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The Final Programme
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Jerry Cornelius is a scientist, a rock star, and an assassin. He is the hippest adventurer of them all: tripping through a pop art nightmare in which kidnappings, murder, sex and drugs are a daily occurrence. Along with his savvy and ruthless partner-in-chaos, Miss Brunner, Cornelius is on a mission to control a revolutionary code for creating the ultimate human being, a modern messiah— the final programme.
The first book in the Cornelius Quartet is the groundbreaking introduction to the misadventures and vendettas of Jerry Cornelius, one of modern literature’s most distinctive characters, the product of a bewildering post-modern culture, and an inspiration for generations of characters since.
"Michael Moorcock, rechazando las disputas de límites que han reducido la novela a una confusión de subgéneros en conflicto, recobra en estos cuatro volúmenes una vitalidad y una amplitud proteicas que pudieran llamarse dickensianas si no pertenecieran tan por completo a nustro tiempo volátil. En verdad, ninguna obra reciente de ficción ha manejado mejor las contingencias vertiginosas de la imaginación del medio siglo que esta brava arlequinada de juegos de identidad, realidades falsificadas, historia paródica, y un pobre y ordinario apocalipsis" (W.L. Webb, The Guardian).
"Moorcock ha creado una figura capaz de moverse a través de las versiones míticas de los problemas de hoy, sin intentar situarlas o situarse a sí mismo en contextos simplificados. Una ficción semejante, en un mundo de imaginación escasa, es un don necesario" (Harpers Bazaar)
Michael Moorcock nació en Inglaterra, ha publicado más de 50 libros y fue animador principal de la célebre revista New Worlds, que introdujo el término "ficción especulativa"; una literatura "moderna, coherente y vital".
En EL PROGRAMA FINAL, primera de una serie de cuatro novelas independientes, anticipa la herencia decepcionante y caótica de la década del 60, un dorado presente en el que todo parecía instantáneamente posible.

The Steel Tsar
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The Steel Tsar is the third novel in the Oswald Bastable trilogy, A Nomad of the Time Streams, by Michael Moorcock. It is a sequel to The Land Leviathan and was originally published in the United Kingdom by Granada Books.
The novel was heavily revised and rewritten for its inclusion in the Orion/White Wolf omnibus of A Nomad of the Time Streams to the extent that it is virtually a different novel. Moorcock has expressed his dissatisfaction with the original novel, which was written when his marriage to Jill Riches was breaking up.

The Champion of Garathorm
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The Champion of Garathorm is the second novel in the The Chronicles of Castle Brass series by Michael Moorcock and featuring Duke Dorian Hawkmoon and Ilian of Garathorm. It is a sequel to both Count Brass and to the Erekosë novel Phoenix in Obsidian, and is followed by The Quest for Tanelorn.

The Revenge of the Rose
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The Revenge of the Rose is Michael Moorcock's newest, most captivating novel of Elric, the mad albino warrior with the vampire Black Sword. Now, Elric returns on the wings of a dragon to the ruined place of his birth, the Dreaming City. There, in the catacombs of his ancestors, he hears the tortured voice of his dead father. But to save his father's soul from eternal suffering, Elric must battle the princes of Hell itself - and put his faith in the hands of a woman. A woman called the Rose...

The Dreamthief's Daughter: A Tale of the Albino
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The first new "Eternal Champion" novel in ten years and a major fantasy publishing event, "The Dreamthief's Daughter" continues the highly successful Elrick Saga. The Count Ulric von Bek meets a figure known to him only in dreams--Elrick of Melnibon, the wandering Prince of Ruins. Somehow the same person, yet separate, their very beings fuse spectacularly. Now the never-ending struggle between Law and Chaos must be fought in both their universes.

Lord of the Spiders or Blades of Mars
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Once more into the matter transmitter for an unforgettable journey to ancient Mars! Pulled back to earth on the eve of his marriage to the beautiful Princess Shizala, brilliant physicist Michael Kane must once again journey to the Red Planet to reclaim a life of swordplay and high adventure in the tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs! Kane finds himself on a different Mars, a place of blue giants and red revolution that ultimately leads to a ruined obsidian city inhabited by savage spider-men.
Cover Illustration and Frontispiece: Richard Hescox

The Jewel in the Skull
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Fantasy legend Michael Moorcock won hundreds of thousands of readers with his vast and imaginative multiverse, in which Law and Chaos wage war through endless alternative universes, struggling over the fundamental rules of existence.
Moorcock's heroes of the multiverse have been lauded as some of the most influential characters in fantasy. Among the Eternal Champions, Dorian Hawkmoon is one of the most loved. In the far future, Hawkmoon is pulled unwillingly into a war that will eventually pit him against the ruthless Baron Meliadus and the armies of the Dark Empire. Antique cities, scientific sorcery, and crystalline machines serve as a backdrop to this high adventure.
Dorian Hawkmoon, the last Duke of Koln, swore to destroy the Dark Empire of Granbretan. But after his defeat and capture at the hands of the vast forces of the Empire. Hawkmoon becomes a puppet co-opted by his arch nemesis to infiltrate the last stronghold of rebellion against Granbretan, the small but powerful city of Kamarang. He's been implanted with a black jewel, through whose power the Dark Empire can control his every decision. But in the city of Kamarang, Hawkmoon discovers the power inside him to overcome any control, and his vengeance against the Dark Empire is filled with an unrelenting fury.

The Vengeance of Rome
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The fourth and final volume of the legendary Pyat Quartet.
Born in Ukraine on the first day of the century, a Jewish anti-Semite, Pyat careered through three decades like a runaway train. Bisexual, cocaine-loving engineer/inventor/spy, he enthusiastically embraces Fascism. Hero-worshipping Mussolini, he enters the dictator's circle, enjoys a close friendship with Mussolini's wife and is sent by the Duce on a secret mission to Munich, becoming intimate with Ernst Röhm, the homosexual stormtrooper leader. His crucial role in the Nazi Party's struggle for power has him performing perverted sex acts with 'Alf', as the Fuhrer's friends call him.
Pyat's extraordinary luck leaves him after he witnesses Hitler's massacre of Röhm and the SA. At last he is swallowed up in Dachau concentration camp. Thirty years later, having survived the Spanish civil war, he is living in Portobello Road and telling his tale to a writer called Moorcock.

Byzantium Endures: The First Volume of the Colonel Pyat Quartet
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Meet Maxim Arturovitch Pyatnitski, also known as Pyat. Tsarist rebel, Nazi thug, continental conman and reactionary counterspy: the dark and dangerous antihero of Michael Moorcock's most controversial work. Published in 1981 to great critical acclaim--then condemned to the shadows and unavailable in the United States for 30 years--Byzantium Endures, the first of the Pyat quartet, is not a book for the faint-hearted. It is the story of a cocaine addict, sexual adventurer, and obsessive anti-Semite whose epic journey from Leningrad to London connects him with scoundrels and heroes from Trotsky to Makhno and whose career echoes that of the 20th century's descent into fascism and total war. This is Moorcock at his audacious, iconoclastic best: a grand sweeping overview of the events of the last century, as revealed in the secret journals of modern literature's most proudly unredeemable outlaw. This authoritative edition presents the author's final cut, restoring previously forbidden passages and deleted scenes.

The Chronicles of Corum
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Corum of the Silver Hand had slain the gods that Man might rule, and he had earned his rest. However, now the task falls upon him to defeat the mighty Fhoi Myore, the gods who yearn for death but can not be slain.

The Shores of Death
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Earth's Last Dark Age.
With Earth teetering on the brink of extinction, only one man dares to defy the legacy of the Spaceraiders - Clovis Marca, the twilight man.
Long ago Earth, now fixed on her axis, with eternal day on one side, eternal night on the other and a ribbon of twilight in between, was ravaged by galactic raiders. Earthlings recovered, grew stronger. But now, unable to reproduce, the last humans are frenzied with final decadence. And fear.
Only Clovis Marca, the last man born on Earth, dares to brave infected space to seek the impossible solution. His dark quest leads him to face Orland Sharvis, the scientist whose insane experiments on his own mind and body might just save the human race… but would that race then be more, or less, human?

Knight of the Swords
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
By creating Man, the universe had betrayed the old races. Spreading like a pestilence across the Earth, Man destroyed the Vadhagh and the Nhadragh, the ancient peoples. Only Vadhagh Prince Corum remained to raise his sword, to avenge the slaughter of his family and race, to battle the unjust fate of a blind and deaf universe...
Cover Illustration: Robert Gould

The Oak and the Ram
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The seasons have turned from spring to summer across the quiet earth - yet the Fhoi Myore were hiding in mist, awaiting their chance to unleash their icy realm of death. To defeat the Cold Gods, Corum of the Silver Hand must restore the High King's power with legendary treasures - the Golden Oak and the Silver Ram - lost talismans that wield miraculous forces unknown to Corum...
Cover Illustration: David McCall Johnston

The Weird of the White Wolf
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
"We must be bound to one another then. Bound by hell-forged chains and fate-haunted circumstance. Well, then - let it be thus so - and men will have cause to tremble and flee when they hear the names of Elric of Melnibone and Stormbringer, his sword. We are two of a kind - produced by an age which has deserted us. Let us give this age cause to hate us."
Imrryr, the dreaming city; Yyrkoon, the hated usurper; Cymoril, the beloved... all had fallen to the fury and unearthly power of the albino prince and his terrible sword. An Elric faced at last the fate that was to be his in this haunted era - that he must go forth, sword and man as one, and havoc and horror would be forever at his forefront until he found his Purpose that was yet obscured to him.

Masters of the Pit or Barbarians of Mars
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion returns in the form of Michael Kane, a brilliant Earthman stranded on the treacherous deserts of Ancient Mars! In this sweeping, epic sword-and-planet adventure in the tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Kane and his blue giant companion Hool Haji must travel to the far reaches of the Red Planet to halt the hideous Green Death, an unstoppable disease that rots the mind as well as the body. From gorgeous Karnala, City of Green Mists, to the empty streets of tainted Cend-Amrid to the forgotten weird-science laboratories of the lost, highly advanced Yaksha culture, Masters of the Pit promises stunning locales, disgusting Martian creatures, and relentless action from the Nebula and World Fantasy Award-winning creator of Elric of Melniboné!
Cover Illustration and Frontispiece: Richard Hescox

The Complete Ice Schooner
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
During the next ice age the schooner Ice Spirit sets sail to find the legendary city of New York. Plus two short stories set in the same world.

The Land Leviathan
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
A brand-new edition of the second novel in Moorcock's acclaimed steampunk series.
Oswald Bastable visits an alternate 1904. Here, he discovers that most of the Western world has been devastated by a short, yet horrific, war fought with futuristic devices and biological weapons. An Afro-American Black Attila is conquering the remnants of the Western nations, destroyed by the wars, in an attempt to bring civilization and social order.

The Skrayling Tree: The Albino in America
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The second book in "A Tale of the Albino." When his beloved wife Oona is abducted by a band of albino Native Americans, Ulrik von Bek trails the group by using the Skrayling Oak. Soon he finds himself in the multiverse, where he is reconnected with his alternate self, Elric of Melnibone.

The Vanishing Tower
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Elric of Melniboné, proud prince of ruins, last lord of a dying race, wanders the lands of the Young Kingdoms in search of the evil sorcerer Theleb K'aarna. His object is revenge. But to achieve this, he must first brave such horrors as the Creatures of Chaos, the freezing wilderness of World's Edge, the golden-skinned Kelmain hordes, King Urish the Seven-fingered with his great cleaver Hackmeat, the Burning God, the Sighing Desert, and the terrible stone-age men of Pio. Although Elric holds within him a destiny greater than he could ever know, and controls the hellsword Stormbringer, stealer of souls, his task looks hopeless - until he encounters Myshella, Empress of the Dawn, the sleeping sorceress...

Hawkmoon: The Jewel in the Skull
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Fantasy legend Michael Moorcock won hundreds of thousands of readers with his vast and imaginative multiverse, in which Law and Chaos wage war through endless alternative universes, struggling over the fundamental rules of existence.
Moorcock's heroes of the multiverse have been lauded as some of the most influential characters in fantasy. Among the Eternal Champions, Dorian Hawkmoon is one of the most loved. In the far future, Hawkmoon is pulled unwillingly into a war that will eventually pit him against the ruthless Baron Meliadus and the armies of the Dark Empire. Antique cities, scientific sorcery, and crystalline machines serve as a backdrop to this high adventure.
Dorian Hawkmoon, the last Duke of Koln, swore to destroy the Dark Empire of Granbretan. But after his defeat and capture at the hands of the vast forces of the Empire. Hawkmoon becomes a puppet co-opted by his arch nemesis to infiltrate the last stronghold of rebellion against Granbretan, the small but powerful city of Kamarang. He's been implanted with a black jewel, through whose power the Dark Empire can control his every decision. But in the city of Kamarang, Hawkmoon discovers the power inside him to overcome any control, and his vengeance against the Dark Empire is filled with an unrelenting fury.

Jerusalem Commands: Between the Wars Vol. 3
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The third novel of the Pyat quartet finds Maxim Arturovitch Pyatnitski scheming his way from New York to Hollywood, Cairo to Marrakesh, from cult success to the utter limits of sexual degradation, leaving a trail of mechanical and human wreckage as he crashes towards an appointment with the worst nightmare of this century.

The War Hound and the World's Pain
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Lured to the dead kingdom while traveling Europe's ravaged landscape, the War Hound von Bek is entranced by the beautiful and strange Lady Sabrina. But in return for her love, he must meet her master ... Lucifer!

The Chronicles of Castle Brass
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Anthology containing: Count Brass by Michael MoorcockThe Champion of Garathorm by Michael MoorcockThe Quest for Tanelorn by Michael Moorcock

Sojan the Swordsman
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Sojan the Swordsman is Michael Moorcock’s very first published character, the precursor to the Eternal Champion. Heavily influenced by the pulp tales of Robert E. Howard and Edgar Rice Burroughs, this is the tale of the hero Sojan Shieldbearer as he travels across the planet Zylor encountering strange races and even stranger monsters in a fast-paced adventure in the tradition of John Carter of Mars and Esau Cairns of Almuric.

Elric of Melniboné
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
It is the colour of a bleached skull, his flesh; and the long hair that flows below his shoulders is milk-white. From the tapering, beautiful head stare two slanting eyes, crimson and moody....He is Elric, Emperor of Melnibone, cursed with a keen and cynical intelligence, schooled in the art of sorcery -- the hero of Michael Moorcock's remarkable epic of conflict and adventure at the dawn of human history...Included is a dramatic introduction read by Michael Moorcock over 10 mins in length.

The White Wolf's Son: The Albino Underground
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Aspect published the previous novel in the series, The Skrayling Tree, in hardcover (0-446-53104-9) in 2003 and in mass market (0-446-61340-1) in 7/04. The prior novel. The Dreamthief's Daughter (Aspect hardcover, 2001, 0-446-52618-5; mass market, 2002, 0-446-61120-4) received praise from the Washington Post, Denver Post, and Locus, where it was featured on the 2001 Recommended Reading list. - Aspect reissued Moorcock's classic Gloriana, or the Unfulfill'd Queen in trade paperback in 8/04. Gloriana won Moorcock the World Fantasy Award, the John W. Campbell Award, and the British Fantasy Award. - Moorcock's Elric the Eternal Champion saga has been optioned by Universal Pictures, with Chris and Paul Weitz (American Pie) producing. - Michael Moorcock is a vanguard author, editor, journalist, critic, and rock musician, who is editor of the controversial magazine New Worlds. A member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame, Moorcock has won the Guardian Fiction Prize, the Nebula Award, the World Fantasy Award, and the British Fantasy Award, among others.

The Sword and the Stallion
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Enemies become allies and allies enemies as the races struggle for possession of the Earth. Yet only Prince Corum of the Scarlet Robe can save them from a doomed fate. With the spear of Llaw Ereint in his silver hand, Corum must face the Cold Gods in a final battle that will defeat the forces of Chaos - or deliver the world to evil unending...
Cover Illustration: Robert Gould

The Knight of the Swords
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
There were Gods abroad in those days. It was their whim to wipe clean the slate of history, to destroy the old races, the Vadhagh, the Nhadragh, the remnants of still more ancient peoples. Mankind, the contemptible Mabden, was ther instrument, washcloth of the Gods. But the Gods themselves fell out, and Chaos gained the advantage over Law.
The stage was set for heroes.
One such was the Vadhagh Prince Corum. Driven mad for revenge by the callous slaughter of his family and race, and by his own grotesque multilation at the hands of the Mabden, he agreed to accept from the treacherous sorcerer Shool the Eye of Rhynn and the Hand of Kwll in exchange for a lien on his soul.
Thus armed he set out upon a personal crusade against the Sword Rulers, Lords of Chaos, puppetmasters to Man. And first of these was the loathsome Arioch, Knight of the Swords, master of five of the fifteen planes of reality. From Arioch, Prince Corum required his heart.

Mother London
Part #1 of "London" series by Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Shortlisted for the Whitbread prize, MOTHER LONDON is a dazzling journey through the heart of a city that the author loved. Spanning generations of characters across a variety of boroughs from the Blitz to the mid-eighties, this is a book about the real London that tourists will never find, a London which is being erased by the spread of high-rise flats and shining skyscrapers.
Following a group of released mental patients across the years and streets of London, Moorcock creates a vivid impressionistic portrait of the city, from its downtrodden pubs to its green parks. All of the lead characters hear voices – but are they the murmurings of their damaged minds, or the true voice of the city?

The Dancers at the End of Time
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Enter a decaying far, far future society, a time when anything and everything is possible, where words like 'conscience' and 'morality' are meaningless, and where heartfelt love blossoms mysteriously between Mrs Amelia Underwood, an unwilling time traveller, and Jherek Carnelian, a bemused denizen of the End of Time.
The Dancers at the End of Time, containing the novels An Alien Heat, The Hollow Lands and The End of All Songs, is a brilliant homage to the 1890s of Wilde, Beardsley and the fin de siècle decadents, satire at its sharpest and most colourful.

The Quest for Tanelorn
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The Quest for Tanelorn is the third novel in the The Chronicles of Castle Brass series by Michael Moorcock and features Duke Dorian Hawkmoon. It is a sequel to The Champion of Garathorm and also serves as one of three simultaneous conclusions to the overall Eternal Champion series.

The Sailor on the Seas of Fate
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Leaving his cousin Yrkoon sitting as regent upon the Ruby Throne of Melnibone, leaving his cousin Cymoril weeping for him and despairing of his ever returning, Elric sailed from Imrryr, the Dreaming City, and went to seek an unknown goal in the world of the Young Kingdoms where Melniboneans were at best, disliked.

Legends From the End of Time
Part #4 of "Dancers at the end of time" series by Michael Moorcock
"Abandon Morality and Conscience. Since we left them dancing at the end of time, The Duke of Queens, Lord Mongrove, The Everlasting Concubine -- and now others too, like Elric of Melnibone -- are still caught in outlandish situations and engaged in odd behavior. For they are still at the end of time, where anything is possible and morality and conscience succumb to style. Embrace Style".

Count Brass
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The 14th and final volume in the classic epic fantasy sequence : The Eternal Champion Michael Moorcock's epic novels of the fantastic are classics of the genre that appeal to all ages and walks of life. From the earliest pulp novels of the 60's to the award winning MOTHER LONDON he has earned wide critical acclaim. COUNT BRASS, the concluding volume of the tale of the eternal champion, makes the fearsome journey to Tanelorn in search of resolution. The avatar of the champion - Elric, Corum, Hawkmoon and Erekose must pool their talents in order to bring about the conjunction of the million spheres.

Byzantium Endures: Pyat Quartet
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Byzantium Endures, the first of the Pyat Quartet, introduces one of Michael Moorcock's most magnificent creations - Maxim Arturovitch Pyatnitski. Born in Kiev on the cusp of the twentieth century, he discovers the pleasures of sex and cocaine and glimpses a sophisticated world beyond his horizons before the storm of the October Revolution breaks. Still a student at St Petersburg, he is deflected into more immediate concerns, caught up in the rip-tide of history.

Modem Times 2.0
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Jerry Cornelius--Michael Moorcock's fictional audacious assassin, rockstar, chronospy, and possible Messiah--is featured in the first of two stories in this fifth installment of the Outspoken Author series. Previously unpublished, the first story is an odyssey through time from London in the 1960s to America during the years following Barack Obama's presidency. The second piece is a political, confrontational, comical, nonfiction tale in the style of Jonathan Swift and George Orwell. An interview with the author rounds out this biting, satirical, sci-fi collection.

The Hollow Lands
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
In which we find Jherek Carnelian, one of the small population of hedonistic immortals remaining on earth at the end of time, still obsessively in love with Mrs. Amelia Underwood, a reluctant time-traveler from Victorian England. After narrowly escaping death in nineteenth-century London, Jherek again is separated from his love by several millenniums. And so he begins a new, headlong campaign - seesawing through space and time regardless of risk or consequence - to reunite himself with Mrs. Underwood.
This is volume II in a trilogy, The Dancers at the End of Time, of which An Alien Heat was the first. It is full of astounding antics and incredible characters. Another outstanding book by one of the most esteemed and prolific writers of science fiction.

The Whispering Swarm
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Almost anyone who has read or written science fiction or fantasy has been inspired by the work of Michael Moorcock. His literary flair and grand sense of adventure have been evident since his controversial first novel Behold the Man, from the stories and novels featuring his most famous character, Elric of Melniboné, to his fantasy masterpiece, Gloriana, winner of both the Campbell Memorial and World Fantasy awards for best novel. Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, and Michael Chabon all cite Moorcock as a major influence; as editor of New Worlds magazine, he helped launch the careers of many of his contemporaries, including Harlan Ellison, Philip K. Dick, and J. G. Ballard.
Moorcock's first independent novel in nine years is a tale both fantastical and autobiographical, a celebration of London and what it meant to be young there in the years after World War II. The Whispering Swarm is the first in a trilogy that will follow a young man named Michael as he simultaneously discovers himself and a secret realm hidden deep in the heart of London.

Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Queen Elizabeth I of England (ruled in late 1500's), also known as Gloriana and Good Queen Bess, has been a source of endless fascination for centuries. There are many movies (Elizabeth made Cate Blanchett's career) and dozens of books, not to mention Web sites devoted to her. While there was great strife during her reign, Elizabeth I was one of the most beloved monarchs of all time, and her period is known as the Golden Age of English history. Some of the world's greatest luminaries came from her country in that period, including William Shakespeare, Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe, and Sir Walter Raleigh.
A fable satirizing Spenser's The Faerie Queene and reflecting the real life of Elizabeth I. GLORIANA, OR THE UNFULFILL'D QUEEN tells of a woman who ascends to the throne upon the death of her debauched and corrupted father, King Hern. Gloriana's reign brings the Empire of Albion into a Golden Age, but her oppressive responsibilities choke her, prohibiting any form of sexual satisfaction no matter what fetish she tries. Her problem is in fact symbolic of the hypocrisy of her entire court. While her life is meant to mirror that of her nation¿an image of purity, virtue, enlightenment, and prosperity the truth is that her peaceful empire is kept secure by her wicked chancellor Montfallcon and his corrupt network of spies and murderers, the most sinister of whom Captain Quire, is commissioned to seduce Gloriana and thus bring down Albion and the entire empire.

The Queen of the Swords
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The second novel in the Corum series - The Swords trilogy

The Bull and the Spear
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Fantasy. "Corum Jhaelen Irsei, hero of the legendary battle with the Sword Rulers. In an age before time began when the old Gods were abroad in the Earth, Corum of the Scarlet Robe defeated the agents of chaos and cruelty and made history possible. Now a new age requires a hero. There are new lords who would be gods - Odin and Thor and Freya and Loki. And there are the descendants of Corum's Vadagh people, now called Elf-folk. There is a portent - a great black bull sometimes seen on the horizon. The bull must be ridden by the one who possesses the Spear of Llaw Ereint. And the one who will come to possess the spear will be one who has a silver hand - it is the hand of Corum."

Phoenix in Obsidian
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The second novel in the History of John Daker, The Eternal Champion. Phoenix in Obsidian aka The Silver Warriors.
Erekose made his choice, and fought against humanity. With them destroyed, he has no choice but to find solace with the Eldren.
There is no rest for the Eternal Champion though, and again he changes, Urlik Skarsol is now Erekose and Erekose is Urlik, prince of the Southern Ice. He just wants to get back to his lover, but fate has other plans.
He also now has the Black Sword, the stealer of souls, and it has much work to do before Erekose can rest.

The Laughter of Carthage: Pyat Quartet
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Having escaped the horrors of the Russian civil war, Maxim Arturovitch Pyat discovers that the hazards of Europe are as nothing to the perils that await him in America.He is almost immediately involved in further scandals, touring the country as a speaker for the Ku Klux Klan.In this second of Michael Moorcock's acclaimed Pyat series of novels, only the reappearance of Pyat's enduring love, his femme fatale, Mrs Corenelius, offers him a chance of escape.

The Eternal Champion
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Young and old, familiar fans and newcomers, will be captivated by Michael Moorcock's legendary Eternal Champion collection. Timeless, classic and beyond a doubt one of the foundations of modern Fantasy, the Eternal Champion is a series of stories that no Fantasy aficionado should pass up.Includes The Eternal Champion, Phoenix in Obsidian, To Rescue Tanelorn and The Sundered Worlds.

The Black Corridor
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The spaceship Hope Dempsey is four years out from Earth, en route to the planetary system orbiting Munich 15040. Aboard are thirteen people—twelve in suspended animation, "sleeping" through the long voyage, while the thirteenth, Ryan, looks after the ship.This is a colonizing voyage, made up of refugees from an Earth whose people have driven themselves to the edge of global destruction. The thirteen people on this ship might be the only humans left alive in the universe.And now, before they can reach the new planets and begin again, a crisis is developing on board ship. As Ryan checks the crew's life-support systems, and reads the ship's computer printouts, and thinks, and dreams, he comes to realize that even this last remnant of human life is threatened with extinction, In the lonely dark corridor between stars....

Behold the Man
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Karl Glogauer is a disaffected modern professional casting about for meaning in a series of half-hearted relationships, a dead-end job, and a personal struggle. His questions of faith surrounding his father's run-of-the-mill Christianity and his mother's suppressed Judaism lead him to a bizarre obsession with the idea of the messiah. After the collapse of his latest affair and his introduction to a reclusive physics professor, Karl is given the opportunity to confront his obsession and take a journey that no man has taken before, and from which he knows he cannot return.
Upon arriving in Palestine, A.D. 29, Glogauer finds that Jesus Christ is not the man that history and faith would like to believe, but that there is an opportunity for someone to change the course of history by making the ultimate sacrifice.
First published in 1969, Behold the Man broke through science fiction's genre boundaries to create a poignant reflection on faith, disillusion and self-sacrifice. This is the classic novel that established the career of perhaps contemporary science fiction's most cerebral and innovative author.

The Golden Barge
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
From back cover: "Then the mist eddied. Out of it, purposefully and with dignity, loomed a great golden barge, a barge which glittered with a light of its own. Tallow was astounded. He looked at the towering shape, agape. He was no longer the integrated and impenetrable thing he had been for he had not taken the golden barge into account before. He became worried that the barge should not escape as it passed. It disappeared in the mist again...." Jephraim Tallow's fantastic quest for the golden barge is the theme that runs through this unique novel. Unique in that it was Michael Moorcock's original novel in whose pages can be found the basic elements that were to emerge in his Eternal Champion novels as well as in his worlds of Jerry Cornelius, Karl Glogauer and Una Perrson.
Unique, also, in that it has never been published in America before. The DAW book is therefore the first appearance in the New World and the myriad readers of Michael Moorcock's works will not want to miss this vivid fantasy experience.

The Mad God's Amulet
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
In Michael Moorcock’s vast and imaginative multiverse, Law and Chaos wage war in a never-ending struggling over the fundamental rules of existence. Here in this universe, Dorian Hawkmoon traverses a world of antique cities, scientific sorcery, and crystalline machines as he pulled unwillingly into a war that pits him against the ruthless and dominating armies of Granbretan.
After withstanding the power of the Black Jewel and saving the city of Hamadan from the conquest of the Dark Empire of Granbretan, Hawkmoon set off for Kamarang, where friendship and love await him. But the journey is beyond treacherous. With his boon companion, Oladahn, the beastman of the Bulgar Mountians, Hawkmoon discovers the peaceful city of Soryandum, which holds the power to transcend the confines of time and space. This power, which keeps the city from falling to the Dark Empire, could keep Kamarang safe. But alas his love Yisselda is now a prisoner of the Mad God, whose powerful amulet is linked to Hawkmoon’s ultimate destiny: a power that began at creation and calls heroes to arms throughout existence. Hawkmoon must rip this amulet from the neck of the Mad God if he hopes to save the city of Kamarang and free his friends and his one true love from the Dark Empire's relentless wrath.

The Rituals of Infinity
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
From the back cover:
It is nearly three decades since the discovery of the sub-spacial alternatives - twenty-four lumps of matter hanging in a limbo outside of space and time, each sharing the name of Earth.
Now there are only fifteen of them - the rest blown to extinction by the ruthless attacks of the D-squads. Even the surviving planets are doomed to a cruel, mutilated existence.
Standing between them and their final destruction at the hands of the merciless demolition teams is Michael Moorcock's zaniest hero - the brilliant, offbeat physicist Professor Faustaff.

Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
From World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award winner Michael Moorcock comes the second installment in is famous Elric of Melnibone series, brought to vivid new life with stunning illustrations.In one of the most well-known and well-loved fantasy epics of the 20th century, Elric is the brooding, albino emperor of the dying Kingdom of Melnibone. After defeating his nefarious cousin and gaining control over the epic sword, Stormbringer, Elric, prince of ruins, must decide what he's willing to sacrifice in a fight against Armageddon. Stormbringer is the second in Michael Moorcock's incredible series, which has transformed the fantasy genre for generations. Perfect for fans new and old, this book is brought to life once more with stunning illustrations from the most lauded artists in fantasy.

Conditie van muzak
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Civilization as we know it has been annihilated. The decay and chaos of the multiverse have left Europe in a surreal, yet ever-fashionable, mess. Jerry Cornelius finds himself in an increasingly futile series of guises, part of a cast of characters dancing the Entropy Tango towards oblivion. Will the legendary Cornelius ever be united with his true beloved, his sister Catherine? And will balance ever be restored to devastated London?Winner of the Guardian Fiction Prize, The Condition of Muzak is the fourth, climactic novel in the Cornelius Quartet. But this is by no means the last we will see of Jerry Cornelius—an indelible spirit of counter-culture who continues to inspire writers and artists to this day.

The Warlord of the Air
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Suppose that a few of our present inventions had been made earlier, and others not discovered at all? How would the last century have evolved differently?
This is the story of Oswald Bastable, a Victorian captain who found himself in such alternate worlds. It is based on notes handed down to Michael Moorcock from his great-grandfather. It's a story of a world of empires secured by airships, and a Chinese genius who invented the means of overthrowing the West's power!

The English Assassin
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The English Assassin: Third novel in the Jerry Cornelius Saga.

The Dragon in the Sword
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
The third novel in the History of John Daker, The Eternal Champion.

The City of the Beast or Warriors of Mars
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
It was supposed to be a matter transmitter, but something went hideously wrong with its first experimental use. Instead of sending him to a room across the laboratory, it flung Michael Kane helplessly through time and space —to the red planet where savagery ruled!
Deadly menace faced the citizens of Varnal as the ravaging hordes of the Argzoon—the dreaded Blue Giants—swept ruthlessly across the hills and plains. Kane became their sole defender because of his all-conquering love for Shizala, beautiful Queen of the Kanala. And he was determined to win her love in return— in spite of the space-time barriers between them— even though to do so he had to face death many times from a remorseless and incredibly powerful foe!

Sojan the Swordsman ; Under the Warrior Sky
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Scanned, converted, re-formatted, proofed and ebook creation by Jerry

The White Wolf
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
From World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award winner Michael Moorcock comes the final installment of the Elric of Melnibone series, brought to vivid new life with stunning illustrations.In one of the most well-known and well-loved fantasy epics of the 20th century, Elric is the brooding, albino emperor of the dying Kingdom of Melnibone. After coming into an unnatural, devastating power that felled his enemy Yrkoon and destroyed an entire city, Elric is haunted by the many deaths he caused and sets out on a quest for redemption and renewed purpose. The White Wolf is the final volume in Michael Moorcock's incredible series, which created fantasy archetypes that have echoed through the genre for generations. Originally published in the 1970s, this book is brought to vivid new life with stunning illustrations from magnificent artists in the fantasy field.

The Best of Michael Moorcock
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
"He is the master storyteller of our time."—Angela CarterMichael Moorcock: Legendary author of the Elric saga, Science Fiction Grand Master, platinum album–receiving rock star, and controversial editor of the new wave fiction movement's New Worlds. In this definitive collection, discover the incomparable stories of one of our most important contemporary writers.These exceptional stories range effortlessly from the genre tales that continue to define fantasy to the author's critically acclaimed mainstream works. Classic offerings include the Nebula Award–winning novella "Behold the Man," which introduces a time traveler and unlikely messiah that H.G. Wells never imagined; "The Visible Men," a recent tale of the ambiguous and androgynous secret agent Jerry Cornelius; the trilogy "My Experiences in the Third World War," where a Russian agent in an alternate Cambodia is powerless to prevent an inevitable march toward nuclear disaster; and "A Portrait in...

The Citadel of Forgotten Myths
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Elric along with his companion Moonglum return, in this prequel set within the early days of Elric's wanderings, in order to investigate the history of Melniboné and its dragons, known as the Phroon, in this exciting new addition to the Elric Saga from World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award winner Michael Moorcock.Elric is the estranged emperor of the Melnibonéan empire, struggling with his nature while desperately striving to move forward with his dying empire alongside the constant thirst of his soul-sucking sword, Stormbringer. Elric is on the hunt for the great Citadel of Forgotten Myths while traveling through the remnants of his empire with his tragic best friend Moonglum, as Elric seeks the answers to the nature of the phroon of The Young Kingdoms. Taking place between the first and second book in the Elric Saga, The Citadel of Forgotten Myths is perfect for longtime fans and those new to this epic fantasy series.

Constant Fire lfteot-4
Part #4 of "Legends from the End of Time" series by Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Цикл о Крае Времени весьма необычен. Это не фэнтези, это не научная фантастика в обычном смысле этого термина, это - нечто иное. Край Времени - это когда "дни вселенной были сочтены". Герои этого цикла - люди, хотя человеческого в них не сильно много. Они всемогущи, а если их настигает смерть, то они легко могут возродиться, а главное - они не живут, они скорее играют в жизнь. Играют в любовь, в страдания, играют во что угодно, лишь бы занять время. Беспрерывные развлечения - вот смысл их жизни. Цикл полон языковых изысков, необычных способов построения речи и сюжета, странных имен героев, но при этом читается просто отлично. В романе "Негасимое Пламя" на Краю Времени появляется герой раннего романа Муркока Ветра Лимбо Огненный шут. Но и он претерпел изменения. На Краю Времени он превратился именно в Шута, над которым смеются все, но его целеустремленность и самоуверенность остались при нем, и он добивается того, что хочет, и снова исчезает в космосе, откуда он прибыл.

The Queen of Swords
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Prince Corum has defeated the Chaos Lord Arioch. But any peace for him and his faithful Rhalina is brief. His actions have evoked the murderous anger of Arioch's sister, the dreaded Xiombarg.The Prince in the Scarlet Robe must continue his odyssey, face the terror of the Mabden armies, and challenge the might of the Queen of the Swords. Faced with immense powers of evil on all sides, only the legendary City of the Pyramid offers a glimmer of hope. But Corum must get there first, and along the way he will encounter horrifying creatures, strange forms of sorcery, and new planes of existence.

Jerusalem Commands
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Back in print for the first time in 30 years, this epic and hilariously comic adventure follows the fictional Colonel Pyat through real historical settings as he fumbles and forces his way through life as an antihero everyman, leaving a trail of wreckage as he passes through some of the most chilling moments of the 20th century. This thrilling third installment of the Pyat quartet sees Pyat hitchhiking across the United States, acting in Hollywood, and avoiding perverts in Cairo. As Pyat schemes and fantasizes his way from cult success to sexual degradation, he pulls strength from his wild dreams and profligate inventions. Nazi, addict, and rebel, Pyat weaves a complicated tapestry of lies and deceit, wherein the reader discovers that this wild farce becomes a lens for focusing universal and uncomfortable truths about society and man.

The Brothel in Rosenstrasse vb-2
Part #2 of "Von Beck" series by Michael Jonh Moorcock
Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque crowd together: the early basilica of St Vaclar stands between the sixteenth-century Chemnitz fortress and the eighteenth-century Capuchin monastery, all noteable examples of their periods, and are joined just below, in Konigsplatz, by the beautiful new Egyptianate concert hall designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. It has been fairly said that there are no ugly buildings in Mirenburg, only some which are less beautiful than others. Many travellers stop here on their way to and from the Bohemian spas of Karlsbad, Manenbad and Franzenbad. Mirenburg is joined to Vienna by water, rail and road and it is common to change here from one mode of transport to another, or merely to make the appropriate train connections. The station is by Kammerer: a Temple to Steam in the modern 'Style Liberty'. From it one may progress easily to Prague or Dresden, to St Petersburg or Moscow, to Wroclaw or Krakow, to Buda-Pesht or Vienna, and beyond to Venice and Trieste, which may also be reached by canal. Mirenburg's wealth comes from the industry and commerce of Walden-stein, whose capital she is, but it is enhanced by the constant waves of visitors, who arrive at all seasons. The revenues from tourism are used to maintain the older structures to perfection and it is well-known that Prince Badehoff-Krasny, the hereditary ruler of Waldenstein, spends a considerable proportion of his own fortune on commissioning new buildings, as well as works by living painters, composers and writers. For this reason he has been fairly called a 'present-day Lorenzo' and he is apparently quite conscious of this comparison to the great Florentine. Mirenburg is the quintessential representation of a Renaissance which is at work everywhere in modern Europe.
R.P. DOWNES, Cities which Fascinate, Kelly, London,

Chronicles of Corum
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Corum of the Silver Hand had slain the gods that Man might rule, and he had earned his rest. However, now the task falls upon him to defeat the mighty Fhoi Myore, the gods who yearn for death but can not be slain.

The Fortress of the Pearl eas-2
Part #2 of "Elric Apocryphal Storyes" series by Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
And when Elric had told his tree lies to Cymoril, and when he had taken leave of Rackhir the Red Archer, he set off into lands unknown, to seek knowledge which he believed would help him rule Melniboné as she had never been ruled before… But it was in the desert city of Quarzhasaat that he began the adventure which was to help set the course for his weird for years to come. The Chronicle of the Black Sword Lost in the immensities of the Sighing Desert, Quarzhasaat is a city of elaborate intrigue, ruled over by a council of seven known whimsically as the Six and One Other. When Elric, albino prince of Melniboné, arrives there he is weak and close to death, and is easily forced into agreeing to a mysterious quest: to find the Pearl at the Heart of the World, which will convey much power to its owner, but which lies concealed in the hidden Fortress of the Pearl. It is a quest which has defeated many before him, but Elric, armed with his soul-eating sword Stormbringer, is no ordinary adventurer.

The Skrayling Tree: The Albino in America toa-2
Part #2 of "Tales of Albino" series by Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
This novel follows on the heels of The Dreamthief’s Daughter , continuing the intertwined saga of Elric, his daughter Oona, her husband and Elric’s son-in-law Ulric von Bek. Moorcock brings his Eternal Champion mythos to early North America, as seen through the eyes of both the native tribes and the immigrant Vikings. The Vikings call the native peoples skraelings or skraylings - which gives the title of the novel, The Skrayling Tree . The Tree itself may well be the essence or objectification of Moorcock’s all encompassing Multiverse. The three plot strands follow Oona, daughter of Elric and the dreamthief; her husband Ulric von Bek, himself bearing strong ties to the Eternal Champion; and the most recognized of all the Champions incarnations, Elric of Melnibone. We see the story from three perspectives, Oona's, her husband Ulrich Von Bek and Elric. Three disparate threads that are gradually drawn together. The writing is beautiful, Moorcock really taking it all in his stride, taking time to create a story of wonderful complexity, yet with a paradoxical simplicity. It builds slowly, gradually gathering steam as the story reaches its climax. Each step along the way is an opportunity to stop and look around at the strange and wonderful world he has created, where mass and time and scale mean little.

The Complete Ice Schooner
Michael Moorcock; Keith Roberts
During the next ice age the schooner Ice Spirit sets sail to find the legendary city of New York. Plus two short stories set in the same world.

Stormbringer es-6
Part #6 of "Elric Saga" series by Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Moorcock is off at full throttle. Every scene has ironic meaning. A couple of minor stories, and we're into the lush, manic rush to Armageddon that is STORMBRINGER! Still the greatest plot on the planet, build and build until the final, cataclysmic - and said to be the best in all fantasy fiction - ending, which is completely stunning. Long before Pullman won the Whitbread Moorcock was offering this mad, bad and thoroughly humane fantasy to the world. He remains a giant.

Legends from the End of Time: Elric at the End of Time lfteot-5
Part #5 of "Legends from the End of Time" series by Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Цикл о Крае Времени весьма необычен. Это не фэнтези, это не научная фантастика в обычном смысле этого термина, это - нечто иное. Край Времени - это когда "дни вселенной были сочтены". Герои этого цикла - люди, хотя человеческого в них не сильно много. Они всемогущи, а если их настигает смерть, то они легко могут возродиться, а главное - они не живут, они скорее играют в жизнь. Играют в любовь, в страдания, играют во что угодно, лишь бы занять время. Беспрерывные развлечения - вот смысл их жизни. Цикл полон языковых изысков, необычных способов построения речи и сюжета, странных имен героев, но при этом читается просто отлично. Повесть Эльрик на Краю Времени , как по замыслу, так и по содержанию, представляется ответом читателям, которые в то время закидывали Муркока письмами с просьбами написать еще что-нибудь про Эльрика. Это не героика, как большая часть книг об Эльрике, это - фарс. Сюжетная фабула понятна из названия, но дело не в сюжете - дело в том издевательстве, через которое проходит Эльрик в течении всей повести, начиная от его встречи с Вертером и до разговора с Джеггедом - Ариохом. И этот разговор - очередная самопародия на общение с Ариохом. В общем, повесть получилась весьма своеобразной. "Танелорн: Всё о Майкле Муркоке"

The Condition of Muzak
Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Civilization as we know it has been annihilated. The decay and chaos of the multiverse have left Europe in a surreal, yet ever-fashionable, mess. Jerry Cornelius finds himself in an increasingly futile series of guises, part of a cast of characters dancing the Entropy Tango towards oblivion. Will the legendary Cornelius ever be united with his true beloved, his sister Catherine? And will balance ever be restored to devastated London?Winner of the Guardian Fiction Prize, The Condition of Muzak is the fourth, climactic novel in the Cornelius Quartet. But this is by no means the last we will see of Jerry Cornelius—an indelible spirit of counter-culture who continues to inspire writers and artists to this day.

The Pale Roses lfteot-1
Part #1 of "Legends from the End of Time" series by Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Цикл о Крае Времени весьма необычен. Это не фэнтези, это не научная фантастика в обычном смысле этого термина, это - нечто иное. Край Времени - это когда "дни вселенной были сочтены". Герои этого цикла - люди, хотя человеческого в них не сильно много. Они всемогущи, а если их настигает смерть, то они легко могут возродиться, а главное - они не живут, они скорее играют в жизнь. Играют в любовь, в страдания, играют во что угодно, лишь бы занять время. Беспрерывные развлечения - вот смысл их жизни. Цикл полон языковых изысков, необычных способов построения речи и сюжета, странных имен героев, но при этом читается просто отлично. Легенды Края Времени - это сборник повестей о Крае Времени, позволяющий получше узнать обитателей этого столь необычного мира. Именно эти истории вскользь упоминались в Танцорах. Среди них: история греха Вертера де Гёте, рассказ о дуэли Лорда Акулы Неизвестного и, на мой взгляд, лучшая повесть о материнской любви и сыновнем непонимании... "Танелорн: Всё о Майкле Муркоке"

Elric at the End of Time eas-1
Part #1 of "Elric Apocryphal Storyes" series by Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Elric and Smiorgan return to the Isle of Purple Towns. The Pale Prince resolves to return to Melniboné and regain the Ruby Throne from Yyrkoon, he hires a Filkharian ship to take him home, but it blows off course and deposits him on the Sorcerer's Isle. He is forced to fight the inhabitants at a great cost...

Fast Ships, Black Sails; 18 Original Tales About Pirates
Anne VanderMeer; Naomi Novik; Garth Nix; Elizabeth Bear; Kage Baker; Michael Moorcock; Jeff Vandermeer
SUMMARY:Do you love the sound of a peg leg stomping across a quarterdeck? Or maybe you prefer a parrot on your arm, a strong wind at your back? Adventure, treasure, intrigue, humor, romance, danger - and, yes, plunder! Oh, the Devil does love a pirate - and so do readers everywhere! Swashbuckling from the past into the future and space itself, Fast Ships, Black Sails, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, presents an incredibly entertaining volume of original stories guaranteed to make you walk and talk like a pirate.

The End of All Songs dateot-3
Part #3 of "Dancers at the End of Time" series by Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Цикл о Крае Времени весьма необычен. Это не фэнтези, это не научная фантастика в обычном смысле этого термина, это - нечто иное. Край Времени - это когда "дни вселенной были сочтены". Герои этого цикла - люди, хотя человеческого в них не сильно много. Они всемогущи, а если их настигает смерть, то они легко могут возродиться, а главное - они не живут, они скорее играют в жизнь. Играют в любовь, в страдания, играют во что угодно, лишь бы занять время. Беспрерывные развлечения - вот смысл их жизни. Цикл полон языковых изысков, необычных способов построения речи и сюжета, странных имен героев, но при этом читается просто отлично. Первая трилогия , Танцоры на Краю Времени, это "история Джерека Карнелиана, несведущего в тонкостях морали, и миссис Амелии Ундервуд, неукоснительно следующей ей". Рассказывать сюжет этой книги, все равно, что пытаться описать вкус прекрасного вина. Лучше попробовать... Единственно, что хочется к этому добавить - это наличие в этом мире сразу двух инкарнаций Вечного Героя. Кроме собственно Джерека Карнелиана, который является главным героем цикла, есть еще Лорд Джеггед Канарья, собственно, и являющийся настоящей инкарнацией Вечного Героя - единственный на Краю Времени человек действия. "Танелорн: Всё о Майкле Муркоке"

The Laughter of Carthage: The Second Volume of the Colonel Pyat Quartet (Colonel Pyat Quartet Series Book 2)
Michael Moorcock
Maxim Arturovitch Pyatnitski, or Pyat, that charming but despicable mythomaniac who first appeared in Byzantium Endures, is back in this second book of the Pyat quartet. Having fled Bolshevik Russia in late 1919, Pyat's progress is a series of leaps from crisis to crisis, as he begins affairs with a baroness and a Greek prostitute while undertaking schemes to build flying machines in Europe and the United States. His devotion to flamboyantly racist, particularly anti-Semitic doctrines-like his devotion to cocaine-remains unabated, and he both sings the praises of Mussolini and lectures across America for the Ku Klux Klan. Meanwhile, his best-kept secret is the fact that he is Jewish. As the novel ends, Pyat is in Hollywood-his new Byzantium-hobnobbing with movie stars and dreaming of making films like those of his hero, D.W. Griffith. This authoritative edition brings this book back into print after 30 years and boasts a new introduction by Alan Wall.

The Last Enchantment ttoew-3
Part #3 of "The Tales of Elric World" series by Michael Moorcock
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Historical Fiction / Literature & Fiction
Ранний рассказ, потерянный Муркоком, а затем найденный и вышедший вместе с Эльриком на Краю Времени и повествующий о времени между Похитителем душ и Королями во тьме . Эльрик в результате проклятия умирающего колдуна вынужден состязаться в понимании природы парадоксов с Владыкой Хаоса.