ROMANCE: Mated to the Bear (Stepbrother Paranormal Shifter) (Threesome Taboo Romance), page 1

Mated to the Bear
Madelin Brook
© 2015
© Copyright 2015 by Active Passion Publications, LLC - All rights reserved.
In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.
Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.
Table of Contents
Mated to the Bear
About the Author
BONUS A Twist in Love
BONUS Bearing My Sexy Stepbrother
BONUS Bisexual Menage Double Pregnancy
BONUS Bisexual Trouble
BONUS Broken Passion
BONUS Dark Temptations
BONUS Lactating and Submissive
BONUS Mated to the Stepbrother Bears
BONUS Pain and Pleasure
BONUS Risky Desires
BONUS Sinful Delight
BONUS Sinful Love
BONUS Sinful Family
BONUS Stepbrother Billionaire: Taking Her In
BONUS Stepbrother Daddy
BONUS Stepbrother Loaded
BONUS Stepbrother Masked
BONUS Stepbrother Menage
BONUS Stepbrother Secret
BONUS Training of the Stepsister
BONUS Virgin Pregnancy
Chapter 1
Before You Get Started Reading
I have a VERY important message that you MUST READ!
I want to tell you more about the FREE bonuses that I have for you.
Chapter 1
"Umm, your room is down the hallway and to the right," Brady said, quietly clearing his throat and pointing awkwardly down a short, dark hallway; the only hallway in the whole house to be exact. Adrian took a deep breath and heaved her heavy luggage to the room on the right where she had to search for the light switch on the wall with her hand. She rolled her eyes, feeling annoyed at the fact that Brady hadn't even offered to help her carry any of her things. In fact, he had said less than three sentences to her since he picked her up at the sorry excuse for an airport and drove her the several miles up into the mountains.
Suddenly, just as she was about to break her back lifting her luggage onto the bed to unpack, Adrian felt the weight come off of her, signaling her to the fact that Brady had finally stepped up his game, what little he had, and decided to help her out. His strength was impressive, but that was about it. He was wearing the same grunge look of flannel shirts and naturally ripped and smudged jeans that he had when he was a teenager.
"Do you want any help unpacking?" he asked, looking like he might keel over if she said yes. Not that it mattered; the last thing Adrian wanted to endure was her stepbrother going through her underwear.
"No, that won’t be necessary. But thank you for the offer," she answered with a shrug, feeling suddenly lost. She didn’t really feel like unpacking, but she didn’t want to be stuck doing nothing, which is exactly what she would be doing indefinitely in that place.
Brady's log cabin sat in the middle of the dense forest on the side of one of the many mountains belonging to the part of the Rockies that ran just a few miles south of Nelway, British Columbia. She only knew that because she had looked it up on the way over. They were nowhere near any known town that she could pick out on a map or in a book. She was sure nothing even had a Wikipedia page for miles, but that was also the reason she was there; the seclusion.
It served her right for getting involved with a man who called himself Wolf. She'd actually been engaged to him having gotten wrapped up in all his charm and his money. He owned several businesses on the west coast, but none of it made up for the way he had treated her over the four long years she had wasted on him. It was when she ended up in the hospital with a broken arm, a cut-up face and bruised ribs that she drew the line. She'd had enough, but she knew he wasn't going to let her just leave. Wolf had spent too much money over the years to buy her affections and company. So, she stayed with her parents for a month until he found her.
Her last hope was her infuriating stepbrother that she had been so sure she was rid of years ago when the two of them moved out of the house. She had put up with him from the age of 14 to 17 after their parents met on some ski trip and got eloped like a couple of crazy kids, and now here she was at his mercy and living in a small log cabin where there was hardly room to breathe. And from the looks of it, they would probably be sharing a bathroom. Actually, she wouldn’t put it past him to have an outhouse instead. With the wind that was blowing snow every which way she was sure her pee would freeze before she could even get to it.
Adrian flopped back on her bed and stared up at the wood-planked ceiling. She had to admit that it was a beautiful place; a pretty one even if she liked that sort of thing, which she didn’t. But she could see the whole loner bachelor appeal. It made perfect sense for Brady, and it would have to be good enough for her until Wolf the jackass gave up on her and found a new toy. She certainly felt sorry for whoever that was going to be.
A buzzing noise startled her until she realized that it was probably her satellite phone ringing. Her parents insisted on buying her one so she could be contacted out there in the middle of the woods, and she wasn't used to the sound yet.
Adrian picked up the phone and answered as cheerily as she could. There was no need to make her father and stepmother suffer; they had always both been great to her.
"Hey, Dad. I made it safely just a few minutes ago. I'm in my room, just about ready to unpack," she informed, trying to keep questions to a minimal. "Thanks for checking on me."
"Woah, not so fast sweets," her father scolded, using the nickname he'd had for her since she was a little tot. "I want to know how things are going with your brother. I know the two of you never saw eye-to-eye, and I wanted to make sure it was all smooth. Plus, we don’t get to hear much from him." She wanted to tell them to join the club, but she didn’t want to seem rude or ungrateful. In truth, letting her stay there was saving her life literally.
"It's okay." Adrian liked to keep her answers simple. She wasn't about to tell them he was awkward and inaccessible. He probably couldn’t help it. It was most likely written into his genetic code.
"I don’t like the sound of that." She could just picture her father narrowing his eyes at her. "The two of you need to get along. It's very important for your safety and happiness."
"Mostly it's the scenery that’s a problem. I mean, there's nothing out here," she whined to him, needing to get at least one complaint out before hanging up.
"You'll get used to it," her father replied with a chuckle.
"Look, I'm exhausted. I'll check back in with you in the morning." She wanted to end the conversation quickly and get the chance to wallow in her misery a bit. If she was going to be out there with nothing to do, then she was going to make use of it. She had to get over the heartbreak of losing a guy that only existed in her head to one that was brutal and abusive as well as to losing modern conveniences for snow and whatever manner of critters might be lurking out in the woods.
She hung up before anything else could be said and curled up in the firm bed next to her belongings. The small alarm clock beside her bed informed her that it was almost ten in the evening and nowhere near time for bed, but the whole house was going dark, and she could hear Brady's own bedroom door shutting.
Sighing, she let her mind wander through all the memories that had led her to where she was now and tried to pretend the howling of the wind was really a flurry of cars driving on the street that ran in front of the apartment she used to live in at the center of Portland. But sleep did not come as she began to toss and turn in annoyance. How was she supposed to relax in such a dark, cold and lonely place like that?
The answer was obvious; she wasn't.
Adrian slid off the side of the bed and unzipped her luggage. It was time to get some unpacking done. It was the only thing she could do.
Chapter 2
For the second night in a row, Adrian could not sleep. The wind wasn't howling anymore, but that just meant it was complete silence. She was so used to staying out late at night and meeting new and interesting people on the rail or the bus. She missed her fully equipped home office where she reclined her feet while answering her emails and using her LinkedIn and her Internet line for her recruiting job, and she missed having her favorite cafe just across the street from her apartment. Most of all, she missed the fact that there were always people around making their presence known on the planet. Out there on that cold mountain it made her feel like her and Brady were the last humans left on Earth.
Of course, she barely saw her stepbrother, so it was possible that it was just her. The only thing worse than having to deal with him was the fact that he was her only company out there, and he minded his own business a little too much.
With a huff, she threw her silk blue and red robe over herself and popped open her door to take a peek down the hall. It was mostly dark except for one small night light plugged into an outlet in the bathroom they shared. She had brought
Adrian could see Brady's bedroom door from where she stood, and it was closed. So, she stepped out and slid her feet along the wood floors until she reached the kitchen and flipped on the light over the stove so she could see. She knew she needed to find a way to relax, so she made herself at home, which was one of the few things Brady had said to her, and she went rummaging through cabinets. She found some chamomile tea bags and a large mug. Luckily, he did have one modern convenience; a microwave. So, she took advantage of it, not really caring if it woke him up. Maybe he would realize he needed to be a better host.
In just a few minutes, she had a huge mug full of piping hot chamomile tea and was headed out the front door. Adrian sipped on the hot tea to quiet her chattering teeth from the effect of the bitter cold as she began to take a walk around his property. She didn’t think it was a big deal if she didn’t stray from the house.
But just as she rounded the backside she saw a dark figure moving in the distance. At first, she thought it was just a tree's shadow swaying with the wind, but then the shape came into view. It was facing south, and as she realized she was only a few yards away, Adrian felt a scream get locked in her throat. There was a huge bear with a dead fish hanging from its mouth.
Not thinking about anything but her fear, she dropped her mug and ran in the back gate, busting into the back door and panting. She was almost sure it had seen her. Could it get in the house? A dozen irrational thoughts ran through her head as she went to look out the window in her bedroom to see if it was still there, but she saw nothing. So, she laid down in bed and found herself thankful that she made it back inside unscathed.
Adrian woke up the next morning to incredible and unbelievable smells wafting through the cracks of her bedroom door. She sat up and squinted her eyes at the light of the sun shining through the white snow outside. The night before almost seemed like a dream other than the fact that she woke up in the tiny bedroom in a log cabin where her stepbrother was avoiding her at all costs instead of in her penthouse apartment overlooking downtown.
Not feeling like putting much effort into herself just to see what the smell was and if there was bacon involved, she raked her fingers through her long, wavy, auburn hair and tugged on some jeans under her oversized tee-shirt.
Her feet seemed to stick to the floor as she wobbled her way into the living room. The smell was getting stronger, and she was almost certain now that she smelled bacon. She shuffled her way into the kitchen with the intention of making some coffee so that she could be a functioning human being, but her eyes went wide at the sight of Brady, saving over the stovetop, shirtless.
Adrian backed up as not to bump into him in that small space. His skin was glistening with sweat from the effort of having all four burners going at once. He was fully involved, almost noticing nothing else around him. Since when did he become a chef, and a hot one no less? His back muscles rippled with every movement, and from the side she could see the hints of his washboard abs. Who knew all of that was hiding underneath those flannel shirts?
She was almost reduced down to drooling over her poor stepbrother. That was just more proof how badly she needed coffee and maybe a trip to a real city.
Adrian peeled her eyes away almost unwillingly from his body and went about making her coffee. "So, I heard some interesting noises last night," Brady said suddenly, not even turning away from his pans to look at her. She didn’t even know he realized she was standing there. Hopefully, he hadn’t noticed how long her eyes had lingered on his bare upper half. "I could have told you that a walk around here late at night wasn't a good idea," he continued, making Adrian wince. He had noticed that she left the house.
"There was a bear," she answered innocently. "I ran back inside and locked the door."
Brady chuckled, showing the first emotional display she’d seen since her arrival. "Don’t go walking around out there without some kind of protection especially at night. It's just not safe." It sounded menacing the way he said it, but after her bear encounter, she knew he was probably right. He nodded over to a case holding a large rifle on the wall. "If you stay out here long term it might be a good idea to learn how to shoot that," he suggested, letting her know that it wasn't just some odd decoration.
Adrian gulped down her cup of coffee nervously. All the talk of guns and danger was giving her the chills. “You know, I might not have gone out there if I wasn’t so bored. There’s nothing to do around here; not even cable,” Adrian complained, trying to save face as she waited patiently at the dining room table. Brady was beginning to turn off the burners and out food into plates, and her stomach was responding with a hungry growl.
“There’s a DVD player,” Brady answered with a sly smile, making him out to be a smart ass. Some things never changed. It looked like they were getting back into the brother and sister groove.
“Then, I guess you are going to have to take me into town today to rent some movies and get some other things to do; maybe even some great food so I can cook dinner tonight.” Brady gave her a sideways glance as he silently slammed her plate down in front of her. Adrian knew that he would agree to it, though because she was going to sue her annoyance powers as a step sister to make sure he did.
Chapter 3
As the car traveled north up the rural highway that led them back towards the mountain where Adrian was now hiding out from her abusive ex-boyfriend, she could tell that Brady was frustrated with her. She had filled the back with things she felt were essentials; everything from stylish and warm clothes to food and movies. She had even got some puzzle books and novels. She didn’t know what else to do while she was in the middle of nowhere, so she thought she should try a little of everything homebody would do.
Brady had spent the whole time worried about how long they were spending in town and how hard it was going to be to get back after the sun went down. They had just passed through a tiny town, and everything seemed perfectly fine so far. It was just cold and snowy as always. She wasn't sure what he was so worked up about unless he really was that against being around other people.
Adrian glanced over at her stepbrother to see that his jaw was tight with worry, and he was focused on the road. Things were getting too silent for her, and she thought some music might do the both of them some good. So, she flipped on the radio in his car, which seemed to startle him before causing him to huff angrily. Mostly what she found were fuzzy stations of country music or talking or just ones with no signal. Finally, she came along one that came in clear that was playing an old song; but it was one she liked.
Adrian began to bob her head along to the music as she watched the scenery go dark with nightfall out of her window. Her stomach started to growl, and she began to think about the meal she would prepare when they got back to the place she was temporarily calling home. Everything seemed okay for a few moments like her new life was something she could bear, but then the car jerked and wobbled until it ceased to move. She looked outside and couldn’t tell much other than the fact that the tires were spinning but weren’t taking them anywhere.
Brady gave her a sideways glance as if the whole thing were her fault before climbing out and inspecting the vehicle. He got back in looking even angrier. "We're stuck," he informed her. That was pretty obvious, but she didn’t understand why. "We've hit a very thick blanket of snow with ice underneath. This is why I wanted to get home before dark. Please tell me you have that satellite phone with you."
Adrian patted her pockets and pulled the phone out with a smug look. She wasn't about to be caught without that modern convenience. She watched as Brady dialed a number and talked to whoever he had called to rescue them. It sounded like maybe her hermit stepbrother had a friend after all.