WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior: Volume 5, page 1

Volume 5
Brandon Varnell
Illustrated by
Mykel Ferguson
Edited by
Crystal Holdefer
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
WIEDERGEBURT: Legend of the Reincarnated Warrior, Volume 5
Copyright © 2021 Brandon Varnell
Illustration Copyright © 2021 Mikel Ferguson
All rights reserved.
Brandon Varnell and Kitsune Incorporated supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce creative works that enrich our culture.
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To see Brandon Varnell’s other works, or to ask for permission to use his works, visit him at www.varnell-brandon.com, facebook, twitter, Patreon, and instagram.
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This page is made in dedication to my amazing patrons. Without them, my characters would never get lewded by so many wonderful artists:
Aaron Harris; Adam; Alarinnise; Alexander Rodriguez; Armando Pastrana; Benjamin Collins; Benjamin Morgan; Brendan Smiley; Bruce Johnson; Bryce McClay; C.L. Holgrahm; Caxey G. May; Catcrazy9; Chase Corso; Charles Dorfeuille; Christopher Gross; Cody Woodard; CosmicOrange; Dane Smith; Daniel Glasson; Dhivael; Edward Grindle; Edward Lamar Stephenson; Edward P Warmouth; Emery Moore; Feitochan; Forrest Hansen; Forrest Hansen; Ine Airlcana; IronKing; Jacob Flores; Jacob Wojno; Jeremy Schultz; Jesus; John Patton; LarC85; Lucid Fayt; Mark Frabotta; Matthew Wallace; Max A Kramer; Michael Erwin; Michael Moneymaker; NA; Nathan S; Omegapudding; Philip Hedgepeth; Rfael Eriksen; Raymond T; Red Phoenix; Red Viking; Reent Dopychai; Repooc Ilahsram; Richard Garret; Rob McDagg; Roy Cales; Samuel Donaldson; Sean Gray; Seismic Wolf; Shotgunr12; Slim; Smudi Corp; Starwarscout Jon; Thomas; Thomas Jackson; Tim Nielsen; ToraLinkley; Travis Cox; Victor Patrick Bauer; William Crew; XY172; Yuriy Snyadanko; Zach Miller; Zach Strickland; Zenn Barger
1. Making Plans
2. Snake Charmer
3. The Missing Fay
4. Finding Fay
5. Rescuing Fay
6. Friends Again
7. A Librarian’s Resignation
8. Ingredient Deficency
9. Preparations
10. Weapon Shopping
11. Into the Demon Beast Mountain Range
12. The Beast Girl
13. Tearful Reunion
Thank you for reading!
Sneak Peak
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Manga Page 2
Manga Page 3
Manga Page 4
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American Kitsune
Catgirl Doctor
A Most Unlikely Hero
Arcadia’s Knight
Journey of a Betrayed Hero
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Chapter 1
Making Plans
All members of the Explorers Guild not only had their own bedroom, they also had their own private bathing room.
Bathing rooms in the Northern Plain were different from those in Nevaria. While they still had a bath, of course, a lot of bathing rooms also had something called a shower. It was a place in which a person bathed under a spray of typically warm or hot water. The water came out of this device called a showerhead, which was just a metal nozzle jutting from the wall. A relatively complex rune array had also been used in its creation: Laguz to create water, Sowilo to heat the water, and Uruz to shoot the water out of the nozzle.
The runes were engraved into the metal using a special etching process that I was unknowledgeable about. Kari knew how to do it though.
It had been about a year since Kari and I had become members of the Explorers Guild, and we had long since learned to enjoy the shower when cleaning off.
Of course, we had found another use for showers as well.
“Ah! Ahn! Ha… Harder!”
Kari stood before me with her legs spread, her hands pressed flat against the shower wall. Water sprayed from the nozzle overhead. It soaked her hair, which shifted over her shoulders and down her front, meaning I had the pleasure of watching the thousands of droplets run down her backside. More than the view of water blazing adventurous trails across her skin, the way her ass jiggled as I thrust my dick into her pussy from behind was even more eye-catching.
The loud slapping sound of my flesh meeting hers echoed around the bathing room. My balls slapped against her thighs as I worked over her insides with my cock. The lewd noises mixed with her moans and the sounds of water spraying from the nozzle.
“Hah…. hyk! Ahn!”
While Kari moaned, I grunted as I pulled my dick out of her, but I didn’t pull out all the way before I shoved it back inside. Just as she asked, I increased the pace of my thrusts, enjoying the sensation of her pussy milking my cock. Her tight insides were warm, wet, and slightly squishy, like a soft sponge was wrapping around me, which made for an altogether enjoyable sensation. My own grunting created a staccato symphony that ran counter to her lyrical moans.
The tiles beneath us were slippery, so I had to be careful, but I leaned forward as I continued to thrust my hips, reaching over and placing my hands against hers on the wall as I began placing kisses on her neck. Kari released several loud, beautiful moans as she tilted her head to grant me more access to her skin. I traveled up her neck, along her jaw, and then took her ear in my mouth.
From this position, I could see the way her breasts were bouncing. They were incredibly large. By that, I mean they were massive. Each time I thrust into her, Kari would arch her back ever so slightly, which made her tits bounce up and down. Up and down. It was mesmerizing to watch. I felt an intense urge to play with them.
Keeping one of my hands over one of Kari’s, I retracted my other hand and grabbed her tit. Her nipple was already stiff. I pinched it between my thumb and forefinger, which caused Kari to clench her teeth as her legs trembled. The vaginal walls keeping my cock inside of her tightened soon after. That made it harder to thrust into her, but it also increased the electric thrill racing along my shaft. Warm, wet, and tight. That was Kari’s pussy in a nutshell.
“Ha… ha… Eryk…”
Kari’s breathing was completely ragged by this point. Not that I was much better. Shower sex was harder than it looked. The floor was slippery, it took more effort to have sex standing up, and it was hard to maintain traction. That said, I did enjoy this position. I felt like I was reaching new areas inside of Kari when we were connected like this.
I noticed Kari looking at me from the corner of her eye as I pawed at her large, heavy breasts. The weight of her tits always impressed me. They must have been a few kilos at least. Better than that, however, was the way my fingers sank into them. Nothing on this continent was softer than Kari’s boobs.
Removing my hand from her chest, I placed it on her cheek and turned her head my way while also leaning in and kissing her. Kari’s response was enthusiastic. Her tongue was out before I even had a chance to probe her mouth. It pushed against mine, getting tangled together as our saliva mixed. We must have been getting more into it than I thought because some of our saliva dripped down her chin and splashed against her chest, but neither of us cared enough to stop, and the water from the shower washed it away in any case.
Truth be told, I wasn’t sure how long we had been going at it. I felt my end coming when my balls grew tight. Knowing that I’d probably cum first if this kept up, I slid my hand down her throat, trailed it across her collar bone, her breasts, and her stomach. I moved my hand down further until I was just above her honeypot.
I could feel my cock churning her insides as I kept my thrusts fast and powerful. Of course, my goal wasn’t to feel out my cock as I pounded Kari from behind, but to rub her clit. It was already engorged from our activities. As I placed my fingers against it, I felt the small nub twitch erratically as though it was having muscle spasms. I quickly took her clit between my fingers and lightly pinched it.
Kari screamed into my mouth as her vagina convulsed around me, clamping down on my cock and making it so I couldn’t move. At the same time, a bright flash appeared from her chest. I could just make out the strange symbols of a language that I didn’t know but that felt familiar on her skin as though seared into her flesh. I couldn’t focus on that, however, as the feeling of her walls milking me was enough to tip me over the edge. With what strength remained in my body, I shoved myself into Kari as deeply as my dick could go, unleashing several spurts of c
The two of us released several ragged breaths as we stood there underneath the showerhead. Kari’s muscles were twitching as though she’d been struck by lightning. Her powerful back muscles contracted and her thighs shook. I placed my hands against hers again and rested my head on her shoulder. Kari tilted her head to lean it against mine, nuzzling me.
“That was nice…” she murmured.
“Yeah…” I said.
“But now we’re dirty again.”
I smiled and kissed her shoulder. “We just need to wash up more.”
Now that we had finished having passionate shower sex, the two of us were much quicker to wash up. It didn’t even take five minutes. I’m pretty sure that meant we spent about thirty minutes having sex and only five actually getting clean. After cleaning off, the two of us turned off the shower, stepped out, and each used a towel to get dry.
We were just about to make for the door to our room—when a knock echoed inside of the bathing room.
“Eryk. Kari. You two done fucking yet?” someone asked from the other side.
“Axel,” I groaned as I recognized the voice. “I thought I told you not to enter our room without permission.”
“Hey, I’m the leader of the Explorers Guild,” Axel said. “I can do whatever I want.”
While I clicked my tongue, Kari responded to the man in a far calmer voice than me. “I hope the reason you barged into our room and eavesdropped on us is a good one. If it’s not, I may be forced to take extreme actions and teach you a lesson about respecting the privacy of your subordinates.”
“That sounds like it might actually be fun, but I’ll have to pass.” Axel laughed, but then his voice suddenly became serious. “Actually, the reason I came here is pretty serious. Erica of the Battling Valkyries is here and asking for your presence. She says she has an urgent request for you both, and before you ask, I don’t know what it is, but it sounded pretty important.”
Kari and I shared a look as Axel hit us with this news. We hadn’t seen Erica since that incident in those ruins on the peninsula, where our group had barely managed to escape with our lives. I heard a rumor that the Cult of the Great Overlord was keeping her busy. We’d occasionally get reports here and there, and Kari and I had even worked with some of her colleagues, who had been kind enough to inform us that the situation with the cult was worsening. If Erica was here, then…
“Give us just a minute to get dressed,” I said.
“Will do,” Axel replied. “While you two get dressed, I will entertain our guest.”
The sound of Axel’s footsteps grew softer as he walked away from the door, but that didn’t mean I was going to open it yet. I waited a few seconds before opening the door. Then I checked inside of our bedroom to make sure he really had left.
“Looks like he’s gone.” I turned back to Kari. “Let’s get dressed.”
Kari nodded at me as we entered our bedroom.
Our bedroom at the Explorers Guild was fairly large, but there was also a lot of stuff filling it, which caused it to feel smaller than it actually was. A large desk sat near a glass window. Several bookshelves filled with tomes sat against the wall beside the desk. We also had a dresser and an elegant armoire crafted from walnut. Our bed was located on the wall opposite the door to the bathing room. Hanging on one wall were several maps detailing the numerous areas of this continent that had already been explored.
We made our way to the dresser. I opened it and pulled out our underwear. After handing off Kari’s undergarments, I put my own on, then began pulling out the rest of our clothes: pants, shirts, socks, and so on. I was soon slipping on my own clothes, pulling up my brown pants, and sliding my arms into the sleeves of my long-sleeved white shirt before buttoning it. Chainmail went over my shirt, followed by a brown vest. Leather vambraces, socks, a belt, and brown boots finished my ensemble.
Once I was sure my outfit was on properly, I glanced over at Kari, who wore a somewhat similar outfit. Her collared shirt had a large gap in the center of her chest. She had donned a bodice instead of a vest. She wore no pants, but she did have a brown skirt covering her legs to about the middle of her thighs. Brown boots were held together by three belt buckles, metal gauntlets covered her hands and forearms, and her ranseur was strapped diagonally across her back. Her hair was down and still damp.
“You ready?” I asked.
“I am,” Kari answered. “Let’s see what Erica wants.”
Our room was located on the second floor. The Explorers Guild’s base of operations was a three-story building. While the first floor was dedicated to receiving guests, Axel’s office, the library, and a training ground, the second was where all of the members slept. The third floor was where the Warp Gate was located. Given that Erica did not live anywhere near Vesparia—the city our sect was stationed in—we headed to the third floor instead of the first.
The third floor was really just a large hall, an open space made of black and white marble tiles. A glance up would have revealed the vaulted ceiling. Being a large, open space with almost nothing in it, the only item present worth looking at was the Warp Gate—a massive gate similar to the ones found within the numerous ruins dotting the continent. It looked like an arched gateway. Hundreds of thousands of runes were etched onto its surface, forming a massive array unlike anything else I’d ever seen, and those runes were glowing with power. In the center of this gate, rather than a door, there was a swirling nebula.
Erica was there, as we suspected. Axel was with her. He was trying to talk to the gorgeous woman, but she didn’t seem all that interested in listening to him.
Axel wasn’t an unattractive man by any means. Just a little shorter than I was, he had broad shoulders and strong arms, but they weren’t the kind of bulging muscles expected on barbarian warriors like the Barbatos Sect. His fair skin gave him a healthy complexion that went well with his light blond-brown beard. He had green eyes, masculine features, and wore refined clothes made of silk whenever he wasn’t out on a mission.
He was also a member of the Catfolk race—a humanoid species with feline traits. He had cat-like ears, a tail, and fur around his wrists and knees.
Despite his seemingly attractive appearance, the woman appeared completely uninterested in him. In fact, from her slightly red ears and the vein pulsating on her forehead, I would have said she was at her wits end.
That expression disappeared when she saw us.
“Eryk! Kari!” She swept past the dumbfounded Axel and walked toward us at a quick trot. Her eyes sparkled like gemstones. “I’m really glad to see you two!”
“We’re sorry to keep you waiting,” I said as Erica pulled Kari into a quick hug.
“It’s no trouble at all.” Erica smiled as she gave me the same treatment as Kari. I ignored the glare my sect leader sent me as I hugged the woman back before separating.
Erica was an enchanting woman with hair like raven’s feathers and deep purple eyes. Her pale skin, small nose, and full lips often earned her the adoration of many men. She caused heads to turn whenever she was around.
Like always, she was dressed in a battle gown. Blue shoulder pauldrons with gold outlining them shifted when she moved them. A corset made of blue steel wrapped around her torso. However, her breasts were clad in only a white top with frills that traveled around her body. The top also didn’t cover much, meaning a good portion of her cleavage and back was exposed. Aside from the armored corset and pauldrons, she also wore segmented gauntlets that covered almost all of her arms and greaves that went up to her knees.