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9 Days Falling, Volume I k-5
Part #5 of "Kirov" series by John A. Schettler
The war foreshadowed in Kirov’s long voyage to the past has now begun and will escalate over 9 days as humanity begins its descent into oblivion. Now the officers and crew of Kirov hold the last straw of hope in the bottom of Pandora’s jar as they struggle to prevent the war from ever happening. Join Admiral Leonid Volsky, Captain Vladimir Karpov and ex navigator Anton Fedorov, each one holding one piece of the confounding puzzle that might save the world from imminent destruction. As Karpov confronts the US 7th Fleet in the Pacific, Fedorov leads a daring mission to the past to search for Gennadi Orlov. Meanwhile Admiral Volsky is embroiled deeper in the web of mystery surrounding Rod-25, and forges an unexpected alliance with a powerful figure in the Russian Government. As the war begins, a British company struggles to secure vital oil reserves and is led into the midst of the mystery of Kirov’s disappearance. Fedorov’s mission makes two startling discoveries, and Karpov finds much more than he bargained for when the Red Banner Pacific Fleet engages the Americans. The story takes an dramatic turn when catastrophe erupts amid the fury of all out conventional war at sea.

Part #17 of "Kirov" series by John Schettler
Kirov Saga: Doppelganger Season 3 of the Kirov Series opens with Volume 17: Doppelganger, where the answer to the dilemma that now faces Mother Time will finally decide the fate of the ship and crew. Battle still rages in the Atlantic, and Elena Fairchild arrives on the scene to discover the crisis aboard Rodney has made her quest for the lost key impossible. Yet there she meets one other uninvited guest, an American officer who reveals that he is not the man he seems. Together they consider what they may have lost, and how it might yet be saved Meanwhile, Vladimir Karpov has discovered that his own personal fate is also in jeopardy as his dwindling lease on time runs thin. Realizing the dilemma that had plagued Fedorov for so long, he rises in Tunguska, intent on seeking the heart of a gathering storm, in a desperate attempt to save his own twisted soul from the ravages of Paradox. As he peers through the shattered glass of history, deep into the mirror of time, he suddenly discovers his own self looking right back at him. The exciting alternate history of WWII careens towards 1942, as Germany now makes its great bid to destroy Kirov’s Soviet Russia and smash the last of the stubborn British resistance in the Middle East. Yet plans for new weapons of war will appear, strange doppelgangers spawned from the legacy of Kirov. Soon they will darken the battlefields of Europe, when the tempo of technology will leap ahead to produce a new generation of tanks, aircraft and the deadly art of missile warfare arrives years early. Don’t miss the premier of Season 3 of the amazing Kirov Series—Doppelganger

Fallen Angels: 9 Days Falling, Volume II k-6
Part #6 of "Kirov" series by John A. Schettler
The war continues on both land and sea as China invades Taiwan and North Korea joins to launch a devastating attack. Yet Kirov and the heart of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet has vanished, blown into the past by the massive wrath of the Demon Volcano. There Captain Karpov finds himself at the dying edge of the last great war, yet his own inner demons now wage war with his conscience as he contemplates another decisive intervention. After secretly assisting the Soviet invasion of the Kuriles and engaging a small US scouting force in the region, Karpov has drawn the attention of Admiral Halsey’s powerful 3rd Fleet. Now Halsey sends one of the toughest fighting Admirals of the war north to investigate, the hero of the Battle off Samar, Ziggy Sprague, and fast and furious sea battles are the order of the day. Meanwhile tensions rise in the Black Sea as the Russian mission to rescue Fedorov and Orlov has now been expanded to include a way to try and deliver new control rods to Kirov from the same batch and lot as the mysterious Rod-25. Will they work? Yet Admiral Volsky learns that the Russian Black Sea Fleet has engaged well escorted units of a British oil conveyor, Fairchild Inc., and the fires of war soon endanger his mission. All efforts are now focused on a narrow stretch of coastline on the Caspian Sea, where men of war from the future and past are locked in a desperate struggle to decide the outcome of history itself. Naval combat, both future and past, combine with action and intrigue as Volsky’s mission is launched and the mystery of Rod-25 and Fedorov’s strange experience on the Trans-Siberian Rail deepens. Can they stop the nuclear holocaust of the Third World War in 2021 or will it begin off the coast of Japan in 1945?

Kirov III: Pacific Storm k-3
Part #3 of "Kirov" series by John A. Schettler
The Kirov saga continues in Volume III… Admiral Tovey’s visit to Bletchley Park soon reaches an astounding conclusion when the battlecruiser Kirov vanishes once again to a desolate future. Reaching the Pacific the ship’s officers and crew soon learn that Kirov has once again moved in time. Now First Officer Anton Fedorov is shocked to finally learn the true source of the great variation in time that has led to the devastated future they have come from and the demise of civilization itself. They are soon discovered by a Japanese fleet and the ship now faces its most dangerous and determined challenge ever when they are stalked by the Japanese 5th Carrier Division and eventually confronted by a powerful enemy task force led by the battleship Yamato , and an admiral determined to sink this phantom ship, or die trying. In this amazing continuation of the popular Kirov series, the most powerful ships ever conceived by two different eras clash in a titanic final battle that will decide the fate of nations and the world itself.

Kirov II: Cauldron of Fire k-2
Part #2 of "Kirov" series by John A. Schettler
The saga continues… Days after the shocking discovery of Halifax Harbor, battlecruiser Kirov heads east into the Atlantic, a lost ship in a forsaken and devastated world. Twelve days later they have entered the Mediterranean Sea finding nothing but blackened destruction on every shore. Disheartened and stricken with remorse, the ship turns west for the long voyage back to the Straits of Gibraltar when a sudden and unexpected attack leads them to the astounding conclusion that they have once again moved in time, not forward but back, returning to the cauldron of fire of the Second World War. Only this time a full year has passed and they now find themselves sailing the dangerous waters of the year 1942. As the Royal Navy prepares for one of the largest naval operations of the war, Kirov becomes a renegade ship, trapped in the restricted waters of an inland sea with only three ways out. With enemies on every side, the one question her beleaguered captains and crew must now answer has been reduced to the simplest possible terms—survival! At this crucial turning point in the war, forces on every side slowly begin to unravel the mystery of this phantom raider they have now come to call Geronimo. Naval combat rages in this exciting and fast paced sequel to the breakthrough military fiction novel Kirov , by John Schettler.

John Schettler
Kirov - Military Fiction (Naval) - Available Mar 15, 2012 The battlecruiser Kirov, is the most powerful surface combatant that ever put to sea. Built from the bones of all four prior Kirov Class battlecruisers, she is updated with Russia's most lethal weapons, given back her old name, and commissioned in the year 2020. A year later, with tensions rising to the breaking point between Russia and the West, Kirov is completing her final missile trials in the Arctic Sea when a strange accident transports her to another time. With power no ship in the world can match, much less comprehend, she must decide the fate of nations in the most titanic conflict the world has ever seen-WWII. The novel is an intensely focused naval saga, where the crew of the lost Russian battlecruiser must struggle to understand what has happened to them, and then make a choice that could be decisive in the outcome of the war-who's side are they on? The course of all future history rides in the balance! At this crucial time, Kirov finds herself just days and miles away from a secret summit at sea between Churchill and Roosevelt. On August 9, 1941, the two great leaders meet to plan cooperation in the war and lay down the Atlantic Charter, which decides the framework of post war power in the world and becomes the basis for the new United Nations and NATO. With the hindsight of history as their guide, Kirov races south toward the secret meeting place at Argentia Bay in Newfoundland. Even as she cruises for the Denmark strait, both Roosevelt and Churchill prepare to embark for the sea journey as well. The Royal Navy soon discovers what they believe to be a fearsome new German raider in the Norwegian Sea, and they join with America's Atlantic Fleet to bar the way and hunt down the most formidable surface action ship in the world. Kirov is by John Schettler, the award winning author of the Meridian time travel series, scheduled for a release in March 2012, by the Writing Shop Press. The book will be released on Amazon and Smashwords in popular eBook formats and sell for $4.99, and Lightning Source Trade paperback at $19.99. eBook: ISBN 978-0-9849465-1-8 - 390 Pages, about 180,000 words Trade Paperback: ISBN 978-0-9849465-2-5- 386Pages, about 180,000 words. For more information please visit

Men of War k-4
Part #4 of "Kirov" series by John A. Schettler
Kirov returns home to a changed world in the year 2021, and as the Russian Naval Inspectorate probes the mystery of the ship’s disappearance, Anton Fedorov begins to unravel yet another dilemma—the secret of Rod 25. The world is again steering a dangerous course toward the great war that blackened the shores of a distant future glimpsed by the officers and crew. Fedorov has come to believe that time is waiting on the resolution of one crucial unresolved element from their journey to the past—the fate of Gennadi Orlov. Join Admiral Leonid Volsky, Captain Vladimir Karpov and Anton Fedorov as they sleuth the mystery of Orlov’s fate and launch a mission to the past to find him before the world explodes in the terror and fury of a great air and naval conflict in the Pacific. It is a war that will span the globe from the Gulf of Mexico to the Middle East and through the oil rich heart of Central Asia to the wide Pacific, but somehow one man’s life holds the key to its prevention. Yet other men are aware of Orlov’s identity as a crewman from the dread raider they came to call Geronimo, and they too set their minds on finding him first… in 1942! Men of war from the future and past now join in the hunt while the military forces of Russia, China and the West maneuver to the great chessboard of impending conflict.
Men of War is John Schettler’s next installment in the popular Kirov Series, a mix of intrigue, special operations, and fast paced combat on land, sea and air as the long feared World War III finally begins…