Build-in Book Search

The Christmas Tenor (Laurel Holidays #3)
V. L. Locey
A trip that he thought would bring him only pain is about to present him with the greatest gift of all. For three years now, Cabriolet Vermat has put off, wiggled out of, and outright lied to get out of making this dreaded trip east. The owner of Cabriolet Chauffeur Services in Los Angeles has avoided the yearly invitation to the small town of White Bridge, New York, to speak at their alumni winter gathering but this year they've outfoxed him. They're throwing a dinner to honor his late partner's dedication to his alma mater and have asked Cab to speak. This time he has to go no matter how much pain it will stir up. Arriving in the picturesque small town beside one of the Finger Lakes, Cab is treated to a special performance of holiday songs and there he sees Julian Gabriel Baez for the first time. The young singer captivates him immediately, and he finds himself seeking out the much younger man after the performance. The pull he feels...

The Bachelor and the Cherry (Campo Royale #2)
V. L. Locey
Is he brave enough to stop hiding behind his persona and give love one final try? Jordan Stevens has crammed a lot of living into his fifty years. Some of those years have been good, some bad, and some he would just as soon forget. The world isn't always kind to an aging queen. Lovers begin to scamper into forbidden fields, your padding tends to slip, and you spend more time with egg whites than most pastry chefs. Heartache is nothing new to the man who embodies the acid-tongued Sitka Patel on stage every night, which led Jordan to vow to never trust another man under eighty again. He has his club, his drag family, and his Bombay cat, Heckle. Who needs the hassle? That philosophy had served him well until a stunning young thing with dark chocolate eyes shows up at the back door of Campo Royale with a suitcase, a sad story, and a dream. From the time he was old enough to spell the word sequin, Yampier Perez knew that someday he'd be...

The Christmas Extra (Laurel Holidays #5)
V. L. Locey
'Tis the season for a second chance at love. Stillman King likes his life in the small rural farming community of Rockmount, Pennsylvania. It's a different pace of life than Philly, but Philadelphia was where his heart was broken, and he was happy to leave. He might be lonely, but he's settled and has even managed to win over his snooping neighbors. Overall, his days as a small-town sheriff are peaceful with only the occasional traffic accident, drunk and disorderly conduct, or a random meandering cow to deal with. That was until the day the mayor announced that Rockmount was going to be the filming location for a Christmas romance movie starring the popular soap opera star, Tony Gugliotti. The same Tony who'd left him right after college graduation and headed west to the bright lights of Los Angeles without even a goodbye. Hearing his former lover's name shatters all the merry bucolic vibes that usually fill Rockmount, at least for...

Dawn's Desire
V. L. Locey
Amid fossils, yarrow, and cattle, two men are about to discover a love bigger than the Wyoming sky. When Nate Pearson left heartache behind in the big city, he never looked back, he couldn't bear to. Suffering and loss propelled him westward, but once he laid eyes on the Tetons, he knew he'd found a place where he could hide and heal. For over twenty years, the Prairie Smoke Ranch has been his refuge and his salvation. Working under the pale blue sky, he's been able to keep the pain buried. Then one day while digging a cattle watering system, Nate and his hands unearth a mound of dinosaur bones that will change his life forever. Once news of the discovery reaches the local university, paleontology professor Bishop Haney arrives with several undergrads to spend the summer excavating and cataloging the find. At first, Nate is unimpressed with the laid-back, surfer dude with the ocean blue eyes. But as the two opposites get to know each other, Nate...

The Christmas Rescue
V. L. Locey
A city boy is about to discover the true meaning of Christmas from a man with a heart as big as the snow-covered farm he calls home. Decker Fitzgerald is all about the job. Which explains why he's out cruising around the snowy hillsides of the Allegheny Plateau looking for a rundown farm in the middle of a whiteout. If not for his need to prove to his father—and himself—that he is worthy, he could be down in Rio with his friends over the holidays. But no, he's creeping along winding country roads in search of some two-bit farm animal rescue parcel that Fitzgerald & Sons Well Services is desperate to contract. Seems the owner, some long-haired hippie sort, is refusing to allow them to set up a natural gas fracking pad on his acreage. Foolish tree-hugger types. Why anyone would choose a three-legged goat over thousands of dollars of royalty checks is beyond him. He quickly finds himself stuck in a ditch and at the mercy...

The Viking and the Drag Queen (Campo Royale #1)
V. L. Locey
Who will emerge the victor on the battlefield of love? Tyr Hemmingsen had his life mapped out at a young age. The only son of the late Danish hockey great, Elias Hemmingsen, Tyr has always done his best to follow the plans his father had laid out for him. Finish school, make it into the pros, become team captain, find a biddable young lady to marry, and win a championship so the Hemmingsen name lived on eternally on the side of a massive silver cup. Like the good son he is, Tyr has done as his father wished, no matter how it peeled away layers of his true self. Then, all the neatly placed supports that hold up his so-called life come crashing down during a night on the town. Tyr might be known as the "War God of Wilmington" on the ice, but there's no battling the effect Gigi Patel LeBay has on him. Elijah McBride lives for the spotlight. As Gigi, he bewitches and bedazzles the crowds at the Campo Royale Club. His vibrant stage persona is...

The Financier and the Sweetheart (Campo Royale #4)
V. L. Locey
Will the love they once shared reignite or will this goodbye truly be the last? Leroy Marx has been performing as Clarice Patel Coco for years. Ever since that fateful summer when he was a young and foolish man touring Europe before heading to a religious college in the Deep South. That trip proved to be a time of great joy as well as crushing sorrow. He found love on that grand tour in the arms of an arrogant, beautiful young man who was sowing his wild oats amid the lavender fields of France. That great passion was not to last for many reasons, one being the untimely death of Leroy's parents in a car crash. The same crash that put his twin sister in a wheelchair for life. Leaving that young lover behind, he divided his time between his job and caring for his sibling. Leroy never dreamed that he'd be face-to-face with the man who had won, then trampled his heart all those years ago. The years have been incredibly kind to Nate Abrams but no matter...

Snap Shot (Cayuga Cougars Book 1)
Part #1 of "Cayuga Cougars" series by V. L. Locey
Mario McGarrity has been around the block – and rink – more than a few times.
He’s creeping up on retirement age, has some dings and dents, and says what’s on his mind. Not exactly what most would consider a luxury ride, but his beautiful Lila - the transgender woman who stole his heart - loves him like no other woman ever has despite a little rust here and there.
Everything is good - no, great - aside from the distance issue, until a surprise from Lila’s past crops up and moves in with her. Can Mario be the family man that Lila needs, or is this one game the old vet is unable to skate in?

Improper Fraction
V. L. Locey
O'Malley Ramsey, math aficionado, grew up next door to Garrison Rook, All-American athlete. While O'Malley dreamed of numbers and kissing Garrison, Garrison's tastes ran to home runs and hot chicks. During a family celebration the night before both young men were heading off for college, O'Malley joyously discovers that Garrison isn't quite as straight as the star athlete had been pretending to be. Vows to return to each other quickly followed a few clumsy kisses in the old treehouse in the Rook's backyard.O'Malley came home to Garrison. Garrison never returned to O'Malley.Four years later, the two ex-friends meet up at a summer camp where O'Malley is serving as a counselor. Garrison is desperate to make things right with his childhood friend, but can O'Malley, still nursing the pain and mistrust of Garrison's betrayal, ever forgive or love Garrison again?