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The Key and the Broken Wing Final Edition
Jessabell Tales
The Final Edition is available for a limited time. As Jezzabell says her final goodbye to her Uncle he gives her a key, but one that she can not place in her pocket but to install it into the depth of her hand. Jezzabell herself does not know what the key means and its power is hidden within the truth. Krome desperately needs this key to unlock the world to other creatures.“Shush, lets hide she’s coming back,” he said. “Oh, no, It’s Jezzabell,” Kimberley held said. They hid in the patch of clover and dandelion heads.Jezzabell, the same young woman who did not have the chance to say goodbye to her uncle sat down next to the coffin. She pulled her own white wings off her back, and took out a long piece of white ribbon from her black shirt pocket. She tied the left wing onto the ribbon and wound the ribbon around the coffin. She did the same thing for the other wing and then she tied the remaining piece of ribbon into a bow. “Good bye Uncle Cherrome,” she cried. The wings began to flutter up and down, in and out and then, the coffin began to rise.“She’s taking our key away from us,” Kimberley whispered.“She is releasing the key to the poison ivy,” Krome eyes lit up. The Coffin lifted into the air and a cloud hovered towards the earth. Jezzabell watched the cloud cover the coffin. The sky turned black and the one and only cloud started to rumble. Lightning struck the cloud that had gobbled up her uncle’s coffin. Something fell onto her hair, she pulled it away from the top of her parting and the white key started to flutter around her head. She jumped up and caught it in her right hand. “The key, it”, Krome was about to jump out of the Dandelions when Kimberley pulled him back. “Wait,” she hissed. The key that lay in Jezzabell’s hand started to shrink. Its golden colour faded into black and white.“Why did you eat the Poison Ivy, Uncle", Jezzabell spoke aloud. But the key would not answer her, it just carried on shrinking. Krome could not wait any longer and he jumped out of the dandelions. “Give me that key,” he demanded. Jezzabell stood up; she clenched the small key in her right hand. “This belongs to me, not you!” she snapped.“Krome, leave her,” Kimberley walked towards them.“I want the Ivy,” he stepped towards Jezzabell. “Krome”, Jezzabell stood back against the stone. “Why should I give it to you? You’re not related to him,” she spoke. Krome grabbed hold of her arm and he forced her clenched fist open. “No!” Kimberley squealed. The church bells began to ring. Krome put his hands over his ears; he pushed Jezzabell to the ground. He Fluttered above her. Every second that Jezzabell looked up at him, he dived towards the small Key that lay in her hand. Jezzabell ducked, she stood up. He dived towards her again and she ran in to the clover leafs. As she sat down, the patch of leafs started to cover her.Krome blew heavily onto the ground above her. She was no longer covered. Jezzabell looked at the hand that held the key. The key that had shrunk in her hand left a black imprint of the key. She touched the key but it didn’t move. “It knows me,” she smiled. “You don’t know what you have done!” Kimberley shook her head in disappointment. “What have I done? I had to send my Uncle away,” Jezzabell’s voice echoed around the yard. Krome swooped down towards Jezzabell and Kimberley stood over her. His antlers touched Kimberley’s hair and she began to fly above them. “Come on!”“She’s not worth it,” Kimberley flew around her. Krome flew around Jezzabell several times. As he dived towards her a flash of lightning struck the ground. He was about to grab Jezzabell’s waist when all of a sudden a white mist covered them all. “I can’t see her,” Krome shouted.“Here, she’s temporary blinded you with fog, let’s go before the others come. If they see us they will hunt us, “Kimberley’s voiced drifted away from the foggy yard.Further into the story Kimberley gives Jezzabell a new job, one that Jezzabell needs to get away from her awful boss, but what she doesn't realize is that it leads to her arch rival Krome.Krome desperately needs the key to unlock new powers and bring chaotic butterflies and wildlife into the human world. His only chance of getting the key is to kill her.

The Key and the Broken Wing
Jessabell Tales
There is more to a butterfly, as we engage in this short story Jezzabell says her final goodbye to Uncle Cherrome, yet she is not alone as Krome and Kimberley want to pinch the key, so powerful and special, from his coffin. As Cherome's coffins flies into the clouds the key becomes a part of Jezzabell.“Where is the key? I can’t find it,” Kimberley went on her knees and started to lift the flowers.“I don’t know. Perhaps we have to price it open,” he laughed. “No, I am not looking at the butterfly,” Kimberley shook the bits of flower that had stuck to her fingers.“Shush, lets hide she’s coming back,” he said. “Oh, no, It’s Jezzabell,” Kimberley held his hand and they hid behind the between the patch of clover and dandelion heads.Jezzabell, the same young women who did not have the chance to say goodbye to her uncle sat down next to the coffin. She pulled her own white wings off her back, pulled out a long piece of white ribbon. She tied the left wing onto the ribbon and wound the ribbon around the coffin. She did the same thing for the other wing and then she tied the remaining piece of ribbon into a bow. “Good bye Uncle Cherrome,” she cried. The wings began to flutter up and down, in and out and then, the coffin began to rise.“She’s taking our key away from us,” Kimberley whispered.There is more to a butterfly, as we engage in this short story Jezzabell says her final goodbye to Uncle Cherrome, yet she is not alone as Krome and Kimberley want to pinch the key, so powerful and special, from his coffin. As Cherome's coffins flies into the clouds the key becomes a part of Jezzabell. Jezzabell does not know what it means but for the other two they really want it , Krome can not wait to get his hands on the key as for Limberly stops him. For she has other ways to retrieve the key. Later on in the week Jezzabell comes face to face with a few humans, Daniel and Slinks. Has the butterfly world already molded with the human world, maybe there was only one world they all lived in. Slinks accuses her of being an angel. Jezzabell tells them who she is, Daniel begins to fall for her and they help her reach Fryl harbour where Kimberley her aunts loyal friend is waiting for her, but after the lads head back, her aunt's friend lures her into a trap, leading to her families enermy, Krome. The master of Butterflies who seeks to destroy her in order to get he key. A key so special that he can bring powerfull demons into the human world. Will Daniel and Slinks reach her before he kills her?