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Licked (L.A. Liaisons Book 1), page 1


Licked (L.A. Liaisons Book 1)
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Licked (L.A. Liaisons Book 1)


  Title Page



  Also by Brooke Blaine


  1 Reunion with a Sex God

  2 To Slut or Not to Slut...

  3 Who the Hell Are You?

  4 Girlfriends Give It to You Hard (When You Need It)

  5 Scooping Balls

  6 Cinderfuckinrella

  7 A Million Instantaneous Orgasms

  8 Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match

  9 #PhoneSexFail

  10 Blueprints & Blue Balls

  11 Trail of Broken Hearts

  12 Going Down?

  13 I Left My Hip at Runyon

  14 I Must Be Stupid

  15 A Little Pickle Tickle

  16 Buuuusted

  17 Dating Buddy Holly

  18 Lick It Up

  19 Beat That Bitch with a Bottle

  20 The Real You

  21 Well, Shit.

  22 The After Dark

  23 Rock the Shit Outta That Shit

  24 Gone in Sixty Seconds

  25 Last Dance

  Thank You

  Special Thanks

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2015 by Brooke Blaine

  Edited by Arran McNicol

  Cover Design © By Hang Le

  Formatted by Ella Frank

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  As the owner of Licked, an eclectic ice creamery and bar, Ryleigh Phillips doesn’t have time for that love stuff. Serving up Nibble My Nuts sundaes and Drunken Sailor boozy shakes are as close to an orgasmic affair as she’s had in months thanks to her expanding empire—until the night of her ten-year high school reunion.

  When Ryleigh’s crush, gorgeous ex-football god Cameron Mathis, comes streaking into her life (literally—streaking), she begins to wonder if she really can have it all.

  Wouldn’t it just figure that the moment you think life is perfect is when it falls spectacularly apart?

  Enter Hunter Morgan, the contractor in charge of Licked’s renovations. Devastatingly handsome, and a smartass to boot, he’s got his eyes on Ryleigh from the moment he finds her passed out on his couch (yeah, that’s a long story). There’s just one tiny complication—he happens to be Cameron’s best friend.

  When the lines between relationships and friendships blur, and it’s impossible to choose between two delicious flavors, what’s a girl to do? Taste a sample of each? Or go out and get LICKED?

  Also by Brooke Blaine

  Romantic Suspense

  Flash Point

  A Desperate Man Series

  Co-authored with Ella Frank

  A Desperate Man: Volume One

  A Desperate Man: Volume Two

  A Desperate Man: Volume Three

  A Desperate Man: The Complete Series

  To my Susie Q—

  You would’ve gotten this story a lot sooner if you hadn’t read my diary to your friends all those years ago.

  THE HIGH SCHOOL gymnasium smelled like freshly waxed floors, Polo Sport, and bad decisions. As I peered up at the gaudy blue and gold banner hanging precariously across the open double doors that proclaimed, “Welcome Back, Warriors,” a roll of nausea filled my gut.

  A few small steps through that entrance would send me hurtling back into my past. Ten years back into my past, to be precise.

  Speaking of bad decisions, this was up there on the list of all-time stupidest things I’ve done in my life. Why had I thought coming back here was a good idea? It wasn’t like I even enjoyed high school, what with the popular girls the size of my thigh, the strange meatloaf they served every day that could be classified as a mystery food, and the never-ending ridicule I’d faced after being caught stuffing my bra during gym class.

  What? Those swing dresses weren’t gonna fill themselves.

  Truth be told, I came here for one reason, and one reason only: I wanted to show Cameron Mathis I was finally a woman worth noticing.

  I know what you’re thinking. Who’s Cameron Mathis and yeah, he’s got a dreamy name, but why the hell should I care?

  Just wait. Wait for it…

  Where was I? Oh yes. So, now here I was, the product of ridiculous fantasies regarding that certain someone and peer pressure from my best friends, all of whom had never set foot into Woodland High and couldn’t believe there’d ever been an awkward Ryleigh Phillips at any age.

  But alas. There was. And it was a glaring reminder, now that I was here, that me and my black and white strapless rockabilly dress didn’t belong. My past was making me claustrophobic, the pale green walls that hadn’t changed in the last decade closing in.

  Fingering the beaded necklace that sat just above my collarbone, I slowly backed away from the doors, the click-clack of my cherry heels against the vinyl tile moving in time to the band playing inside.

  I hadn’t been seen yet, so I could sneak out of here and no one would be the wiser. Yes. Brilliant idea. Kicking off my shoes and relaxing with a huge bowl of ice cream sounded like a perfect—

  The roar of male voices echoing up the hall to my right knocked me out of my sugar daydream, and I froze momentarily before whipping around and searching for a quick exit. There was only one, at the very end of the hall, and I made a mad dash before there were witnesses to my appearance here.

  And then it happened. The moment that would change my life forever.

  Just as I crossed the intersection, a tall, muscular body rounded the corner and smacked into me, causing me to lose my balance and reach out for something to grab on to. And that something, my friends, was Cameron Mathis’s penis.

  Yes, that Cameron Mathis. Completely gorgeous former football God and sole object of my high school fantasies. The one I’d braved the nightmare of Reunionville for. And now, the owner of the bare cock in my hand.


  My eyes went wide as I looked down to his pelvis and stared, unbelieving, at the hot flesh of manstick in my hands.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered.

  “Ryleigh Phillips.” The rich baritone of his voice had me looking up at the face it belonged to. Cameron’s sea-blue eyes held mine as one side of his mouth turned up in amusement.

  How do you know my name? I wanted to ask, but then I remembered I was not that meek teenager with a schoolgirl crush anymore. No way. I’m a poised, assertive woman with a thriving business who never has a problem finding a date. Well, when I have time for one. Which lately has been…oh, never.

  “That would be me,” I said, my hand still gripping him like a vise. Though it seemed to be hardening underneath my fin—

  “Cameron,” he said.

  I blinked. “What?”

  He laughed, a sexy, throaty sound. “You look like you don’t remember me. Cameron Mathis. We were in the same Spanish class all four years.”

  Holy Jesus, how did he know that? And then a random thought: Why don’t I remember more from those classes than how to count to twenty?

  But as I took in the perfectly gelled, sun-kissed blond hair and the brilliant white smile that was nearly blinding, I realized exactly why I’d never paid attention in class. Who could concentrate when they had a living Ken doll to fantasize about for hours on end?

  “Right…right,” I said, my mind buzzing. He had to be joking if he thought anyone in this town didn’t know who he was. Students and teachers alike had bowed down to the guy after he’d taken them to the state championships four years running.

  When his gaze dropped between us to the hold I still had on him, I flushed and quickly let go.

  “Oh, God. Sorry. Uh…I don’t normally grab, um…other appendages instead of hands to shake.”

  A rumbling laugh came from his chest. “Well, that’s a shame. It’s a nice way to say hello.”

  My cheeks flamed hotter, and I could only shake my head. Before I could utter another apology, the booming voices I’d heard moments earlier came running down the hallway past us, every one of the guys naked as the day they were born—except for their shoes.

  “What the hell…” I said, more to myself than Cameron, as I watched them run by. Shrieks of laughter from inside the building rang out, and I raised an eyebrow at the naked man in front of me.

  “Sorry about the run-in,” he said with a wink, his smile sexy and full of confidence as he backed into the gymnasium to join them. “You know how dares go. I’ll come find you when I have some clothes on.” And then he turned and jogged into the room, the spectacular muscles of his ass flexing with each step.

  Did that just happen? Holy…mother.

  I was vaguely aware of my phone when it started to ring, and it took me a few seconds to shake off the daze before I answered.

  “Ryleigh? Do I have to tell you there’s an emergency and you need to come back to the shop right now to have shots with us?” one of my fabulous foursome BFFs, Shayne, asked over the line.

  “You’re not even in town right now to have shots with
if I said yes. Aren’t you supposed to be at a wedding? Or do you need me to save you from that too?”

  Shayne gave a dramatic sigh. “Bloody hell, it’s a nightmare. The groom caught the bride shagging his brother before the ceremony, and he’s been chasing him around the car park for half an hour already. Paige ducked over to the reception bar to get us drinks.” Shayne’s Australian accent was out in full force, as it tended to do when she was excited or pissed. Well, not pissed in the drunk sense like she’d say, though I had no doubt with Paige there they’d be that too in a matter of minutes.

  “Tell her not to forget the popcorn for the show.”

  “I’m sure they’ll be passing that out any minute. So. Did you run into Cameron yet?”

  Oh, did I ever. With a wry smile, I said, “You could say that.”


  “And I think I’m gonna stick around for a while.”

  “Fuck me. Go get him, Ry, and then call us after and tell us everything.”

  “I plan on it.” I straightened the wide red belt at my waist and threw my shoulders back. “But Shayne? Don’t wait up.”

  AN HOUR LATER, and my gamble had paid off. Cameron had indeed found me after the group of former jocks decided to put their pressed suit pants and button-downs back on.

  I know. Bummer, right?

  And I swear I’m normally this cool, collected person, but seeing as this guy had been starring in my dirty dreams since I was fifteen, it was perfectly acceptable to be breaking a sweat. Especially if that happened to be on the dance floor.

  It felt strange to be a part of his group, dancing among them like old friends. They had inside jokes and ridiculous signature dance moves—the “crack yo back” being my favorite—but somehow, when Cameron’s attention was on me, it made me feel like the only person in the room.

  Until his ex cut in.

  “May I?” Lauren Gambel was a five-foot-two brunette powerhouse with a syrupy-sweet voice and a wardrobe fit for a Playboy Bunny. She also happened to be Cameron’s high school sweetheart, though sweetheart wasn’t something anyone outside of her glam squad of followers would ever attribute to her. To say she terrorized everyone back in the day would be like saying Attila the Hun was an unpleasant fellow. I doubted much had changed in ten years.

  She stood there smiling at Cameron, her hand rubbing up and down his bicep in a familiar, territorial way. Then she cut her heavily lined eyes at me. “You don’t mind if I steal him away, do you, Rebecca?”

  “It’s Ryleigh. And I mind,” Cameron answered for me. His grip on my waist tightened as he pulled me closer, angling us so her hand slid off his arm. Moving us away, he called over his shoulder, “Go try Ted.”

  And oh, the daggers that denial got. It was all I could do not to laugh at the explosive look on Lauren’s face. I did send her a friendly wave with the tips of my fingers, though, just before he spun me around.

  I was—dare I say it—having fun, even with the death glares being sent my way. You would’ve thought Cameron and I were old friends reconnecting and not practically strangers who before tonight had never spoken a word to each other. Wait. That’s not true. He did say thanks to me one time our junior year when a paper slid off his desk and I picked it up and handed it to him.

  Oh my God, how pathetic that I even remember that.

  I know—you don’t have to say it. You’re cringing on my behalf. Let me just slap myself and put my game face back on.

  I am an amazing, independent woman who has impeccable taste and phenomenal friends. Not to mention I’m a mad genius who owns a thriving business and doesn’t have to make up one that involves inventing Post-its.

  There, much better.

  “Drinks?” he asked when the song ended and the always lame Electric Slide took over.


  Grabbing my hand, he led the way through our former classmates to the punch station. Spiked punch, I was positive. Cameron picked up two full cups, but when he saw Lauren sidle up next to him, he looked back at me and nodded at the exit door. I followed him out, not wanting to get caught up in another scene. Catfights were so not my thing.

  The night air was warm, the breeze a soft caress on my skin, and I let out a happy sigh.

  “Better?” he asked.

  “Much.” I took a sip of the punch and shuddered. Oh yeah. That bad boy was majorly spiked.

  Cameron recoiled when he lifted the cup to his lips. “Holy shit, did they pour gasoline in here?”

  “I was thinking it was formaldehyde.”

  “Yeah, we can do better than that,” he said, tossing his cup into the trash bin. “Are you staying around here this weekend?”

  “No, I don’t live too far away. West Hollywood.”

  His brow rose. “You’re kidding.”


  “I thought you’d be off in New York or something.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Just…isn’t that where people who like”—he pointed at my dress—“fashion-type stuff go?”

  “I’m gonna take that as a compliment you think I could do something like that. Where are you these days?”


  What? “Burbank like…practically down the street?” Stupid question, but I had to clarify.

  His lips quirked up on one side. “Looks like we’re neighbors.”

  No. No way. I had not been living mere miles from Cameron Mathis for years. My stomach flip-flopped. Holy. Shit.

  Swallowing, I put back on confident Ryleigh. “You’ll have to stop by my shop sometime. I’ll even throw in a free—” I stopped when the sound of my favorite eighties ballad began to play. I must’ve gotten a little too excited, because a gasp escaped my lips as I looked toward the gym.

  Cameron chuckled. “You like this song?”

  “I love this song.”

  “Then we better not miss it.” He took a step closer to me, and even in my heels I had to look up at him. His hand went around my waist, firm and pulling me closer. I swear I practically fell into his arms.

  As we moved to the music, I was back at senior prom, but instead of that wallflower girl on the sidelines without a date, I had snagged the guy of my dreams. Had my hands not been gripping his muscled shoulders, I would’ve pinched myself.

  “It’s a shame we didn’t hang out more,” Cameron said, and he didn’t have to finish his sentence for me to know the rest of what he meant. Back then. It was probably better that we hadn’t; I wouldn’t have been the recipient of his arms around me then.

  He pushed a stray tendril of hair behind my ear, and his eyes zoomed in on my mouth.

  Oh hell. He had the look. The I’m-gonna-put-my-lips-on-yours-now-and-all-your-fantasies-will-come-true look.

  He was going to kiss me. Right there. Steps away from our high school. In front of…okay, well, no one, but still. My eyelids fluttered shut, and my lips parted as his head inched closer…

  “Caaaaaam,” a slurred voice straight out of Valley Girl said before the owner draped herself over the side of Cameron’s arm, pushing in between us so I stumbled out of his hold.

  Lauren was back, but this time she’d definitely overdone it with the tequila perfume. Her red lipstick was starting to smear around the edges, and Cameron grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back before she could wipe herself off on his shirt.

  “I was trying to find you,” she told him, giving him a smile that I was sure she thought was flirty. But no. Hot mess.

  Cameron held her upright as she swayed. “Maybe we should get you home. Or to your parents’ house or wherever it is you’re staying.”

  “Yes, good idea.” Lauren giggled and pulled out a keycard, tapping it on her nose. “Maybe we should go to my hotel and—” She hiccupped, and her hand flew to her mouth like she was going to be sick. Her face turned a light shade of green, and…here it comes.

  “That way,” I said, pointing to low-lying bushes nearby. He hauled Lauren over to them just in time for her Jose Cuervo dinner to come back up.

  “Jesus, Lauren.” Cameron shook his head as he backed away.

  “You know…I seem to remember her in this position a lot in high school.” I scrunched my nose. “I think it had more to do with getting rid of her lunch, though.”

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