Build-in Book Search

Conversations with Wonka - part one
Madeleine Masterson
Wonka, or Willie Wonka to be formal, is a self professed adviser to humans and is a cat. His knowledge is spot on, current and of course very funny. His main sport is chasing the other cat and telling his owner what to do. His wisdom appears quite rightly in a series of short stories, and this is his first tale.Read and learn from Wonka, chief adviser to his owner often displaying advanced counselling techniques and talking down from panic attacks. it's all in his every day routine when not sleeping as cats are want to do, and when human owner is in need of sage and sensible instructions. Wonka has coping strategies that work, especially for women caught up with needy clients and bully boy employers.Read how his no nonsense approach enlightens and moves his Owner on......

Wonka Presents! 'The Story of Diva' - Part one
Madeleine Masterson
Bad fairy crouched in the chest. Able to squeeze and squash into places rather like a mouse, she nestled there now; her purpose fulfilled as it was to read the Spell locked in there, and cast by good fairy for a puppy called Diva. The Spell unfolds, and through Diva we encounter the mortal world of beings and the clash of good and bad immortalised in the ancient kingdom of Fairy. It’s magic! xWonka presents this story with a special forward and invites you to partake! It is from long ago, when you were just a speck of stardust in the vast night sky and there was still an ancient kingdom of Fairy; from here, good fairy is to cast the Spell for Diva, a puppy in need of a loving home, but in doing so attracts the likes of bad fairy, a trouble maker for all immortality! The battle to reign supreme and keep Diva on track is a tale of mischief and magic for us mortals, and is set in the City of Glasgow, where Diva is born, and will be loved by Em . Follow the fortunes of Diva, as the fairies good and bad battle over her spell, woven specially and kept in a locked chest. It’s magic!

Conversations with Wonka - Part five
Madeleine Masterson
Hurrah! It is time for more Wonka, and the way of the Life Plan; even better now that Owner has found some new bedtime reading with a finger on the pulse of the universe - between this and Jung who is still hanging round the kitchen, can Wonka’s firm advice (dinner lady? You!) hold sway? Well do read the very latest to find out, stick the kettle on, feet up and enjoy. With our love of course.xWe proudly present the very latest in the lives of Owner and her forgiving life plan, with plenty of ready advice from Wonka who can discern sense from nonsense in seconds; but how to persuade Owner? She is busy sorting sheds, cooking up a storm and all with the blessing of her new find, a book to reveal the very secrets of the Universe. All the ancient wisdom, all of Jung’s deep thinking brought together in a small paperback by the bed. Will anyone survive Owner’s fighting spirit? Ah, but it is a happy spirit, and bound to make you smile. So read on, and like Wonka, find a warm place in the sun. With big love x

Wonka again and Baba too
Madeleine Masterson
Wonka is back! and so is his new pal Baba, now on the inside of the good back door. Owner continues her struggles with Wonka always ready to spur on. Not one to tolerate failure, he recommends squaring up to each new and ghastly situation with fortitude! yes a cat for all seasons, so read on and relax with Wonka.Wonka again and Baba too will bring you further along with the adventures of their Owner, soldiering on with a poor year of it. Only Wonka knows what's best and encouraged by him to face up to it all, surely she can cope? The philosophers as usual hover in the background with their sage advice, even Nietzsche finds a voice. But it is Wonka who heads up the support network, with Baba as a rather simple reserve.This is the fourth in the series and Wonka as ever, reigns supreme, scoffing at those who give in and give up. Just get on with it!

The Canticle of Ordrass: The Wheel of the Year - Samhain
Logan L. Masterson
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Horror
When Davia Mollari, a young woman from a distant land, is called to an ancient temple, new vistas of friendship, hope and spirituality open before her, even as inquisitors from her homeland close in. Guided by priestesses of an ancient religion, defended by the Royal Rangers, and hand-in-hand with her two fellow postulants, Davia will face the demons of fear and loss.Author Logan L. Masterson introduces a unique innovative world of fantasy and magic in the debut of CANTICLE OF ORDRASS: THE WHEEL OF THE YEAR-SAMHAIN, Masterson's entry into the Pro Se Single Shot Signature line. When Davia Mollari, a young woman from a distant land, is called to an ancient temple, new vistas of friendship, hope and spirituality open before her, even as inquisitors from her homeland close in. Guided by priestesses of an ancient religion, defended by the Royal Rangers, and hand-in-hand with her two fellow postulants, Davia will face the demons of fear and loss. But as she rises to accept a purposeful new life, the servants of Kruss make plain just how far they're willing to go to put an end to her heretical bloodline. CANTICLE OF ORDRASS: THE WHEEL OF THE YEAR-SAMHAIN is the debut short story in Logan L. Masterson's Pro Se Single Shot Signature series from Pro Se Productions.

C.A. Masterson
Fiction / Paranormal / Science Fiction
Literary short story.Len tries to run from his past, but it keeps catching up to him.Three scientists have discovered a theory that could possibly unify all forces, much as Einstein had wanted to do.They put their theory to the test and create aportal called a "Convolution," which opens them to pocket universes where reality takes on as many forms as there are concepts of it.Richard, the first one to explore the Convolution, barely makes it back alive from his first foray into the unknown. Soon afterwards Richard, his girlfriend, Nancy and the Professor, his mentor and best friend find themselves thrust into a scenario where they could quite possibly have triggered the end of our world.This is a Serial Novel, a series of six episodes that unfolds to a conclusion through cliff hanger endings, much in the vein of the old Republic Serials like Flash Gordon, Batman, Superman and many other golden tales of early Hollywood. On the edge of your seat, nail biting action that just doesn't quit!

Wonka Presents! A Story for New Year's Eve
Madeleine Masterson
Wonka presents our very last surprise tale of the year, The Crossing Time, lying forgotten in a drawer. We must tell it, said Owner and who better to see in the New Year whilst the old one goes over, than Wonka telling this haunting tale. Meet Alice Snood and her cold ways, and the shadows that stay with her. Set in the old town of Hull, once again on this final eve, draw up a chair and enjoy!xWonka has one last surprise for the end of the year! He is to present a story for New Year’s Eve, a story that Owner had forgotten, lying in a drawer untold. It is a haunting tale for one night only, but is warmed up by what Wonka calls the soppy bits! All about Ms Alice Snood, a cold hearted woman alone in her smart town house, expecting no one on this eve. It is set in the city of Hull, where Owner once lived and like the Halloween story, sees us in the old town again. Dare to read it! And enjoy our last tale of the year, The Crossing Time.x

Wonka Presents! The Story of Joe's Christmas - Part Two
Madeleine Masterson
At last it's Part Two of Three! And more magic awaits in the continuing story of Joe's Christmas. In this second instalment we find out what happens next when the Christmas Wish List is seen by the Manager of the marvellous Returns Dept. From the snowstorm in our world to the magic of another, journey through the night with Neddy and little Joe and meet up with the Old Administrator once more...Wonka and Owner bring you this special Christmas gift, Part Two (of Three) ‘Joe's Christmas’ (fully illustrated). The tale continues as Joe’s Mum wonders how to make it a special Christmas, and with a little bit of magic and falling stars the Manager of the Returns Dept steps in. But even the best magic can run up against it. Is there time to process the wishes? Read on and have a little bit more of that special Christmas Sparkle, with lots of love from Wonka and Owner x

The Lost God
Sheila Masterson
Two kingdoms vying for an ancient power. One witch on the verge of releasing it. But all magic requires an exchange. Memory Witch, Cecilia, is used to sacrificing for power. She's exchanged her blood for memories, her pride for respect at court, and her forbidden and unrequited love for her guardian, Rainer, for the sake of her duty. It will all be worth it if she can complete the Gauntlet and release the power of the Lost God. But when the god of war attacks, sending the two kingdoms from simmering tension to open war, Cecilia and Rainer set out on one final perilous journey. They venture deeper into enemy territory than ever before, aided by a charming hunter who offers Cecilia a glimpse of the adventure and romance she's always wanted. As the trio encounters vicious memory-stealing hunters, enchanted illusion forests, and meddling gods who speak in riddles, they draw ever closer to the pinnacle of the Gauntlet,...

Wonka's Easter Story
Madeleine Masterson
Wonka is such a performer, here he is again to present your Easter Story, which is all about Duffel and Sam. Easter is such a time of breaking down and starting back up again, Owner wanted a story to put things right, full of fun, rescued animals and magic powers. Duffel to the rescue then! With Wonka's approval what more can we ask? He has even let Owner's illustrations stay in....At last it is Easter and time for another story from Wonka. Fresh from the success of his Christmas tale, Owner has thoughtfully given up one of her stories for him to tell. Taking an Easter break from all that life coaching and doing, Owner can sit back and relax whilst Wonka presents Duffel and Sam! Of course Wonka has given it the once over and said it is good to go. Duffel is a young man with magic powers and is sent to rescue Sam, a cross collie lab left behind here on earth and pining for home. Based on stories told by Owner's Dad when she was a child, Wonka thinks she is onto a winner. He has even let Owner illustrate it, and includes her work in progress! So with Wonka presenting how can it fail! So put down your Easter eggs and hot cross buns for a minute, sit back and listen with Wonka.

Famous Gunfighters of the Western Frontier
W. B. (Bat) Masterson
Epub (v5.0)A legendary lawman, buffalo hunter, Indian fighter, and newspaper
columnist, Bat Masterson served as sheriff of Ford County, Kansas, ruled
Dodge City, and became an eyewitness to the heyday of the Old West's
most notorious outlaws. His thrilling collection of mini-biographies
reveals fascinating details about a host of legendary gunslingers,
painting a vivid portrait of a world of sharpshooters, cattle rustlers,
and frontier justice. First published as a series of magazine articles
in 1907, these life-and-death dramas introduce you to some of the most
famous gunfighters America has ever known.
The roundup includes Wyatt Earp, who had a reputation for courage and
calm, but went on the warpath when one of his five brothers was killed
by stagecoach robbers; Doc Holliday, a mean-tempered dentist who loved
poker and moonshine—and found trouble wherever he traveled; Ben
Thompson, a fearless gunman who served in the Civil War and was
determined to continue fighting after the last battle ended; Luke Short,
a slightly built man with nerves of steel, who started out as a gambler
and ended up a Shakespeare-quoting gentleman; and Bill Tilghman, who
captured some of the West's most desperate criminals. Illustrated with
forty-eight rare nineteenth-century photos, these colorful accounts will
appeal to anyone with a love of Western lore.

Conversations with Wonka - Part Seven
Madeleine Masterson
The word up is that Owner has a new role to fulfil, and two new helpers talking her through it. Percy and George have their work cut out and Owner's summer reunion with the fab three proves tricky. Losing friends or making them, Wonka is keen to remain chief adviser. Follow her latest demise and spiralling fortunes! With love XIn time for the back end of the year, and the march towards that season of goodwill, we bring you part seven in the conversations series. Owner has reinvented herself as an invigilator and has two new advisors, Percy and George, with the imaginary Jung chipping away at his rocks elsewhere. Wonka is also chipping in, with his usual cutthroat straight from the hip advice. Just get on with it! A summer holiday with old friends is squashed into Owner's busy life - ah! What could go wrong?! Do enjoy the latest story, brought to you as ever with big love X

Just Wonka
Madeleine Masterson
Once more we join Wonka, the ninth in the series, and thanks to him Owner has pressed on with her goals, all set out in that Life Plan. Hurtling towards them with Wonka's fair but firm advice, surely all is going well? Even Shakespeare could have turned this tragedy into a comic turn, but what of Wonka, all alone now and without beloved Baba not to mention Golly? Join in the fun and find out!Just Wonka finds us in early Summer 2013 and Owner is making all those steps forward that the Life Plan envisaged! She is tackling the drama of her life with Wonka urging her on, and surely the Bard Shakespeare would have turned it all into a play, invented new words, plucking a story from her jumbled up hopes and dreams ..a tragedy or comedy perhaps, whittling it all down to the fates...but hang on, Wonka is now without beloved Baba not to mention Golly, and may need a companion. But will he? It is a full time job advising Owner and goodness knows who is lurking out back. What with checking on Owner's state of mind and the dreaded finances, Wonka is pretty busy and could a holiday be on the cards........ take some time out with the ninth Wonka, and you too could be heading for the funny side of it...

Wonka Presents! Another Story for the New Year
Madeleine Masterson
Specially for the New Year, another tale to follow on from the story for New Year’s Eve 2014, and begun in Spooky Tale. It is the third and final part of the story of Alice Snood, her sister Elizabeth and good friends Jean and Father Merry. Is it as spooky as spooky can be? Yes! So cuddle up to the nearest cushion and enjoy what happens when the wind gets up and the weather turns. Happy New Year XAha! Finally, in the grand tradition of story-telling, we bring you what happened next in the story of Alice Snood and her neighbourhood, including Father Merry and Jean; We last met them in Wonka’s story for New Year’s Eve and they are still hot on the trail of the mysterious town house and looking for explanations. As the wind gets up, blowing down the old cobbled streets, whipping up the dead leaves and causing a stir, snuggle down and treat yourselves to another of Wonka’s special stories for big children and small adults! And if you like this one, then do read Wonka’s Spooky Tale which is how it all began. Big Love and Happy New Year from me and Wonka X

Wonka's Christmas Story
Madeleine Masterson
Wonka is proud to present his very own tale, a Christmas Caterol for all to enjoy at this special time of year. It does of course feature his Owner, who is slowly warming up to the season of goodwill, and it will also wave a paw in the direction of that most famous of Christmas tales, by Mr Dickens. So it's a Merry Christmas from Wonka, with Owner not far behind..The sixth Wonka story is of course a Christmas story as told by Wonka, with Owner for once listening along.. underlined as ever by the voice of reason, this gentle Caterol introduces us to a cat called Sheba, a ghostly shadow by the poor back door and other Christmas Eve happenings! As a special treat there is a small paw waved at Owner's hero Mr Dickens, who brought us the best Christmas story of all. Wonka can only do his poor best, and hopes you will as ever, keep up with Wonka! Thanks to Wonka, Owner can sit back, enjoy the story and forget her troubles. Do join in! Merry Christmas one and all.

Aloha My Love: Christmas in July
Part #27 of "The Ornamental Match Maker" series by Marisa Masterson

A Farmer For Christmas (Spinster Mail-Order Brides Book 4)
Part #4 of "Spinster Mail-Order Brides" series by Marisa Masterson
Children! Myra Smithson is tired of them. She didn't expect to be disinherited or to end up as her brother's unpaid nanny and cook. Thank goodness her matchmaker neighbor offers Myra a way out of the situation.Reinhold "Holder" Sittig knows he can't expect his terminally ill mother to care for his daughters. Following advice, he sends away for a mail-order bride. Too bad he forgets to mention his children in the letter.What happens after this Christmas bride discovers she's once again expected to be the unpaid nanny and cook? Will she find any tenderness from her stubborn German husband?

A Snowy Delivery For Christmas (Ornamental Match Maker Series Book 20)
Part #20 of "Ornamental Match Maker" series by Marisa Masterson
Christmas, 1921Victrolas, flappers, and a rooming house where two lonely people live. Good thing for them that Mrs. Klaussen, their landlady, has Christmas magic at her fingertips.Del Peale and Josephine Withers have both loved and lost. That is why neither has pursued their mutual attraction. A newborn left on the front steps brings them together. A cold house forces Del to face the home he shared with his wife and son. Is it enough to let them see that love is still possible if they share that love?Will strange twists and an abandoned baby be enough to lead them to a Christmas wedding? Perhaps Mrs. Klaussen will need to step in with a miracle and a very special Christmas ornament?

More Wonka - Tales from the back door
Madeleine Masterson
sensible advice and observations from Wonka as his owner continues to face life bravely and alone. aside from beloved Golly and Wonka, a needy cat may yet enter the story, by the back door.Wonka has fought long and hard to be heard and here is his second tale, as he battles to make his Owner listen and take on the right advice. Although tiring and an uphill struggle, he has found time to entertain us with his thoughts and even the arrival of someone new. As yet outside.So, have a cup of tea put your feet up, and let Wonka tell you how to cope and be alright.

Conversations with Wonka - Part two
Madeleine Masterson
Wonka is back once more and brings with him, reluctantly, his simple friend Baba. Advising and talking it up you can't keep a good cat down and Wonka can advise on just about anything. It will soon be the jolly season but Owner is so far avoiding it. Can Wonka bring her round? Do read on and find out if merry Christmas is on the agenda....The fifth of the Wonka stories invites us to join Owner on the awful run up to Christmas. Can she stand it, all the loving and giving and the relentless goodwill. With Wonka to spur her on, maybe she will get a grip.There is Baba to clean up after and the basic daily grind but nothing a little life coaching or tablet or two cannot put right. Whether it's a vision brought on by the ancients or a more modern life coaching one, Owner is poised on the brink of coping with Christmas. Do join us and escape into the hard punching philosophy of Wonka.

Conversations with Wonka - Part Four
Madeleine Masterson
Wonka is back to ease us out of the Summer and towards the next set of tricksy decisions. As per he is like an arrow to Owner's brain keeping her on target with the beloved Life Plan. Even Jung gets a look in, leafing through his vast library of ancient wisdom to provide Owner with answers. Hers of course. Find out the latest with Wonka, as he quite rightly tells it how it is.Wonka is proud to present Conversations part four, which apart from some small input from the great Carl Jung, centres on his brave attempts to keep Owner going. Going with the Life Plan and therefore able to tackle all those impossible decisions. Whether dealing with the beloved Skylark car or crushed into a corner with Ruggles, Owner finds the strength to cope, always bolstered up by Wonka if not guardian angels and anyone else at hand. As we move from late Summer to the fresh demands of Autumn, do read the very latest in our series, and have some pleasant time out courtesy of Wonka!

Hart's Longing (Secrets In Idyll Wood Book 1)
Part #1 of "Secrets In Idyll Wood" series by Marisa Masterson
A man who has loved her for five years without telling her…Only two weeks before he has to leave both her and Idyll Wood…A secret that keeps them apart….Zelly Fuller believes she’s worthless. Her mother certainly made sure of that. Zelly just doesn’t know why. Being loved is an impossible dream until him…Hart Bahr has loved her from afar. Learning about a bet to harm Zelly, he decides it’s time to claim her as his, both to love and to protect her. Zelly, however, just might have other ideas about that.With a bully whose father has the sheriff in his pocket, mysterious skeletons that bring an old secret to light, and Zelly’s own uncertainty, the road to true love runs anything but smoothly.

Masterson Made
Lisa Lang Blakeney
Romance / Contemporary
Now that my heart belongs to Elizabeth, I need to make sure she doesn't crush it. Now that I'm committed to giving her everything, I need to ensure that I'm left with nothing. Now that I've gotten everything I ever wanted, I need to make certain that things don't fall apart...and I will fight like hell for it. The first night the dark and dangerous Roman Masterson laid eyes on Elizabeth, the earth shifted beneath him, changing the trajectory of his life forever. The only thing that existed for him from that moment on was her. But nobody said a happily ever after was going to be easy, especially when one gunshot could change everything. MASTERSON MADE is a fan requested mafia romance following Roman and Elizabeth and their new life together as a forever after couple and parents! There will be diapers, there will be danger, and there will definitely be deliciously steamy moments. This series should be read in the following order:...

Masterson Unleashed
Lisa Lang Blakeney
Romance / Contemporary
I made a mistake and had a taste of something sweet, something forbidden, something highly addictive...Elizabeth. It's no secret that I'm greedy, and I want more. Now I just have to convince her pretty ass that she does too. Just as things begin to heat up between Elizabeth and Roman, she pulls away frightened of what it all means and goes off to pursue funding for her new business. Convincing people to make decisions that they wouldn't normally make is Roman's specialty. It's just that he's going to have to find other more creative ways to make this particular target bend to his will. Author's Note: Masterson Unleashed is book 2 of The Fixer Series. Please note that this book was previously published under the title: Cousins Book 2.

A Keeper For Christmas (Spinster Mail-Order Brides Book 12)
Part #12 of "Spinster Mail-Order Brides" series by Marisa Masterson
How could this man fool the people around him?At first glance, mail-order bride Merrilee Rollins knew her deranged groom was normal. Actually, incredible seemed more apt. With his black wavy hair and blue eyes stirring something deep within her, she ignored mystery surrounding him and went ahead with their Christmas wedding.Why did the strange accidents begin happening?Soon after his bride’s arrival, Carl Sittig's problems started. Merrilee’s presence made it difficult to maintain his facade of lunacy. After touching her once, he longed to be her husband in truth. Having witnessed a murder, if he wanted to stay alive he would have to pretend to be crazy.With a ring of white slavers still operating in Idyll Wood, Wisconsin and a new threat from Merrilee's past bringing danger to the couple, does this marriage have any chance?This sequel to 'A Farmer for Christmas' can be read as a stand alone romance.

Even More Wonka - Golly goes to Heaven
Madeleine Masterson
Wonka has more to say to guide his Owner through an awful time of it, pondering on his good friend Golly and wondering on why Baba is now on the inside. Witty as ever, he shoots straight from the hip and won't tolerate Humans who give up at the first post. Keep going and keep reading...Even More Wonka will keep you puzzling on life's little situations and the bigger picture too, as the ever stressed Owner struggles to keep going, there is always a few words from Wonka to keep us all on track. Once more you are invited to put your feet up, relax with your favourite tipple and enjoy....from the Greeks to the present day, Wonka knows best. And Baba, unfortunately knows little.

A Bride For Darrell (The Proxy Brides Book 17)
Part #17 of "The Proxy Brides" series by Marisa Masterson
If Darrell Dean wants to inherit half of the Silver Queen mine, he needs to marry. Though he doesn't even like the girl, he agrees to marry the local saloon owner's daughter. He doesn't expect the surprise that he receives when a woman interrupts the wedding.If Willa VanDurring wants to escape the danger stalking her, she needs a new name and a somewhere far away to go. At her guardian's urging, she agrees to marry Darrell Dean by proxy and then immediately leaves to join him in Colorado. She doesn't expect to interrupt his wedding when she arrives.Can a man who didn't agree to marry the proxy bride and a woman pursued by murderers make a life together? What happens when the danger finds her? In a town with no law, how will she survive?

Wonka Presents! The Story of Joe's Christmas - Part One
Madeleine Masterson
At last it's Christmas and a magic tale awaits, Joe's Christmas, approved by Wonka and fully illustrated by Owner. In this Twelfth book in the series we meet Joe and his Mum again, but from Christmas past. There is Neddy rocking horse to take you through this magical tale and the mystery of the Returns Dept! Our Christmas gift from Us to You for wishes really do come true! Part one of three. xWonka and Owner bring you this special Christmas gift, the Twelfth in the #wonka series, the Story of Joe's Christmas (fully illustrated) in three parts. Wonka has given this story the once over and declared it fit for Christmas! and even approved all the illustrations too!! We meet Joe and his Mum from last year's tale, but now Joe is little and his Mum is struggling to bring him a fairy tale Christmas. This is our longest story yet, and we hope the magic of the Returns Dept , Neddy rocking horse, and the star in the little glass snowstorm bring you all the Christmas sparkle you deserve! With a sprinkle of stardust to make all those dreams come true, enjoy our special seasonal gift from Us to You! Let us begin.........

Wonka's Halloween Story
Madeleine Masterson
Wonka is back with a special tale for Halloween, as written by his beloved Owner. The dust has been shaken off, the pages spread beneath his paw and Wonka is poised to take us back in time to a ghostly sighting! Get comfy, draw the curtains against this spooky night and listen up!Wonka returns! Here he is with a Halloween special, a long forgotten story that Owner has let him read (in the hope it will find favour) – and is in tune with the spooky season. All the philosophers and dear Jung are standing down for this one! Let the night be still, let the veil move aside to let those pesky spirits through for their One Night Only! Do enjoy this scary tale especially for you.

Wonka Presents! The Story of Joe's Christmas - Part Three
Madeleine Masterson
Hurrah! The final instalment of our Christmas Story and the race is on to make the wishes come true. Neddy has travelled home with little Joe from the magic of the Returns Dept and watches from his bedroom window as there is a new and exciting arrival into the empty flat below! Could this be the magical answer to those wishes? Do enjoy our story and tonight make your wish on that special star!xWonka presents the final instalment in time for Christmas! Whilst Neddy returns to earth with little Joe, the Administrator is busy doing the right thing and wonder of wonders, who is this moving into the flat below number 11? Meet some more magical characters and more fun in the last part of the adventure, where for little Joe and his Mum, Christmas wishes are processed. From stars in snowstorms to the secrets of the mysterious Returns Dept, enjoy this gift from us to you. And tonight, look for that special star and make your wish! Merry Christmas everyone. x

Wonka Presents - Duffel Again
Madeleine Masterson
Ah, Easter with all the whiff of magic, and smell of the seaside, what better time than this to bring back Duffel! Wonka is once more proud to present our story for Easter, Duffel Again . Sent on a new quest to rescue a beloved cat, Duffel is transported from Level Two down to the seaside, and meets the strange Madame Fortuna, and then has a happy reunion! Do enjoy our new story, big Easter love xEaster time again, and Wonka has allowed another Duffel story! With my illustrations too.... This time round Duffel is to be transported from that magical level two down to the seaside, where he has yet again another easy peasy quest (according to that Mr Watkins) and of course has the magical powers thanks to his coat to assist. The quest is now to rescue a beloved cat living rough at the famous Palace Theatre; will Duffel have enough magic to resist his encounter with the strange Madame Fortuna, and the ever present CPO? and is there to be a happy reunion with Sam, the dog he rescued on his last successful mission? Do read this new story and find out! Happy Easter to you with lots of love from me and Wonka x

Conversations with Wonka - Part Three
Madeleine Masterson
Here we go again into a brand new Year, and only Wonka to help Owner press on. What with Life Planners and Financial sections, surely she can make it all happen? There is the usual casting back to the ancients, those Greeks and then we come across Wonka's favourite Edward De Bono. Plan as if you have the money! But will Owner listen? And what about Baba on and find outThis is the seventh Wonka story, and the third Conversations with - once more Wonka is busy advising, often from under the duvet while Owner slaves away at Life Plans and CVs and such like. She is on the verge of achieving and surely this New Year will ring in the changes! The Philosophers as usual range from the sunny disposition of the Greeks to the harder thrust of Mr Edward De Bono, a particular favourite of Wonka's. Decisions to be made, GPs to sort out and even talk of holidays. Is Owner ready for the wicked world of work? And what about Baba? Do read this account and see if you can keep up with Wonka!

Lisa Lang Blakeney
Romance / Contemporary
A dangerous professional fixer. A sweet computer nerd. A passion that borders on the possessive. An attraction that's completely off limits to explore... After Elizabeth Hill is brutally attacked in her apartment by an intruder and then unceremoniously dumped by her ex-boyfriend, she moves in with family that she barely knows for protection. All she remembers about her aunt's stepson, Roman, is that he was the moody, mean boy who played a cruel trick on her when she was just six years old; but soon learns that he is now a complex and multi-layered man who has the ability to protect her, ignite her, and challenge her like no one ever has before. Wealthy Roman Masterson makes his fortune by fixing celebrity problems for big money and by any means necessary. He is a foul-mouthed, bad-tempered, manwhore who doesn't have the time or inclination to babysit a gullible little brat from the suburbs...until he unknowingly spots her in...

A Bride For Bode (The Proxy Brides Book 21)
Part #21 of "The Proxy Brides" series by Marisa Masterson
Faced with an opportunity to prove he can be a successful businessman, Bode is desperate to buy into it the business using his inheritance. His trustee, however, won't release the necessary funds unless Bode marries that the man's choice of brides by proxy. Easy enough, Bode decides. After all, he can annul the marriage after the money is in his possession.All thoughts of annulment disappear when he meets his less than shy or wilting Violet. But will Violet stay with him when she learns how Bode makes his living? Why do attempts on his life start when he makes it clear to the people around him that he plans to stay married?

The Bartender's Secret (Masterson, Texas Book 1)
Part #1 of "Masterson, Texas" series by Caro Carson
Her Perfect Man Is Hiding An Imperfect Past.When Street Smart Meets Book Smart…Connor McClaine notices Delphinia Ray the first time she walks into his bar. Quiet, sheltered, educated, the shy Shakespeare professor is way out of his league. But “whoever loved that loved not at first sight?” The rough-edged bar owner tries to push her away, convinced she can’t handle the harsh truth about his past. Sweet Delphinia, however, has gotten under his skin, daring him to face his demons and defy what he believes is his fate.

Masterson In Love
Lisa Lang Blakeney
Romance / Contemporary
They all think that I'm a phase. A fetish. A temporary fixture. But I love Elizabeth, and there isn't sh*t anyone can do to change or destroy that ... even her. Being hopelessly in love with tatted, sexy, bad boy, Roman Masterson can be exactly what one would imagine. Intense. Passionate. Consuming. Dangerous. After fighting so hard to be together, there still continues to be forces working against them. Yet the most difficult obstacles seem to be the ones that come from within. Author's Note: Masterson In Love is Book 3 of The Fixer Series. Please note that this book was originally published under the title, Cousins In Love.

Fenn Masterson's Discovery; or, The Darewell Chums on a Cruise
Lillian Elizabeth Roy
Allen Chapman was one of the many pseudonyms used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate to publish popular kids books.

A Shadowed Groom For Christmas (Spinster Mail-Order Brides Book 6)
Part #6 of "Spinster Mail-Order Brides" series by Marisa Masterson
Alone! Kitty Donaldson’s marred face keeps her isolated from others. When offered the opportunity to be a mail-order bride to a stranger who refuses to leave his home, Kitty gladly accepts. After all, she’s always lived without friends.Kit Randolph has been hideously scarred in a mysterious fire. Did someone purposefully burn down his home? His cousin Phineas suspects someone near to Kit is a murderer. How can he prove it?Married to a man in a mask, Kitty begins to wonder about her husband. Who or what lies under the hood he wears? Why is she constantly shadowed by a companion? Worse yet, why is she equally drawn to her scarred husband and his handsome cousin.What will Kitty find when her husband’s mask is removed? With a murderer on the loose, will she live to find out?

Manny's Triumph: Sequel (Secrets In Idyll Wood Book 2)
Part #2 of "Secrets In Idyll Wood" series by Marisa Masterson
A newly edited version of the novel from the bestselling author of 'A Bride for Darrell' and 'A Farmer for Christmas'--An orphan, Carlene January travels to Idyll Wood for a job. What she finds instead is trouble that sends her fleeing into the night.Manny Strong wants to escape the demons that drive him—namely his father and alcohol. After overhearing his father tell his lawyer that Manny wasn’t his child, he decides to leave that night.From a logging camp to a local farm, this man and woman are on a collision course that leads them into marriage and a fight for Carlene’s life. Will Carlene’s determination and Manny’s desire to save her be enough to give them a happy ending?Discover more secrets in the town of Idyll Wood in this romantic sequel to 'Hart’s Longing'.

The Wardrobe Mistress
Meghan Masterson
It's Giselle Aubry's first time at court in Versailles. At sixteen, she is one of Marie Antoinette's newest undertirewomen, and in awe of the glamorous queen and her opulent palace life. A budding designer, it's a dream come true to work with the beautiful fabrics and jewels in the queen's wardrobe. But every few weeks she returns home to visit her family in the Parisian countryside where rumors of revolution are growing stronger.From her position working in the royal household, Giselle is poised to see both sides of the revolutionary tensions erupting throughout Paris. When her uncle, a retired member of the secret du roi, a spy ring that worked for the old King, Louis XV, suggests that she casually report the Queen's actions back to him as a game, she leaps at the chance. Spying seems like an adventure and an exciting way to privately support the revolution taking the countryside by storm. She also enjoys using her insight from Versailles in lively debates with...

The Millions of Me
Daniel Masterson
A Different Take On Superpowers... Join Milo, the one-time Many Million Man, as he embarks on a new mission beneath the shadow of the Nevermind, uncovering a sinister truth buried with the forgotten and lost superheroes of the world. Milo has long since given up his responsibilities, but with the aid of his old comrade Ash, he may yet be forced to take his many lives back into his own hands.

Saving Masterson
Bill Brooks
Westerns / Historical / Historical Fiction
A Bad Place to DieWhen Wyatt Earp and his brothers left Dodge City, they left the job of keeping the peace to young Bat Masterson. But a lawman's badge is little more than a target in this rough, wide-open frontier town where, for every citizen who abides by the law, there are two who want to tear it apart. And nearly every stranger who rides in is offered a handsome fee to put a bullet between a lawman's eyes. Teddy Blue's come for a different reason. The Pinkerton agent has built a reputation as a useful man with a gun, having already saved the famous skins of Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickok. But keeping Masterson breathing could prove to be the most difficult assignment of all. Because there's nowhere to turn for help in Dodge; it's just Bat and Blue against pretty much the whole damn town. . . with the killers lining up to take their shots.

Badge of Evil
Whit Masterson
The Universal International film based on this outstanding American suspense-thriller stars Charles Heston, Janet Leigh and Orson Welles, who plays the part of a tough veteran cop whose reputation is at stake in the solution of a brutal murder ...

Three's A Party
Sully Masterson
Jordan's night didn't start as anything special until his favorite customers come in for a little fun.

Coyotes & Curves
Part #1 of "Alpha Shifters" series by Pamela Masterson
BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Hardcore Romance..... By the late 1800's shifters have infiltrated every area of human society, including the government of the United States of America. Gold has been discovered in the Rocky Mountains, and an Evil Shifter entity has plans of running off miners, and local Indians in an attempt to control the huge flows of cash being made. Their only resistance is Mother Earth. Whose earthly presence is the shapeshifter legend known as Sogwili Wa'Toli (The Wild Stud Stallion.)NATIVE AMERICAN LEGEND of SOGWILI WA'TOLI Sogwili Wa'toli is fertility of the land. When Mother Earth opens her womb for the seasons of change, Sogwili Wa'toli will spread his essence upon her; bringing the land and its inhabitants into bloom. His celestial harem of breeding mares and frolicking creatures travel the canyons of an ethereal world; shape-shifting between the celestial herd and the beautiful beings of the world in which they play. Young maidens beware of the handsome young brave found alone pleasuring himself under the shade of a lazy willow tree... tis' Sogwili Wa'toli lying, in wait "American Indian ~ Legends and Lore" Jacob Morehouse 1856