Build-in Book Search

Chemical Reaction
Shara Azod
Dr. Ezekiel Soren has encountered an odd chemical attraction. He wanted Shana Wilkins so bad he can’t concentrate on his precious research. The woman stayed firmly implanted in his cerebral cortex no matter what he did. It was past time that he experimented a little. He and Ms. Wilkins will simply have to combine to explore what could be the chemical reaction.

Public Display
Shara Azod
What's your fantasy? We all have them, even women. Quel Scandale is a woman’s answer to Penthouse ~ hot, steamy fantasy naughty enough for a man, but made for a woman. Perfect for a quick me up in the middle of the day or a bed time read guaranteed to give you delicious dreams.

I Hate You
Azod, Shara
Chanti hated Egan. Like seriously hated him. He was the bane of her existence, the fly in her ointment. The – seriously finest man she had ever laid eyes on. But she wasn’t going to be fooled. No way she would ever let her guard down. He was a player, a womanizer. If only he wasn’t so very doable. It was a good thing she hated him. Right? “Look, I’m not staying. I’m here to drop off my reports. I’ve got something to do tonight.” Give myself a makeover, take a long bubble bath, and contemplate how Napoleon could’ve taken over Western Europe... She would never admit any of that to him, of course, ’cause hey, a woman had her pride. Let him think she finally had a date even though it was well known she shied away from men after her last wreck of a relationship. “Hot date?” The smirk on his face was just too much. “Yep. Decided to finally give in to Kevin’s constant pleas.” The silence that descended was deadly. Chanti hadn’t thought before she’d said it, she’d only wanted to get that damned knowing grin off his face. Kevin was well known around the office as a first rate, certified womanizer. He specialized in turning a woman out and leaving her crushed. Callous to his very core, Kevin seemed to have a personal mission in life to run through women of all shapes, sizes and colors. Rich, handsome and ruthless made him deadly. There was literally no way in hell Chanti would ever consider going out with someone like him. “I’d thought you smarter than that, Chanti.” The use of her real name instead of his nickname hurt in some weird way. The soft disappointment in Egan’s voice was yet another surprise. What was it to him anyway? It wasn’t like he spent his nights alone...Right? “Look, it’s none of your-” The kiss threw her completely off kilter. One moment she was standing there all bravado and bullshit, the next she was crushed against Egan’s hard, lean frame. Oh God, he felt so damn good! He didn’t just kiss her, he took her mouth in total possession, forcing his way inside and devastating every last one of her defenses. He’d lifted her cleanly off her feet with no effort at all. Her legs seemed to have wrapped themselves around his waist somehow. Certainly she hadn’t done that on purpose. And she was going to break off the kiss too, just as soon as her insides stopped melting into a pool of lava.

A Healing Love
Shara Azod
Once bitten, twice shy seemed to be the literal story of Mica Richards' life. As a child she'd witnessed something unfathomable and as a woman, the memory had never left her. After rescuing a shifter cub from a trap in the dead of the Alaskan night, Mica receives a bite that changes the course of her destiny forever. Unfortunately it comes in the form of an illness that seems incurable. Accepting that her days may just be dwindling down, she returns to where it all started, determined to spend what she believes to be her last Christmas surrounded by loving memories. There's just one tiny little hitch in her plans, the cub she saved so long ago is back, full grown, and has every intention of finishing what that one brush of his canines started...

Little Black Book (sWet)
Azod, Shara
Sometimes the typical Happily Ever After isn't what you're looking for. Sometimes you want it quick. You want it erotic. You want it dirty. Sometimes you. Want. It. Now. Sometimes, you want something to make you sWet. Little Black Book For three tortuous years Parson has been watching Dontae, trying desperately to figure out exactly what is it that makes her tick but she never gives him an inch. At least not until he finds himself having the upper hand, and small but VERY descriptive account of every one of her fantasies. Fantasies that she's written about HIM.

Valentine's Theory
Shara Azod
During ten long years of hard work Professor Theodore Sullivan has managed to do what no one else has come close to--see past Dr. Misha Collier's cold, robotic exterior and squeeze through all those carefully constructed autonomic walls she'd managed to build. Even though she's completely unaware of it, Theo considers her his, as do all of their colleagues. So when she proposes a slight experimentation in the name of science, who is he to turn her down? The fact that said experimentation involves them doing ever dirty thing he's ever imagined while recording it? Completely irrelevant...sort of...

Rescue Me
Azod, Shara
There was only one chance to get away from the horrible future that awaited her. Deja had to take it, no matter the danger. Sneaking out of the apartment in the middle of the night was not the best choice. The city was full of predators just like the one she was running from. The last person she would ever expect to run into was a man like Dieter von Blucher. Dieter hadn't been a criminal for quite some time. There was no word for men like him. He inhabited a sphere beyond right and wrong. He was a law on to himself. He never expected to be moved by anyone, let alone the beautiful innocent that ran right into his arms on a cold winter night.

The Third Wednesday
Azod, Shara
Sometimes the typical Happily Ever After isn't what you're looking for. Sometimes you want it quick. You want it erotic. You want it dirty. Sometimes you. Want. It. Now. Sometimes, you want something to make you sWet Tension was nothing new to high powered corporate attorney Tonisha. As a matter of fact, it was a daily factor in her life. Much of it coming from relationships, both business and personal. Being the type of woman to state what she wants and how she wants it, its struggle for her to remain in silent but pleasurable agony the first time her regular masseuse is replaced due a family emergency. The man who steps into the position of power over her every nerve ending is frustratingly attractive in more ways than one. What's a girl to do when the need to be touched in a way that isn't so professional or clinical finally comes to be too much.

One NIght With Pasqual (The Chevalier Series)
Azod, Shara
Pasqual Chevalier had never found himself wanting for something that was unattainable. As one of the many offspring from one of the most powerful and prestigious names in the south, he was—in a word—entitled. To money, to women, to whatever his heart wanted. So why was it so hard to obtain the one thing he'd wanted for the longest but never had the ability to admit out loud--the heart of a women he's desired for years? Too stubborn to open his mouth and say the words, he finds himself in a precarious position after a wild night with an unnamed woman leaves his cousin Rayce hot and cold with him and asking Pasqual to look after a pregnant friend...who happens to be one Rhonda MacDaniels; the same woman Pasqual has been carrying a torch for. Now he has to question himself as to why her taste, touch and scent seem so familiar...and why he has such a strong yearning to take the role of her unborn child's father.

Dragon Claiming (Year of the Dragon)
Azod, Shara
There were seven clans containing seven tribes on the dying planet of Annwn. Each tribe was protected by a dragon, solitary creatures condemned to an eternity alone for the sins of their king. An ancient prophecy proclaimed there would be born to each tribe a maiden, destined to awaken the long dormant desires of her tribes dragon. And now the prophecy was coming to pass. But what did Uryen want with a maiden? He preferred his lonely existence, needed no comfort from weak, human arms. He was not an easy dragon. His fierceness would surely break one so fragile. He certainly had no need for the maiden Sippora. She was too delicate, too soft. How could one with such a tender and carefree heart hope to withstand a dragons heat?

Christmas Miracle
Shara Azod
Dressed up as Santa at a suburban mall isn’t where you’d usually find a Hollywood heartthrob, but it is Leslie’s secret passion. It helps him connect to Christmas traditions long gone for him, and maybe even captures the innocence of his childhood once more. The very last thing he ever expected was a precious gift of his own. One that reminded him of the miracles Christmas could bring. One thing was for sure—he wasn’t about to let his Christmas Miracle slip away from him, no matter what it took to keep his most precious gift.

Anchors Away~Shades of Gray
Shara Azod
Bobbi Nelson didn't like Navy SEALs. She found them rude and arrogant and far too sure of themselves. So when she found herself in a SEAL bar, all she could think about was making a quick escape, her friends be damned. Grayson Calhoun couldn't really say what made him go to the SEAL bar that night. He was in a strange mood, not really sure what the itch just beneath his skin could be. When he first saw her he knew-there was something about the beautiful woman looking like she was about to flee at any second. There was no way he was going to let her get away without finding out who she was. Although Bobbi was a reserved, independent minded woman, Gray was determined to wait her out. He knew it would take time to gain her trust, to see that he wasn't hanging around for some quick fling. He was in it for the long haul. But when weird things started happening around Bobbi's apartment, she didn't go to Gray. Instead she blew it off as harmless pranks or figments of her imagination. She had no idea of the danger that stalked her, and she didn't think to lean on the man who would do anything to protect her. Grayson fought to break down Bobbi's defensives,. He senses the sweet submission underneath her cool, calm, and collected exterior, if only she would let him in. Unfortunately it take a rude awakening and true fear for Bobbi to let go and turn to Gray. What they both didn't realize was that danger lurked right underneath their noses. Grayson finally proves once and for all that when it came to Bobbi, there was nothing he wouldn't do to protect her.

Tricking Loki
Part #2 of "Force Me" series by Shara Azod
Loki has a problem. It seems the trickster has been out-tricked. By a five year old. *sigh* Now, he finds himself infatuated with a human. An exquisitely gorgeous human. But this is one god who has no desire to be chained to one woman. Really. He doesn’t. Honest. Now, if he could just convince himself...

Quarterback Sneak
Shara Azod
Lita wasn’t a football fan. She had no idea who Colton Jefferies really was. She did know that he never seemed to want to go anywhere public. Was it because she wasn’t a size 5, or blonde in the land of golden Barbie’s? Was he ashamed of his attraction to her? Little did she know the quarterback was preparing to sneak past her defense to give her the happily ever after she’d always dreamed of. Excerpt: Women threw themselves at him on a daily basis. Being one of the NFL's most deadly quarterbacks had its perks -- and its pitfalls. But whenever he'd find himself in the sights of one of the fake, overblown money grubbing bimbos, he'd always picture Lita's face. It wasn't a conscious effort on his part. It simply happened. Then he'd make his way home and seek out her little cafe and sit here like a dolt, waiting on her company once more. Well, that ended today. He was asking her out no matter how he tripped over his tongue. Today. The second she came back. Colton found himself nervously jogging his leg and drumming his fingers on the table. His stomach churned. His palms sweated. God! He'd rather face the entire front line by himself! This was crazy; he was considered one of the country’s most eligible bachelors, yet he was terrified to ask out the owner of a local cafe. A woman who had no clue who he was, or the fact he had been voted one of the sexiest men alive three years running. Maybe he wasn’t her type. Shit, he was psyching himself out worse than a three hundred pound linebacker could. When she approached with his tea, Colton swallowed, stilling his leg and fingers. The smile on her face robbed him of breath. All he could do was stare. "Sugar, are you all right?" She still smiled, but now that little eyebrow raised in inquiry. The thing was, Colton knew she was truly interested, at least in whether he was currently okay or not. It wasn't just a question asked automatically, she truly cared about people. He cleared his throat. "Yeah. I'm fine. Listen," he began, rubbing his palms on his jeans. Had he even been this nervous before his very first game? "I was wondering if you'd like to take a walk on the beach with me after you get off?" As the double meaning of his words hit him, he hastily amended, "I mean, after you get off work. I didn't mean actually get off." This was getting bad. What would his team think of their star quarterback now? "I mean…" Laughing, she sank gracefully into the chair across from him, reaching out to grip his hand. "I know what you meant. That sounds wonderful." Again, that smile…Fuck! He was such a goner!

Shara Azod
With a fierceness and determination that inhabits most volunteers, Rolanda swelled with pride as she followed her dreams of helping her fellow world citizens as she trekked across the globe to Afghanistan. What awaited her instead was a mysterious sheik that looked and breathed as if he were ripped from pages of the erotic romances which were her guilty pleasure. With her future on the line, she began to spin one tale each night for one thousand and one nights in order to secure her freedom. But what kind of freedom did he mean? Biding her time, Rolanda spun him the First Night's tale while subconsciously plotting her escape... In the land of Frumos, nothing is quite what it seems - as was true with infamous brothers Valentin and Dragos,. The Alexandrescu's, were rumored to be brutal despots, renowned for taking their land and whatever else pleased them, by brutal force. But what Kiana found as she investigated the mystery of these brothers was something beyond all comprehension...

Weddings Suck...
Shara Azod
Like a bad dream Reese has return to torment China. It was bad enough shed spent most of her college years deeply in lust with the oaf, only to find him in bed with her roommates. Both of them. Now he seemed to have developed classic foot in mouth disease. Oh she just could not wait until the travesty that was her best friends wedding was over so she could go back to never having to see the best man, her nemeses, ever again. Okay, so he couldnt seem to say the right thing. But China knew him. Why didnt she cut him some slack. After all, she had blithely ignored him all through college as he bent over backward trying to catch her eye. This time he wasnt going to let her go. This time she would see him, the real him; not just the stupid things he said. Now if he could only get the groom to call of this wedding as an added bonus

Double Duty
Shara Azod
Skylar Moore had been looking for a new, exciting job. Taking a position as a civilian contractor in the middle of a war zone was probably a tad extreme, but it was the best decision she had ever made. How could she complain when she had not one, but two of the sexiest body guards/escorts on the face of the earth. Majors Ashe Marshall and Shannon OShea were the finest damn Marines in the entire Corps. It was hard to pretend she wasnt interested in more than an escort to local Afghan villages. The problem was which one did she like the most? There was no way she could choose. Luckily she didnt have to

Shara Azod
I make the rules now. Gone are the ravaged days of street living and fighting to survive. Now I fight, bare knuckled for the fun of it. Paddy O’Shea, my father thought he’d toughen me up. Make me ready to fight his battles, or worse, fight my brothers. Wrong —He’s the bastard we all fight against. Nothing or no one gets in my way—ever. Until she walked through my door—and blew my fucking world upside down. Now I’m fighting again, only this time it’s not with my fists, but with a heart I want to own and a soul I want to merge with. She doesn’t know it yet, but nobody walks away from an O’Shea. Yeah, this is one battle I can’t lose

Shara Azod
Irrepressible- No matter how Delilah tried to deny her feelings for Edward, he would not allow her to run away from what they both couldn't deny. As passion crackled and flamed between them, Delilah found herself swept away by Edward with a ferocity that would not be denied. Irresistible- Sometimes love will not be denied. Sometime passion will not be tamed. Two forces come together and cannot break apart.

Save Me
Shara Azod
Life consisted of surviving-getting through one terrible situation before conquering the next. For Alicia there had always been little choice but to simply endure; first for herself, then for her only child. There was no such thing as a white night in her world. No one was going to save her… Then came Claus.

The Office Summer Picnic (Force Me)
Azod, Shara
Office parties were generally a breeding ground for drunken escapades and fumbling hook ups but there was nothing like a company picnic. Or so Shenice Robins comes to find out while once again caught in the snare of her lover Alistair Parsons. The only man whose authority she had NO issue obeying. Even wagging tongues around the office can't stop the two from delighting in each other. Why should one small outdoor activity do so?