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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony


  A program that shows you how to take charge of your life


  Copyright © 2015 Brian Withers.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Balboa Press

  A Division of Hay House

  1663 Liberty Drive

  Bloomington, IN 47403


  1 (877) 407-4847

  Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

  The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

  Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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  ISBN: 978-1-5043-3405-1 (sc)

  ISBN: 978-1-5043-3406-8 (e)

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2015908904

  Balboa Press rev. date: 02/16/2017


  Use of this Program


  About the Writing of this Program

  Higher Vibrations

  Why Your Life Is The Way It Is, the Good, the Bad, and Ugly

  The Power of Beliefs

  Doing Does Not Equal Having

  The Missing Information

  The Truth Versus The Lie

  The Higher Vibrations Program

  Module 1 - Preparing to Take Charge of Your Life

  • Week 1 Discovering Your True Self

  • Week 2 Your Life Satisfaction Indicator

  • Week 3 Are Your Beliefs Serving You?

  • Week 4 A New Declaration, Setting the Direction for Your Life

  • Week 5 Review, Reflection and Further Alignment with Your True Self

  Module 2 - Taking Charge of Your Life – Your Vibration

  • Week 6 Fertilizing the Soil – The High Vibration of Abundance

  • Week 7 Fertilizing the Soil - The High Vibration of Gratitude and Thankfulness

  • Week 8 Fertilizing the soil – The High Vibration of Doing Your Best

  • Week 9 Fertilizing the soil – The High Vibration of Giving, Compassion and Understanding

  • Week 10 Fertilizing the soil – The High Vibration of Living in the Present Moment

  • Week 11 Fertilizing the soil - High Vibration People

  • Week 12 Fertilizing the soil - High Vibration Life Style

  • Week 13 High Vibration Review and Reflection

  Module 3 - Taking Charge of Your Life – Your Vision

  • Week 14 Waking up to Your Purpose and the life you desire – Identifying the type of farm you are running

  • Week 14s Waking up to Your Purpose Supplemental Information

  • Week 15 Preparing to Attract Your Desires – Selecting the Specific Seeds for Planting

  • Week 16 Attracting Your Desires – Planting the seeds

  • Week 17 Nurturing Your Desires – Nurturing the Seeds of Desire

  • Week 18 Taking Action to Receive Your Desires – Harvesting the Crop

  • Week 19 Monitoring the Status of mastering your mind and Taking Charge of Your Life – Taking Care of the Farm Monitoring Your Progress and Mastery

  • Week 20 Program Summary

  My Website Articles Referenced

  My Website Diagrams Referenced (by diagram)

  My Website Diagrams Referenced (in order of book)

  Program Exercises Summary by Week

  Program Exercises Summary by Mind Mastery Area

  Books and Reference Material

  Use of this Program

  This program is setup as a complete self study guide to show you how to change, and take charge of anything in your life. That being said, when you go to school, you often consult with the teacher to understand or reinforce a concept. When you are on a sports team, you have a coach to help solidify your understanding of a new play. When you are learning to play music, an instructor can assist with progress, technique and direction and greatly enhance the learning process. Learning and applying what is in this program is no different. For that reason you may want to schedule a session with me anytime you feel the need for support or assistance with the process. See my contact information on my website at www.highervibrationsnow.com.

  What is interesting about this program, which is different from academic educational programs, teams and music, is that they are specialized knowledge that you use in some part of your life; what you will learn here you will use in every part of your life. You will use it in your studies, on your teams, in your relationships, in your career, in every choice you make. What this means is that while you operate your life as you have been doing, you need to, at the same time, transition to the new way of using your mind. That can make it quite a challenge. For example, you most likely tie one shoe before the other; for the next 5 days, switch and tie the other shoe first. Watch how closely you have to monitor yourself so that your old habit does not take over without you even realizing it. That’s just a shoe tying habit! Think about all the habits you have accumulated in your thinking and acting. This, along with learning new concepts is why you may find a coaching session now again to be helpful.

  If you choose to work with someone who is going to charge you a fee to help you work though this program, be sure that they show you their approval to do so. I issue an approval certificate to coaches and practitioners of personal empowerment for life changes to use this program for compensation as follows: 1) They have demonstrated through either experience and / or education that they are committed to helping others improve some aspect of their life, 3) Have completed the Higher Vibrations Program 4) accept, agree with and practice the concepts of empowerment as presented in this book 4) will use this program in the spirit intended, which is for the strict purpose of helping others to be empowered and take charge of their life independent of any other person.


  I have had many loving people in my life and am so very thankful for their presence and inspiration. I am also so very grateful for those who came as seemingly antagonists, for as I have learned, they brought me great insight about myself that really helped me to move forward and closer to who I really am. I always liked the expression “those with who you are at the greatest odds are the ones to be most thankful for”. Between those that have helped me learn about myself and those that have been there to pick me up when I fell, this program is inspired and made possible by you.

  Of special note, I am eternally grateful for my late wife Barbara. From the great void left in my life by her passing, it stripped me down to my soul and awoke a purpose in me. That purpose was to understand the cause of what happens in our life and take charge of it. This would allow me to help others avoid such a fate and the devastation to families, friends and communities that comes with it. Secondly, my late father who showed me some of the most important personal qualities that I continue to aspire to and that have served me so well in my life, they are 1) no matter what you are confronted with you can find a way, never give up 2) do your best, give it your all and 3) never walk over anybody to move your self forward, always move forward with grace and dignity for all. He did not tell me about these things, his teaching came in the form of what I observed of his actions. Thirdly, for the many simple, but very profound messages of the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. I found he had a way of turning many spiritual messages into practical life practices. The knowledge he spoke of expanded my awareness about who I really am.

  I would also like to thank those who have gone through this program during its development. Each person helped to make it more effective and complete. I like the phrase ‘you are always both the student and the teacher’. This has certainly been true for me, as in working with others, I continue to learn to be a more effective coach and also continue to be inspired to develop increasingly practical methods and strategies to help others take charge of their life.

  Lastly, this book is dedicated to those who are looking for answers to challenges in any area of their life, those who have a feeling that there is a better way but just not sure what it is, those who feel as though something is missing, those who feel there is a calling for them but not sure how to get to it, those who dare to step out from the ma
sses to endure the discomfort of leaving their comfort zone and to hold the courage to wonder into seemingly unknown territory. In short for those wanting to follow their heart and feel good about life but not sure how to get on the road. To all of you, knowledge and awareness is inspiration, practice is freedom. This program is intended to provide both.

  I can assure you, if you stick with your pursuit of something greater, you will find it, a world of wonder, the likes that may well be beyond your wildest imagination. You are an amazing being with incredible power.

  About the Writing of this Program

  My journey that led me to these writings started in the area of health; however, what I have discovered about the underlying cause of dis-ease applies to the cause of what happens in all areas of life. Whether you have an issue with health, relationships, financial affairs, career or anything else, this program addresses all areas of life. This information applied in one area of life will have equal success if applied in any other area of life. Additionally, you will come to understand that in moving to a life of personal fulfilment, you influence harmony in the world around you, and life on this planet moves towards peace and fulfilment for all. Just like a beautiful painting is composed of hundreds of perfect individual brush strokes; each of us represents a stroke on the painting of humanity. The more we, as a stroke of that painting, are in harmony with our true nature, the more beauty is this picture of humanity. Each of us hold the power to determine how we will appear on this painting.

  I would also like to say that although I wrote this material, I believe it is the expression of a power greater than me, something that came through me rather than originate in me. I do believe there is a power that has in its essence, the intention for all of us to live a fulfilling life; therefore, it provides a unique expression through each of us that causes that realization. In fact, an important part of this program is how to connect with that unique and natural expression. I believe our disconnection from it is one key reason there is disharmony in our life and on this planet.

  My Story of Inspiration

  At age 27, my wife died of cancer. I was left with my oldest son who was 2 years of age at the time. Up to that point, I had not really known much about disease, I was always active and fit and she was as well. I simply was not confronted with illness of any great significance.

  From the time of her diagnosis until her death, it was a 16 month span of time. Sixteen months with several surgeries, drugs, hope and prayers, reading and looking into any possible treatments that would make a difference. I talked to anyone I thought may be able to help and followed up on anything that anyone suggested. In the end, nothing in my life, nothing in my scope of knowledge, nor any of the knowledge or experience of all the professionals, both conventional and alternative, that I had contacted, had any impact. No one that I knew of had an answer.

  During these 16 months I was so completely consumed with finding a solution, and believed I would, that I never gave much thought that she would die, so when that day came, I experienced a depth of grief that I can not begin to explain. The only tools I had for coping with my grief were the ones I had learned about when looking for a solution for her. These tools were new to me but were helpful and as it turns out, the seeds that led me to much more information, a new way of thinking, a desire and purpose to help others and the writing of this program.

  After her death it took some time for me to collect myself and once I did I began to think about what I had just experienced. Sixteen months of watching the person I planned on spending my life with virtually disintegrate in front of my eyes; watching the pain and suffering she endured as life slowly drained away from her, stripping her of all human faculties one by one. Of all of the atrocities that have ever taken place on the planet, I don’t know that any produced such a slow, relentless, torturous demise of a human being. And I was helpless, why was I helpless? But not only me, professionals with years and years of experience in medicine, they were helpless. Why were they helpless? Everyone I went to, people I knew and people that I didn’t know, they were all helpless. How could such a thing happen to the human body, the human being and everyone be so helpless to do anything about it? In the end she could have skipped all of the pain and suffering that went with drugs and surgery, as I know now, they alone were not going to help her. Any solution that does not encompass the whole human being of mind, body and spirit, is limited at best. Any solution that does not approach healing from an energy perspective is simply missing a critical component of the healing process.

  I am thankful for everyone that was part of helping her to be well again. I do believe their heart was in the right place, but as I have come to learn, there is a major piece of knowledge missing from our formal education in terms of what it takes to truly heal, not just health, but all areas of our life. I might say this differently and say, the piece of information that teaches us how to really live a life of fulfilment in mind, body and spirit is missing from our formal education system and therefore we don’t know how to achieve it. To test this statement, what percent of people live beyond 60 and of that percentage, how many have a high level of satisfaction with their health and wellness and life in general?

  It’s interesting how death can bring out different things in different people, for me I was determined to understand what happened, I have always been that way, to understand why things are the way they are. Certainly why everyone including me was so helpless to understand what happened to her and what the remedy was, I really needed to know. Something about it felt very wrong, how could a planet with so much intelligence, beauty, and magnificence have life end in this way, what are we missing? I believed if I could find answers and could help only 1 person in my life time to avoid such a fate, it would be worth a life time of researching. To be able to help a person change course and avoid the devastation that comes with disease. I believed there had to be some underlying reason for dis-ease, and I became very determined to find it.

  I found that there are many approaches to healing the unwanted issues in our life. I also found that many people have healed various areas of their life using these various approaches. However, I also found that not every approach worked for everyone that used it. For this reason it was my intent to build a program which included, what I believe are the root common elements of not only healing, but changing any unwanted experiences in our life into wanted experiences. It seemed to me that since we are all human beings there must be some common thread that runs through us all, a thread that if we learned to utilize we could take charge of what happens in our life. The common thread I found was that we are first and foremost energy beings (with a physical body). This of course led me to realize that living from the perspective of an energy being completely changes the way life can be lived. Rather than seeing life as something that happens to us, we see it as something we cause to happen.

  This experience of Barbara’s death taught me many things and one was that there is more than one way to look at anything, regardless of what kind of unwanted situation arises. I have learned that if you will look, you will always find something good in anything, it may be the smallest glimmer of light, but that light will lead you to something greater. Whether it is disease, pain or dissatisfaction, rather then seeing it for what it appears, look for the opportunity, how can the situation be used for something good, to see something in a new way or change to a new direction.

  I believe what is most sad is if we focus on the negative of a situation and miss the opportunity to improve life. If we don’t look for the opportunity then we are not learning, we are not moving forward, we are not looking for ways to increase the quality of life but accepting and staying stuck in what is. For me, it took a while but I did see the opportunity. It was to learn and spread the information that helps us understand who we truly are as a human being, our innate powers and abilities. That success, health, happiness and fulfillment are not something we need to find or manufacture but simply things for us to express and live as they are inherently who we are. Also, I could see that it was important to help people understand that we have been (unintentionally) trained to use our power against our selves and therefore, unknowingly, cause those things we don’t want in our life or prevent our self from experiencing the things that we do. Once we “wake up” and realize how we are causing what we don’t want, we also “wake up” and realize that we can cause what we do want. In this spirit of looking for the good and finding the opportunity, death, dis-ease or any dissatisfaction can serve as a catalyst to raise the quality of life on this planet, and that is a beautiful celebration.

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