Build-in Book Search

Gabriel's Angel
Nora Roberts
Fiction / Suspense / Fantasy
Pregnant, alone, and on the run to protect her unborn child, Laura Malone finds herself stranded with Gabriel Bradley, with whom she forms a bond after he provides her with shelter and friendship through the storm. 500,000 first printing.

Soul of the Unborn
Natalia Brothers
First Place in Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Horror in Paul Gillette Writing ContestBest Speculative Fiction in American Icon 4 ContestCan you call yourself human if supernatural forces control your every breath, every emotion, every desire?Posing as a folklore tour guide, Valya Svetlova takes a group of American college students and their professor, Chris Waller, to her summer home in the Russian village of Vishenky for a few nights of supernatural phenomena. She plays the perfect hostess. For Valya doesn’t want anyone to discover she harbors selfish motives when it comes to one participant, the only person who can refute a tale declaring her a stillborn resurrected by a paranormal entity.Within hours of their arrival, Valya learns that the students foster some dangerous agendas of their own. Her nascent feelings toward the handsome professor inhibit her ability to control the supernatural manifestations and her...

The Absurd Secret Diary Of An Unborn Baby
David N Bending
Friday 17th October. Morning. D-Day!Bad omen in the sky! A good omen would be hard rain, lightningeven better! However, the sky is clear, and unfortunately for me,that is our cue to step into the plane.Bags are carefully packed, tightly secured, and I hope, fullytested, but instead of dreaming of flying to distant Greek islands,the ‘bags’ are tightly strapped to our mother’s backs.Skydiving!An unborn baby can't choose its mother, but this one really has drawn the short straw! This book is presented as a daily secret diary of an unborn. Our hero is the product of a drunken holiday fling between his mother and a intoxicated Scottish tourist. Unfortunately,his mother Sally Summers, has no intention on quitting her alcohol intake. Meanwhile, at eight weeks, and despite a body size of less than an inch and a half, this little person would experience first love. Dara Doo is the unborn daughter of one of Sally's friends, and serves as his love interest for the next 30 weeks or so. He must experience poisonous Australian snakes,plane hi-jacking,skydiving, While most expectant moms are improving their diet, beginning maternity vitamins and perhaps starting a fitness programme of light exercise, our hero's mom is consuming equal parts vodka, gin, and tobacco. Her routine of dangerous driving, partying, clubbing, and believe it or not, skydiving, is not altered. Along with the effects of his mother's dangerous addicted lifestyle, our hero must also deal with devious New Kid setting his sights on Dara's affection."Dara says I'm becoming more handsome as the weeks pass. Think she could be right!""Mother forgot to buy the frisky fried, chicken crisps I like...What do I get? Vodka on the rocks via the umbilical!" Review-It is well written and original. Bending's wit adds an intriguing element of dark humour to a serious topic. I read on wondering how this little person would ever survive to full term. I recommend The Absurd Secret Diary Of An Unborn Baby to those looking for something different in their next read. By William R. Potter for Reader's Choice Book Reviews

The Unborn
Brian Herbert
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Thriller / Fiction
A futuristic mystery from the New York Times Bestselling author of over a dozen books in the DUNE series.In the summer of 2097, Riggio wakes up with amnesia—and his lover dead in their bed. A knife sticks out of the center of her chest, and her blood stains the sheets of the hotel bed. He doesn't know who did it or why; he has only some vague memories of the attack. He recalls her blood curdling screams, her final gasps, and the terror in her eyes. She had recognized the murderer, no doubt, the man in shadows who had stood over their bed. Riggio tries to place the man and the time of the murder, but the events in his memory are sketches at best. Driving an escape car he doesn't remember acquiring and running from a past he fears, Riggio only knows one thing for sure: Someone is chasing him, and they are getting closer.

Grove of the Unborn
Lyn Venable
Science Fiction
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.

Bound by the Unborn Baby
Bella Bucannon
Category Romance / Harlequin / Romance
"As far as everyone's concerned, Alina, this child is ours." Surrogacy is the closest Alina Fletcher dares get to motherhood. But when she must tell tycoon Ethan James she's carrying his late sister's child, his solution takes her breath away - a temporary marriage of convenience for the baby's sake! Alina knows it's the right decision for her baby, but is marrying a stranger - especially one who makes her heart sing! - the right choice for her? Having loved and lost her own family, this proposal could be another chance at happiness...if only Alina's brave enough to say "I do"!