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Rock Bottom
Part #2 of "Tristan & Danika" series by R. K. Lilley
Romance / Ebooks / Erotica
Their love had the power of a runaway freight train, and the potential to be just as destructive. The tempestuous sequel to Bad Things picks up where the first book left off. Reeling from a profound loss, Tristan and Danika struggle to pick up the pieces and build a life together, but the hard habits of a lifetime are not so easy to escape. Rock Bottom takes us on a dual point of view journey through addiction and desire, through love and agony, and answers the question we’ve been asking since these characters were introduced in Grounded: “What happened between Tristan and Danika?” DANIKA Even love couldn’t cushion a fall like ours. My love for Tristan was so big that I felt consumed by it, and even so, it was not enough to overpower our combined demons. I struggled. I yelled and screamed. I scratched and kicked. I fought like hell, but even the most determined fighters have to stop before they break. No one could say I didn’t fight for him. “I love you,” I spoke softly into his ear. He gripped me harder. “I can’t ever lose you, Danika. I’m not sure I’d survive it. ” “You’ve got me. And I’m not going anywhere. Not ever. ” I meant the words when I said them, but life had other plans for us. I’d have given my life for that fight. In fact, I very nearly did. TRISTAN She was the one. If I’d ever had a doubt, I didn’t now. She was the one I’d be thinking about, longing for, until I took my last breath. If I lost her tomorrow, I’d pine for her like a lovesick fool. This was the kind of love that only hit you once in your life.

Rock Bottom
Kat Mizera
My family calls me Zeke. But the music industry refers to me as Big Z... and women everywhere know why.Being lead guitarist for the hottest band in the world should be enough. But it's not. Nothing ever is. And I don't know why.Money. Fame. Girls. I'm drowning in all three. But it's the sweet, spunky college girl offering up her virginity in exchange for an interview that I can't get out of my head. And I wish I knew why.But Presley's been keeping a secret that changes everything. She becomes my lifeline. And instead of pushing her away, I should've held on tighter.Because the whole band is on a downward spiral, out of control... and none of us knew what was coming.

Rock Bottom (The Handler Series Book 1)
Angie M. Brashears
There is nothing sexier than a woman with her act together. This is not that kind of story. NovaKain is a pop star who’s run out of chances, and Shamus Malone is the man willing to give her own more. Shamus - If I keep worrying about everything that could go wrong, I’ll never get to sleep. Needing a distraction, I turn on the news. One click, and she’s everywhere. Breaking news. Unapologetic as ever, NovaKain says, ‘F U Grammys.’ With both hands. Oh no. There’s my star attraction, high as hell. Wearing the same clothes I left her in. Yesterday. Right down to the hospital ID band on her wrist. It’s like deja vu in hell, except…Isn’t that the guy from Fight Club? Yep, and she’s on him like a patch on a jacket. Off balance, she giggles through a statement of some sort. Two words in and the beautiful duo completely break down into raucous peals of laughter. Unable to contain the hilarity, she hands the newsman a familiar ivory envelope and my gut churns. Practically salivating, the reporter can’t spread the bad news fast enough. “Dear Miss Kain...”As he reads, I get a sinking feeling. Like the noose is already around my neck and the stool’s wobbling. Where are her handlers? Those that are supposed to be looking out for her? Right here. I never should have left her. I won’t make that mistake again. No matter the cause, the effect is still happening. Right before my eyes. I should have tied her up and thrown her in the trunk. It should end right there. But on live TV, she’s gotta have the last say. Glassy-eyed, she smirks as the camera zooms in. “Man have I had a week. Rusty hasn’t changed. I don’t think I have any more friends left, but if I do, he’d find a way to screw them too. Then there’s the overdose. Oh my God! Did you guys hear? They tried to 5150 my ass. Monday’s suck. Amirite?”It’s Sunday, but no one corrects her. “All I wanted was a little fun before I’m shut off and somehow I’m the bad guy. Whatever haters. Come see me at The Four Leaf. Vegas Baby!” She turns to the reporter. “Can I say hi to my boss, Shamrock Malone?” It’s Shamus but I’ve been called worse. At least she got the venue right. Then I think of what Justice said. We forgive famous people of everything just to be in their light. She doesn’t even look like the woman I met. This one’s off the rails. I text my brother. Justice, we have a problem.

Rock Bottom Treasure (Palmyrton Estate Sale Mystery Series Book 7)
S. W. Hubbard
Audrey and the crew investigate strange occurences at the home of Cordy Dean, rock journalist. Lots of twists and turns.

Rock Bottom Treasure (Palmyrton Estate Sale Mystery Series)
Hubbard, S. W.
Audrey and the crew investigate strange occurences at the home of Cordy Dean, rock journalist. Lots of twists and turns.

Rock Bottom
Part #1 of "Vegas Aces" series by K. Webster
Romance / Suspense / Thriller
Donnie Jennings has a lifestyle most men only dream of—a life full of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. In his eyes, there’s not much more he could ever want than banging drums and banging groupies. But what will happen when his bandmates find love and he’s left behind? What will happen when the tour ends and he’s left all alone? He’ll hit rock bottom. Nora Storm has a job that requires her to be tough. Day in and day out, she deals with heartache and pain, bringing home a measly paycheck for her efforts. When credit card debt consumes her, she picks up a second job—one that would make her momma blush if she were still alive, but at least she doesn’t have to run back to Daddy for help. She’s a grown woman and will own up to her responsibilities. But will being responsible take a toll on her wellbeing? She’ll take control. When a chance encounter brings Donnie and Nora together, they quickly realize that they know each other from their past, and a storm begins to brew. As loneliness and despair start to overwhelm The Aces’ bad-boy drummer, Nora steps in, hell-bent on saving him from himself. Her claws come out when she has to also protect him from everyone else. Paparazzi. Groupies. His father. They’ll join forces. Together, Donnie and Nora form a Bonnie and Clyde relationship of sorts and find themselves running desperately from a storm determined to destroy them. Will these two find a way to be together forever?Or will dark clouds engulf them and blow away their chance at a happy ending?

Rock Bottom (Buried Secrets #3.5)
Silla Webb
Manipulation—the act that stripped me of my innocence.Corruption—the deed that molded the monster I've become.Persecution—the awakening of the fractured man who was only a pawn in a sick and twisted game. When I lost my family after taking the fall for Drew Varney and his myriad of scandals, I frickin’ hit rock bottom. Without a shadow of hope within these desolate prison walls, the demons begin to gnaw their way out of my tainted soul. My story is dark and heinous, a daunting tale of no redemption. Or is there? **This book is intended for those 18+ or older.Rock Bottom is a READ in SERIES ORDER NOVELLA.**

Rock Bottom
Manda Mellett
I’ve committed the ultimate crime. To repay my gambling debts, I’ve stolen from my MC. Now, I’m out in bad standing.
Cast adrift from all men I called Brother, I approach a rival MC. They let me join on the basis I share all the information about my previous club. In other words, they want me to help them take out the Satan’s Devils. What option have I got? I can’t ride alone, and no other club would take me.
Having to start from the bottom as a prospect is a tough job, but I’m just grateful they’ve given me a new home. It’s not as if I don’t know what I have to do to get my patch.
I come to find the Chaos Riders are a completely different type of club to that which I’m used to. As I betray the Devils, I slowly learn their secrets. Including what they keep in the cellar.
I’m held captive. Kept chained in this filthy place which reeks of blood. I can’t remember the last time I showered or had a change of clothes, and I’m fed only enough to keep me alive. My sentence to remain here for thirty-six months until my husband is released from prison.
I’m not going to last.
They feed me twice a day and empty my disgusting bucket only once. The same unsympathetic man each time. Until, one morning, a new man appears. Do I read sympathy in his eyes? Will he help me? Or is getting his patch and becoming a member of this hateful motorcycle club more important than helping me?

Rock Bottom
Michael Shilling
Once, the Blood Orphans had it all: a million-dollar recording contract from Warner Brothers, killer hooks, and cheekbones that could cut glass. Four pretty boys from Los Angeles, they were supposed to be the next big thing, future kings of rock and roll. But something happened on the way to glory, and now, two years later, along with their coke-fueled, mohawked female manager, they have washed up in Amsterdam for the final show of their doomed and dismal European tour. The singer has become a born-again Buddhist who preaches from the stage, the bass player's raging eczema has turned his hands into a pulpy mess, the drummer is a sex-fiend tormented by the misdeeds of his porn-king father, and the guitar player--the only talented one--is thoroughly cowed by the constant abuse of his bandmates. As they stumble through their final day together, the Blood Orphans find themselves on a comic tour of frustration, danger, excitement, and just possibly, redemption.

Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4)
Jillian Neal
Dan Vindico is the Chief of Elite Iodex, the fiercest, peacekeeping, police force in the Realm. A man constructed of raw sinew and steel, he's sought revenge for his fiancée's murder for the last decade. As he tears apart the men responsible, he finds himself drowning in the riptide. Amelia's kidnapper is going to walk free. The knowledge drives Dan to the brink.Rainer Lawson, son of the assassinated Crown Governor and the newest officer to earn the Elite rank, can't seem to do anything more than watch his boss be crushed under the weight. With Emily on another continent, Rainer has already let his guard down for one brief moment and has seen the brutality of the Interfeci. They've taken something he can't ever get back. Can they be stopped?Can anyone save Vindico from the hellish abyss he seems determined to let consume him? He can't continue on. He's reached Rock Bottom. Narrowly escaping certain imprisonment and possible death, his body seems unwilling to fight anymore....

Rock Bottom
Cate Masters
Literature & Fiction / Paranormal / Contemporary
Rocker Jet Trently’s reality dating show threatens to ruin his chance for real love with reporter Billie Prescott.