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Do Wah Diddy Die
Pauline Baird Jones
A comedy suspense novel set in New Orleans. Luci Seymour - sexy & free spirited - returns to steamy New Orleans in search of the father she's never met. She finds murder, mayhem, love and adventure when her timing puts her directly in the sights of an elderly hit couple and a con man's last scam. Luci's family has two rules for living. One, never fall in love. Two, never get married. Her mother broke rule one when she had Luci, but she stayed true to rule two and didn't marry Luci's father. Or tell her who he was. A wedding gives her cover to return to New Orleans and try to find out who he was. She didn't count on her very eccentric aunts trying to stop her. She didn't count on someone trying to kill her. She knows she's been annoying back in Wyoming, but as far she knows, she hasn't ticked off anyone in New Orleans. Well, except for one, kind of high maintenance homicide detective...Detective Mickey Ross agrees to give pick up the flower girl as a favor to his uncle, the...