Magical midlife challeng.., p.1
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Magical Midlife Challenge, page 1


Magical Midlife Challenge
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Magical Midlife Challenge



  Copyright © 2022 by K.F. Breene

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Magical Midlife Alliance

  Also by K.F. Breene

  About the Author


  I trailed my fingertips along the muscular arm draped across my middle, which was illuminated by the butter-yellow sunlight pouring through the window.

  Crap. It was morning. The challenge was in a scant few hours.

  A flare of nervousness jiggled my stomach. Closing my eyes, I pulled in a deep breath, expanding my chest, and then let it out nice and slow as I opened them again. I looked at Austin, soaking him in, and flattened my palm on his big shoulder. He lay on his stomach with his left cheek buried in the pillow, his face pointed at me. The sheets bunched across his hips, revealing his broad, muscular back.

  A sense of profound serenity welled up inside me, calming the swirl of turbulent emotion from the moment before.

  Ever since we’d claimed each other as mates three weeks ago, I’d felt utterly at peace within his presence. There was a new warmth inside of me that grew with every glance he gave me, sang with every touch. I felt weightless and as though I were always glowing.

  Most people would attribute this to love.

  It wasn’t love.

  Well…it wasn’t just love. Because yes, I loved this man with everything in me. He’d earned my trust through friendship before he captured my heart. But there was more to my feelings than adoration and romance.

  My gargoyle was expressing a primal satisfaction in the strength and prowess of her mate. Which, great, I could handle that. I liked it, in fact. What I couldn’t handle was the insane jealousy that came with it, or the crazy protectiveness. If anyone so much as looked at Austin the wrong way, I had to fight the incredible urge to throw that person across the room.

  I didn’t always win that fight.

  A rhythmic buzz pulsed from the alarm clock, startling me. I reached over and turned it off.

  I’d learned in the past that Austin would ignore the alarm’s loud blast for ten minutes or more before finally rolling over to slap it. Given it was ten minutes of agony for me, a mother who’d acquired the curse of light sleeping after my son was born nineteen years ago, I’d decided that I’d be the guardian of the alarm and make sure he got up. It really wasn’t so hard.

  I turned on my side, facing him, and trailed my fingertips across his cheek. I felt along his soft, plush lips and over his square chin. Moving on down, I brushed my fingers across his throat.

  He shivered, and his exposed eyelid fluttered open. A beautiful cobalt-blue eye regarded me for a moment before it drifted shut again. His mouth curled at the corner, a sleepy smile, before his arm constricted.

  I squealed as he dragged me closer, turning me onto my back. In a powerful, fluid movement, he settled his large, hard body over mine, pushing me into the mattress. Sleeping naked, the way we almost always did, had its perks.

  “Morning, baby,” he murmured, capturing my lips with his. His kiss was deep and passionate, and the slow thrust of his body pushed out all the breath in my lungs.

  I meant to say good morning back, but instead I hugged him closer and moaned into his continued kiss.

  “We don’t have as much time as I’d like, so we’re going to have to knock this out quickly,” he murmured.

  A wave of nervousness stole through me again.

  “Shh, shh,” he said, feeling my reaction through the Ivy House bond or our mating bond—probably both. “It’s going to be fine. Just focus on me right now. Focus on this.”

  He reached between our bodies to massage me right where I needed it. His movements increased in speed, his body working between my thighs, and I did what he said. I let the pleasure of his body sliding against mine—the delicious ache of him inside me—crush the fear and anxiety. I lost myself in his touch.

  Almost too soon I was writhing under him, hitting my high and crying out his name. He wasn’t far behind, shuddering against me.

  His kiss turned languid before he backed off, both of us breathing heavily.

  “Good morning,” I finally managed. “Sleep well?”

  His smile tightened me up all over again. It was a great time for this midlife lady to be hitting her sexual peak. Although…I guess I was no longer middle-aged. Thanks to Ivy House magic, I didn’t have an expiration date anymore. The only way I’d exit this life was by murder. And if I shared the fate of the past Ivy House heirs, my murder would be gruesome and at the hands of my mate.

  Luckily, I hadn’t chosen a young, power-hungry jerk who would try to steal my magic and take my life in the process. Austin didn’t even want what was offered, which was the protector’s magic. That magic was supposed to boost his power and likely his speed and strength. He’d be like a super shifter, or so everyone guessed. But he didn’t want the baggage that came with it. He said he had enough darkness swirling within him—he didn’t need to add my gargoyle’s brand of dark violence.

  I definitely saw his point. When my primal urges rose to the surface, I wasn’t exactly stable…

  “How about some breakfast?” he asked.

  I smiled. “Yes, please.”

  He kissed me one last time before getting out of bed.

  “Do you want a day off from cooking?” I asked, swinging my feet over the edge of the mattress before standing. “Mr. Tom would be all too happy to come in and take care of it.”

  He paused with his boxers in his hand. The flat look he gave me spoke volumes.

  I laughed and threaded my arms around his middle. “I feel bad that you’ve been cooking so much for me. You never let me help.”

  “You hate helping, and I love cooking for you. It’s not a chore, baby. You know that.”

  “I know, but…” I paused as he kissed my forehead before moving away to finish getting dressed. “Usually I don’t spend so much time over here.”

  “I like that you’re spending so much time over here.” He stepped into a pair of sweats. “And I really like the way you look at me when I’m cooking.”

  Heat rushed to my cheeks. I turned away and grabbed some underwear and sweats from the drawer he’d given me for my things.

  It was true. I’d always dreamed of having a man cook for me, and Austin had the added benefit of being incredibly hot. Cooking shows had always bored me, but to this one, I was riveted.

  That wasn’t why I was spending so much time over here, away from Ivy House.

  Another flurry of emotions rocked me.

  He paused, his gaze turning intense.

  He knew this surge of anxiety wasn’t about the challenge later today. He could feel through the bonds that this unease was rooted more deeply, the implications more extreme. He also knew from experience that I didn’t want to talk about it. That I used the dreaded “I’m fine” when he asked.

  But honestly, what was there to talk about? I didn’t know what was causing this rush of anxiety. This was different than the crazy, violent side of my gargoyle, but it still seemed primal somehow. I just had this horrible feeling that danger loomed heavy around me. It crouched in the shadows, waiting to strike.

  I had no proof. In the three weeks since Elliot Graves’s meetup, all had been quiet on the mage front. Rumors about my magic and power level abounded on magical social media, but there was no speculation about what might happen next. I’d received no threats nor any invitations from mages. It seemed as though life was continuing as normal.

  Until I set foot on Ivy House soil. And then, suddenly, it felt like storm clouds were drifting in, carrying disaster within them. It felt like a drum beat through me, warning of danger, urging me to take arms, preparing me to fight.

  But was that actual danger or just this blasted gargoyle freaking me the hell out? Like when that random guy at the bar patted Austin on the back in thanks for a free beer—throwing said guy across the room and against the wall hadn’t been rational. Not even remotely. And neither was this situation. There had been no warning signs. No one had snuck in to attack. There hadn’t been any word from the Mages Guild, either requesting information concerning Graves or just wanting to make contact. There was absolutely no reason to feel worried, especially since it had only been three weeks. Three weeks of rumors did not a panic situation make.

  So yeah, to avoid the feeling of impending doom, not to mention Ivy House harping on about accepting the gar
goyle’s inherent craziness, I avoided the place. I stayed at Austin’s, where my gargoyle was (mostly) soothed, the environment was tastefully decorated and incredibly comfortable, and my hot boyfriend turned mate cooked for me and pampered me and made love to me.

  Though yes, I also knew this couldn’t last forever. I’d have to return eventually. Mr. Tom had made that abundantly clear, often from just off Austin’s kitchen balcony, where he waited for me every morning.

  Austin, half-dressed because he knew I liked to watch his bare upper body when he cooked, turned me toward him and braced his hands lightly on my cheeks. I looked up into his eyes.

  The turbulence raging through me eased…and then dimmed…and then fell away altogether.

  “I love you,” he said, his gaze rooted to something deep inside of me. “I will protect you. I will make sure nothing happens to you.”

  I melted against his touch. “I know,” I whispered.

  He held our gaze—our connection—for another moment before kissing my forehead and stepping away. “I’ll get breakfast started. No need for that bra.”

  “There is definitely a need for this bra. It’s morning. Mr. Tom is already waiting for me, I can feel it. Along with Edgar and, for some reason, Ulric.”

  I could feel them through the magical bond created by Ivy House. They were all gathered outside Austin’s house in Mr. Tom’s usual spot.

  Usually, it was just Mr. Tom waiting below the balcony off the kitchen every morning. I wondered what was up with the others.

  Austin headed down before me, leaving me to finish getting dressed, and I followed him a few minutes later with a shirt on but no socks or slippers.

  He’d already set to work in the kitchen, pulling out eggs and sausages from the fridge. There was a cluster of fruit on the counter, waiting to be cut up. I grabbed a couple of mugs from the cabinet, laughing when I noticed his apron—a large arrow pointed up to his face, followed by This guy rubs his own meat.

  Austin noticed and grinned. “Kingsley sent me a care package. He said Earnessa has some things for you, but you’ll have to retrieve them in person. It’s his way of inviting us to his territory.”

  I set the mugs onto the counter before lifting the pot filled with freshly percolated coffee. Austin was excellent at timing his morning routine.

  “Did you tell him that Sebastian thinks Momar plans to wipe him out? Soon, I mean.”

  Momar was a big-shot mage in the magical world who was currently trying to take out shifter packs. We’d heard Kingsley was next on the list, but we didn’t know exactly when he planned to attack.

  Austin didn’t respond for a long moment. I felt his unease through our bonds.

  “Not in so many words,” he finally said. “He’s seen the signs, though. Mages have been skirting the periphery of his territory. He thinks they’re assessing his sentries. Based on what he’s heard from the shifter community, next they’ll assess his defenses. After that…”

  “They’ll attack.”

  A huge swell of power filled me, darkness swirling within the magic. My anger heated to rage, my frustration only making the mixture more combustible. My vision blurred, and my head went light. A loud crash had me stepping back. Scalding liquid splashed across my front, but I barely felt it. My gargoyle pounded inside of me, feeling the call of war—wanting to rush to the aid of an ally in danger.

  “Whoa, whoa. We have a bit of time.” I felt Austin’s hand smooth down my back and then over the area where wings would sprout in my gargoyle form. “Sebastian confirmed it, remember? Not much, but we do have some time. It’s okay.”

  “I know.” I squeezed my eyes shut, tempering the surge of power. “I’m good.”

  A bit of an overstatement. My gargoyle was soothed in Austin’s presence…until incited. That was where the mostly part came in. Unfortunately, inciting it was pretty easy, I was discovering.

  “I’m good.” I breathed deeply, focusing on his touch. “I’m good.”

  I took another couple deep breaths until the power and strong emotion started to ebb, and then I let my eyes drift open.

  The mug lay in pieces on the floor, resting in a puddle of steaming coffee. The liquid surrounded my toes and most of my right foot, but it still didn’t hurt. More coffee had splattered the counter. The mug must’ve hit the edge and shattered before continuing to the floor.

  “Careful, there.” Austin hooked his hands under my arms and lifted me like a child, swiveling and depositing me out of harm’s way. “You don’t want to step on one of those shards. It’ll take me forever to get the glass out of your foot.”

  “Sorry,” I said. “Here, I’ll get—”

  “No.” Austin stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. His eyes were so warm, so kind. “Why don’t you head outside and talk to your people? I’ll bring out a fresh cup, okay? Take a breather.”

  I couldn’t stop the thankful tears welling in my eyes. I rested my palms on his hard chest. “Why are you so amazing?”

  His thumb traveled lightly across my chin. “Only you think I’m amazing. Everyone else thinks I’m a stone-hearted SOB.”

  I smiled as he leaned down to kiss me.

  “Probably for the best,” I murmured against his lips. “That way, they leave you alone, and I don’t get the urge to throttle them or toss them through doors.”

  He laughed, turned me around, and gave me a small shove toward the sliding glass door that led to the balcony. “Go talk to that weird collection of people you have working for you. Tell Mr. Tom not to crush all of my flowers.”


  The fresh mountain air greeted me as I stepped onto the balcony. I took two deep breaths, further clearing my mind, and then walked around the grill and approached the railing.

  Standing just before the slope covered in azure-blue wildflowers and buttercups were Edgar, Mr. Tom, and Ulric, a little removed from the others.

  “Hey, guys.” I bent to lean my elbows on the railing. Austin met me a moment later with a fresh mug of coffee. He set it on the railing beside me, glanced down at the others, and left without saying a word.

  “Ah, yes, your morning cup of brew,” Mr. Tom said, entwining his fingers at his waistline. His wings, draped down his back like a cape, fluttered in irritation. “Pity you have to traipse all the way down to the kitchen to get it. If you’d just let me see to you in the morning instead of making me wait in this makeshift garden like a common criminal, you wouldn’t have to do things the shifter way.”

  Mr. Tom wasn’t completely on board with my mating a shifter. He’d really hoped I’d find a gargoyle for that “honor.”

  When I didn’t respond, Mr. Tom continued. “How about breakfast, miss? I trust Mr. Steele is seeing to that for you? He must know how you hate to cook. It isn’t something the mistress of Ivy House should lower herself to do, anyway.”

  “He cooks for her regularly,” Edgar said as he scooted forward a little. “She is always so delighted with his creations. What’s for breakfast this morning, Jessie?”

  I ran my fingers through my unruly hair. They got caught halfway through. “Eggs and sausage, maybe? Fresh fruit.”

  “Hmm, sounds delicious.” Edgar rubbed his belly, the action for show. He was a vampire, and all he’d eaten in the last…way too many years to count was blood. I doubted he even remembered how food tasted. Still, he knew how much I liked to gush about Austin’s cooking and gave me ample opportunity to do so.

  “Edgar, did you have something to tell the miss?” Mr. Tom asked. His tone dripped with disapproval.

  Edgar wilted where he stood. He clasped his long, spindly fingers with the yellowed, pointed nails. “Jessie,” he began, “I regret to inform you that I have made a grave oversight. I must ask you, therefore, to retire me. I am not fit for my post.”

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