds; get into whatever position you like and let me know what you want when I return.”
Sam turned to her side, pulled her legs to her chest, and wrapped her arms around her shins. The position literally folded her in half, but she loved having him spoon at her back and take her from behind — his cock hit her g-spot like a dream, and he rarely slammed into her cervix in this position.
She heard his chuckle as he returned. “Well, I don’t have to ask if it’ll be pussy or mouth. Squeeze your legs tighter. Someday I’m going to use cloth bandages to secure you like this from thighs to ankles before I fuck you senseless.”
Sam’s heart skipped a few beats in anticipation as the bed dipped from his weight, and he settled behind her. His arms stroked and caressed her a few seconds, almost in apology for what he was about to do, but he didn’t need to apologize. Sam wanted him to take her like this, and didn’t mind in the least when he was rough. She’d looked for him all her life, and thanked her lucky stars they’d finally found each other.
Chapter Two
Sam read through the Word document again, barely daring to believe he was giving her a little of what she’d been asking for. Her heart skipped a few beats as she reread the paragraph saying she couldn’t safeword out of consequences should she not make one of the interim deadlines.
Ethan wanted her to print the document so they could discuss it face to face, and he was clear she’d need to sign it, as she would a contract. Should she choose to sign it, she’d be agreeing to text him the length of time she kept her training tool in just before she took it out, every single time. Should she not reach the required times, or not reach a goal on schedule, she was assenting she couldn’t safeword out of punishment. Her pussy clenched at the mere thought. Ethan’s punishments were never something to aim for.
Before she met Ethan, she’d hoped to someday find someone she could trust and respect enough to submit to with no limitations ––– someone strong enough to take her on and maintain his authority no matter how hard she fought. Ethan was her soul mate, and while she trusted him enough to do away with the safeword and make their lifestyle more real and less like play-acting a part, Ethan had so far refused to do away with it. He still wasn’t taking it away for good, but this was definitely a start, and gave her a glimmer of hope he’d someday take it the rest of the way.
Sam looked through the consequences: Four strikes of the stainless steel cane on day one of not reaching the deadline. She’d be given two days before her next attempt, and would receive six strokes if she failed again. Every two days, two strokes would be added until she finally met the goal. Future interim dates would be based on the day she reached the goal, and not on the original calendar.
Looking through the document for a calendar, she found a note explaining it would be created after her first official measurement. She wondered at the wording, but had no idea what kind of measurement he intended.
The consequences for not meeting the daily requirements during the week would be Ethan’s choice of one strike with the stainless cane, twenty strokes of the bicycle inner tube flogger to her breasts, or sixteen lashes to her inner thighs with a belt. He noted on top of this, he’d put the training tool in for up to double the amount of time she missed; and she’d wear nipple clamps, a Jennings gag, and a large toy in her pussy while she endured it.
Sam moved her laptop to the bottom of the bed and stretched out in front of it. She reached between her legs to massage her clit as she rotated her hips and imagined having to suffer the lashes to the inside of her thighs with his belt, without the ability to safeword out of it, while forced to endure a large toy in her ass and pussy, and the Jennings gag in her mouth. It didn’t take her long to reach her climax, and when she finished she dutifully opened her orgasm spreadsheet and made a note of the date and time, what she did physically, and what she was thinking as she got herself off.