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Sodom and Gomorrah, Texas
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
. . . .He knew better. But he did write a nice round hand, like a boy's hand. He knew Spanish, and enough English. For the sector that was assigned to him he would not need a map. He knew it better than anyone else, certainly better than any mapmaker. Besides, he was poor and needed the money.

The Six Fingers of Time
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
He began by breaking things that morning. He broke the glass of water on his night stand. He knocked it crazily against the opposite wall and shattered it. Yet it shattered slowly. This would have surprised him if he had been fully awake, for he had only reached out sleepily for it. Nor had he wakened regularly to his alarm; he had wakened to a weird, slow, low booming, yet the clock said six, time for the alarm. And the low boom, when it came again, seemed to come from the clock. He reached out and touched it gently, but it floated off the stand at his touch and bounced around slowly on the floor. And when he picked it up again it had stopped, nor would shaking start it. He checked the electric clock in the kitchen. This also said six o'clock, but the sweep hand did not move. In his living room the radio clock said six, but the second hand seemed stationary. That was only the beginning. Worse things were to come -- much, much worse.

The Early Lafferty
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
The Early Lafferty is a collection of short fiction by R. A. Lafferty, published in 1988 by United Mythologies Press in a limited edition of 500 copies, 150 of which were signedContents:* Rain Mountain • (1988) • short story by R. A. Lafferty* The Wagons • (1959) • short story by R. A. Lafferty* Other Side of the Moon • (1960) • short fiction by R. A. Lafferty* Long Teeth • (1960) • short story by R. A. Lafferty* Saturday You Die • (1960) • short story by R. A. Lafferty* Task Force Fifty-Eight and One Half • (1988) • short story by R. A. Lafferty

The R a Lafferty Fantastic Megapack
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
Without a doubt, Raphael Aloysius Lafferty (1914-2002) was one of the most quirky and unusual authors every to work in science fiction. That's saying a lot. His stories are often unusual, challenging, uncategorizable, and brilliant. This collection assembles 18 of them, including his very first story.

The Back Door of History
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
The Back Door of History is a collection of short fiction by R. A. Lafferty, published in 1988 by United Mythologies Press. It was published in an unsigned edition and in a signed limited edition (150 copies as per the ISFDB - no limitation is noted in the book itself).these are the contents:Phoenic • (1980) • short story by R. A. Lafferty (variant of Phoenic')Six Leagues from Lop • short story by R. A. LaffertyRainy Day in Halicarnasses • (1979) • short story by R. A. LaffertyAssault on Fat Mountain • (1976) • short story by R. A. LaffertyCalamities of Last Pauper • (1982) • short story by R. A. Lafferty (variant of Calamities of the Last Pauper)Rogue Raft • (1973) • short story by R. A. LaffertyThere was a loose errata sheet in the book, explaining that they had forgotten to include the last page of "Phoenic" when the book was printed, and that instead of being page 6 as it should have been, it was included at the end of the book. What they did was to glue the missing page in on what was an otherwise blank page. The errata sheet I included as images 3 and 4 in the cbr.

The Early Lafferty II.
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
The Early Lafferty II is a collection of short fiction by R. A. Lafferty, published in 1990 by United Mythologies Press. There were both signed and unsigned editions. There is no statement of limitation, but the ISFDB says the signed limited edition was 100 numbered copies, while the unsigned was a limited edition of 300 copiesContents:* Introduction: Its His Voice • (1990) • essay by Darrell Schweitzer* Day of the Glacier • (1960) • short story by R. A. Lafferty* Almost Perfect • (1980) • short story by R. A. Lafferty* Ghost in the Corn Crib • (1973) • short story by R. A. Lafferty* Maleficent Morning • (1990) • short story by R. A. Lafferty* Beautiful Dreamer • (1960) • short story by R. A. Lafferty* McGonigal's Worm • (1960) • short story by R. A. Lafferty

The Best of R. A. Lafferty
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
Tor Essentials presents science fiction and fantasy titles of proven merit and lasting value, each volume introduced by an appropriate literary figure.Acclaimed as one of the most original voices in modern literature, a winner of the World Fantasy Award for lifetime achievement, Raphael Aloysius Lafferty (1914-2002) was an American original, a teller of acute, indescribably loopy tall tales whose work has been compared to that of Avram Davidson, Flannery O'Connor, Flann O'Brien, and Gene Wolfe.The Best of R. A. Lafferty presents 22 of his best flights of offbeat imagination, ranging from classics like "Nine-Hundred Grandmothers" (basis for the later novel) and "The Primary Education of the Cameroi," to his Hugo Award-winning "Eurema's Dam."Introduced by Neil Gaiman, the volume also contains story introductions and afterwords by, among many others, Michael Dirda, Samuel R. Delany, John Scalzi, Connie Willis, Jeff VanderMeer, Kelly Robson, Harlan Ellison,...

Past Master
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
Wolf Hall meets The Man in the High Castle in this mind-bending science fiction classic, now presented in an authoritative new edition from Library of AmericaPlucked from time, Sir Thomas More arrives on the human colony of Astrobe in the year 2535 A.D., where there is trouble in utopia: can he and his motley followers save this golden world from the Programmed Persons, and the soulless perfection they have engineered? The survival of faith itself is at stake in this thrilling, uncategorizable, wildly inventive first novel—but the adventure is more than one of ideas. As astonishingly as Philip K. Dick and other visionaries of the 1960s new wave, Lafferty turns the conventions of space-opera science fiction upside-down and inside-out. Here are fractured allegories, tales-within-tales, twinkle-in-the-eye surprises, fantastic byways, and alien subjectivities that take one's breath away. Neil Gaiman has described Lafferty "a genius, an oddball, a...

Fourth Mansions
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
Seven very special people blending to create a higher form of humanity...A laughing man living alone on a mountain top, guarding the world...The returnees, men who live again and again, century after century...A dog-ape plappergeist who can be seen only from the corner of the eye...And a young man named Foley, very much like you or me, who begins to find out about these people and these things, and how they are shaping the destiny of the world...

Half a Sky: The Coscuin Chronicles Book 2
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
A constellation of persons or events will
have precedent. It will not appear out of nothing; it's a converging of
previous trails and persons. Before one set of adventures, there was
always another set; and before those, still another set, back to the
beginning of the world.We pass from one set to another now,
from the Green-Flame adventure to the Half-Sky adventure. We are still
in the middle of the nineteenth century, that most unreal of centuries,
looking for reality under stodgy and ridiculous surface.

Okla Hannali
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
"This curious and wonderful tall tale contributes to the apocalyptic revision of American history that began with Little Big Man and Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. It’s the tale of Hannali Innominee, a ’Mingo’ or natural lord of the 19th-century Choctaw Indian [and] a capacious, indomitable giant of the ilk of Paul Bunyan....Lafferty tells it straight: how the Choctaw nation, once removed, reconstituted itself and thrived in Indian territory...., how there came a schism between the rich, part-white, slave-owning, moneylending Choctaws and the ’feudal, compassionate, chauvinistic’ full-blooded freeholders like Hannali; and how, during the Civil War, the Indians were manipulated divide-and-conquer fashion in helping destroy each other."–Kirkus Reviews.

R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
Archipelago is the first volume of the 'Devil is Dead' or 'Argo' trilogy, and also the most difficult to find. Published by Manuscript Press several years ago, it has been out-of-print and available only at absurd prices from rare book stores until now. Archipelago chronicles the early lives of the 'Dirty Five', recurring characters in Lafferty's ghost stories who are also aspects of Jason's Argonauts. Though shifting and mercurial, this novel begins their mythic struggle against Evil in whatever form they can find it.

More Than Melchisedech
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
This is the third volume of Lafferty's "Devil Is Dead" trilogy, focusing on Melchisedech Duffey and his struggle against the Enemy. Previously only available in three separate books, this is the first time the complete story has been available between two covers. This e-book also contains several of Lafferty's short stories which are referenced within the book, helping to more tightly integrate his Argo Mythos, arguably the core myth of his career-long 'ghost story'.

The Flame Is Green: The Coscuin Chronicles Book 1
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
Let us say that we have a green thing growing forever. Everything that is done is done by it. And on it we also have the red parasite crunching forever; and everything that is undone by that. It is required of each man that he rule over himself in justice, and that he rule over the world in justice. This has gone on forever, though it is hard to trace through garbled history. And it must still is hard to trace through garbled history. And it must still go on forever. For all your own life and for the life of all your children, you will carry on the green battle.

The Man Who Talled Tales: Collected Short Stories of R.A. Lafferty
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
R. A. Lafferty wrote some of the greatest short stories in the English language, and most people never have the opportunity to read them. Those who do want to read R. A. Lafferty these days have two options: purchase an old paperback off eBay at a usurious mark-up, or download dodgy OCR scans and make do as best they can. This is all the more tragic when one notes the number of Lafferty works published by obscure small presses that have become unavailable in any medium whatsoever. This book aims to remedy that. Collected here in this free volume is every R. A. Lafferty story ever published, from 'The Wagons' in 1959 to 'There'll Always Be Another Me' in 2003. It is a gift to every reader who loves the strange and the new, every old fan and new seeker who has heard of the special magic Lafferty possessed. It is our sincere hope that you will read him, that you'll enjoy him, and that you'll pass him on to your friends.

R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
Aurelia was a fifteen-year-old girl from a very advanced world. She’d passed Starship building easily enough, but she’d slept through most of celestial navigation. That was how she ended up on a little back-water dump like Earth, where her advanced powers seemed like miracles.
Some thought she was the Messiah.
Some thought she was the Devil.
No one was prepared for the truth.

Summa Risus: Collected Non-Fiction
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
"The king was in his counting-house. He was counting to see whether there was enough gold to maintain the golden age that had already begun, in wobbly fashion, and almost unnoticed. And he was amazed by the amount of gold that he found." — Notes From The Golden Age, R.A. LaffertyThere is a lot of gold left to Lafferty even after the tales have been talled. After the overwhelming positive response to our collection of R.A. Lafferty's short fiction, we decided a companion volume was needed, one which gathered together the core of his non-fiction in one convenient place for his fans, both past and future.This e-book contains: It's Slippery Down The Cellar StairsTrue BelieversCranky Old Man From TulsaThe Fall of RomeAfterwords and Memoir commentaries on the author's own storiesLetters and essays from other venuesThe typographical corrections, rigorous proof-reading, and active Table of Contents every good e-book needs to be worth your time

Eurema's Dam
R. A. Lafferty
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction
Won the Hugo Award for Best Short Story in 1973.