Build-in Book Search

The Black Joke
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
The Black Joke is a rousing sea story in the tradition of the great classic pirate tales. The time is the 1930s. The loot is bootleg liquor, not pirate gold. And the ship is the “Black Joke,” the speediest, nimblest craft on the Newfoundland coast – Jonathon Spence, owner and master. An unwelcome passenger enmeshes the boat and her crew (young Peter and Kye) in danger and near destruction…until the fiercely independent people of the island of Miquelon are caught up in the fate of the “Black Joke” and the cargo aboard her.

The Snow Walker
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
Classic works by one of North America's greatest storytellers brought back to print in a new paperback series Inspiration for the major motion picture from Infinity Media and First Look International Central to Farley Mowat's writing is his quest to understand the often-forgotten native people of the vast arctic wilderness. In this moving collection, he allows these people to describe in their own words the adventures they experience as they struggle to survive in an isolated, untamed land. Stories of survival and courage, of superstition and fate, of uncompromising loyalty to family and tribe are presented here, offering a vivid portrait of a people whose existence is often beyond the comprehension of modern man.

Born Naked: The Early Adventures of the Author of Never Cry Wolf
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
Farley Mowat's youth was charmed and hilarious, and unbelievably free in its access to unspoiled nature through bird-banding expeditions and overnight outings in the dead of winter. The author writes of sleeping in haystacks for survival, and other adventures, with equal shares of Booth Tarkington and Jack London. He also brings back Mutt, the famous hero-dog of his classic THE DOG WHO WOULDN'T BE, and his pet owl Wol, hero of OWLS IN THE FAMILY. The tale of an outrageous and clever boy, BORN NAKED takes its place as the foundation of the Farley Mowat canon.

Son of the Black Stallion
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
When Alec receives the Black Stallion’s first son as a gift, he believes his dreams have come true, but Satan’s savage arrogance makes him dangerous and unpredictable. Still, Alec is resolved to gain the fiery colt’s trust, even if he must risk his life to do it.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Young Black Stallion
Steven Farley
Animals / Horses
In this prequel to The Black Stallion, we learn the story of the Black before he was shipwrecked with Alec Ramsay. Born in the mountain stronghold of Sheikh Abu Ishak, the colt shows great promise. During a band of robbers’ attempt to steal him, the colt escapes and learns to survive on his own in the high mountains. Will he ever find his way home?
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Curse of the Viking Grave
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
The popular sequel to his award-winning Lost in the Barrens, this is Farley Mowat’s suspense-filled story of how Awasin, Jamie and Peetryuk, three adventure-prone boys, stumble upon a cache of Viking relics in an ancient tomb somewhere in the north of Canada. Packed with excitement and with little-known information about the customs of Viking explorers, this story of survival portrays the bond of youthful friendship and the wonders of a virtually unexplored land.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Boat Who Wouldn't Float
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
It seemed like a good idea. Tired of everyday life ashore, Farley Mowat would find a sturdy boat in Newfoundland and roam the salt sea over, free as a bird. What he found was the worst boat in the world, and she nearly drove him mad. The Happy Adventure, despite all that Farley and his Newfoundland helpers could do, leaked like a sieve. Her engine only worked when she felt like it. Typically, on her maiden voyage, with the engine stuck in reverse, she backed out of the harbour under full sail. And she sank, regularly.
How Farley and a varied crew, including the intrepid lady who married him, coaxed the boat from Newfoundland to Lake Ontario is a marvellous story. The encounters with sharks, rum-runners, rum and a host of unforgettable characters on land and sea make this a very funny book for readers of all ages.

Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
To the delight of Mowat fans, the literary lion returns with an unexpected triumph.
Eastern Passage marks a return to the feisty Mowat of old. In it, he throws down the gauntlet and answers the doubters and naysayers who have dogged his writing life, breaking the stubborn silence he has kept since the notorious "Saturday Night" article that appeared over a decade ago. Here, too, he relates the story of a sail down the St. Lawrence that brought him face to face with one of Canada's more shocking secrets, one most of us still don't know today. Eastern Passage is the last piece of the Mowat puzzle: the years from his return from the north in the late 1940s to his discovery of Newfoundland and his love affair with the sea in the 1950s. In this time, he writes his first books and weathers his first storm of controversy as the northern establishment tries to deny the plight of the Barrenground Inuit by discrediting Farley and his first book, People of the Deer. This sets a trail that leads straight to the character assassination he suffers 40 years later in "Saturday Night."
By the 1950s, Farley's career is taking off but his first marriage is crumbling. He jumps at the chance to sail with his father down the St. Lawrence. As they approach the Saguenay River, they notice the paucity of sea life and alarming signs of disease in a beluga who swims beside their boat. From the locals, Farley hears the shocking story of the American B-50 bomber forced to ditch its Fat Boy bomb in the river a few years before. The resulting megaton explosion killed almost all riparian life in the area. It took 30 years for the area to recover.
This horror forges the final tempering of Mowat the activist. By the end of the book, Farley Mowat, the writer and outraged activist we know so well, has emerged complete.
As Farley ages, his courage continues to grow. This is an amazing book, funny, astute, and moving. "From the Hardcover edition."

A Whale for the Killing
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
“A poignant and tragic parable for our times . . . a powerful and anguished book.” —Globe & Mail
When an 80-ton Fin Whale became trapped in a lagoon near his Newfoundland home, Farley Mowat rejoiced: here was a unique chance to observe one of the world’s most magnificent creatures up close. But some of his neighbours saw a different opportunity altogether: in a prolonged fit of violence, they blasted the whale with rifle fire, and scarred its back with motorboat propellers. Mowat appealed desperately to the police, to marine biologists, finally to the Canadian press. But it was too late. Mowat’s poignant and compelling story is an eloquent argument for the end of the whale hunt, and the rediscovery of the empathy that makes us human.

The Black Stallion Returns
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
In this, the second book in the series, the heart-stopping adventures of the Black Stallion continue as Alec discovers that two men are after the Black. One claims to be the Black’s rightful owner and one is trying to kill the beautiful steed. An Arab chieftain proves his ownership of the Black and takes him away, but Alec is determined to find his horse again. Following the pair to Arabia, Alec encounters great evil and intrigue, as only a horse as spectacular as the Black could inspire.

The Farfarers: Before the Norse
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
MYSTERIOUS LONGHOUSES in the Arctic, ancient stone beacons in Newfoundland - are they evidence of Europeans who crossed the Atlantic before A.D. 1000? Farley Mowat advances a controversial new theory about the first visitors to North America.
Mowat's Westviking: The Ancient Norse in Greenland and North America (1965) was highly influential in helping to establish the belief, now commonly held, that the Norse visited North America some 500 years before Columbus. And yet "a worm of unease" plagued Mowat even then, a vague feeling that he hadn't gotten it quite right. He spent the next 30 years in search of a theory that would explain inconsistencies in the archaeological evidence (such as carbon-dated ruins not left by the Inuit, but that predated the arrival of Vikings in Newfoundland by hundreds of years). Now in The Farfarers he asserts that another Indo-European people he calls the "Alban" preceded the Norse by several centuries.
Throughout The Farfarers, Mowat skillfully weaves fictional vignettes of Alban life into his thoughtful reconstruction of a forgotten history. What emerges is a bold and dramatic panorama of a harsher age: an age of death-dealing warships and scanty food supply, of long, cold journeys across the night sea into unknown lands.
"A spellbinding story . . . told by a master storyteller at the top of his form." -- The Globe And Mail
"The book is a fascinating glimpse of yesteryear and offers brief histories on the Celts, Saxons, Vikings, Inuits, and other peoples of the northern hemisphere. Written in vigorous, picturesque prose." -- The Edmonton Sun

Never Cry Wolf
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
Hordes of bloodthirsty wolves are slaughtering the arctic caribou, and the government's Wildlife Service assigns naturalist Farley Mowat to investigate. Mowat is dropped alone onto the frozen tundra, where he begins his mission to live among the howling wolf packs and study their ways. Contact with his quarry comes quickly, and Mowat discovers not a den of marauding killers but a courageous family of skillful providers and devoted protectors of their young. As Mowat comes closer to the wolf world, he comes to fear with them the onslaught of bounty hunters and government exterminators out to erase the noble wolf community from the Arctic. Never Cry Wolf is one of the brilliant narratives on the myth and magic of wild wolves and man's true place among the creatures of nature.
"We have doomed the wolf not for what it is, but for what we deliberately and mistakenly perceive it to be — the mythologized epitome of a savage, ruthless killer — which is, in reality, no more than the reflected image of ourself." — From the new Preface
From the Trade Paperback edition.

Owls in the Family
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
Every child needs to have a pet. No one could argue with that.
But what happens when your pet is an owl, and your owl is terrorizing the neighbourhood?
In Farley Mowat’s exciting children’s story, a young boy’s pet menagerie – which includes crows, magpies, gophers and a dog – grows out of control with the addition of two cantankerous pet owls. The story of how Wol and Weeps turn the whole town upside down is warm, funny, and bursting with adventure and suspense.

The Black Stallion's Sulky Colt
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
Bonfire, the Black Stallion’s colt who is a champion harness racer, is in training for the biggest race of his career: the Hambletonian. But a routine practice race turns disastrous in a collision of wood, metal, horses, and jockeys. Bonfire escapes unharmed, but is spooked and refuses to race. Alec Ramsey, the owner of the Black, witnesses the crash and is determined to see that Bonfire follow in the winning footsteps of his world-famous sire.

Bay of Spirits: A Love Story
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
In 1957, Farley Mowat shipped out aboard one of Newfoundland’s famous coastal steamers, tramping from outport to outport along the southwest coast. The indomitable spirit of the people and the bleak beauty of the landscape would lure him back again and again over the years. In the process of falling in love with a people and a place, Mowat also met the woman who would be the great love of his life.
A stunningly beautiful and talented young artist, Claire Wheeler insouciantly climbed aboard Farley’s beloved but jinxed schooner as it lay on the St. Pierre docks, once again in a cradle for repairs, and changed both their lives forever. This is the story of that love affair, of summers spent sailing the Newfoundland coast, and of their decision to start their life together in Burgeo, one of the province’s last remaining outports. It is also an unforgettable portrait of the last of the outport people and a way of life that had survived for centuries but was now passing forever.
Affectionate, unsentimental, this is a burnished gem from an undiminished talent.
*I was inside my vessel painting the cabin when I heard the sounds of a scuffle nearby. I poked my head out the companionway in time to see a lithesome young woman swarming up the ladder which leaned against Happy Adventure’s flank. Whining expectantly, the shipyard dog was endeavouring to follow this attractive stranger. I could see why. As slim and graceful as a ballet dancer (which, I would later learn, was one of her avocations), she appeared to be wearing a gleaming golden helmet (her own smoothly bobbed head of hair) and was as radiantly lovely as any Saxon goddess. I invited her aboard, while pushing the dog down the ladder.
“That’s only Blanche,” I reassured my visitor. “He won’t bite. He’s just, uh . . . being friendly.”
“That’s nice to know,” she said sweetly. Then she smiled . . . and I was lost.*
–From Bay of Spirits
From the Hardcover edition.

Sibir: My Discovery of Siberia
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
Here is a Siberia unheard of in the West. Once the most remote place of exile in all of Russia, Mowat describes it as a burgeoning land of opportunity and growth. Granted extraordinary freedom to visit places rarely seen by any westerner since 1917, Farley Mowat and his wife, Claire, travelled more than 29,000 miles over mountains, steppes, taiga and tundra to meet the people who have chosen to make Siberia their home and livelihood.
With his classic exuberance and wit, Mowat brings to life a place and a people who share the top of the world with us – their hopes and aspirations, their humour, and their dedication to the dramatic awakening of Sibir, the Sleeping land.
From the Hardcover edition.

And No Birds Sang
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
In July 1942, Farley Mowat was an eager young infantryman bound for Europe and impatient for combat. This powerful, true account of the action he saw, fighting desperately to push the Nazis out of Italy, evokes the terrible reality of war with an honesty and clarity fiction can only imitate. In scene after unforgettable scene, he describes the agony and antic humor of the soldier's existence: the tedium of camp life, the savagery of the front, and the camaraderie shared by those who have been bloodied in battle.

Sea of Slaughter
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
The northeastern seaboard of the United States and Canada, from Cape Cod to Labrador, was the first region in North America to suffer from human exploitation. In this timeless narrative, Farley Mowat describes in harrowing detail the devastation inflicted upon the birds, whales, fish, and mammals of this icy coast -- from polar bears and otters to cod, seals, and ducks. Since its first publication some 20 years ago, this powerful work has served as both a warning to humanity and an inspiration for change.

Black Stallion and Satan
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
Satan has won the Triple Crown, yet Alec still misses the Black, who’s living in Arabia with Sheikh Abu Ishak. Unexpectedly, Alec receives word that the sheikh has died and has left the Black to Alec. A race between the Black and Satan is inevitable, but unexpected events put the horses in the path of a raging forest fire. Suddenly, they are racing for their lives.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Black Stallion's Ghost
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
While riding the Black in the Everglades one day, Alec meets a man astride a ghostly gray mare. Alec’s fascination with the man turns to fear as he realizes the man is dangerously close to insanity. Soon Alec and the Black are caught up in a deadly chase through the depths of the Everglades, where a misstep could be fatal.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Dog Who Wouldn't Be
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
Farely Mowat's best-loved book tells the splendidly entertaining story of his boyhood on the Canadian prairies. Mutt's pedigree was uncertain, but his madness was indisputable. He climbed tress and ladders, rode passenger in an open car wearing goggles and displaying hunting skills that bordered on sheer genius. He was a marvelous dog, worthy of an unusual boy growing up in a raw, untamed wilderness.
From the Paperback edition.

The Black Stallion Revolts
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
After the Black attacks another horse, Alec realizes that the once-wild horse needs more space and freedom, so they head out west to a huge ranch. But a terrible accident separates the two, leaving Alec with amnesia and the Black alone to reclaim the wild life to which he was born. As the Black struggles to survive, and as Alec struggles to remember who he is and his connection to the magnificent stallion in the canyon, a gripping adventure story unfolds.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Horse Tamer
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
While waiting for a delayed airplane, old Henry Dailey, the Black's trainer, tells young Alec Ramsay a story of his own youth, travelling with his brother, Bill. Bill Dailey's talent as a horse-whisperer was unmatched in the days before the automobile and young Henry tells of an unscrupulous con-man who mistreats horses into behaving temporarily. Bill is determined to show that the man is a fraud, but can he unmask the con without getting hurt?Walter Farley experimented with many genres of writing and here, in his only foray into historical fiction, he weaves a fascinating tale of life when horses were the primary means of transportation.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Black Stallion Legend
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
Alec Ramsey has fled Hopeful Farm in order to alleviate his grief over Pam’s sudden death. He and the Black are aimlessly wandering through the Arizona desert when they hear an amazing Native American legend: The end of the world is near, but help is promised from a rider on a black horse.
Alec shrugs off the wild tale–until disaster strikes from the sky. Suddenly the fate of an entire native tribe is in his hands . . . and the mighty Black is faced with a challenge greater than any race!
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Black Stallion Challenged
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
The Black Stallion is the fastest horse in America and he and his jockey, Alec Ramsay, are training for a big race. Suddenly there comes a new challenger: Flame! An unproven racer, the Island Stallion can run like the wind and his jockey, Steve Duncan, knows that Flame will give the Black the race of his life. But what neither Steve nor Alec know, is that these two stallions have met before, and they hate each other.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Black Stallion and Flame
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
While flying to a race, Alec Ramsay and the Black’s plane crash-lands in the stormy Caribbean. Chance brings the Black to the hidden island home of the giant red stallion, Flame. Such a small island can only support one alpha male. But before the two can fight–a fight that can only result in the death of one–a new danger appears. Together, can the stallions defeat the deadly foe which threatens the lives of the entire herd of wild horses?
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Island Stallion's Fury
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
Only Steve Duncan and his friend Pitch know of the valley hidden behind the high cliffs of the remote Caribbean Azul Island. And only the two of them know of the beautiful, purebred horses that live there, under the watchful eye of the great red stallion, Flame. But when Pitch’s half-brother Tom learns of this lost paradise, he will stop at nothing to make it his own, even if he has to destroy it.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

Zero O'Clock
C. J. Farley
Sixteen-year-old Geth Montego must carve a new path for herself in a world turned upside down by the COVID pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests."An insightful, eye-opening, and inventive story. C.J. Farley has penned a novel that sheds an important light on real issues facing young people today."—Angie Thomas, author of The Hate U Give"Zero O'Clock is a beautiful and timely YA novel that is both heartbreaking and whip smart, a glimpse into the world of virtual friendship, classrooms, and pop stardom."—Jeanne McWilliams Blasberg, author of The Nine"Thoughtful, provocative, and pounding with the fast-paced beat of a sharp-witted adolescent mind, Zero O'Clock is the story of a Jamaican-American teen girl at the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in New Rochelle, New York. C.J. Farley has created an irresistible heroine in Geth Montego. Simmering with justifiable anger at everything from...

Love and War
Ashley Farley
Fiction / Romance / Suspense
Casey's hopes are high for a marriage proposal. Luke hints one is coming soon, but he has different plans for their future together. When he finally pops the question, Casey must choose between Luke and her new family and dream career. The trouble in Hazel's marriage is not what she thinks. Not even a baby can fix this problem. When the discovery of her husband's dirty little secret leaves her hurt and confused, she makes a devastating choice that could haunt her for life. Daniel, who will soon retire as head of the family's vineyard, sets in motion a campaign to determine his successor. War breaks out between the Love siblings as they vie for the position. But there's more at stake than the vineyard's future. Lives are threatened, romances are doomed, and family ties are severed in this exciting series conclusion.

Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
A Canadian icon gives us his final book, a memoir of the events that shaped this beloved writer and activist.
Farley Mowat has been beguiling readers for fifty years now, creating a body of writing that has thrilled two generations, selling literally millions of copies in the process. In looking back over his accomplishments, we are reminded of his groundbreaking work: He single-handedly began the rehabilitation of the wolf with Never Cry Wolf. He was the first to bring advocacy activism on behalf of the Inuit and their northern lands with People of the Deer and The Desperate People. And his was the first populist voice raised in defense of the environment and of the creatures with whom we share our world, the ones he has always called The Others.
Otherwise is a memoir of the years between 1937 and the autumn of 1948 that tells the story of the events that forged the writer and activist. His was an innocent childhood, spent free of normal strictures, and largely in the company of an assortment of dogs, owls, squirrels, snakes, rabbits, and other wildlife. From this, he was catapulted into wartime service, as anxious as any other young man of his generation to get to Europe and the fighting. The carnage of the Italian campaign shattered his faith in humanity forever, and he returned home unable and unwilling to fit into post-war Canadian life. Desperate, he accepted a stint on a scientific collecting expedition to the Barrengrounds. There in the bleak but beautiful landscape he finds his purpose — first with the wolves and then with the indomitable but desperately starving Ihalmiut. Out of these experiences come his first pitched battles with an ignorant and uncaring federal bureaucracy as he tries to get aid for the famine-stricken Inuit. And out of these experiences, too, come his first books.
Otherwise goes to the heart of who and what Farley Mowat is, a wondrous final achievement from a true titan.

Dream Big, Stella!
Ashley Farley
Fiction / Romance / Suspense
When one young woman summons the courage to take a chance on life, she discovers the career and man of her dreams. Stella Boor's biological father is a nameless, faceless sperm donor. At least, that's what her parents have led her to believe. Imagine her surprise when she learns he's none other than rock legend Billy Jameson, and that Billy has died and left Stella a historic inn on a sprawling farm in the mountains of Virginia. A city girl at heart, Stella can't imagine living anywhere but New York. Her first inclination is to sell the property. But the terms of Billy's will stipulate she manages the inn for three years before putting it on the market. Stella considers what's really keeping her in New York. Her hotel management career is off to a rocky start; she's lost three jobs in less than a year. She's grown apart from her best friend, and her so-called boyfriend is only interested in late-night booty calls. Something is...

After the Storm
Ashley Farley
Fiction / Romance / Suspense
Lizbet gives no warning and offers no explanation when she walks out on her husband of only two years. As a hurricane ravages their charming lowcountry town, she retreats to the safety of her childhood home in Charleston. Seven months later, she's still living with her sister, flat broke and her fertility problem unresolved. She yearns to tell Jamie the truth, but she fears doing so will end their marriage for good. Jamie is running out of patience. He understands his wife's need for space, but he hasn't heard from Lizbet in months, and he fears a divorce is imminent. There's a newcomer in town, and Jamie's attraction to the attractive property developer confuses him. As his relationship with his wife becomes more complicated, will he find the strength to deny his feelings for the other woman? Sean's head chef is a creative genius. Carla is responsible for the success of his new restaurant. But her five-year-old son has anger management issues, and...

The Island Stallion Races
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
More than anything, Steve Duncan dreams of racing his huge, wild stallion, Flame. The horse is untrained, but incredibly fast and Steve just wants to show him off. When two strangers show up and offer to make Steve’s dream a reality, Steve cannot believe his luck. But soon he realizes that a professional racetrack is no place for an unbroken stallion.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Island Stallion
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
When Steve Duncan is asked to go on an archeological search on a remote Caribbean island, he never imagines the stallion he will find there. But the giant horse is unapproachable, showing nothing but fear and fury towards people. When the stallion gets caught in quicksand, can Steve get close enough to save the wild horse?
From the Trade Paperback edition.

Bones of a Saint
Grant Farley
Set in Northern California in the late ’70s, this timeless coming-of-age story examines the nature of evil, the art of storytelling, and the possibility of redemption. Fifteen-year-old RJ Armante has never known a life outside his deadend hometown of Arcangel, CA. The Blackjacks rule as they have for generations, luring the poorest kids into their monopoly on petty crime. For years, they’ve left RJ alone, but now they have a job for him: prey upon an old loner in town. In spite of the danger, RJ begins to resist. He fights not only for himself, but for his younger brother, Charley, whose disability has always made RJ feel extra protective of him. For Roxanne, the girl he can’t reach, and the kids in his crew who have nothing to live for. Even for the old loner, who has secrets of his own. If RJ is to break from the Blackjacks’ hold, all of Arcangel must be free of its past.

Scent of Magnolia
Ashley Farley
Fiction / Romance / Suspense
"A riveting new family drama by the queen of southern fiction." Scout Montgomery has turned her search for her missing brother into a career. She finds her professional life as a homicide detective meaningful, but her personal life is nonexistent. She's stuck in the past. In order to move on, she must find closure. When she returns home to Alabama for the death of a childhood friend, she uses her acquired investigative skills to discover new clues concerning her brother's disappearance. Beneath Kate Baldwin's public persona as fashion designer lies a young woman carrying a heavy burden of guilt. Her relationship issues and inability to find happiness stem from the secret she's been keeping for nearly two decades. She yearns to reveal the truth–an unexpected trip home to her childhood home in Alabama provides the opportunity—but doing so will destroy the lives of the people she cares about the most. June Montgomery is married...

The Regiment
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
The story of an astonishing band of Canadian soldiers and their part in the Allied victory in Italy.The Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment (the Hasty Ps) was Canada's most decorated regiment in the Second World War, winning thirty-one battle honours. Famed for their role in the Allied invasion of Sicily and the conquest of Italy, for six years the members of the regiment suffered brutal conditions, fighting bravely in the face of fierce opposition from the enemy, and ultimately triumphing.In The Regiment (originally published in 1955), Farley Mowat, famed Canadian fiction writer and regiment member, tells the story of the Hasty Ps, from their recruitment in September 1939 until the end of the war. Mowat was a second lieutenant and platoon leader with the regiment, and writes movingly of the great suffering his fellow soldiers endured, their bravery in battle, and the lasting friendships he forged as a member of the group.

Muddy Bottom
Ashley Farley
Fiction / Romance / Suspense
Birdie Fuller's new year is off to a bad start. Her husband has mysteriously disappeared, leaving Birdie to cope with their unmarried daughter's unplanned pregnancy. Birdie and Hannah disagree about the baby. Birdie urges her daughter to consider abortion, but Hannah is determined to see the pregnancy to term. When Hannah returns for her last semester in college, Birdie must face her demons, the problems in her marriage that drove her husband to clean out their bank accounts and run off with another woman. While struggling to hide her pregnancy from her roommates and ex-boyfriend, Hannah interviews for jobs that will take her and her baby far away from her mother. After graduation, with months to kill before the start of her new job, she returns to Palmetto Island for the summer to await the birth of her baby. Tension mounts between Hannah and Birdie when they move from their waterfront home to a two-bedroom apartment above a bakery. Can mother and daughter mend...

The Black Stallion's Filly
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
"She’ll never be a racehorse,” murmurs the crowd as Black Minx is led into the sales ring. But Alec Ramsay thinks differently and buys the Black’s first filly to train her for the Kentucky Derby. But Black Minx, like her sire, has a mind of her own. This fast-paced racing story follows a great horse’s journey through training and preliminary races to the opening gate at America’s most famous racetrack: Churchill Downs.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Black Stallion and the Girl
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
Hopeful Farm’s success has greatly increased Alec and Henry’s workload, and finally, Alec decides to seek help. When Pam Athena, a very diminutive and very pretty girl applies for the job, Alec can’t imagine that she could be of any use. But then he sees how well she works with the horses. Even the Black, usually untrusting of strangers, is surprisingly calm around her . . . and it isn’t long before Alec himself falls under her spell.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Mizzy
Paul Farley
Paul Farley is now widely recognized as one of the leading English poets writing today. As usual it is impossible to summarise in terms of theme, as his interests are too various: there's an air of 'the innocence of childhood' being viewed through the corrective lens of worldly middle age, though, and also of mid-life, its creeping self-consciousness and decrepitude, and the distortions of perception that attend it; confusing encounters with tech, modernity and its accelerated rate of change; satirical excursions critiquing the way business and digital communications have debased language. Farley is also interested as ever in the peripheral and marginal and no-man's lands – the lives of others, and their strange occupations; the birds and unsung-by-the-pocket-guides fauna and flora you miss. 'Selfie with Sea Monsters' encapsulate one of poetry's most capacious and eclectic imaginations.

The Black Stallion
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
First published in 1941, Walter Farley's best-selling novel for young readers is the triumphant tale of a boy and a wild horse. From Alec Ramsay and the Black's first meeting on an ill-fated ship to their adventures on a desert island and their eventual rescue, this beloved story will hold the rapt attention of readers new and old.
This book has been selected as a Common Core State Standards Text Exemplar (Grades 4-5, Stories) in Appendix B.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

Change of Tides
Ashley Farley
Fiction / Romance / Suspense
Birdie Fuller doesn't like change. And a lot of change is happening at once. Her daughter and three-year-old grandson are moving out of her apartment to a nearby city. Will Birdie be able to survive the loneliness without Hannah and Gus? She joins a dating website to find companionship and meets the seemingly perfect man. But is their relationship too good to be real? When the past comes back to haunt Birdie, she struggles to maintain the sobriety she's worked so hard to achieve? While the beauty and wildlife of Palmetto Island provide inspiration for Hannah's creativity, she realizes that in order to grow her web design business, she must move to a bigger city. But is she ready to leave the security of her mother's apartment? For three years, she's been hiding out on the island, avoiding contact with her son's biological father. She never told Ryan about the pregnancy. He doesn't know about Gus. When Ryan shows up at Birdie's cafe out of the blue, Hannah's world...

The Black Stallion's Blood Bay Colt
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
He had his mother's champion bloodlines and his father's fiery spirit!
From the Trade Paperback edition.

Man O'War
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
Before Secretariat and Seabiscuit, Man o’ War set the standard for horse racing.
Walter Farley, the creator of the Black Stallion, chronicles the mightiest racer ever seen on an American racetrack from his surging power and blistering speed to his overwhelming desire to run!
Here is the unofficial biography of the “red giant,” from the moment he was foaled through all of his racing triumphs. Winning an astonishing 20 of his 21 starts, Man o’ War became a legend, and captured the heart of a nation before he retired in 1920 to sire Hard Tack, the father of Seabiscuit, and Triple Crown winner War Admiral.
With his seamless storytelling, Farley tells the life story of the horse most horse lovers continue to regard as America’s greatest thoroughbred. Told through the eyes of a fictional stableboy, Danny Ryan, Farley makes the intricate world of the “Sport of Kings” accessible and exciting to horse lovers and racing fans of all ages.

Show Me the Way
Ashley Farley
Fiction / Romance / Suspense
When two lost souls meet by chance, their worlds collide in an explosive tale of romance and suspense.Presley Ingram has often wondered about her birth parents. Yet her 23andMe test kit remains unopened in her bedside table drawer. When she finds an address on a torn envelope in her adoption file upon her adoptive mother’s death, she makes an impulsive decision to travel to the mountains of Virginia in search of answers. In the charming town of Hope Springs, she discovers her dream job as event planner at the prestigious Inn at Hope Springs Farms and the potential for romance with a ruggedly handsome bartender. Presley has an uncanny knack for reading people. While she suspects Everett has a genuine heart, she’s convinced he’s hiding something from his previous life. Everett Baldwin is on the run from his past. He’s hiding out under an assumed name and working as a bartender while his dreams of becoming a country music star slip away. When opportunity knocks, Everett is forced to face his demons in order to move on with his life. Secrets are revealed and chaos ensues. Will Everett be able to salvage his relationship with the woman of his dreams?Don't miss this intriguing second installment of the Hope Springs Series. **

Gorillas in the Mist
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
Originally titled Virunga, this is the story of Dian Fossey, the mountain gorillas’ greatest champion and martyr. Based on Fossey’s personal papers and on interviews with her colleagues, friends, and enemies, Gorillas in the Mist reveals one woman’s passion for life — and the creatures who share it with us.

The Radio Planet
Ralph Milne Farley
When Myles Cabot, inventor of radio transmission of matter, returned to Venus he found himself alone on an unknown continent on that alien planet. To get back to his old headquarters and his loved ones presented some apparently impossible problems. He’d have to settle a war between the near-primitive natives and an unholy alliance of monsters, dinosaurs, and giant insects. He’d have to build an electronic device from raw rocks and untapped resources. And if he could succeed in all that, he’d still have to find his way home and fight off a usurper’s diabolic conspiracy. But Myles Cabot didn’t know the meaning of the word impossible!

Lost in the Barrens
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
Awasin, a Cree Indian boy, and Jamie, a Canadian orphan living with his uncle, the trapper Angus Macnair, are enchanted by the magic of the great Arctic wastes. They set out on an adventure that proves longer and more dangerous than they could have imagined. Drawing on his knowledge of the ways of the wilderness and the implacable northern elements, Farley Mowat has created a memorable tale of daring and adventure.
When first published in 1956, Lost in the Barrens won the Governor-General’s Award for Juvenile Literature, the Book-of-the-Year Medal of the Canadian Association of Children’s Librarians and the Boys’ Club of America Junior Book Award.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

People of the Deer
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
In 1886, the Ihalmiut people of northern Canada numbered seven thousand; by 1946, when Farley Mowat began his two-year stay in the Arctic, the population had fallen to just forty. With them, he observed for the first time the phenomenon that would inspire him for the rest of his life: the millennia-old migration of the Arctic's caribou herds. He also endured bleak, interminable winters, suffered agonizing shortages of food, and witnessed the continual, devastating intrusions of outsiders bent on exploitation. Here, in this classic and first book to demonstrate the mammoth literary talent that would produce some of the most memorable books of the next half-century, best-selling author Farley Mowat chronicles his harrowing experiences. People of the Deer is the lyrical ethnography of a beautiful and endangered society. It is a mournful reproach to those who would manipulate and destroy indigenous cultures throughout the world. Most of all, it is a tribute to the last People of the Deer, the diminished Ihalmiuts, whose calamitous encounter with our civilization resulted in their unnecessary demise.

Farley Street
Zane Zubin
What if your entire life has been preparing you for a battle beyond the stars?At the far end of Farley Street in the quaint town of Mackinaw City, Michigan, a young boy named Zeke Tartal is born under the most mysterious circumstances. His birth is marked by a supernatural storm and a clinic that mysteriously disappears. Little do his parents, Ben and Audrey, know that their son's destiny reaches far beyond Earth and into the cosmic realms of the universe.Zeke is no ordinary boy. Guided by cosmic forces and watched over by unseen playmates, he begins to uncover the truth about his origins: he is a Lyran starseed, a being of light reincarnated from an ancient galactic warrior. As Zeke grows up, strange occurrences follow him. He experiences mystical events, slips between dimensions, and communicates with spiritual guides that only his dog, Coconut, can sense.As Zeke embarks on a journey of self-discovery, he meets a range of otherworldly characters,...

The Black Stallion's Courage
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
When Hopeful Farm burns down, Alec’s dreams for the future go up in smoke. How can he get the money to rebuild? To make matters worse, a strong young colt named Eclipse has taken the racing world by storm, threatening to replace the Black in the hearts of racing fans. Against all odds, Alec sets out to save the farm and prove that the Black is still the greatest race horse of all time!
“Everyone loves a champion. And when the champion is a gallant horse, when his story is told by a champion writer of horse stories, every reader is a winner.”—The New York Times
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Black Stallion Mystery
Walter Farley
Children's / Fiction
Someone's set a treacherous trap for Alec and his horse...

Black Stallion's Shadow
Steven Farley
Animals / Horses
It has all the makings of a glorious day--the Black has just won the America's Cup! But the fruits of victory quickly sour when it is learned that the Black's challenger, shying at a shadow on the track, has suffered a fatal fall. Now, the Black himself is hobbled by a fear of shadows, a problem that could end his brilliant racing career. Will the Black become the next victim if he is not cured of his fright?From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Challenger
Terri Farley
For the Phantom, there is only one girlFor Sam, there is only one horse. Wildcats are threatening the mustangs that live near Samantha's ranch. Can she save the wild horses without harming the cougars?

Alex Armstrong: Awakening
Hayes Farley
Sixteen-year-old Alex Armstrong is definitely not telekinetic.
But he will be. And all it takes is a little red pill.
Welcome to Pal Tech, the top-secret school for kids with latent telekinetic powers. Like the other freshmen, Alex is here to begin his training. If he can graduate at the top of his class, he’ll become a world-traveling, peacekeeping agent in the government’s Palkin Program.
Alex excels. Whether he’s navigating a mock Star Wars Trench Run in lab class, schooling his friends in a game of no-hands basketball, or dodging a paintball-shooting helicopter drone during his Simtest, Alex makes telekinesis look easy.
Pal Tech’s president takes notice, moving Alex out of the simulation rooms and into field work with the upperclassmen. His first assignment: join the seniors as they oversee the latest weapons shipment for the Palkin Program.
But somebody talks, and what should have been a routine delivery gets intercepted by a rogue telekin. As the other students are left scrambling to survive, it falls to Alex to stop the telekin before he causes any more destruction. There’s just one problem: The bad guy can fly.

Terri Farley
Samantha discovers a plot to wipe out the wild horses near her family's ranch, but she can't convince anyone else that the Phantom's herd needs help.

Terri Farley
Samantha's latest adventure with her mustang friend, the phantom stallion, in the wildly popular seriesoSet in the modern day Wild West, Phantom Stallion has cowboys, horse rustlers, and mustangs — exciting new territory you can't find in any other seriesoDedicated fan base — will appeal to fans of the Thoroughbred, Ashleigh and Saddle Club Series.

Mustang Moon
Terri Farley
When 13 — year — old Samantha returns home to her family's cattle ranch in Nevada, she's worried. She moved away two years ago to recover from a bad fall off her beloved mustang, Blackie, and she's still not sure she can get back in the saddle. Her new colt doesn't seem to like her, and the other ranchers treat her like the boss's spoiled daughter, and Blackie has been missing since that fateful dayBut that's just the beginning. When Sam suddenly finds the fate of a mysterious mustang who may or may not be the missing Blackie resting in her hands, she has to learn to be a real cowgirl, ready or not. The classic theme of a girl and her horse is set against a backdrop of mustangs, tumbleweeds, and a West that's still Wild.Phantom Stallion #2: Mustang Moon A rogue mustang is stealing mares, but the Phantom is taking the blame. It's up to Sam to defend his innocence and his life.

Terri Farley
The further adventures in the wildly popular series about Samantha and her mustang the Phantom.In Firefly, the Phantom's wild colt has been injured, and Sam must help him find a new home.

Eastern Passage
Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
Review"For admirers of Farley Mowat -- and we are legion -- this is a necessary work." — *Globe and Mail"An insightful narrative that elucidates Mowat's past." — Quill and Quire"[Mowat's] celebrated style is in evidence from page one." — Canadian Geographic"Thoreau-esque at times. . . . The prose is effortless and entertaining." — Telegraph-Journal*From the Trade Paperback edition.Product DescriptionFollowing Farley Mowat’s bestselling memoir, Otherwise, the literary lion returns with an unexpected triumphEastern Passage is a new and captivating piece of the puzzle of Farley Mowat’s life: the years from his return from the north in the late 1940s to his discovery of Newfoundland and his love affair with the sea in the 1950s. This was a time in which he wrote his first books and weathered his first storms of controversy, a time when he was discovering himself through experiences that, as he writes, "go to the heart of who and what I was" during his formative years as a writer and activist.In the 1950s, with his career taking off but his first marriage troubled, Farley Mowat buys a piece of land northwest of Toronto and attempts to settle down. His accounts of building his home are by turns hilarious and affecting, while the insights into his early work and his relationship with his publishers offer a rare glimpse into the inner workings of a writer’s career.But in the end, his restless soul could not be pinned to one place, and when his father offered him a chance to sail down the St. Lawrence, he jumped at it, not realizing that his journey would bring him face to face with one of Canada’s more shocking secrets – one most of us still don’t know today. This horrific incident, recalling as it did the lingering aftermath of war, and from which it took the area decades to recover, would forge the final tempering of Mowat as the activist we know today.Farley Mowat grows wiser and more courageous with each passing year, and Eastern Passage is a funny, astute, and moving book that reveals that there is more yet to this fascinating and beloved figure than we think we know.From the Hardcover edition.

Terri Farley
Darby doesn't understand how her mother, who grew up on Wild Horse Island, ever could have left. Now that Ellen Carter has come back to the island to visit, Darby hopes her mom won't want to leave again.But Darby's grandfather and mother can't stop fighting, and Ellen wants to take her daughter back to California. When Darby finds a wild mare in the rain forest, she hatches a plan to convince her mom to stay — but will it work? Or will Darby have to leave the new home and wild horses she loves?

Farley Mowat
Outdoors & Nature / History / Biographies & Memoirs
Here is a Siberia unheard of in the West. Once the most remote place of exile in all of Russia, Mowat describes it as a burgeoning land of opportunity and growth. Granted extraordinary freedom to visit places rarely seen by any westerner since 1917, Farley Mowat and his wife, Claire, travelled more than 29,000 miles over mountains, steppes, taiga and tundra to meet the people who have chosen to make Siberia their home and livelihood. With his classic exuberance and wit, Mowat brings to life a place and a people who share the top of the world with us -- their hopes and aspirations, their humour, and their dedication to the dramatic awakening of Sibir, the Sleeping land.From the Hardcover edition.

Heartbreak Bronco
Terri Farley
For the Phantom, there is only one girl. For Sam, there is only one horseWhen a hard — luck horse named Jinx comes to River Bend, everyone thinks he's a curse. Samantha knows he's not, but he is unruly, skittish, and the fastest horse she's ever seen. Then there's a runaway in the middle of the night, and someone gets a snakebite. Is the bronco really a jinx? Or could he be the good — luck charm Sam needs to save the day?

Merry Mary
Ashley Farley
Fiction / Romance / Suspense
A young woman longing for a child stumbles upon a Christmas miracle.Investigative journalist Scottie Darden is photographing the homeless for her Lost Souls series when she makes a discovery that could change her life forever. Under a makeshift tent in subzero temperatures in a downtown city park, she finds a woman's dead body with her infant child. Without her cell phone to call for help, Scottie makes the split-second decision to take the baby home. Her initial instinct is to provide the baby with food and shelter until her family can be located. But as her fondness for the baby grows, she finds herself facing a life on the run or worse—prison time for abduction.Curl up with Merry Mary this holiday season. A heartwarming story of the powerful connection between a caring soul and an innocent child in need.

The Princess and the Page
Christina Farley
A dark secret lurks in Keira's family. She comes from a long line of Word Weavers who bring their stories to life when they use a magical pen. But Keira's mom is unable to face the truth of the family's history because the Word Weavers have been hunted for generations for their power. And so, she forbids Keira to write. Oblivious to the family's secret ability, and angry at her mom's rule of no fictional writing, Keira discovers her grandma's Word Weaver pen and uses it to write a story for the Girls' World fairy tale contest, believing it will bring her good luck. But when Keira decides to have her fairy tale reflect her family's imperfect life, and has the princess in her story vanquished to a dark tower for eternity, she starts to wonder if anyone ever truly lives happily ever after.

Farley and the Lost Bone
Lynn Johnston
Inside Farley and the Lost Bone, award-winning cartoonist Lynn Johnston of For Better or For Worse fame and co-author Beth Cruickshank follow Farley as he welcomes the warmth of spring and tries to remember where he buried his most prized possession last fall.As a follow-up to the duo's first book, Farley Follows His Nose (Harper Collins, 2009), this children's tale features fan favorite sheepdog Farley as he digs in Elly's flowerbed, under Michael's model railway set, and inside Lizzie's sandbox until he remembers the special spot where he buried his tasty bone.Pairing Johnston's signature art with Cruickshank's gentle prose, Farley and the Lost Bone imparts a tale of self-reliance, diligence, and determination perfect for young readers.

Read to Death
Terrie Farley Moran
The national bestselling author of Caught Read-Handed revisits Fort Myers Beach, Florida, where the proprietors of a local bookstore café occasionally take a stab at solving murder... At their seaside Read 'Em and Eat bookstore café, Sassy Cabot and Bridgy Mayfield offer fresh scones, great books, and excellent detective work... With their book club season wrapping up with The Florida Life of Thomas Edison, Sassy and Bridgy decide to take their group on a day trip to the beautiful Edison and Ford Winter Estates. Hiring driver Oscar Frieland, who's known for his colorful stories and love of the café's Robert Frost fruit tartlets, the bibliophiles set off for a day of sunshine and history. After a lovely excursion, the club returns to the café for lunch and a book discussion, but the group falls silent after Oscar is found dead in his van. The sheriff's deputies have some questions of...

Secret Star
Terri Farley
For the Phantom, there is only one girl.For Sam, there is only one horse.A movie star horse and his trainer are coming to River Bend Ranch, and Samantha can't wait. But when Bayfire shows up, something is obviously wrong. The famous stallion has lost his sparkle.Bayfire has to get ready for his biggest, most dangerous scene of his new movie. If Sam can't help bring back the stallion's fiery spirit, his career could be over -- and someone could get hurt.

Mountain Mare
Terri Farley
The further adventures in the wildly popular series about Samantha and her mustang the PhantomIn Mountain Mare, Sam finds a beautiful horse in the mountains. The mare seems to belong to someone, but can Sam figure out who — before the Phantom Stallion claims the mare as his own?

Kingston by Starlight
Christopher John Farley
Irish-born Anne Bonny is only a teenager when she is left destitute by her mother’s death. Abandoned by her father, she seems destined to be forgotten by the world. But Anne chooses to seek her fortune in the lush tropics of the colonial West Indies, where she passes herself off as a young man named Bonn. She finds work as a ship’s hand, sailing under the command of Calico Jack Rackam, a notorious and charismatic pirate with a bounty on his head. Calico Jack has his heart set on raiding the Madrid Galleon, the richest ship in the Caribbean, which sails from Kingston laden with Cuban gold and Jamaican rum. Bonn is entranced by the sea and by the ship’s violent crew, which includes a mysterious swordfighter named Read, who, it turns out, has a secret life of his own. Calico Jack soon discovers Bonn’s and Read’s true identities, but it is only when the three pirates are captured that their darkest secrets begin to surface. In the shadow of the gallows, a strange twist of fate reveals a shocking betrayal that may save Bonn from death, while permanently changing everything she has known about her past and the world around her. Gorgeously written and full of mystery, intrigue, and startling revelations about gender, race, history, and the human heart, Kingston by Starlight is a once-in-a-lifetime read.

Kidnapped Colt
Terri Farley
The wildly popular series continues with more adventures of Samantha and her mustang, the Phantom Stallion!Girls love horses! The appeal of horse stories spans generations.Set in the modern — day Wild West, Phantom Stallion has cowboys, horse rustlers, mustangs — exciting new territory you can't find in other series.Continuation of a popular series.Dedicated fan base.

Dawn Runner
Terri Farley
Samantha's friend Ryan wants to recapture his lost horse, Hotspot, who has been running free with the Phantom Stallion's herd. But Hotspot's foal, Shy Boots, needs her back at home -- the young horse is having trouble without his mother to protect him.Sam wants to help her friend, and she wants to help the horses. But will Ryan's plans do more harm than good?

The Black Stallion and the Lost City
Steve Farley
When Alec and the Black are hired to work as stunt doubles in a film about Alexander and his horse, Bucephalus, they find themselves on set in the remote mountains of the Greek/Bulgarian border. Movie making involves a lot of waiting, so they set out for a morning of exploring. Chasing an elusive albino mare, the two find themselves caught in an underground river which drops them, half-drowned, beside a city lost in time. Revered at first, they soon discover that they are intended as the entertainment at a horrific ritual . . . sacrifices to the legendary flesh-eating mares in the coloseum of King Diomedes. Another thrilling new Black Stallion novel by Walter Farley's son, which proves that the art of writing a great horse story is definitely in the genes!From the Hardcover edition.

Fire Maiden
Terri Farley
Darby is excited to go on a "volcano watch," camping out and observing the island's volcanoes, despite recent small earthquakes that could mean an eruption is coming. After all, Darby grew up in California, so she's used to the earth rumbling now and then. Plus, the expedition is perfect for working with Hoku, helping the young mustang learn to handle any situation. But when the volcanoes do erupt, it's much scarier than Darby anticipated, and a stream of lava leaves Darby and Hoku stranded. Can Darby's horse-charming skills keep the mustang calm? Or will her filly run back to the wild?

Dark Sunshine
Terri Farley
The classic theme of a girl and her horse is set against a backdrop of mustangs, tumbleweeds, and a West that's still Wild. In the third book of the series Dark Sunshine, Sam rescues an abused horse from rustlers, but needs the Phantom's help in convincing the young mare to trust her.

Gift Horse
Terri Farley
For the Phantom, there is only one girl.For Sam, there is only ont horse. When Samantha rescues a beautiful draft horse from an auction, she's sure he'll be perfect to groom for resale. He's big and strong — — but so big, Sam can barely saddle him. He's great at jumping — — over pasture fences. Will he be helpful at a ranch, or too much to handle? Then disaster strikes River Bend, and it's Sam who needs help. And just in time to save the day, Tinkerbell's true talents are revealed.

Rain Dance
Terri Farley
The Phantom Stallion's new foal is ready to be born, and River Bend Ranch's own Dark Sunshine is the mother. Samantha couldn't be more excited, and she's sure she can handle the new baby while everyone is gone on the annual cattle drive.

Golden Ghost
Terri Farley
Already a beloved addition to the wildly popular horse series genre, Phantom Stallion continues to enthral readers with more adventures in the modern — day Wild West. In the eighth instalment of this exciting series, Golden Ghost, Sam must choose between helping her best friend and letting the Phantom win a new member of his herd. Can she make them both happy?

Saving Gotham
Tom Farley
The inside story of the most audacious public health campaign of the twenty-first century.In 2002, a dynamic doctor named Thomas Frieden became health commissioner of New York City. With support from the new mayor, billionaire Michael Bloomberg, Frieden and his health department team prohibited smoking in bars, outlawed trans fats in restaurants, and attempted to cap the size of sodas, among other groundbreaking actions. The initiatives drew heated criticism, but they worked: by 2011, 450,000 people had quit smoking, childhood obesity rates were falling, and life expectancy was growing.Saving Gotham is the behind-the-scenes story of the most controversial—and successful—public health initiative of our time. Thomas A. Farley, MD, who succeeded Frieden as health commissioner, introduces a team of doctors who accepted the challenge of public health: to care for each of New York City's eight million inhabitants as their own patients. The biggest threats...

Galloping Gold
Terri Farley
A lonely girl, a wild horse, and a Hawaiian island full of possibilities . . . Every horse has its bad habits, but Sugarfoot's are becoming a real problem. Despite this, Darby's best friend Ann will not give up on him — even when her parents' insurance company threatens to shut down their equine rescue program if Ann can't make the horse behave. With Sugarfoot's future on the line, Darby and Ann find the perfect outlet for his energy: the island's charity race.As the big day approaches, though, Ann's leg injury flares up. Time is running out and the two girls must rely on the most undependable person they know — or Sugarfoot will be sent away forever.

Tangle of Strings
Part #4 of "Sweeney Sisters Series" series by Ashley Farley
Fiction / Romance / Suspense

The Wild One
Terri Farley
When 13 — year — old Samantha returns home to her family's cattle ranch in Nevada, she's worried. She moved away two years ago to recover from a bad fall off her beloved mustang, Blackie, and she's still not sure she can get back in the saddle. Her new colt doesn't seem to like her, and the other ranchers treat her like the boss's spoiled daughter, and Blackie has been missing since that fateful dayBut that's just the beginning. When Sam suddenly finds the fate of a mysterious mustang who may or may not be the missing Blackie — resting in her hands, she has to learn to be a real cowgirl, ready or not. The classic theme of a girl and her horse is set against a backdrop of mustangs, tumbleweeds, and a West that's still Wild.Phantom Stallion #1: The Wild One On a moonlit night, a mustang comes to Sam. Is it Blackie grown up and gone wild? Is it the legendary phantom stallion? Or could it be both?

Run Away Home
Terri Farley
Samantha can't wait for the holiday break from school. But there's no time to relax: Brynna's baby is due any day; the local authorities are gathering more mustangs from the range; and her best friend Jen's ranch is in upheaval–its owner, Linc Slocum, has just been arrested, and no one is sure what will happen to Jen and her family. But then, disaster strikes: A terrible blizzard traps the Phantom Stallion's band. Sam has to help them, but she's terrified they'll be captured. Can she save her beloved mustangs and keep them free–for good?