Build-in Book Search

The Mists of Avalon
Part #1 of "Avalon" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Here is the magical legend of King Arthur, vividly retold through the eyes and lives of the women who wielded power from behind the throne. A spellbinding novel, an extraordinary literary achievement, THE MISTS OF AVALON will stay with you for a long time to come....

Gabriel's Angel
Nora Roberts
Fiction / Suspense / Fantasy
Pregnant, alone, and on the run to protect her unborn child, Laura Malone finds herself stranded with Gabriel Bradley, with whom she forms a bond after he provides her with shelter and friendship through the storm. 500,000 first printing.

The Grave's a Fine and Private Place
Alan Bradley
Mystery & Thrillers / Biographies & Memoirs / Literature & Fiction
Flavia is enjoying the summer, spending her days punting along the river with her reluctant family. Languishing in boredom, she drags a slack hand in the water, and catches her fingers in the open mouth of a drowned corpse.
Brought to shore, the dead man is found to be dressed in blue silk with ribbons at the knee, and wearing a single red ballet slipper.
Flavia needs to put her super-sleuthing skills to the test to investigate the murder of three gossips in the local church, and to keep her sisters out of danger. But what could possibly connect the son of an executed killer, a far too canny police constable, a travelling circus, and the publican's mysteriously talented wife?

The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag
Alan Bradley
Mystery & Thrillers / Biographies & Memoirs / Literature & Fiction
Flavia de Luce, a dangerously smart eleven-year-old with a passion for chemistry and a genius for solving murders, thinks that her days of crime-solving in the bucolic English hamlet of Bishop’s Lacey are over—until beloved puppeteer Rupert Porson has his own strings sizzled in an unfortunate rendezvous with electricity. But who’d do such a thing, and why? Does the madwoman who lives in Gibbet Wood know more than she’s letting on? What about Porson’s charming but erratic assistant? All clues point toward a suspicious death years earlier and a case the local constables can’t solve—without Flavia’s help. But in getting so close to who’s secretly pulling the strings of this dance of death, has our precocious heroine finally gotten in way over her head?

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
Alan Bradley
Mystery & Thrillers / Biographies & Memoirs / Literature & Fiction
To Flavia the investigation is the stuff of science: full of possibilities, contradictions, and connections. Soon her father, a man raising his three daughters alone, is seized, accused of murder. And in a police cell, during a violent thunderstorm, Colonel de Luce tells his daughter an astounding story—of a schoolboy friendship turned ugly, of a priceless object that vanished in a bizarre and brazen act of thievery, of a Latin teacher who flung himself to his death from the school’s tower thirty years before. Now Flavia is armed with more than enough knowledge to tie two distant deaths together, to examine new suspects, and begin a search that will lead her all the way to the King of England himself. Of this much the girl is sure: her father is innocent of murder—but protecting her and her sisters from something even worse...

A Flame in Hali
Part #37 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
In the era of The Hundred Kingdoms, a time of war and unrest, King Carolin of Hastur and his friend Keeper Varzil Ridenow work selflessly to put an end to the destruction caused by the long range weapons of the magical matrix Towers. But Eduin Deslucido-who once called Carolin brother-has been consumed with a vengeful rage, and will stop at nothing to destroy the king and his plan for peace.

The Shadow Matrix
Part #33 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
After spending her youth in the Terran Empire, Margaret Alton returns to Darkover, the planet of her birth. There she discovers she has the Alton Gift--forced rapport and compulsion--one of the strongest and most dangerous of the inherited Laran gifts of the telepathic Comyn--the ruling families of Darkover. And even as she struggles to control her newfound powers, Margaret finds herself falling in love with the Regent to the royal Elhalyn Domain, a man she has been forbidden to marry, for their alliance would irrevocably alter the power balance of their planet!

Part #16 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
She had rejected her noble birthright and embraced the freedom only a man could claim. She was Romilly who lived among the beasts of hill and forest and communicated with them, who tried humanity and turned it down for its evils and jealousies. She had the MacAran Gift, the rare Laran that conferred mastery over hawk and horse.

The War I Finally Won
Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
Children's / Historical Fiction
Ada and her younger brother, Jamie, now have a permanent home with their loving legal guardian, Susan Smith. Although Jamie adapts more easily, Ada still struggles with the aftermath of her old life, and how to fit into her new life.
World War II continues, and forces the small community to come together and rely on one another. Ada has never been interested in getting to know her friend’s family—especially Maggie’s mother, the formidable Lady Thorton. However, circumstances bring them in close proximity along with other unexpected characters.
Ada comes face to face with another German! This time she isn’t sure what she should do. How can she help the ones she loves and keep them safe?
Ada’s first story, The War that Saved My Life, won a Newbery Honor, the Schneider Family Book Award, and the Josette Frank Award, in addition to appearing on multiple best-of-the-year lists. This second, marvelous volume continues Ada’s powerful, uplifting story.
"Ada is for the ages—as is this book. Wonderful." —Kirkus, starred review
"Fans of the first book will love the sequel even more." —SLJ, starred review
"Bradley sweeps us up . . . even as she moves us to tears." —The Horn Book, starred review
"Perceptive . . . satisfying . . . will stay with readers." —PW, starred review

The Forest House
Part #2 of "Avalon" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
The Forest House—prequel to The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley’s beloved and enduring classic—is a mesmerizing epic of one woman’s mythic role at a turning point in history.In a Britain struggling to survive Roman invasion, Eilan is the daughter of a Druidic warleader, gifted with visions and marked by fate to become a priestess of the Forest House.
But fate also led Eilan to Gaius, a soldier of mixed blood, son of the Romans sent to subdue the native British. For Gaius, Eilan felt forbidden love, and her terrible secret will haunt her even as she is anointed as the new High Priestess. With mighty enemies poised to destroy the magic the Forest House shelters, Eilan must trust in the power of the great Goddess to lead her through the treacherous labyrinth of her destiny.
Take The Forest House Quiz!

The Keeper's Price
Part #14 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
From the back cover:
The lore of the planet of the Bloody Sun, Darkover, with its human and semi-human peoples, its science of emntal powers, its loves and hates, its feuds and favors -- all have grown into one of the greater classics of the imagination, comparable only to the Middle Earth of Tolkien.
For so deep and complex has been the creation of this worlds that readers have sought to fill in the unknown spots of its saga. They, forming the Friends of Darkover, have joined with Marion Zimmer Bradley to create this anthology of new stories of Darkover, written by its most talented followers.
Here are stories that span the whole of Darkover history -- from the days after the original landfall, through the Ages of Chaos, the Pact of the Comyn, and the coming of the Terrans. Included are three original stories by Marion Zimmer Bradley and her editorial commentaries on each story.

The Spell Sword
Part #8 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Although Darkover was a world inhabited by humans as well as semi-humans, it was primarily forbidden ground to the Terran traders. Most of the planet's wild terrain was unexplored...and many of its peoples seclusive and secretive.
But for Andrew Carr there was an attration he could not evade. Darkover drew him, Darkover haunted him--and when his mapping plane crashed in unknown heights, Darkover prepared to destroy him.
Until the planet's magic asserted itself--and his destiny began to unfold along lines predicted only by phantoms and wonder workers of the kind Terran science could never acknowledge.
THE SPELL SWORD is a Darkover novel to stand with the great ones of the series.

The Bloody Sun
Part #3 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
This is the re-written version of the original story.
To Terran Jeff Kerwin the distant planet he remembered only as a childhood dream was home. But when years of planning finally brought him back to Darkover, ha found that there was no peace for him there--not for someone with both the red hair of a Com'yn lord and the bastard strains of Terrani in his blood; not for someone who carried a Darkovan matrix jewel without knowing where it came from; not for someone who managed to win th trust of the sacred Keepers and the secrets of their Tower, only to be accused of betrating them to his Terran masters...

Year of the Big Thaw
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Bradley stated that when she was a child she enjoyed reading adventure fantasy authors such as Henry Kuttner, Edmond Hamilton, C.L. Moore, and Leigh Brackett, especially when they wrote about "the glint of strange suns on worlds that never were and never would be".

City of Sorcery
Part #19 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Haunted by mysterious images of hooded figures, Magdalen Lorne, chief Terran operative on Darkover, pursues a quest not only to the frozen ends of the physical world but also to the perilous limits of the spiritual world. And there she is tested by the evil sorcery of the Dark Sisterhood.

The World Wreckers
Part #6 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Planetary Investments Unlimited--that was its official name. But unofficially it was knows as Worldwreckers, Inc.. For a fee, its agents would infiltrate any world unwilling to give up its independence, and do enough damage so the natives would be forced to allow Terran investors to step in and salvage their planet. And now, once again, its agents were at work.
In the 78 years since Cottman IV, called Darkover by its natives, was rediscovered by the Terran Empire, all efforts to colonize and industrialize this exotic world had failed.
And the person in charge of "Worldwreckers, Inc.", a centuries-old being who appeared to be a woman, had decided to take on this particular assignment herself. After all, she had special insight into this world, for long ago--lifetimes ago--she had called Darkover home...

Part #29 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Leonie Hastur, headstrong and lovely daughter of the Hastur Clan, most powerful of all the telepathic families who rule Darkover, is being escorted by her twin brother Lorill to Dalreuth Tower for training in the use of her psychic powers. Although this is the event she has long dreamed of—for her laran is so strong that she has been able to use it without benefit of training or the need of a matrix crystal—and she yearns for the power which will come to her if she succeeds in becoming a Keeper, she is deeply disturbed. For she is plagued by a terrifying premonition that haunts her days and disrupts her nights, the inescapable feeling that something is about to happen—something monumental and dangerous which will descend upon her world and change it utterly. And all she knows for certain is that this something will be coming from one of Darkover’s four moons…

Priestess of Avalon
Part #4 of "Avalon" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Long-awaited final volume in the Avalon series by bestselling fantasy author, Marion Zimmer Bradley. As the Merlin of Britannia keeps his vigil atop the Tor of Avalon, Rian, the High Priestess of Avalon, dies giving birth to her fifth child. The girl, named Eilan with her mother's dying breath, takes life. From the stars the Merlin draws forth her prophecy: 'The child that was born at the Turning of Autumn, just as the night gave way to dawn, shall stand at the turning of the Age, the gateway between two worlds.' A prophecy of greatness, but it seems that she is destined to walk a path unlike any trod by a Priestess of Avalon before! Published posthumously, this spellbinding historical romance is the concluding volume in the Avalon series from Marion Zimmer Bradley, the author of the worldwide bestseller, The Mists of Avalon, who died in 1999.

The Firebrand
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
'Still my fate: always to speak the truth, and only to be thought mad' Kassandra, daughter of Priam the king and Hecuba the priestess, twin sister to Paris and prophetess of Apollo, her visions dismissed as lunatic ravings, is powerless to avert the fall of Troy
Gheid (Origins Part 4)
W Bradley
Science / Physics
Gheid has been in imprisonment for several years when, for the first time since being captured, noises of a fight alert him to the possibility of escape.But who is Gheid?This is a short story of 1.990 words. It is part four in the 'Origins' series of stories which connect with one another in unexpected ways.Although forbidden to read scrolls without permission, Catriona couldn’t help herself and approached the table. She glanced at the open door to the outside, looking for any sign of Sari. There was none.A Loss too Much to Endure. Magic wielded by experienced hands can sometimes lead to disappointment; in the hands of a novice, it can be devastating.Destiny Governed their Lives is a short story that ties into the Castle Keepers series. Many of the characters who appear in it also appear in Shadows in the Stone and Scattered Stones.Follow Diane Lynn McGyver into the Land of Ath-o’Lea and live the fantasy.

The War That Saved My Life
Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
Children's / Historical Fiction
An exceptionally moving story of triumph against all odds set during World War 2, from the acclaimed author of Jefferson’s Sons and for fans of Number the Stars.
Nine-year-old Ada has never left her one-room apartment. Her mother is too humiliated by Ada’s twisted foot to let her outside. So when her little brother Jamie is shipped out of London to escape the war, Ada doesn’t waste a minute—she sneaks out to join him.
So begins a new adventure of Ada, and for Susan Smith, the woman who is forced to take the two kids in. As Ada teaches herself to ride a pony, learns to read, and watches for German spies, she begins to trust Susan—and Susan begins to love Ada and Jamie. But in the end, will their bond be enough to hold them together through wartime? Or will Ada and her brother fall back into the cruel hands of their mother?
This masterful work of historical fiction is equal parts adventure and a moving tale of family and identity—a classic in the making.

Lady of Avalon
Part #3 of "Avalon" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Set in the time before King Arthur, this novel by Marion Zimmer Bradley brings the mesmerizing world of Avalon brilliantly to life with epic grandeur-telling the story of three remarkable women who alter the fortunes of Roman Britain as they fight to reclaim the magic and traditions of a once glorious past...

Bradley McConnachie
These collections of Poems were written over a five year period, relating to my life as well as people I have been in contact with, the struggles and joys experienced through living the Christian life. May they be a blessing to you as they were a blessing to write as I gained much knowledge about life through them.“I’ve seen things you would never believe. I know things that most people would never consider. I’ve experienced things that your worst nightmares don’t even come close to. And that is something that you never want to get involved in.”Ailia has been missing out on a lot of things in life. She’s never experienced those little things – happiness, friendship, love. In the need of a new beginning, she moves to Scotland. The plan was to find those things. Get a good job, make some friends and hopefully meet a man who would love her. She never expected to meet someone like Egan. Egan’s different. He’s mysterious, secretive and doesn’t trust anyone. He doesn’t want Ailia anywhere near him. It’s too dangerous.But when a dark creature becomes obsessed with Ailia, she is forced to walk the line between life and death, and Egan may be the only person who can save her.In a world where danger is real, love and friendship are the most valuable things a person can have. The question is: who can you trust?

Bradley Stoke
GLBT / Lesbian / Adult Fiction / Erotica
Omega returns the adult reader to the world of childhood imagination: a world populated by the fantastic, the fabulous and the thoroughly improbable. But a world where adult concerns of poverty, injustice, prejudice, politics and economics are all too real. In this world, the reader is taken on a search for the Truth in a more literal sense than one would expect.Omega returns the adult reader to the world of childhood imagination: a world populated by the fantastic, the fabulous and the thoroughly improbable. But a world where adult concerns of poverty, injustice, prejudice, politics and economics are all too real. In this world, the reader is taken on a search for the Truth in a more literal sense than one would expect. On the way, the reader meets characters familiar to childhood who confront this question with different formulations and very different solutions.Independent Reviews:Absolutely outstanding and complex fable which stands comparison with Jonathan Swift. Our traveller meets religious absurdism head on. Highly recommended.A very superior fantasy this, set in a world full of different pockets of existence distinguished by species or class or faith. As a result, it’s layered and complex, and whilst slow moving it’s refreshingly unpredictable. The humour and targets are, I suppose, British, but there’s a general appeal. Don’t miss it is my recommendation.- Alaric McDermotI enjoyed reading this imaginative piece, which says a lot, because I confess I am not a fan of science fiction and my tastes are very limited with respect to what I'll read in the fantasy genre. I think it reads very smoothly and holds the reader's interest.- Native LawI confess that I might have been put off by giant, talking grasshoppers had they appeared in a first chapter. That’s a prejudice of mine, I think. It doesn’t apply here though. In the first place it’s so charmingly and well written. In the second place it suits your purpose very well (or you make it do so): a vehicle for commentary on social, political, religious, scientific and aesthetic issues. (Have I left anything out? It is a very broad canvass you’ve chosen.) The fantasy goes deeper than this, of course. The Cartesian and Newtonian divisions of the Church, for example, are intriguing, suggestive, actually quite plausible.I was rather taken with the quest. An excellent read.- Longden

Getting Rid of Bradley
Jennifer Crusie
Romance / Literature & Fiction / Humor
High school physics teacher Lucy Savage is finally getting rid of Bradley--and his hideous green recliner. In fact, her front lawn is littered with her cheating ex-husband's belongings. Because despite standing her up in divorce court, Bradley is out of her life for good. Or so she thinks.
When her sister takes her to lunch to celebrate Lucy's single status, all their talk of a no-good louse named Bradley catches the attention of a cop--who wants to arrest the very same Bradley for embezzlement. And Officer Zack Warren figures the lovely Lucy can lead him straight to his target.
When someone shoots at Lucy and then blows up her car, Zack insists she needs twenty-four-hour protection. What does he think her three dogs and attack cat are for? Still, he insists on moving right in to Lucy's house...
Now there's danger lurking outside and in her own kitchen, bathroom--and bedroom. Or maybe Zack, who looks like a bad boy with that shaggy dark hair and black leather jacket, is really one of the good guys, and just what Lucy needs.

I Will Find You
Gail Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Misfit Declan- known as the local schizophrenic crazy man, has to break out of his cell in the psych ward to find his missing girlfriend. Piece of cake right?What would you do if the love of your life went missing? For misfit Declan, he'd do anything to find her. With the whole town thinking he's just the crazy man who talks to himself, he sets off alone to find his girlfriend. First, he has to break out of the psych hospital. Shouldn't be hard right?

Jefferson's Sons
Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
Children's / Historical Fiction
The untold story of Thomas Jefferson's slave children
Beverly, Harriet, Madison, and Eston are Thomas Jefferson's children by one of his slaves, Sally Hemings, and while they do get special treatment - better work, better shoes, even violin lessons - they are still slaves, and are never to mention who their father is. The lighter-skinned children have been promised a chance to escape into white society, but what does this mean for the children who look more like their mother? As each child grows up, their questions about slavery and freedom become tougher, calling into question the real meaning of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Told in three parts from the points of view of three of Jefferson's slaves - Beverly, Madison, and a third boy close to the Hemings family - these engaging and poignant voices shed light on what life was like as one of Jefferson's invisible offspring.

The Fall of Neskaya
Part #35 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
The Fall of Neskaya, Book One of the Clingfire Trilogy, marks the legendary author's final return to Darkover before her death. Set in the tumultuous era of The Hundred Kingdoms, a terrible time of strife and war, this unique fantasy world is divided into a mutlitude of small belligerent domains vying for power and land. One ambitious and corrupt tyrant will stop at nothing to control Darkover-even wield the terrifying weapons of the matrix.

Zandru's Forge
Part #36 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
In the era of The Hundred Kingdoms, a time of war and unrest, a legendary friendship is forged between king and keeper which will lead to a new destiny for Darkover.

Sword of Avalon: Avalon
Part #7 of "Avalon" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Marion Zimmer Bradley's legendary saga of Avalon's extraordinary women continues with a tale of fiery visions, a lost king, and a forthcoming destiny... A boy raised in secret after traitors kill his parents will return to Avalon-and when he does, he'll be faced with a formidable task: to prove his worth as a son of the kings and priestesses of his land and lead his followers to victory, wielding the newly-forged sword Excalibur.
Leyla (Origins Part 2)
W Bradley
Science / Physics
Leyla has been looking forward to this momentous day for 15 long years. Will it live up to expectations? Or will it end with terror and tears?This is a short story of 1,880 words. It is part two in the 'Origins' series of stories which connect with one another in unexpected ways.A short science-fiction horror story. What is the purpose of The Pods, spherical metallic machines that slowly fall from the Northern skies one night. And what happens when two young brothers take one home, and begin to examine and dismantle it? What is the terrible secret of The Pods.Updated 11/12; Easier to read on your e-device.

A. King Bradley
Fantasy / Fiction / Science Fiction
Once bullied to the brink of suicide, 16-year-old Adam Reaper discovers extraordinary powers within himself. Will he use these gifts to save the world from impending doom or to take vengeance upon his enemies?Once bullied to the brink of suicide, 16 year-old Adam Reaper discovers extraordinary powers within himself. As the ungovernable changes within unleash a burning hatred for all who once wronged him, Adam is faced with choosing between using his gifts to save the world from impending doom or to take vengeance against his enemies. For a time, Monica, the love of Adam’s life, is able to keep the newfound darkness in his heart at bay, but tragedy strikes when Adam’s older brother, PJ, is murdered after insidious forces give rise to a formidable domestic terror cell known as The Strangers. As he pursues his brother’s killers, Adam and his friends, Howie and Ace, find themselves thrust into an unthinkable conflict that could ultimately lead to the destruction of the world. As Adam storms farther away from Monica and deeper down the dark path of revenge, the edges of his own darkness begin to fade once again. Daring, complex, and unforgettable, this unique take on the Hero’s Journey delivers a perfect blend of captivating action and suspense.

A Red Herring Without Mustard
Alan Bradley
Mystery & Thrillers / Biographies & Memoirs / Literature & Fiction
Award-winning author Alan Bradley returns with another beguiling novel starring the insidiously clever and unflappable eleven-year-old sleuth Flavia de Luce. The precocious chemist with a passion for poisons uncovers a fresh slew of misdeeds in the hamlet of Bishop's Lacey--mysteries involving a missing tot, a fortune-teller, and a corpse in Flavia's own backyard.
Flavia had asked the old Gypsy woman to tell her fortune, but never expected to stumble across the poor soul, bludgeoned in the wee hours in her own caravan. Was this an act of retribution by those convinced that the soothsayer had abducted a local child years ago? Certainly Flavia understands the bliss of settling scores; revenge is a delightful pastime when one has two odious older sisters. But how could this crime be connected to the missing baby? Had it something to do with the weird sect who met at the river to practice their secret rites? While still pondering the possibilities, Flavia stumbles upon another corpse--that of a notorious layabout who had been caught prowling about the de Luce's drawing room.
Pedaling Gladys, her faithful bicycle, across the countryside in search of clues to both crimes, Flavia uncovers some odd new twists. Most intriguing is her introduction to an elegant artist with a very special object in her possession--a portrait that sheds light on the biggest mystery of all: Who is Flavia?
As the red herrings pile up, Flavia must sort through clues fishy and foul to untangle dark deeds and dangerous secrets.

One day closer to death: eight stabs at immortality
Bradley Denton
Science Fiction & Fantasy ReviewBradley Denton, who grew up in Kansas and now proudly calls himself a Texan, is a modern master of oddball fantasy. Comparisons to fellow Texans Buddy Holly Is Alive and Well on Ganymede, "All the stories in this book," Denton says, "harassed me into writing them, but some of them literally gave me nightmares until I set them down on paper." One Day Closer to Death: Eight Stabs at Immortality is about living in the face of death--the toll it takes, the jokes we make. Each story is a unique dark gem that can't be summarized by a list of phrases--a self-destructive performance artist, the coyote "Trickster" of legend, black-pajama-wearing demons in a field of sorghum, Lenny Bruce and John Belushi in the afterlife--but those snatches at least hint at the variety of themes. What makes the book, though, is how Denton's earnest tone, as flat as the prairies of his childhood, can deliver deadpan humor in one sentence, and a serious, disturbing question in the next.You can bet on it: this collection is going to be a classic. --Fiona WebsterFrom Kirkus ReviewsA debut collection from Denton, the author of several astonishing novels (Lunatics, 1996, etc.), comprises eight substantial if largely unclassifiable tales, seven dating from 198694, plus one original--a sort of sequel to Denton's 1993 novel, Blackburn. In alternate-history mode, Sam Clemens rides with a vicious band of Missouri bushwhackers until, despite his Confederate sympathies, he can no longer endure the brutality, injustice, and futility of it all. There is life after death, or so iconoclastic comedian Lenny Bruce discovers, but it's a grim, humorless existence, designed only to break the spirit and make him conform. And the company that owns a Janis Joplinlike singer re- creates her dead boyfriend in order to kick her back into creativity mood. Another tale reveals how it may be better not to kill your worst enemy. Elsewhere, a supernatural coyote takes revenge upon the hunters that torment his species; a performance artist sets herself aflame before diving off a high tower into a shallow tank of water; and, in the original entry, a Sicko schemes to obtain the ashes of executed serial killer Jimmy Blackburn in order to consume him and gain Blackburn's powers. Unsettling stuff, seemingly designed to provoke outcries (Ugh!'' would be the least of them) by a probing and determined intelligence; what's missing, mostly, is the idiosyncratic, compulsive chemistry of Denton's novels. -- Copyright ©1998, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.

Follow You Down
Bradley, Michael;
New York defense attorney Neil Brewster has everything he's ever wanted: an expensive Manhattan apartment, a gorgeous fiancé, a forthcoming partnership in his law firm, and a reputation for winning even the most hopeless cases. His utter ruthlessness and bullying--both in and out of the courtroom--are legendary, and have been since his childhood.
With a new high profile court case looming, a camping reunion with his old high school cronies becomes just the distraction he needs, especially after he discovers an enticing former lover is staying nearby.
But Neil’s weekend plunges into disarray when he's confronted with the sins of his past. After learning about the suicide of the boy he bullied relentlessly as a teenager, Neil is tormented by ghostly voices and apparitions. His shrewd mind, whose preeminence has been vital to his success, begins to crumble as the hauntings become more harrowing and deadly. Frantic, Neil descends into a frenzied search for answers, only to discover that things aren't always what they seem.
Mr. Bradley's Garden (a short story)
Queen of Spades
Poetry / Fiction / Contemporary
The bond between Mr. Bradley and granddaughter is put to the test when it coincides with his dedication to share the bounty of his garden with others in the neighborhood. When the deliveries start to dwindle down, how does the neighborhood react? Find out in this short story.Mr. Bradley takes tremendous pride in growing his garden and sharing the bounty with the neighbors. Over the years, an illness strikes that hampers his ability to do this deed, which has sprouted more feelings of entitlement than gratitude from the existing generations. When good things come to an end, does the attitude of the community remain the same or is there a deeper impact brought about by Mr. Bradley’s garden?

The Virgin Who Ruined Lord Gray
Anna Bradley
Romance / Historical Fiction
Behind the doors of the Clifford Charity School for Wayward Girls there lies a secret society of brilliant, fearless women who are bringing justice to London's most corrupt aristocrats, one nobleman at a time... Other young ladies might occupy their spare time with drawing or needlework, but Sophia Monmouth spends hers scaling rooftops and shadowing suspicious characters. Her objective: to gain information that will free a friend wrongly accused of murder. She hasn't bargained on being spotted and followed back to the Clifford School by a mysterious earl who holds almost as many secrets as she does. Tristan Stratford, Lord Gray, earned the nickname the Ghost of Bow Street because no man has ever escaped him. Sophia—all soft curves beneath her disguise—is a unique challenge. Determined to learn the truth about the Clifford School, he joins Sophia in a scheme that leads from Newgate's cells to the pinnacle of power. But when...

A Secret Melody
Hanleigh Bradley
My name is Melody Peters and I'm dead. Gosh, that sounds dramatic doesn't it – except I guess you don't get more dramatic than dead.I have been awhile now. I've gotten used to it. I'm well passed the acceptance stage.I died when I was sixteen. A car crash. A drunk driver, I think. I'd been on my way home from boarding school with my best friend Abby. But then I'd died.I don't think I was ready to die. I had too may things left to do. Fuck, I hadn't even written a bucket list yet. The one thing I had done?I'd fallen in love.His name was Zach. Zach Mulligan. He wasn't my first boyfriend. Hell, he wasn't even the first boy my big brother caught trying to climb out my bedroom window. Although, he was only the second. I wasn't a complete slag.But he was the first and only boy I ever fell in love with.

The President's Daughter
Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
Children's / Historical Fiction
From the Newbery Honor and Schneider Award-winning author of The War that Saved My Life comes The President's Daughter, a novel about the Roosevelts and perfect for fans of hisorical fiction.
ETHEL IS 10 YEARS OLD in 1901 when her family’s life changed forever. Suddenly, Father is not only a famous cowboy, war hero, and politician, but also President Theodore Roosevelt, leader of the United States—and Ethel has a new place to call home. The White House is older and stuffier than Ethel imagined, but there’s never a dull moment with her adventurous family around. Ethel would love to spend every day following Father on horseback rides and scrambles through neighboring Rock Creek Park.
Instead, Ethel has to stay at boarding school during the week, where nothing she does feels right and none of the girls seem to like her. Ethel’s parents keep telling her to keep her chin up and be patient, but it’s not easy being the president’s daughter. Ethel wishes she could be as courageous as father and make her family proud. When her fashionable older sister arrives home, Ethel feels new hope. Sister knows the secret of being brave and making friends, and she’s willing to share it. All Ethel needs to do is take one outrageous dare.
"[Bradley] makes Ethel a vivid and engaging presence and...[this novel is] a fascinating look at an intriguing world."-Kirkus Reviews
"A fascinating story."-*Booklist
"Loaded with historical details...the novel rings true and the people come to life."-SLJ
"Fascinating glimpses of pre-World War I Washington and one of the liveliest families to ever occupy the White House."- The Bulletin
From the Hardcover edition.

Traitor's Sun
Part #34 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Traitor's Sun continues the epic saga of Darkover, the award-winning series by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Her most brilliant and popular creation, the Darkover books take readers to a planet torn by rebellion--and struggling for freedom...

The Shoebox Bible
Alan Bradley
Mystery & Thrillers / Biographies & Memoirs / Literature & Fiction
On a cold, dark winter day during the Second World War, a young Alan Bradley found hidden beneath a floorboard in his mother's bedroom closet a well-worn cardboard shoebox. At the time, he could make little sense of the ragtag things he found inside: cigarette packages, soup can labels, handbills, calendars, paper bags, pie boxes--any scrap of paper upon which his mother could copy out, in her old-fashioned handwriting, what seemed to be no more than unrelated snippets of Scripture. He only knew that the box, which he would later come to think of as the Shoebox Bible, had something to do with the fact that his father had run away from home. Many years would pass, and his mother would be on her deathbed before he would once again hold this treasure in his hands. And only then would he put together the pieces of the puzzle, and learn the complete truth. Beautifully and lovingly told, The Shoebox Bible is a...
Jarl (Origins Part 1)
W Bradley
Science / Physics
Jarl's day is about to become a confusing ride of strange uncertainties.This is a science fiction short story of 1,770 words. It is part one in the 'Origins' series of stories which connect with one another in unexpected ways.A Divine SecretA Loyal ProtectorA Forbidden LoveEve Collins starts her freshman year at college blissfully unaware that one revelation will challenge everything she’s believed to be true about her family, life, and future, and right in the midst of it all is Asher St. Michael. Mysterious and aloof, Asher is appointed to protect Eve at all costs. Bound by his oath of loyalty to mankind, loving her is forbidden. Dark and enigmatic, Gage Gallagher may be even more dangerous to Eve than the demonic army that hunts her. Caught in the middle of a centuries old war, Eve must choose sides knowing that the wrong choice will cost more than just her life. Can Asher and Eve fulfill their destinies or will their love destroy everything? Revelation is a page turning journey of self-discovery, love, secrets, and sacrifice. Intended for mature readers.

The Shattered Chain
Part #10 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
While only women can command the power of the matrix and the secret sciences which keep Darkover from Terran hands, in most respects they are still chattels. But the Free Amazons are considered equal to men, and it is they who provide the key to the Terran-Darkover dilemma.

Obvious in Hindsight
Bradley Tusk
A tech start-up and their cutthroat consultants will stop at nothing to realize their dream of filling the skies of America's cities with flying cars...and their opposition is equally determined to bring that dream crashing down.Dozens of start-up tech companies are forming each week, innovating at a breakneck pace and forcing change overnight, ready or not. In the blisteringly funny Obvious in Hindsight, the new technology in question is flying cars, and they're coming to a crowded urban area near you. But before that happens, the slick and powerful political consultants campaigning to get the new tech adopted will have to manipulate political operatives to their advantage while overcoming fierce opposition from groups hostile to the idea, from the strategically aligned taxi cab and rideshare companies to the squawking, costumed Audubon Society, the socialists, and the Russian mob. This story takes readers on a richly imagined, page-turning journey...
![[Mrs Bradley 45] - A Hearse on May Day [Mrs Bradley 45] - A Hearse on May Day](
[Mrs Bradley 45] - A Hearse on May Day
Part #45 of "Mrs. Bradley" series by Gladys Mitchell
Rediscover Gladys Mitchell - one of the 'Big Three' female crime fiction writers alongside Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers.
Fenella, great-niece to the unorthodox psychoanalyst and sleuth Mrs Bradley, unwittingly stumbles upon a pagan ritual in the sleepy village of Seven Wells. When the village's pub landlord disappears, Fenella calls on her great aunt's expert advice to help her unravel the developing mysteries. Why was the squire of the village stabbed in the back? And what is the secret of the five skeletons in the crypt?
Opinionated, unconventional, unafraid... If you like Poirot and Miss Marple, you'll love Mrs Bradley.

The Easter Hill
Fiona Bradley
Art / Nonfiction
A short story about Rose and a strange game that takes her on a journey of learning and discovery to a final 'song' to share with everyone.So what does a radio DJ's salad and Schrodinger's cat have in common? Absolutely nothing, unless you consider if one of them decides to go on vacation, the salad that is, then all you have is a cat all alone with nothing to do except ponder its existence. So what about the salad? Legend of the Salad Traveler is a lighthearted story of a salad that weighed 5.5 ounces, and it decides to go on vacation; a man unexpectedly ends up in your shower and tells you he knows how to find it. Just make sure you keep enough rocks in your pocket. That's explained later, and it has something to do with moving from universe to universe as this is a story of epic proportions - well not epic, maybe whimsical proportions and fun nonetheless.

The Flight of the Whisper King
Bradley P. Beaulieu
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Young Adult / Fantasy
Mala is a street thief with a knack for manipulating shadow. When the city's garrison is left empty after a terrible battle, the leader of Mala's gang decides to steal from it. Larger gangs might steer clear, fearing retribution from the Silver Spears, but Mala's crew is young and foolhardy, and the potential score is simply too big to pass up. After using her talents to steal into the garrison, Mala stumbles across Shohreh, an injured woman wearing a blood-red battle dress. Shohreh is a Kestrel, one of the elite swordswomen who serve the twelve kings of Sharakhai. Knowing Shohreh will be killed the moment the others learn of her, Mala helps her to escape through a secret door and into the city's catacombs. Near death, Shohreh is healed by the Crone, a near-mythical figure in Sharakhai and the leader of the Kestrels. After revealing a plot to kill Zeheb the Whisper King, the Crone commands Shohreh to save him and to kill Mala for having learned the...

After the Show
L. J. Bradley
Abigail has had a run of bad luck when it comes to men, so taking some time off from dating seems like the most reasonable thing to do. She spends her days as a freelance writer, her nights as a songwriter—and in her downtime, she hangs out with her best friend and roommate, Bree.Her routine has been working well. She's happy, fulfilled, and has no regrets about choosing the single life.Until Lincoln comes along.Bree drags Abby out of their apartment for a night of fun, and they watch a rock band perform at a local pub. Abby's entranced by the performance, the frontman, and the music, and when she gets her chance to meet the singer after the show, even her nerves don't stop her from taking up the opportunity.Sparks fly, and all Abby can think about is finding a way to see him again, which is a difficult road to navigate when the man who's taken over her thoughts lives in a different state.Now she has to decide if she...

The Heritage of Hastur
Part #9 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Described as "Bradley's best novel" by Locus, THE HERITAGE OF HASTUR, longest and most intricate of the Darkover books, is a brilliant epic of the pivotal event in the strange love-hate relationship between the Terran worlds and the semi-alien offspring of forgotten peoples.
This is the novel of the Hastur tradition and of the showdown between those who would bargain away their world for the glories of star-borne science and those who would preserve the special "matrix" power that was at once the prize and the burden of ruddy-sunned Darkover.
A Note From the Author:
To the faithful followers of the chronicles of Darkover, whose greatest delight seems to be discovering even the most minute inconsistencies from book to book:
This book tells a story which a great many of the friends of Darkover have asked me to tell - the story of the early life of Regis Hastur, and of the Sharra rising, and of Lew Alton's first encounter with Marjorie Scott and the man who called himself Kadarin.
The faithful followers mentioned above will discover a very few minute inconsistencies between the account herein, and the story as Lew Alton told it later. I make no apologies for these. The only explanation I can make is that in the years which elapsed between the events in this book, and the later novel dealing with the final destruction of the Sharra matrix, Lew's memories of these events may have altered his perceptions. Or, as I myself believe, the telepaths of the Arilinn Tower may have mercifully blurred his memories, to save his reason.

Paul Bradley Carr
The billionaire predators of Silicon Valley always get what they want. Now someone is giving them what they deserve. "Daring, exciting, and utterly unpredictable." - Kathy Wang, author of Imposter SyndromeAn engrossing murder mystery... deftly explores a number of topical issues" - Kirkus Reviews Journalist Lou McCarthy has spent her career exposing powerful predators in Silicon Valley. Her crusade has cost her everything: Her apartment, friends, relationships, and any hope of promotion. And for what? Readers don't care, her boss and workmates pity her, and the billionaire bro-ciopaths she writes about continue to fail upwards. But when two of her highest profile subjects are killed on the same night, their deaths staged as gruesome public suicides, Lou's work is suddenly and violently thrust into the spotlight. Blamed for the deaths, fired from...
![[Mrs Bradley 55] - Nest of Vipers [Mrs Bradley 55] - Nest of Vipers](
[Mrs Bradley 55] - Nest of Vipers
Part #55 of "Mrs. Bradley" series by Gladys Mitchell
A young man who is superintendent of a public swimming pool is unexpectedly left a fortune and a huge, neglected house. Influenced by his ex-fiancee, who looks after his business arrangements, he allows the mansion to be turned into flats to let. When Miss Minnie is found dead in her bed, the murder is followed by the arrest of the young landlord and then another murder. Dame Beatrice Lestrange Bradley sets out to discover how many murderers there are and works tirelessly to solve these mysteries.

The Cat and the City
Nick Bradley
A BBC Radio 2 Book Club Pick'A love letter to Japan and its literature.' Rowan Hisayo Buchanan 'Beguiling' Elizabeth Macneal_______________In Tokyo - one of the world's largest megacities - a stray cat is wending her way through the back alleys. And, with each detour, she brushes up against the seemingly disparate lives of the city-dwellers, connecting them in unexpected ways.But the city is changing. As it does, it pushes her to the margins where she chances upon a series of apparent strangers - from a homeless man squatting in an abandoned hotel, to a shut-in hermit afraid to leave his house, to a convenience store worker searching for love. The cat orbits Tokyo's denizens, drawing them ever closer.'Masterfully weaves together seemingly disparate threads to conjure up a vivid tapestry of Tokyo; its glory, its shame, its characters, and a calico cat.' David Peace, author of THE TOKYO TRILOGY

Exile's Song
Part #32 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
She was Margaret Alton, the daughter of Lew Alton, the Darkovan representative to the Terran Imperial Senate, but she remembered almost nothing about the planet of her birth, or her early and tumultuous childhood. What fleeting memories disturbed her sleep were fragments of terror - a strange silver man and a screaming woman with hair that circled her head like a ring of fire. Since leaving Darkover as a child, Margaret had lived her life on Thetis. Lew and her stepmother, Diotima, were gone much of the year, working in the Senate, struggling to keep Darkover safe from the all-consuming imperialism of the Terran Federation. She hardly knew her father, a brooding man who, when he returned to Thetis, was prone to long bouts of drinking. At these times, his normally morose and uncommunicative demeanor would take on an even darker hue ... times when he seemed to look at Margaret and see someone else - someone he did not want to remember. As soon as Margaret was of age, she fled her stormy home and took refuge on University. Here Margaret, strangely uncomfortable around her peers, found solace in the isolation of study. She excelled in music and was granted the position of assistant to her mentor, renowned musicologist Dr. Ivor Davidson. This prestigious job took her to many worlds, and when she and Professor Davidson were assigned to collect folk songs on Darkover, Margaret was curious and pleased. But once on Darkover, Margaret's innocent excitement quickly waned. The world of her birth evoked long-buried memories, painful and terrifying, and she soon found herself falling deeper and deeper into a waking dream that threatened to become a nightmare. Margaret began to hear voices in her head- one voice in particular which seemed to confront her at every turn - and she wondered if she were losing her mind.

Those Fantastic Lives
Bradley Sides
Prepare to be transported to the edge of the world in Bradley Sides' affecting and haunting debut collection of magical realism short stories, Those Fantastic Lives and Other Strange Stories. In Sides' tender, brilliantly-imagined collection, a young boy dreams of being a psychic like his grandmother, a desperate man turns to paper for a miracle, a swarm of fireflies attempts the impossible, scarecrows and ghosts collide, a mother and child navigate a forest plagued by light-craving monsters, a boy's talking dolls aid him in conquering a burning world, and a father and mother deal with the sudden emergence of wings on their son's back. Brimming with our deepest fears and desires, Sides' dazzling stories examine the complexities of masculinity, home, transformation, and loss. Bradley Sides is an exciting new voice in fiction, and Those Fantastic Lives, which glows with the light of hope and possibility amidst dark uncertainties, will ignite imaginations.

For the Sake of a Scottish Rake
Anna Bradley
Romance / Historical Fiction
After a sheltered upbringing, Lady Lucinda Sutcliffe is finally embarking on her first season, eager to experience everything she's missed. When Lucy realizes that her uncle plans to quickly marry her off in exchange for a slice of her fortune, she begs a favor of a new acquaintance, Ciaran Ramsey. If Lucy remains single until she turns twenty-one, she—and her money—will be out of her uncle's power. All the charming Scot needs to do is woo her for six weeks, and then jilt her . . . The Ramseys don't need the scandal of a false engagement attached to their name. But Lucy's older suitor is both distasteful and dangerous, and Ciaran can't allow his lovely friend to be forced to marry such a man. And besides, the more time Ciaran spends with his new "betrothed," the more their ruse begins to feel very much like the real thing. Passion like this is impossible to feign, but how much is a rogue willing to risk for love?. . . Visit us at...

Nest of Vipers
Part #55 of "Mrs Bradley" series by Gladys Mitchell
A young man who is superintendent of a public swimming pool is unexpectedly left a fortune and a huge, neglected house. Influenced by his ex-fiancee, who looks after his business arrangements, he allows the mansion to be turned into flats to let. When Miss Minnie is found dead in her bed, the murder is followed by the arrest of the young landlord and then another murder. Dame Beatrice Lestrange Bradley sets out to discover how many murderers there are and works tirelessly to solve these mysteries.

The Last Days of Old Sharakhai
Bradley P. Beaulieu
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Young Adult / Fantasy
The Last Days of Old Sharakhai is a Shattered Sands novella set near the end of A Desert Torn Asunder (Book 6 of The Song of the Shattered Sands) and answers the question: What happened to King Ihsan? King Ihsan, once thought invincible, is now a fugitive in the city he once ruled. Struck by the black mould, a deadly wasting disease, Ihsan knows his days of ruling Sharakhai are coming to an end. His goals are simpler now. He's focused on his daughter Ransaneh and her prospects when he's gone, and that means forging a lasting peace in the desert. When Ihsan's grandsons try to convince him to return Sharakhai to its former, authoritarian rule, he's left with a difficult choice. Siding with his grandsons and the city's old guard could easily rekindle hostilities and lead to a resumption of the devastating war with the desert tribes, while a refusal would instantly turn him and Ransaneh into targets for revenge. With very few friends left,...

A Brit Down Under
Hanleigh Bradley
What the hell made me think this was a good idea? A Brit Down Under is a holiday romance by the International Bestselling Author, Hanleigh Bradley. They all said I'd regret it. They said something would go wrong. It always goes wrong. I am the world's biggest clutz and yet I'd stupidly thought going on a backpacking holiday alone was a good idea. I was wrong. Mum told me I'd be bitten by a snake and Dad said I'd probably get mugged. My best friend Maddy thought I'd get lost and wind up in bed with a sexy Aussie... if only. They all underestimated just how much of a clumsy idiot I am. No snake. No scary mugger. Unfortunately, no sexy Aussie... Just me and a shark. Yup! A SHARK! Worst day of my life.