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La frantumaglia
Elena Ferrante
Questo libro ci porta nel laboratorio di Elena Ferrante, ci permette di lanciare uno sguardo dentro i cassetti da cui sono usciti i suoi due romanzi, L'amore molesto e I giorni dell'abbandono, offre un esempio di passione assoluta per la scrittura. La scrittrice risponde a non poche delle domande che le hanno fatto i suoi lettori negli ultimi dieci anni. Dice, per esempio, perché chi scrive un libro farebbe bene a tenersi in disparte e lasciare che il testo faccia il suo corso. Dice i pensieri e le ansie di quando un romanzo diventa film. Dice com'è complicato trovare risposte in pillole alle domande di un'intervista. Dice delle gioie, delle fatiche, delle angosce di chi narra una storia e poi la scopre insufficiente. Dice dei suoi rapporti con la psicoanalisi, con le città in cui è vissuta, con l'infanzia come magazzino di mille suggestioni e fantasie, con il femminismo. Le pagine sono densissime. Ci sono le memorie della città natale, Napoli. Ci sono brani narrativi brevi e lunghi che non hanno trovato posto nei romanzi. C'è un modo sorprendente di interrogare la memoria, i libri amati, la vita di tutti i giorni. C'è soprattutto - al centro - lo scrivere, l'affollarsi intono alla pagina di esperienze e letture. La frantumaglia è nato in buona parte da alcuni dei materiali che negli anni Elena Ferrante ha inviato alla sua casa editrice: lettere, scritti, risposte a domande di lettori e intervistatori. Il risultato è l'autoritratto narrativamente vivacissimo di una scrittrice al lavoro.

The Neapolitan Novels
Elena Ferrante
“Nothing quite like this has ever been published before,” proclaimed The Guardian about the Neapolitan novels in 2014.
Against the backdrop of a Naples that is as seductive as it is perilous and a world undergoing epochal change, Elena Ferrante tells the story of a sixty-year friendship between the brilliant and bookish Elena and the fiery, rebellious Lila with unmatched honesty and brilliance.
The four books in this novel cycle constitute a long, remarkable story, one that Vogue described as “gutsy and compulsively readable,” which readers will return to again and again, and each return will bring with it new revelations.

The Story of a New Name
Elena Ferrante
In 2012, Elena Ferrante's My Brilliant Friend introduced readers to the unforgettable Elena and Lila, whose lifelong friendship provides the backbone for the Neapolitan Novels. The Story of a New Name is the second book in this series. With these books, which the New Yorker's James Wood described as "large, captivating, amiably peopled ... a beautiful and delicate tale of confluence and reversal," Ferrante proves herself to be one of Italy's most accomplished storytellers. She writes vividly about a specific neighborhood of Naples from the late-1950s through to the current day and about two remarkable young women who are very much the products of that place and time. Yet in doing so she has created a world in which readers will recognize themselves and has drawn a marvelously nuanced portrait of friendship.
In The Story of a New Name, Lila has recently married and made her entrée into the family business; Elena, meanwhile, continues her studies and her exploration of the world beyond the neighborhood that she so often finds stifling. Love, jealousy, family, freedom, commitment, and above all friendship: these are signs under which both women live out this phase in their stories. Marriage appears to have imprisoned Lila, and the pressure to excel is at times too much for Elena. Yet the two young women share a complex and evolving bond that is central to their emotional lives and is a source of strength in the face of life's challenges. In these Neapolitan Novels, Elena Ferrante, the acclaimed author of The Days of Abandonment, gives readers a poignant and universal story about friendship and belonging.

My Brilliant Friend
Elena Ferrante
A modern masterpiece from one of Italy's most acclaimed authors, My Brilliant Friend is a rich, intense and generous hearted story about two friends, Elena and Lila. Ferrante's inimitable style lends itself perfectly to a meticulous portrait of these two women that is also the story of a nation and a touching meditation on the nature of friendship. Through the lives of these two women, Ferrante tells the story of a neighbourhood, a city and a country as it is transformed in ways that, in turn, also transform the relationship between her two protagonists.

The Lost Daughter
Elena Ferrante
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The Days of Abandonment
Elena Ferrante
A national bestseller for almost an entire year, The Days of Abandonment shocked and captivated its Italian public when first published. It is the gripping story of a woman's descent into devastating emptiness after being abandoned by her husband with two young children to care for. When she finds herself literally trapped within the four walls of their high-rise apartment, she is forced to confront her ghosts, the potential loss of her own identity, and the possibility that life may never return to normal.

The Story of the Lost Child
Elena Ferrante
Here is the dazzling saga of two women, the brilliant, bookish Elena and the fiery, uncontainable Lila. Both are now adults; life’s great discoveries have been made, its vagaries and losses have been suffered. Through it all, the women’s friendship has remained the gravitational center of their lives.
Both women once fought to escape the neighborhood in which they grew up—a prison of conformity, violence, and inviolable taboos. Elena married, moved to Florence, started a family, and published several well-received books. In this final book, she has returned to Naples. Lila, on the other hand, never succeeded in freeing herself from the city of her birth. She has become a successful entrepreneur, but her success draws her into closer proximity with the nepotism, chauvinism, and criminal violence that infect her neighborhood. Proximity to the world she has always rejected only brings her role as its unacknowledged leader into relief. For Lila is unstoppable, unmanageable, unforgettable!
Against the backdrop of a Naples that is as seductive as it is perilous and a world undergoing epochal change, the story of a lifelong friendship is told with unmatched honesty and brilliance. The four volumes in this series constitute a long remarkable story that readers will return to again and again, and every return will bring with it new revelations.

The Beach at Night
Elena Ferrante
Elena Ferrante returns to a story that animated the novel she considers to be a turning point in her development as a a writer: "The Lost Daughter." But this time the tale takes the form of a children's fable told from the point of view of the lost (stolen!) doll, Celina. Celina is having a terrible night, one full of jealousy for the new kitten, Minu, feelings of abandonment and sadness, misadventures at the hands of the beach attendant, and dark dreams. But she will be happily found by Mati, her child, once the sun rises.
Accompanied by the oneiric illustrations of Mara Cerri, "The Beach at Night" is a story for all of Ferrante's many ardent fans."

The Lying Life of Adults
Elena Ferrante
Soon to be a NETFLIX Original Series. A POWERFUL NEW NOVEL set in a divided Naples by ELENA FERRANTE, the New York Times best-selling author of My Brilliant Friend and The Lost Daughter. "There's no doubt [the publication of The Lying Life of Adults] will be the literary event of the year."—Elle Giovanna's pretty face is changing, turning ugly, at least so her father thinks. Giovanna, he says, is looking more like her Aunt Vittoria every day. But can it be true? Is she really changing? Will she turn out like her despised Aunt Vittoria, a woman she hardly knows but whom her mother and father have spent their whole lives avoiding and deriding? There must be a mirror somewhere in which she can see herself as she truly is. Giovanna is searching for her true reflection in two kindred cities that fear and detest one another: the Naples of the heights, which assumes a mask of refinement, and the Naples of the depths,...

In the Margins. On the Pleasures of Reading and Writing
Elena Ferrante
"Elena Ferrante has established herself as the foremost writer in Italy - and the world." THE SUNDAY TIMESA delightful collection of original essays on reading and writing. From the internationally acclaimed author of My Brilliant Friend, The Lying Life of Adults, and The Lost Daughter, come four revelatory pieces offering rare insight into the author's formation as a writer and life as a reader. Ferrante warns us of the perils of "bad language"—historically alien to the truth of women—and advocates for a collective fusion of female talent as she brilliantly discourses on the work of her most beloved authors. A delightful collection of essays exploring reading and writing from the internationally acclaimed author of My Brilliant Friend and The Lying Life of Adults. Ferrante's writing has been described as compulsive (The Times) and astonishing (Guardian), her novels have sold millions and been translated into...

Incidental Inventions
Elena Ferrante
"This is my last column, after a year that has scared and inspired me." With these words, Elena Ferrante, the bestselling author of My Brilliant Friend, bid farewell to her year-long collaboration with the Guardian. For a full year she penned short pieces, the subjects of which were suggested by editors at the Guardian, turning the writing process into a kind of prolonged interlocution; the subjects ranged from first love to climate change, from enmity among women to the adaptation of her novels to film and TV. As she said in her final column: "I have written as an author of novels, taking on matters that are important to me and that—if I have the will and the time—I'd like to develop within real narrative mechanisms." Here, then, are the seeds of possible future novels, the ruminations of an internationally beloved author, and the abiding preoccupations of a writer who has been called "one of the great novelists of our time" (the New York...

Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay
Elena Ferrante
Since the publication of My Brilliant Friend, the first of the Neapolitan novels, Elena Ferrante's fame as one of our most compelling, insightful, and stylish contemporary authors has grown enormously. She has gained admirers among authors--Jhumpa Lahiri, Elizabeth Strout, Claire Messud, to name a few--and critics--James Wood, John Freeman, Eugenia Williamson, for example. But her most resounding success has undoubtedly been with readers, who have discovered in Ferrante a writer who speaks with great power and beauty of the mysteries of belonging, human relationships, love, family, and friendship.
In this third Neapolitan novel, Elena and Lila, the two girls whom readers first met in My Brilliant Friend, have become women. Lila married at sixteen and has a young son; she has left her abusive husband and now works as a common laborer. Elena has left the neighborhood, earned her college degree, and published a successful novel, all of which have opened the doors to a world of learned interlocutors and richly furnished salons. Both women have pushed against the walls of a prison that would have seen them living a life of misery, ignorance, and submission. They are afloat on the great sea of opportunities that opened up during the nineteen-seventies. Yet they are still very much bound to each other by a strong, unbreakable bond.

Her Body Among Animals
Paola Ferrante
In this genre-bending debut collection merging horror, fairy tales, pop culture and sci-fi, women challenge the boundaries placed on their bodies while living in a world " among animals," where violence is intertwined with bizarre ecological disruptions.A sentient sex robot goes against her programming; a grad student living with depression is weighed down by an ever-present albatross; an unhappy wife turns into a spider; a boy with a dark secret is haunted by dolls; a couple bound for a colony on Mars take a road trip through Texas; a girl fights to save her sister from growing a mermaid tail like their absent mother.Magical yet human, haunted and haunting, these stories act as a surreal documentation of the mistakes in systems of the past that remain very much in the present. Ferrante investigates toxic masculinity and the devastation it enacts upon women and our planet, delving into the universal undercurrent of ecological anxiety in the face of such toxicity, and the personal...

Mob Rules
Louis Ferrante
The average Mafia don knows more about effective leadership than a trunkful of Fortune 500 CEOs. For all the mob's well-deserved reputation for violence and immorality, its most successful members have always been remarkably astute businessmen. Former mobster Louis Ferrante reveals their surprisingly effective management techniques and explains how to apply them in any legitimate business.As an associate of the Gambino Family, Ferrante pulled off some of the biggest heists in U.S. history before the age of twenty-one, netting millions of dollars. His natural talent for management led bosses like John Gotti to rely on him. Now he offers time-tested Mafia wisdom, such as:Three can keep a secret (if two are dead): Build trust with your colleagues.You don't always need a gun to hit a target: Lead people without force.It's never personal: When circumstances demand it, never hesitate to pull the trigger.Ferrante brings his real-life experience to the book,...

Last Ghost at Gettysburg
Paul Ferrante
High school freshman T.J. Jackson thinks his summer will be a drag when his widowed dad dumps him off for a vacation with his Uncle Mike, a park ranger at the Gettysburg National Battlefield, Aunt Terri, and his geeky adopted cousin LouAnne. But T.J. is in for a few surprises. For starters, Gettysburg isn't the boring Civil War town he expected. A ghostly Confederate cavalier has been terrorizing nightly visitors to the battlefield. And LouAnne isn't so geeky anymore—she's become a sassy beauty who leaves him breathless.Things escalate when the cousins, aided by T.J.'s quirky friend Bortnicker from back home in Connecticut—who also has his eye on the lovely LouAnne—attempt to solve a murder mystery that has the local police, park rangers and paranormal investigators in a panic. Because how do you stop an undead killer from 1863 from wreaking havoc in the 21st Century?

Spirits of the Pirate House
Paul Ferrante
Even Paradise has a Dark Side... During their first adventure in Gettysburg, T.J., LouAnne and Bortnicker established themselves as talented ghost hunters. So when The Adventure Channel gives them an opportunity to visit the island of Bermuda to film the pilot episode of Junior Gonzo Ghost Chasers, they can't resist. What could be better than scuba diving, sightseeing, and ghost hunting for pirates in a romantic tropical oasis? But the teens soon realize that their target, legendary Bermudian buccaneer Sir William Tarver, has a back-story that never made it into the history books. The problem is, even if T.J.'s team is able to make contact, will their investigation raise more questions than it answers? And will the proud people of Bermuda be able to deal with the truth?