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Savage Son
Jack Carr
"A rare gut-punch writer, full of grit and insight, who we will be happily reading for years to come." —Gregg Hurwitz, New York Times bestselling author of the Orphan X series In this third high-octane thriller in the "seriously good" (Lee Child, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Past Tense) Terminal List series, former Navy SEAL James Reece must infiltrate the Russian mafia and turn the hunters into the hunted.Deep in the wilds of Siberia, a woman is on the run, pursued by a man harboring secrets—a man intent on killing her. A traitorous CIA officer has found refuge with the Russian mafia with designs on ensuring a certain former Navy SEAL sniper is put in the ground. Half a world away, James Reece is recovering from brain surgery in the Montana wilderness, slowly putting his life back together with the help of investigative journalist Katie Buranek and his longtime friend and SEAL teammate Raife...

Troubled Son -- Savage Sons Motorcycle Club
King, J. D.
Troubled Son: Savage Sons Motorcycle ClubPrologueI never thought I'd end up here. Smart, well-educated girls don't. Everything I've worked for is gone, and all of my degrees, training, tears...nothing makes a difference. I feel like the walls are going to close in on me, and the only consolation for living in this shitty apartment is that it's better than living back with my parents.
Chapter 1I was a little nervous as I looked at myself in the mirror, though I'd never have admitted it to anyone else. A little smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as I realized what the date was and imagined the ridiculous scenario of walking in to what was probably the most important meeting of my life, only to be greeted with laughter and the calls of "April Fools!"
Chapter 2I heard my phone ring while I was working out. I was pissed that I hadn't turned the fucking thing off, but I made myself focus and keep going. I finished the bench press strong and took my time with the rest of the circuit before I went to see who'd been bugging me. I picked up both of my prepaid phones before I realized that it was my shop phone. It was a hassle juggling all of the cell phones, but in the long run, it made things much simpler.
Chapter 3I headed for my desk as soon as I was inside the building so that I could drop off my briefcase, hoping all the while that no one would realize that the case held little other than my cell phone, a handful of pens, and a blank notebook. I greeted folks on my way to get a cup of coffee, and I was just about to head into the meeting room that I'd reserved when I saw my ASAC waving at me from her office.
Chapter 4I parked the bike and took my helmet off. I didn't have any appointments until the afternoon, but I had some things I needed to take care of around the shop. I'd known that it was gonna be hard to balance everything once the undercover fed came on the scene, but I had to admit that I was a little worried now that it was just around the corner. She was gonna dress up and play a part to put some bad guys away, but this was my family I was setting up. I knew that I was taking the only chance I had to get out -- to live a life I could be proud of -- but that didn't make it any easier. Knowing that if things went according to plan that my aunt and uncle could do time in prison, that the guys I'd ridden with for my whole life would be going down. It was a lot to shoulder.
Chapter 5I walked through the door of my apartment feeling like a wrung-out, overloaded mess. I'd studied Tombley's files and been stunned at the scope of the Savage Son's operations. Not only had the size of their prostitution business grown substantially, but their crank trade had grown to overshadow everything else. It was huge, and it was locked up pretty tight. According to what Moses had told us, there were very few folks who knew all of the details, and even the people who handled just portions of the operation were loyal SS members. While there was always the possibility of lousy security or loose-lipped junkies, the SS had done a remarkable job of building their business and staying under the radar. Moses was the only reason we had a case at all.
Chapter 6I nodded to Tombley as I slid into the chair across from his. He'd picked a table in the corner, and we both had a pretty good view of the entire room. He and I didn't have much in common, but we clearly thought about a few things the same way.
Chapter 7I spent most of the morning lounging in my pajamas, drinking coffee and reading through the files on the members of the Savage Sons. Ho. Ly. Shit. They were nasty folks, every last one of them. Every member -- including the prospects -- had been in trouble with the law at least once, and one of the members had even served time in a federal prison. Drug charges, prostitution, vandalism, failure to pay child support, assault, unlawful possession of firearms...there was even a mail fraud charge against one of the old timers along with an assortment of domestic disputes. I'd spent plenty of time with criminals, but I'd never seen such a comprehensive list of offenses before.
Chapter 8I wasn't used to feeling uncertain, and I fucking hated it. So far, Max seemed to be pretty solid. She was gonna fit in just fine with the new hair and shit, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. We were heading out for what could be a disaster. I'd talked about the new chick I was seeing, but tonight was the start on the massive web of lies I was about to start telling the men I'd trusted with my life. The men I'd lived with, gotten drunk with, gotten rich with, whored with. They were my family, and tonight was a big step toward betraying them. I believed that I was doing the right thing, but I had to call it what it was. It was a betrayal.
Chapter 9The sun was just about to hit the top of the Rocky Mountains to the west, and I was struck by the contrast of the spectacular natural beauty of Denver and the sleazy shop I was about to enter. I'm not a prude, but I was really glad that we weren't heading into the strip club. I felt only marginally better about going into the store. Assuming that the lingerie and hooker heels in the window were the tamest of their inventory, this shopping trip was about to get interesting.
Chapter 10I walked back inside to find Kitten ringing up a fortune in slutty shoes and underwear. I'd thought the stop at the lingerie shop would be a good way to see how Max handled being in an unfamiliar situation, and she'd been cool as a cucumber. I was the one who'd gotten so hot and bothered by the thought of the thongs and heels that I had to get some air. Even just hearing her bra size gave me half a hard on. I couldn't help thinking about what it would be like to watch her put on and then remove some of the things Kitten and I had picked out. Even the thought of Max in the dressing room made me unable to focus on anything except what her ass might look like in the red lace panties I'd picked out to match her shoes. I had to stop.
Chapter 11As Moses and I crossed the parking lot, I realized that neither of us had a wire on. I nearly pulled back on his hand, but I figured that there was nothing to do about it at this point. It was probably unnecessary to worry about the Savage Sons spilling their illegal secrets to me the very first time I met them. As we got closer to the door, I was a little nervous. I didn't want to screw up, and I didn't want Moses to think I was an idiot.
Chapter 12I was trying like hell not to laugh as I talked to Zeno about what was going on and watched Max at the same time. He told me exactly what I'd expected -- fuckin' Bug had promised some hot girl-on-girl action in exchange for an extra five dollars at the door. I planned to bring the matter up at our next club meeting, but looking around the room, I knew my chances of finding support were shit.
Chapter 13I pulled the cork on a bottle of Albarino and poured myself a glass.
Chapter 14I wasn't surprised that I thought about Max before I even opened my eyes. I felt pretty good about her ability to handle herself with the Sons, but the problem was that I was attracted to her. Really attracted to her. Like, I couldn't stop thinking about her -- clothed, in the underwear I'd bought for her, naked -- Max occupied my thoughts in a way that pushed everything else out. That was dangerous and I knew it. I had to find a way to get it under control.
Chapter 15I couldn't believe it while I was getting ready, but I was actually looking forward to shopping at Goodwill. I had my beater car, and I needed clothes to go with it. Since I wasn't supposed to meet Moses until the afternoon, I had the morning free to pack up the few things I wanted to take with me when I moved into his place temporarily. I had to keep reminding myself that it was just temporary because the thought of being under the same roof with Moses Hall was making my temperature rise.
Chapter 16I was working on finishing the outline of a jaguar that would be the last big section of a full sleeve I'd done for a good customer of mine. Since the guy was paying as we went, I planned to do the outline in one day and fill in with color in a couple of weeks when he got paid again. I heard Krystal's voice before she knocked 'cause she knew I didn't like sudden loud noises while I worked. A steady hand is essential to good line work.
Chapter 17I followed Moses back out to the front of the shop, telling myself to get my shit together. When he'd leaned over to whisper in my ear, I'd nearly passed out. He smelled like something earthy and clean and dangerous all at once, and I wanted to kiss him. It was all I could do to back away. My job would have been a whole lot easier if Moses had looked like Butch or any of the other Sons I'd seen. As it was, he was just magnetic, and that was a problem.
Chapter 18I felt better after I said my piece to Max. I actually liked her, which surprised me. I didn't think that I'd find a fed as easy to talk to as she'd been. I wanted to make her understand why I'd gone to the FBI, and why I was willing to betray my brothers. I knew I'd feel that guilt for the rest of my life, even though I believed that I was doing the right thing.
Chapter 19I felt great. The Mexican food had been fantastic -- a real treat for an east coast girl, and the margaritas had been exactly what I wanted. I knew that I was a little tipsy, but I also knew my limits. I was in good shape, but I couldn't drink much more and stay completely in control. And as it was, I was having trouble resisting the urge to push Moses up against the wall and kiss him. I knew that I was about to walk into a serious den of iniquity, but Moses had every one of my nerve endings humming. I felt like I was spring loaded and the slightest provocation could send me over the edge. Even though I'd told him that I could handle his fake public displays of affection, in truth I was a little worried. Being close to him was intoxicating -- even more intoxicating than the margaritas had been.
Chapter 20I figured that Bethany would be the best pick to show Max the bathroom. I didn't expect her to be nice, but I expected that Max would return with all of her limbs attached. I probably sound like an arrogant ass, but the girls had been falling all over themselves for years, trying to tie me down. I'd had more than one of them tell me I didn't need to bother with a rubber, but there was no way I was falling for that line. The last thing I needed was a hooker knocked up with my kid.
Chapter 21Kris set my glass of water on the bar, and I drained it and asked for a refill. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how all of these people managed to drink nothing but alcohol without getting sick as a dog. I took my full water glass with me as I headed to go convince Moses that it was time for me to go to bed. A couple of the guys had left already, so it wasn't like we'd be the first to leave the party. A I walked over, I saw Bethany leading Zeno into the hallway with the bedrooms, and I wondered if I'd even be able to sleep at all that night. Maybe I was old fashioned, but the thought of hookers plying their trade next door bothered me.
Chapter 22When I woke up with ridiculous morning wood, I could tell that Max hadn't been up long. I slid my hand under the covers and I could feel the warmth from where she'd been sleeping. I realized that she might have felt my hard-on, and I also realized that there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. If she hadn't slept in that soft, sexy nightgown, it wouldn't have happened.
Chapter 23Moses hadn't been kidding when he said he lived pretty far out of town. It had taken us about fifteen minutes to get to his driveway, and when we turned, I was surprised that I didn't see a house. After about a mile-and-a-quarter, the house came into view. And what a house it was.
Chapter 24Music cranked, I pushed myself a little harder than I usually did in my workout. Between having Max in my house and being pissed at Tombley, I was all out of sorts. I couldn't actually figure out what had me so mad. I just felt like Tombley should have told me that he had informants in the Vandals. Maybe I was worried that somehow his rats would somehow jeopardize my safety -- I tended not to trust anyone other than myself to do things properly. The man was a federal agent, though. Surely he knew what he was doing. There was something about the situation that just didn't sit well with me though.
Chapter 25I wasn't in shock, but it was taking me a little while to process everything that had just happened. Moses stowed the paper bag with the meth -- or whatever it was -- in the saddlebag.
Chapter 26Watching Max's face as I kissed the inside of her wrist was a turn on all by itself. I liked the fact that she'd thought she had me figured out and I'd been able to surprise her. I also realized that this -- being in front of my fireplace with a woman who was sexy and smart -- was way overdue. I'd realized from time to time that just banging a girl and moving on wasn't the most satisfying way to live. Don't get me wrong. I'd had a lot of fun, but Max had made me realize that I'd really been missing out. Maybe if I could start fresh, I'd end up with a woman who would enjoy conversation and spending time together, a woman who wasn't fucking me so she could score some free crank.
Chapter 27When I could finally pick my head up from Moses' shoulder, I had trouble getting the room to come back into focus. As soon as I could see properly, I realized that Moses was looking up at me, amusement in his expression.
Chapter 28I was looking at the most gorgeous fucking sight I'd ever seen in my life. Max was completely naked and spread out, begging me for more. It took restraint not to just plow her right then and there, but I was gonna enjoy making her crazy for a little while longer.
Chapter 29Once the shock of the fact that we'd just had completely unprotected sex had worn off, I made my plan -- morning after pill and STD tests -- and was ready to move on. There wasn't anything else I could do about our stupidity after the fact. Once my heart rate returned to something close to normal, I realized that I was exhausted. I didn't know what time it was, but I was ready for bed. I yawned and stretched.
Chapter 30Standing out in front of my house, I realized all of a sudden that I'd never met anyone like Max. She was smart, confident, and thoughtful. I'd never in all of my fucked up life spent time with a person like her, and I had discovered that I enjoyed it. I'd just thrown something at her that sounded completely crazy, and she took it in stride. Her plan was perfect -- to spring this on Tombley and see how he handled it.
Chapter 31"You have got to be kidding me." I looked at the clothes that Moses had set out on the chair next to the shower -- the shower in which he'd recently made sure that every inch of me was clean as a whistle. "I'll get arrested if I go out in public in that."
Chapter 32I felt kinda bad. I hadn't thought about how cool the evening would be when I'd picked out Max's outfit., and I hoped she'd be warm enough on the ride home. I planned to get her warm the second we walked through the door -- after I got her naked, of course.
Chapter 33"Okay, the recorder's on. Tell us again what happened after Tombley got to Moses' house. Take as much time as you need."
EpilogueI looked around my apartment as I prepared to leave. The cab should be pulling up outside any minute, and when I came back, everything would be different.
Prodigal SonWhat will the future hold for the Savage Sons MC? Be the first to find out in the upcoming story,Prodigal Son (due out April 2014), by signing up for email alerts. Your email address will never be given away and you can unsubscribe at any time.
MoreWord-of-mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoyed the book, please leave a review even if it is only a line or two; it would make all the difference and would be very much appreciated. Click your home country link below and you will be taken directly to the review box.

Troubled Son: Savage Sons MC Romance
King, Jayna
Troubled Son: Savage Sons MCAuthor's NotePrologueI never thought I'd end up here. Smart, well-educated girls don't. Everything I've worked for is gone, and all of my degrees, training, tears...nothing makes a difference. I feel like the walls are going to close in on me, and the only consolation for living in this shitty apartment is that it's better than living back with my parents.Chapter 1I was a little nervous as I looked at myself in the mirror, though I'd never have admitted it to anyone else. A little smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as I realized what the date was and imagined the ridiculous scenario of walking in to what was probably the most important meeting of my life, only to be greeted with laughter and the calls of "April Fools!"Chapter 2I heard my phone ring while I was working out. I was pissed that I hadn't turned the fucking thing off, but I made myself focus and keep going. I finished the bench press strong and took my time with the rest of the circuit before I went to see who'd been bugging me. I picked up both of my prepaid phones before I realized that it was my shop phone. It was a hassle juggling all of the cell phones, but in the long run, it made things much simpler.Chapter 3I headed for my desk as soon as I was inside the building so that I could drop off my briefcase, hoping all the while that no one would realize that the case held little other than my cell phone, a handful of pens, and a blank notebook. I greeted folks on my way to get a cup of coffee, and I was just about to head into the meeting room that I'd reserved when I saw my ASAC waving at me from her office.Chapter 4I parked the bike and took my helmet off. I didn't have any appointments until the afternoon, but I had some things I needed to take care of around the shop. I'd known that it was gonna be hard to balance everything once the undercover fed came on the scene, but I had to admit that I was a little worried now that it was just around the corner. She was gonna dress up and play a part to put some bad guys away, but this was my family I was setting up. I knew that I was taking the only chance I had to get out — to live a life I could be proud of — but that didn't make it any easier. Knowing that if things went according to plan that my aunt and uncle could do time in prison, that the guys I'd ridden with for my whole life would be going down. It was a lot to shoulder.Chapter 5I walked through the door of my apartment feeling like a wrung-out, overloaded mess. I'd studied Tombley's files and been stunned at the scope of the Savage Son's operations. Not only had the size of their prostitution business grown substantially, but their crank trade had grown to overshadow everything else. It was huge, and it was locked up pretty tight. According to what Moses had told us, there were very few folks who knew all of the details, and even the people who handled just portions of the operation were loyal SS members. While there was always the possibility of lousy security or loose-lipped junkies, the SS had done a remarkable job of building their business and staying under the radar. Moses was the only reason we had a case at all.Chapter 6I nodded to Tombley as I slid into the chair across from his. He'd picked a table in the corner, and we both had a pretty good view of the entire room. He and I didn't have much in common, but we clearly thought about a few things the same way.Chapter 7I spent most of the morning lounging in my pajamas, drinking coffee and reading through the files on the members of the Savage Sons. Ho. Ly. Shit. They were nasty folks, every last one of them. Every member — including the prospects — had been in trouble with the law at least once, and one of the members had even served time in a federal prison. Drug charges, prostitution, vandalism, failure to pay child support, assault, unlawful possession of firearms...there was even a mail fraud charge against one of the old timers along with an assortment of domestic disputes. I'd spent plenty of time with criminals, but I'd never seen such a comprehensive list of offenses before.Chapter 8I wasn't used to feeling uncertain, and I fucking hated it. So far, Max seemed to be pretty solid. She was gonna fit in just fine with the new hair and shit, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. We were heading out for what could be a disaster. I'd talked about the new chick I was seeing, but tonight was the start on the massive web of lies I was about to start telling the men I'd trusted with my life. The men I'd lived with, gotten drunk with, gotten rich with, whored with. They were my family, and tonight was a big step toward betraying them. I believed that I was doing the right thing, but I had to call it what it was. It was a betrayal.Chapter 9The sun was just about to hit the top of the Rocky Mountains to the west, and I was struck by the contrast of the spectacular natural beauty of Denver and the sleazy shop I was about to enter. I'm not a prude, but I was really glad that we weren't heading into the strip club. I felt only marginally better about going into the store. Assuming that the lingerie and hooker heels in the window were the tamest of their inventory, this shopping trip was about to get interesting.Chapter 10I walked back inside to find Kitten ringing up a fortune in slutty shoes and underwear. I'd thought the stop at the lingerie shop would be a good way to see how Max handled being in an unfamiliar situation, and she'd been cool as a cucumber. I was the one who'd gotten so hot and bothered by the thought of the thongs and heels that I had to get some air. Even just hearing her bra size gave me half a hard on. I couldn't help thinking about what it would be like to watch her put on and then remove some of the things Kitten and I had picked out. Even the thought of Max in the dressing room made me unable to focus on anything except what her ass might look like in the red lace panties I'd picked out to match her shoes. I had to stop.Chapter 11As Moses and I crossed the parking lot, I realized that neither of us had a wire on. I nearly pulled back on his hand, but I figured that there was nothing to do about it at this point. It was probably unnecessary to worry about the Savage Sons spilling their illegal secrets to me the very first time I met them. As we got closer to the door, I was a little nervous. I didn't want to screw up, and I didn't want Moses to think I was an idiot.Chapter 12I was trying like hell not to laugh as I talked to Zeno about what was going on and watched Max at the same time. He told me exactly what I'd expected — fuckin' Bug had promised some hot girl-on-girl action in exchange for an extra five dollars at the door. I planned to bring the matter up at our next club meeting, but looking around the room, I knew my chances of finding support were shit.Chapter 13I pulled the cork on a bottle of Albarino and poured myself a glass.Chapter 14I wasn't surprised that I thought about Max before I even opened my eyes. I felt pretty good about her ability to handle herself with the Sons, but the problem was that I was attracted to her. Really attracted to her. Like, I couldn't stop thinking about her — clothed, in the underwear I'd bought for her, naked — Max occupied my thoughts in a way that pushed everything else out. That was dangerous and I knew it. I had to find a way to get it under control.Chapter 15I couldn't believe it while I was getting ready, but I was actually looking forward to shopping at Goodwill. I had my beater car, and I needed clothes to go with it. Since I wasn't supposed to meet Moses until the afternoon, I had the morning free to pack up the few things I wanted to take with me when I moved into his place temporarily. I had to keep reminding myself that it was just temporary because the thought of being under the same roof with Moses Hall was making my temperature rise.Chapter 16I was working on finishing the outline of a jaguar that would be the last big section of a full sleeve I'd done for a good customer of mine. Since the guy was paying as we went, I planned to do the outline in one day and fill in with color in a couple of weeks when he got paid again. I heard Krystal's voice before she knocked 'cause she knew I didn't like sudden loud noises while I worked. A steady hand is essential to good line work.Chapter 17I followed Moses back out to the front of the shop, telling myself to get my shit together. When he'd leaned over to whisper in my ear, I'd nearly passed out. He smelled like something earthy and clean and dangerous all at once, and I wanted to kiss him. It was all I could do to back away. My job would have been a whole lot easier if Moses had looked like Butch or any of the other Sons I'd seen. As it was, he was just magnetic, and that was a problem.Chapter 18I felt better after I said my piece to Max. I actually liked her, which surprised me. I didn't think that I'd find a fed as easy to talk to as she'd been. I wanted to make her understand why I'd gone to the FBI, and why I was willing to betray my brothers. I knew I'd feel that guilt for the rest of my life, even though I believed that I was doing the right thing.Chapter 19I felt great. The Mexican food had been fantastic — a real treat for an east coast girl, and the margaritas had been exactly what I wanted. I knew that I was a little tipsy, but I also knew my limits. I was in good shape, but I couldn't drink much more and stay completely in control. And as it was, I was having trouble resisting the urge to push Moses up against the wall and kiss him. I knew that I was about to walk into a serious den of iniquity, but Moses had every one of my nerve endings humming. I felt like I was spring loaded and the slightest provocation could send me over the edge. Even though I'd told him that I could handle his fake public displays of affection, in truth I was a little worried. Being close to him was intoxicating — even more intoxicating than the margaritas had been.Chapter 20I figured that Bethany would be the best pick to show Max the bathroom. I didn't expect her to be nice, but I expected that Max would return with all of her limbs attached. I probably sound like an arrogant ass, but the girls had been falling all over themselves for years, trying to tie me down. I'd had more than one of them tell me I didn't need to bother with a rubber, but there was no way I was falling for that line. The last thing I needed was a hooker knocked up with my kid.Chapter 21Kris set my glass of water on the bar, and I drained it and asked for a refill. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how all of these people managed to drink nothing but alcohol without getting sick as a dog. I took my full water glass with me as I headed to go convince Moses that it was time for me to go to bed. A couple of the guys had left already, so it wasn't like we'd be the first to leave the party. A I walked over, I saw Bethany leading Zeno into the hallway with the bedrooms, and I wondered if I'd even be able to sleep at all that night. Maybe I was old fashioned, but the thought of hookers plying their trade next door bothered me.Chapter 22When I woke up with ridiculous morning wood, I could tell that Max hadn't been up long. I slid my hand under the covers and I could feel the warmth from where she'd been sleeping. I realized that she might have felt my hard-on, and I also realized that there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. If she hadn't slept in that soft, sexy nightgown, it wouldn't have happened.Chapter 23Moses hadn't been kidding when he said he lived pretty far out of town. It had taken us about fifteen minutes to get to his driveway, and when we turned, I was surprised that I didn't see a house. After about a mile-and-a-quarter, the house came into view. And what a house it was.Chapter 24Music cranked, I pushed myself a little harder than I usually did in my workout. Between having Max in my house and being pissed at Tombley, I was all out of sorts. I couldn't actually figure out what had me so mad. I just felt like Tombley should have told me that he had informants in the Vandals. Maybe I was worried that somehow his rats would somehow jeopardize my safety — I tended not to trust anyone other than myself to do things properly. The man was a federal agent, though. Surely he knew what he was doing. There was something about the situation that just didn't sit well with me though.Chapter 25I wasn't in shock, but it was taking me a little while to process everything that had just happened. Moses stowed the paper bag with the meth — or whatever it was — in the saddlebag.Chapter 26Watching Max's face as I kissed the inside of her wrist was a turn on all by itself. I liked the fact that she'd thought she had me figured out and I'd been able to surprise her. I also realized that this — being in front of my fireplace with a woman who was sexy and smart — was way overdue. I'd realized from time to time that just banging a girl and moving on wasn't the most satisfying way to live. Don't get me wrong. I'd had a lot of fun, but Max had made me realize that I'd really been missing out. Maybe if I could start fresh, I'd end up with a woman who would enjoy conversation and spending time together, a woman who wasn't fucking me so she could score some free crank.Chapter 27When I could finally pick my head up from Moses' shoulder, I had trouble getting the room to come back into focus. As soon as I could see properly, I realized that Moses was looking up at me, amusement in his expression.Chapter 28I was looking at the most gorgeous fucking sight I'd ever seen in my life. Max was completely naked and spread out, begging me for more. It took restraint not to just plow her right then and there, but I was gonna enjoy making her crazy for a little while longer.Chapter 29Once the shock of the fact that we'd just had completely unprotected sex had worn off, I made my plan — morning after pill and STD tests — and was ready to move on. There wasn't anything else I could do about our stupidity after the fact. Once my heart rate returned to something close to normal, I realized that I was exhausted. I didn't know what time it was, but I was ready for bed. I yawned and stretched.Chapter 30Standing out in front of my house, I realized all of a sudden that I'd never met anyone like Max. She was smart, confident, and thoughtful. I'd never in all of my fucked up life spent time with a person like her, and I had discovered that I enjoyed it. I'd just thrown something at her that sounded completely crazy, and she took it in stride. Her plan was perfect — to spring this on Tombley and see how he handled it.Chapter 31"You have got to be kidding me." I looked at the clothes that Moses had set out on the chair next to the shower — the shower in which he'd recently made sure that every inch of me was clean as a whistle. "I'll get arrested if I go out in public in that."Chapter 32I felt kinda bad. I hadn't thought about how cool the evening would be when I'd picked out Max's outfit., and I hoped she'd be warm enough on the ride home. I planned to get her warm the second we walked through the door — after I got her naked, of course.Chapter 33"Okay, the recorder's on. Tell us again what happened after Tombley got to Moses' house. Take as much time as you need."EpilogueI looked around my apartment as I prepared to leave. The cab should be pulling up outside any minute, and when I came back, everything would be different.Prodigal SonWhat will the future hold for the Savage Sons MC? Be the first to find out in the upcoming story, Prodigal Son (due out April 2014), by signing up for email alerts. Your email address will never be given away and you can unsubscribe at any time.MoreWord-of-mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoyed the book, please leave a review even if it is only a line or two; it would make all the difference and would be very much appreciated.

Freedom's Son: Savage Sons MC 3
Jayna King
Blood, sex, and the hot, Mexican sun make Freedom’s Son the steamiest book yet in Jayna King's Savage Sons MC series When Luke Callaway came to Denver to find his birth parents, the last thing he expected was to become a member of the Savage Sons MC … or to fall in love. In jail awaiting trial for a murder he didn’t commit, Luke wants nothing more than to get out and start a life with Krystal Shaw, the woman he loves. But the MC has dark secrets buried in its past, and the FBI and DEA want all the details. Will Luke make a deal with the feds to get out of jail? Will he and Krystal find a way to uncover the MC’s secrets? Will a trip to Mexico bring the Sons closer together … or tear them apart? SAVAGE SONS MC SERIES Troubled Son Prodigal Son Freedom's Son Sinner’s Son - July 2014

Prodigal Son
Part #2 of "Savage Sons Motorcycle Club" series by Jayna King
Full Length standalone MC Contemporary Romance Novel of approx. 70,000 words. Contains sex/violence/language. 17+ In Jayna King’s debut, Troubled Son, the Savage Sons MC was devastated by the death of Moses Hall. When Luke Callaway rolls into town, everything changes. Luke has found far more than he expected in Denver. He came looking for his birth parents, and he found the Savage Sons MC … and the sexiest woman he’s ever met. Krystal Shaw has her hands full with school, work, and her boyfriend, the VP of the Savage Sons. Things get complicated when golden boy Luke Callaway walks into her life. Does Luke have what it takes to become a member of the Savage Sons MC? Can he help the MC move on after Moses’ death? Will Krystal and Luke give in to their desire? Prodigal Son continues Jayna King’s saga of the Savage Sons MC where Troubled Son (Now for sale) left off. Look for Freedom’s Son (June 2014) to wrap up Luke and Krystal’s story. Sinner’s Son (July/August 2014) takes you back in time to explain Moses Hall’s past, and Fortunate Son (September 2014) brings the whole series to a breathtaking conclusion. Scroll Up and Click 'Buy Now' to start reading today

Sinner's Son (Savage Sons Motorcyle Club)
Jayna King
Sinner's Son: Savage Sons Motorcycle Club #4PrologueKate Tanner looked at her reflection while she brushed her teeth. The dark circles under her eyes were a clear reminder of how little sleep she'd gotten the night before, and she knew that she was looking at another long day. She knew that she should be pleased about the arrest of Daniel Hall, the president of the Savage Sons, but she couldn't help feeling like there was more going on than she knew about, and that feeling made her very uncomfortable.
Chapter 1"Goddammit, if you don't hold still, you're gonna end up with a fucked-up mess on your back," I said, picking my hands up from the bare lower back of the chick draped over the chair in front of me. I shifted the tattoo needle from my right hand to my left, giving the girl a chance to reposition herself. "You need me to stop?" I asked, impatient.
Chapter 2"So it's settled, then," Joker said, sitting at his usual place at the head of the table. "We're going to start another lab out near Florissant, and make sure the guys in Fort Collins have enough crank to push the Vandals all the way back to Wyoming where they belong."
Chapter 3I opened my eyes and looked at the light of my life -- brighter to me than the morning sunshine that streamed through my window. I reached out and tucked a stray piece of hair, not quite as curly as my own, behind my daughter's ear. She stirred, beginning to wake.
Chapter 4The three of us rolled up to Lupita's, and I was looking forward to a drink, a shower, and a fuck ... in that order. It had been a long ride, and the rain we'd hit just before the Mexican border meant that we weren't just dusty. We were filthy. As loud as our bikes were, I figured that Luis would hear us coming and be ready. I didn't really trust him, but I knew that as long as our interests coincided with Don Roberto's that we were safe.
Chapter 5There was something about Moses that unsettled me. I was used to doing all sorts of intimate things with men, but I wasn't used to being looked at like I was a real person. I've had years of experience sharing my body with men, and the one lesson that I've learned is that the best way to protect yourself is not to care. It's a job. The person you're having sex with doesn't care about you. You're just a hole to fuck.
Chapter 6I wasn't quite sure why I woke up with a smile on my face, and then I opened my eyes. I saw the sun shining in through the windows of Maria's living room, and I remembered holding her in my arms the night before. I couldn't put my finger on what had happened to me, but Maria aroused in me a fierce desire to protect both her and her daughter, and I knew that something inside me had changed. I sat up on the couch and rubbed my face, trying to clear my head of the unfamiliar emotions and figure out my plan for the day.
Chapter 7I spent far too much of the morning daydreaming. All of my thoughts swirled around the tall, young man who'd spent the night on my couch and had completely enchanted my daughter. We'd gone to church and to the market to get ingredients for dinner, and Nadia had kept returning to the topic of Moses. I stood no chance of getting him out of my head.
Chapter 8"I have never before tasted anything so delicious," I told Maria and Nadia after I took my first bite of the stuffed peppers. "They're rich and light, all at the same time. Maria, a dinner like this could make a man propose marriage."
Chapter 9I wasn't sure what I wanted from Moses, besides a way out. I was confused by my feelings as I took a big gulp of wine. He was being kind to me, and I believed that it was genuine, that he wasn't doing it to get a piece of ass. The trouble was that I was really attracted to him, in a way I hadn't been attracted to a man since ... well, maybe forever. He was strong, he liked my daughter, he wanted to take care of us, and he was tall and handsome. I realized that I had finally met a man that I wanted to take to my bed, not because I was being paid, but because I wanted to feel his hands on me, wanted to put my hands on him.
Chapter 10I awoke to the smell of coffee, and I could feel the slight soreness of my muscles that meant that I'd had a great night. By my count, I'd woken Maria up twice, and she had returned the favor by waking me up a couple of times as well. I think she'd been surprised at how much she'd enjoyed herself, and I thought it was a little sad that a woman whose business was sex had previously gotten so little pleasure out of it.
Chapter 11I could still feel Moses' lips on mine as I rushed around the apartment spending the day in an attempt to round up all of the things we might need. It didn't help that I had no idea how long we'd be gone, but I did the best I could. I kept an eye on the clock, watching for the time when Nadia would arrive home from school.
Chapter 12Standing in front of the mirror, I studied my reflection. I thought about shaving, and I decided that walking into church all neat and clean-shaven might not convey the right image. I already had enough of a mountain to climb in facing my brothers. I couldn't afford to alienate them any more than I had when I set up Joker to be arrested. I'd shrugged off Tanner's offers to have some of her associates waiting outside in case I needed help during the meeting of the Savage Sons, but I knew that there was no guarantee that I'd live to see the sun set that day. I was taking a risk in attending the meeting, but I knew that I had to at least make the attempt to tell my brothers what I'd learned in Mexico -- to try to explain why I'd done what I had. I wasn't sure they'd listen, but I had to give it a shot.
Chapter 13I backed out of the garage and headed toward Denver. Since Joker had been arrested a few days before, neither Luke nor I had seen or talked to Sable. We'd both tried to call her a few times, but her voicemail was full, so we couldn't even leave her a message. I knew she might not want to see me, but I felt like I had to try.
Chapter 14I'm not gonna lie. I was scared. Krystal was driving, and we were headed to the address that -- as far as I could tell from my phone's GPS -- was in a huge self-storage facility.
Chapter 15Before I opened my eyes, I could hear a bunch of voices I didn't recognize. I heard machines beeping, and I heard at least two women using a bunch of words that weren't quite distinct enough for me to understand. Before I tried to open my eyes, I realized that I had the worst headache I'd ever had in my life.
Chapter 16I felt strange just walking up to the federal building in plain sight. Previously, I'd been so careful to keep all of my dealings with Singer and Tanner a secret that it was almost unsettling to know that I didn't have to cover my tracks any longer. Everyone in the Savage Sons knew that I had to wrap things up with the case against Joker, and they were more than happy for me to supply the information that the DEA would need in order to go after Don Roberto's cartel in Mexico. Revenge was revenge, whether you delivered it yourself or used a messenger.
Chapter 17After Sable picked her jaw up off the kitchen counter, she stood up and folded me into a big hug. "First of all, congratulations. I know that you and Luke will be wonderful parents."
Chapter 18"A baby?" I repeated, completely unable to wrap my head around what Krystal had just told me. "Are you sure?"
Chapter 19I looked at my cell phone on the counter and thought about calling Maria after I'd showered and put on clean,comfy clothes. I knew that my archaeology paper wasn't going to write itself, though, so I promised myself that I would write at least half the paper before I called to check in on her. The research on marriage customs across a number of cultures had been really interesting, and before I knew it, I had finished the first draft of the paper. I figured I'd take a break, call Maria, and then get back to work.
Chapter 20When we sat down to the table at church, Joker's chair was still left empty. At some point, I knew we'd have to vote on new leadership, but that mattered less to me than the news I had to share with the group. Sally started the meeting with an update on Joker -- which wasn't much, considering that he was still in jail and unlikely to go to trial for another few weeks at least. I didn't care about him, but the other guys seemed to. I was silent through the discussion.
EpilogueMaria Alvarez pulled into the driveway of Sable's house. She'd only been driving for a couple of months, and while she knew that she drove so slowly that it took her much longer to get places than it should have, she relished the freedom of being able to go wherever she wanted, whenever she wanted. She looked in the backseat of her used Scion XB, and noted that Naomi was sound asleep. It took a couple of trips to get all of the groceries into Sable's house, and by the time Maria had made the last trip, the sleepy little girl was just starting to wake.
Also by Jayna KingMax Fisher is going to have to get up close and personal with a whole new scene in her very first undercover case for the FBI. She’s smart, focused, and ready to put the Savage Sons Motorcycle Club in prison. The only problem? She has to work with a partner.
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Savage Son
Part #321 of "True Crime" series by Corey Mitchell
RetailA Horrific Execution. . .It was a night of celebration for the Whitaker family. Their son Bart was graduating from college. But when Bart's brother Kevin opened the door to their house, a masked intruder shot him point blank. His mother took the next bullet, followed by Mr. Whitaker and Bart. Blood was everywhere, but somehow Bart and his father survived. . . A Sordid Double Life. . .To the cops the story didn't add up, and their investigation discovered a stunning web of lies. Bart was living a double life. He hadn't been enrolled in college since his freshman year. Instead of attending classes, he'd spent his days playing video games with his friends--while planning to murder his family to inherit their million-dollar estate. . .A Heartless Murderer. . .Now bestselling author Corey Mitchell takes us inside this chilling murder case to reveal the twisted motives of a seemingly All-American-Boy-Next Door who turned into a cold-blooded killer now residing on Death Row. . .