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Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra, Volume 4
Fehu Kazuno
Truly Evil Gods Don't Roll Dice! Mynoghra has put an end to the Demon Lord's Army of RPG monsters for good, but not without great sacrifice. Determined to regain what he's lost, Takuto starts strengthening his empire with the gold coins obtained from the last battle as his first step toward reaching an Ascension Victory. But his efforts are hindered by the appearance of new enemy forces from yet another game genre—tabletop role-playing games! How will Takuto's 4x forces handle the intricate rules of TRPGs? And who is the mysterious Game Master lurking in the shadows? Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate!

Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra, Volume 2
Fehu Kazuno
The time for obscurity has ended. "The Beginning of the End" has begun! Reincarnated into a world eerily similar to his favorite 4x strategy game, Takuto is ready to take his evil empire of Mynoghra to the next level. To do that, he'll need to make contact with the outside world. With Atou and the Dark Elves at his side, there's nothing this normal-teenager-turned-evil-god can't do! Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate! A tactical fantasy world is waiting for heroes like you! Join Eternal Nations today!

Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra, Volume 3
Fehu Kazuno
SLG VS. RPG! Takuto and his empire confront their first true rival in the armies of the Demon Lord, which Takuto recognizes from the RPG Brave Questers. What new strategies will Mynoghra be forced to undertake to overcome the Demon Lord's army that operates under entirely different game mechanics? Either way, it's going to be a tough fight with Mynoghra's forces split between the allied town of Dragontan and the Accursed Lands. Will strategy game elements triumph over RPG mechanics? Takuto's going to have to find out the hard way! Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate!