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Defining Human (Only Human Book 4)
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Defining Human (Only Human Book 4)

  Defining Human

  Only Human, Book 4

  Candace Blevins

  eXcessica publishing

  DEFINING HUMAN © February 2018 by Candace Blevins

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  Excessica LLC

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  Alpena, MI 49707

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  Cover design © 2018 Syneca Featherstone First Edition February 2018

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.


  Candace loves hearing from readers!

  Book four of the ONLY HUMAN series…

  Dear Reader,

  Cast of Characters

  Vampire Types

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Also by Candace Blevins

  Excerpt from Brain

  About the Author

  More From Excessica!

  Candace loves hearing from readers!

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  Book four of the ONLY HUMAN series…

  Kirsten negotiated for what she hopes will be two glorious hours with Xaephan, but the Lord of Lust has his own ideas of how the afternoon will transpire, and the consequences of their evening are long lasting.

  Her deal with Ryan means she must go to Africa to help guard gazelles for a week. She trains for the event, but her preparation doesn’t cover the Strigorii vampires who have their eye on her. Since she broke up with Abbott, gaining control of her will be like hanging a sign saying they’re more powerful than The Abbott without having to actually fight him.

  Throw in complications with Nathan and a few battles with her old enemy Aquila, and Kirsten doesn’t know whether she’s coming or going. She wants peace and quiet with her daughter, but is it possible? Is she too embroiled in supernatural politics to live a normal life? Kirsten feels as if she’s become a game piece in a sick game of chess, and she wants off the board.

  Dear Reader,

  If you’ve read my RTMC and Chattanooga Supernaturals series, you’ll recognize many of the secondary characters in the Only Human series. I’m including a Cast of Characters for those who may not have recently read the first three urban fantasy books, and for those who aren’t following the two sister paranormal romance series.

  Cast of Characters

  Lauren:Kirsten’s high-school aged daughter. She senses supernaturals when she touches them.

  Xiaolan:(Pronounced shao-lan, which rhymes with pow man. She anglicizes it to Sharon at college.) Kirsten’s houseguest from China, currently attending UTC on a student visa.

  Cora:Kirsten’s friend and Drake Security employee. Cora’s a werewolf and is third in line (Gamma) in the Pack. Kirsten accidentally bound them together when Surtr tried to take over the Pack in Only Human.

  Surtr:(pronounced SIR-truh or sometimes SIR-ter) Ancient immortal god who came for Kirsten in Only Human. He’s no longer a problem, at least for now.

  Striker/Nidhogg:Reptile Monster from Of Humans and Monsters. Lived in Olympia. Immortal. Like Surtr, he’s been taken out of commission, at least for now.

  Randall:Alpha werewolf of the Chattanooga Pack, and the Alpha of Alphas for several states. Twin brother to Duke.

  Duke:President of a werewolf motorcycle club, the RTMC. He gets his HEA in Duke.

  Dawg:Member of the RTMC (werewolf motorcycle club). He and Kirsten are friends-with-benefits.

  Aquila:(pronounced ah-KEE-luh) Celrau vampire who kidnapped Kirsten and took her to the Hell realm in An Unhuman Journey.

  Xaephan:(pronounced shay-FAN) A second level demon in the Hell realm, Demon Lord known as The Lord of Lust, and Mordecai’s brother.

  Mordecai:(pronounced MOR-duh-kie, where kie rhymes with pie) Used to be worshiped as a god. He’s still quite powerful and has been teaching Kirsten. Xaephan’s brother.

  Adonis:Another who used to be worshiped as a god, but he’s still well known. He’s also teaching Kirsten, along with Mordecai.

  Nathan:Amakhosi (pronounced ah-muh-KOE-zee), King of the Lions and part-owner of Drake Security. He’s featured in the dark novella, Pride, but he’s yet to get his HEA.

  Aaron Drake:The Dragon King. Owns Drake Security. Aaron and Sophia get their HEA in The Dragon King.

  Sophia:Married to Aaron Drake. She’s the Swan Queen, and is also queen of the Dragons. She can teleport in Faerie, and they often use her skills to travel to faraway places quickly. Her children are Hunter, Emerald (Emmie), and Sapphire. Aaron and Sophia get their HEA in The Dragon King.

  Jonathan:Leopard. Sophia’s main bodyguard. He gets his HEA in Acceptable Risk.

  Ranger:Drake Security employee. Werewolf. We first meet him in Riding the Storm, and he gets his HEA in Acceptable Risk.

  Patrick:Drake Security employee. Werewolf. Often bodyguards Kirsten, especially when she’s with Master James since Patrick’s a Dom and understands what’s happening. Patrick gets his HEA in Careful What You Ask For.

  Tyler:Human. Ex-CIA agent and now a Drake Security employee. He and Kirsten are good friends. Tyler’s a Dom and is married to Viv, though she doesn’t show up in this book.

  Bran:Lugat vampire. Filthy rich and quite powerful. He’s featured in An Elegant Weapon, and is also a major player in Careful What You Ask For.

  Marco:Bran’s lead bodyguard. Flies incredibly fast. Neither Kirsten or Cora knows what he is.

  Abbott:Master Vampire over several states, also known as The Abbott. He’s a Strigorii vampire. He’s featured in Leashed, but it will be a while before he gets his HEA.

  Gavin:Second in command to Abbott. Featured in the dark novella Indentured Freedom, but he’s yet to get his HEA.

  Kendra:Third in command to Abbott. She gets her HEA in Riding the Storm.

  Josef:Abbott’s head of security.

  Ryan:A slayer who used to kill anything/one he defined as a monster. His definition of a monster is any being who has to fight their nature to keep from harming humans: vampires, werewolves, werelions, etc. Not deer or bird shifters, since they don’t have to keep control of their second nature in order to keep from slaughtering humans. Now, he only kills when he’s hired to, or when he finds a monster harming humans. He’s likely a sociopath. Bran hired him to help keep Kirsten safe in Of Humans and Monsters.

  The Siabhra:(pronounced see-AH-bruh) The boogeyman of the Fae, responsible for relentlessly punishing those who deserve it. Introduced in Horse as the scariest being in Faerie. The woman who helped Gabby’s father torture and kill humans was given to the Siabhra when no one else — including Mab — wanted to deal with her extreme sociopathy. The Celrau sold a piece of Josh’s soul and a little of his blood to the Siabhra, which means by the rules of Faerie, the Siabhra owns Josh.

  Josh:Kirsten’s cousin. The Celrau mindfucked him until he learned to wield lightweapons similar to Kirsten’s. She rescued him from them and he’s now learning about himself and reality the right way.

  Martin:Most powerful tiger in town. Uber-asshole.

  Lou: Hardware tech guy at Drake. Horse shifter.

  Mab and Titania: The Winter Queen and Summer Queen in Faerie. Also, Sophia’s Faerie Godmothers. Mab gets her HEA in Slave.

  Vampire Types

rii:(pronounced strih-GORE-ee-eye) Abbott, Gavin, Kendra, Josef. Magical species. They ‘die’ at dawn. Most rise at sunset but the stronger rise earlier, though they must stay out of the sunlight. Don’t have to kill to live.

  Lugat:(pronounced lew-GOT) Bran, Alex. No magic — they’ve evolved biologically. Strong Lugat can be out during the day for short periods on a cloudy day. Don’t have to kill to live.

  Celrau:(pronounced sell-raw) Aquila. Magical and evil. They must kill once a month on the new moon or they’ll die. They drink the blood and consume the life force of their victim.

  Chapter 1


  Aquila’s voice sent chills up my spine and put lead in my heart, even over the phone. I wasn’t sure Cora and Adonis recognized the voice, so I said, “Aquila. Interested in striking a truce, by any chance?”

  “We want your talents on our side. I doubt you have anything to offer of more value.” He chuckled. “We have potatoes and chocolate on the dark side too. You really should consider joining of your own free will.”

  How did he know my comfort foods? I was tempted to disconnect the call, but I needed to learn what I could from him. “What do you want?”

  “Xaephan wants you for himself. You have to know you aren’t safe calling him to you.”

  Cora crossed her arms and glared, but Adonis didn’t seem concerned. We all knew Xaephan wanted me for himself, but I’d negotiated so there’d be no way he could abscond with me during our two-hour sex romp. I’d made a deal and I was sticking to it.

  “Your concern for my safety would be touching if I didn’t understand your end game. If Xaephan gets me, it’ll put me out of your reach. Honestly, I’m a little surprised the Prince of Hell is still letting you try for me. What have you offered him?”

  “His Majesty is enjoying the battle and looks forward to watching it play out.”

  Good to know, though I was certain they had more riding on it.

  He sighed. “You’re in danger, Kitten. Striker played an important role in Olympus, and the people who want him back are stronger than your boy-toy. Adonis and your wolf can’t save you and your daughter from them.”

  Did he know they were at my house, or had he guessed? I didn’t know, but I wasn’t going to let him get me away from the topic. “And why should I take your advice?”

  “Because you know I’m right, Kitten.”

  I sighed. “If I have to choose whether to be enslaved by you or Xaephan, he’d win hands down. Thankfully, I don’t have to choose. I’m my own person and I’m not open to the highest bidder. Do you need anything else?”

  “You’ll be mine, Kitten. It’s only a matter of time.”

  He hung up, and I met Cora’s gaze. “I’m safe Monday. I worded it so he can’t abscond with me. Aquila doesn’t want me gaining Xaephan as an ally, and I think he knows there’s a chance I’ll strike a deal with him that pushes Aquila farther away.”

  “I’m inclined to agree,” said Adonis, “though I still have concerns.”

  I shook my head. “Nathan’s arranging for a secluded cabin. I’m doing this.” I glanced at the clock on the wall. “Lauren will be home in an hour. We should get back to it.”

  Cora and I joined our auras again, and waited for Adonis to start the timer before we focused our energies on the three-gallon pot of water. The more we did it, the faster we could make it boil. Also, we were getting better at doing it without using as much of our combined energy, though it still took a lot.

  We only worked together another ten minutes before Adonis helped me with individual skills. For reasons they wouldn’t explain, both he and Mordecai felt it important I learn to engulf myself in flames. For this, we had to go out onto my patio, and I had to be naked. It was bitterly cold outside, but I didn’t notice once I was surrounded by fire.

  The increase in power I’d gone through earlier this year meant I could now have the flames all over my torso and arms. I’d learned to stretch it low enough to engulf a little of my thighs but could go no farther.

  “I still don’t understand how this is going to help anything because I’m always clothed when I fight the bad guys!” My body — including hair, skin, and nails — was safe, but any clothes or purse caught up in it could catch fire and then burn me once the fire had another fuel source.

  “Right arm up, engulf your hand and arm out to the elbow, but focus on situating the fire near the outside of your aura instead of your skin.”

  My entire body stilled as the ramifications sank in. I did as he said, and the flames were inches from my skin. Loose clothing wouldn’t be safe, but if everything was snug and I wasn’t carrying a purse, this would work. I let the flames cover the rest of me, and gasped as they trailed further down my legs than they usually stretched. I felt the heat, but it didn’t threaten to burn me.

  “Enough for today,” said Adonis. “A nice improvement over the last time. I’m pleased.”

  Without my intention for it to keep burning, the fire quickly extinguished. I needed to replenish the energy used, so I breathed in the life force offered by my favorite trees, and finally turned to go inside. “I don’t think it’ll work with my body armor, but if I’m wearing tight-fitting clothes and don’t have my purse, it should be doable.” I grabbed my robe from a chair in the family room and put it on. “How do I use it in a fight?”

  “Vampires are flammable, so you can keep them from biting you. Also, no one will be able to grab you and take off with you, though, as you said, using it will depend upon what you’re wearing. Remember, if you catch the person on fire who’s touching you, there’s a chance you’ll burn yourself. It’s to be used more as a deterrent than to actually catch someone on fire. Once the flames have another ignition or fuel source, it will burn you.”

  We all went in to get ready for our evening, and I put the final touches on dinner. We’d planned an early meal when Lauren returned from her friend’s house. We were all dressing up to watch her perform that evening, and I looked forward to a night with Cora, Adonis, and Nathan.

  Chapter 2

  Nathan piloted the helicopter to the mountains of North Carolina, and set it down in a clearing beside a beautiful cabin with gorgeous views of the valley below and the other mountains all around.

  “You’ll have me close enough I can intercede if necessary, as well as a mountain lion who’ll do my bidding.” He hesitated. “Not a shifter. This is his territory, but he sees me as his alpha even when I’m in human form.” He grinned. “I come here to get away sometimes. He and I have reached an agreement.”

  “I’d rather you didn’t hear whatever’s going to happen.”

  He looked down, kicked the dirt as if looking to see what was just under the surface, and then met my gaze. “I’m in the negotiating process with him to get rid of one of my marks. He made an offer when I tried to bargain with him, so he can’t sell my remaining mark to the Prince of Darkness, but it’s a price I’m not willing to pay. If he brings it up, please don’t get angry with me. I won’t do it.”

  “What was the offer?”

  “I’d tell you if I could. I believe he wants to be the one to tell you, to try to drive a rift between us. He arranged things to be sure I was the one here, guarding you, today. I’m certain he has a reason.”

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