Deceive Me: AMBW Billionaire Romance, page 1

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Excerpt from Oh Santa Baby
About the Author
Contemporary Romance Stories
Fantasy Romance Stories
Deceive Me by T.B. Bond
Cover Art by Charlie Baltimore
Edited by Ryan Starling
Copyright © 2023 T.B. Bond All rights reserved.
This contains the following tropes office romance, secret baby, reunion, interracial romance, AMBW, BWAM, Black Woman Asian Male romance, meddling friends, soul mates romance, and secrets
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious and the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, places, events, and locales is purely coincidental. This work contains some mature content and is intended for adults; please keep this work out of the presence of minors, as the author, publisher, and copyright owner cannot be held liable.
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Yes. We’re finally at the good part, I thought, gripping the hardcover of my second favorite Dani Bond novel, Pandora’s Kiss. No matter how many times I read the story, my heart raced when I got to the scene after the battle.
“Judging by Quyen’s pants and hands—everywhere on her, she wasn’t the only eager one. They quickly rid each others’ offending raiment. Pandora had one leg out of her jeans when he lifted it to his shoulder and sheathed himself inside her. The delicious friction between them, coupled with heady magic, sent fireworks of sensation all through her body. The stress and anxiety of the past hours melted away as they moved together.”
What I wouldn’t give for action like that. Pandora was a lucky witch. She had the perfect man in Quyen. If she trusted him, their lives would be epic. Lies and secrets were the quickest ways to ruin a relationship.
“She couldn’t help herself. Pandora pulled his head down to meet her so they could connect at both ends. There was nothing she wanted to hold back. He had to have everything, and she wanted just as much in return while they were one.”
Yass, girl, get your man and make magical Blasian babies together.
“His pace quickened with a satisfying roll of his hips—”
Ring. Ring.
“Shit!” I dropped my book and grabbed my chest. I stared at the phone in betrayal for a few hot seconds, then answered, “Hello.”
“This is your courtesy wake-up alarm. It’s time to shut the book and go to work. “
Chantel’s cheery voice held no contrition for my plight. But she was right. It was time for the daily grind.
“Thanks, girl.”
“You’re welcome. I’m all about relaxation and control of vices, but the world could burn around you when you are in bookworm mode. Stay away from the light, Judy-Lynn. Stay away.”
“Really? You’re just tossing my government name out there?”
“Sorry, Jaelle, but it went better with my Poltergeist joke,” Chantel apologized. “Besides, like that movie, Judy-Lynn sounds old and country as hell.”
“Well, I do live in Virginia.”
“Virginia Beach,” she scoffed, “we’re a resort town with urban flair.”
“Thank you, Tourism Councilor.”
She snorted. “I see what you did there, cranky pants. Anyway, I have court in an hour. You get to work and do your technology magic while I show these corporate gents whose boss.”
“Go get ‘em.”
“You know I will. Bye.”
I grabbed my book and bag, then left my secret office nook in the think tank. It was time to make doughnuts or put the finishing touches on the user interface mockups for Amber, the latest dating app that Dragon Moon Inc. planned to release.
And, of course, Jerry, my lead, would take credit for the entire thing at the status update next week, as he did with just about everything our group has done for the last two years that I’ve worked at DMI. He was such a slacker. Daisy and I did most of the work, and he just showed up or made suggestions. He was deadweight as far as I was concerned. Everything he stood for would be left behind in a few months when I started my own business. So there!
“Judy. Judy, I’m glad you’re here. It’s a disaster,” Daisy rushed up to me.
She wrung her hands as a couple of others stared up at us from their cubicle workstations. Their little eyes were on us as they used their monitors to shield their nosey selves.
“Breathe.” I tugged her to the side. This was Graphics’ business, and we would communicate with programming when Jerry had his plan of attack. In the meantime, I wanted to know the crisis du jour to mitigate overtime. Martinicon was tomorrow. I still had to finish reading Pandora’s Kiss and pack my costume. I would win that trivia game. “Okay, we’re out of earshot of the coders. What is it? “
“Jerry quit and deleted all the files from the mockup we did in the past month.”
No. No. No.
I took her hands in mine. “How do you know this?”
She took a deep breath. “I heard that bastard’s voicemail. He sent it to us. Check your phone when you log in.”
“No.” I wanted to race to my desk and check, but it would not solve anything to unleash the entire rage of a Dani Bond fan who might miss the con... One that prepared for three months and spent a grand on a hotel room, upgraded registration, and a costume at that.
Nine more months. I had to last until then, and then I would be the boss of my company.
“Did you try a restore?”
Daisy rolled her eyes. “Of course, that was the first thing I did. That fucker set my computer back to new employee settings.”
Oh, Daisy was big mad. She brought out the F word.
Join the club, sister. “No need to lose your religion over it. Jerry’s not worth it.”
She shook her head and sighed. “I just want to scream.”
“Me too.”
What would Victoria do? I read the entire series about the beautiful Asranian warrior that Dani Bond crafted. She was the badass character that I planned to cosplay all weekend. I could get some practice before Martinicon.
“With me.” I motioned for Daisy to follow me. I was about to take “fake it to you make it” to another level—with my favorite character’s spin.
The nosey eyes followed us. I didn’t know if it was out of pity or curiosity to see the drama unfold. What I did know was none of those jerks were trying to help. I blamed Jerry for that. He started a war between programmers and graphic artists. If there were anything they could do to help, animosity for us killed that. I’d been too new to do anything about it other than get chastised for talking to the programmers. I was one, too—sort of. I could do the basic coding enough to know I would need to hire one when I started my company next year.
I would have to do something dirty and call upon a deeper connection than work relations helping out a sister.
“Michelle, we could use your fabulous brain,” I said as we arrived at her desk. Her eyes grew large. She glanced at the others in her pod for a second and then at me. It was almost like she was stuck in an “if, then” loop with no conclusion. “I know this is a hardware issue, but I remember in college that you were a whiz with all things computer.”
There were a couple of sighs and sounds of shock. It was like a soap opera scene playing out in real life. “Please. Jerry is gone. He’s a traitor. It’s time for us to be one team again. We all work for Dragon Moon. After all, a divided house cannot stand.”
“Did she just quote Lincoln?” someone whispered.
“Okay, that was a bit much, but it’s still true. The department war just keeps all of us from getting anywhere. It’s been a year, and the app still hasn’t made it to beta.”
“That’s because of the Graphics department,” someone shouted.
“Your, mama,” Daisy yelled back. “We work our butts off, and then programmers—“
“It’s because of all of us
Michelle closed her eyes. “Shimatta.”
I didn’t know what that word meant, but it sounded like victory. “Is that a yes?”
She narrowed her eyes. “Fine. Yes. You’re right, kumbaya and all that.”
My badass warrior queen impression paid off. “Thank you for being the change. Let’s show everyone how Dragon Moon gets down.”
And save all of our jobs.
Ding. Ding. Ding.
I grabbed my phone as it continuously dinged with Moogle alerts. Something was going down in my world for my search notifications to go nuts.
At least I finished my workout. As I thumbed through the notifications, I let my Miimote dangle from the wrist by the strap.
“Allen Aroma wrenches the Golden Pen away from Dragon Moon to work on their latest project. Drama is on the horizon for DMI as the long-awaited app falls behind—“
Teddy’s face appeared on the screen as his ringtone played. I hit the answer button. “What the hell is Pnet printing? Are they a gossip rag now?”
“Check your email. Jerry quit,” he said with a stoicism that labeled him as Teddy Ice in college.
I did not need the added aggravation, but the heat in my blood would not relent over the headline. Seeing the email wouldn’t make it better. The shiver of raw emotion that went through me was enough to make me want to punch something. I took a deep breath. “Fine, then we will move forward without Jerry. I’m heading in now. We will call an emergency meeting. How soon can you be in the office? I want eyes on everyone.”
“I’m approximately 5 minutes out. You’re the one behind the eight ball.”
“Save the smart comments for the meeting. We have a crisis on our hands.” I ripped the Miimote off my wrist.
Ow. The elastic snapped the sensitive underside. No. The situation was all wrong. I was Ryu Tsuki. Everyone expected me to remain calm. Be the solution. I was the golden boy of the tech industry. That was why Pnet thought reporting one of my employees leaving was newsworthy. They wanted clicks and impressions for their ads. My day-to-day life was news.
They would have to find another story. I worked too damn hard to let them destroy the reputation I built.
“Fake it ’til you make it.” It had been a while, but I could do it.
I would do it.
This was a setback. I was supposed to be channeling Benedict from My Fair Warrior this weekend. Here was my inspiration.
Benedict was king of a planet. Dragon Moon was my kingdom. I would rule it, and Jerry’s defection wouldn’t stop my success. Besides, only a dick joined the losing team.
I tore off my shirt and rushed to my bedroom. Clothing made the man. I’d start there. If I didn’t look bothered, then everything would fall into place.
Tossing my shirt and the rest of my clothes on the bed—I’d deal with it later—I hopped into the shower. Semi-warm spray hit me in the face with the right amount of reality as I reached for my body wash. People responded to those who looked like a million dollars and smelled like success, not like sweat and regret.
Jerry played his move. I would make mine.
First, I would have the department bring me up to speed on how far behind they were. Then, I’d bolster their ranks until they were up to speed.
I had a basic plan of attack. I just had to implement it.
“When you said now, I thought you meant immediately.”
Teddy shoved a tumbler into my hand while we waited for the elevator. My so-called friend and partner watched as I fielded reporters until building security got them under control.
“I gotta make an entrance and be fashionably late.” The tumbler felt a little light. “This is empty.”
He gave me a dry look as though I stated the obvious. “I drank yours while waiting for you for the last thirty minutes. The tea from Cafebucks is expensive, but it is worth every penny. I will have to order Bengal Spice going forward. It does calm the nerves.”
I tossed the tumbler into the trash while contemplating what I could do with one less friend. “Are you done with the comedy act because we need to be bosses?”
The elevator doors opened. I stepped inside.
“I’m not the one with the reputation as a player and asshole to protect. I can be the reasonable one that everyone pities as being your friend. Women do love to provide sympathy.”
I doubted anyone pitied his stone-cold ass. “Glad that you are enjoying my leftovers.”
“Ouch. Is this the villain origin story that you always wax on about?” He gave me a curious expression.
I flipped him off.
“Besides,” he continued, “the ladies in my company are too nice for you to date. You know, non bitches?”
“I like a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. You want a toy.”
He shrugged. “Fair.”
The car dinged as it reached our floor.
“And broaden your worldview, man.” I straightened my blazer. I opted for muted business casual for this occasion, a turtle neck, and jeans to complete the ensemble. “Time to rally the troops.”
“That is what you do best.” Teddy gestured as the doors opened.
It was.
Ever since I learned how to project the right persona to the masses, the world had been my oyster. Ryu Tsuki was a brilliant playboy genius instead of a book nerd with ideas and a programming degree, all because of attitude and aesthetics. No one knew the real me except my close friends, and the world kept turning.
Everyone’s eyes were on me when I entered the glass conference room. I wanted everyone on the floor to see the leads in the meetings. Not only did it encourage transparency, but it encouraged the idea of aspiring leads to keep their eyes on the prize. I grabbed a liquid chalk marker from the holder on the wall, and wrote “Next steps” before turning back to everyone.
“Is there anyone who doesn’t already know why we’re here?” I looked around the room. There was no response. “Good. Someone give me the rundown of where we are.”
Ellen, the project manager, nodded. “I reviewed the project epic, and it appears we are not much past the story level. We were supposed to meet to approve the mockups for a demo and present them to you at next week’s meeting, but I don’t have any information. I do, however, have proposed diagrams for how certain use cases in the story are supposed to work—“
So they were virtually nowhere other than planning to build something. “Where is the Graphics lead?”
“Jerry quit, Ryu. There is no one,” Ellen replied.
“I am well aware of that, Ellen.” It had been a while but I didn’t recall her being a staller or giving the impression that I was obtuse. “Did everyone in Graphics quit?”
The blonde wrung her hands. “Well, no. Jerry’s subordinates are still here—“
“Then why isn’t at least one of them here to fill in the gaps of information you don’t possess?”
Ellen bristled. “Neither of them are leads. They wouldn’t—“
I glanced at Teddy. He nodded in agreement before he left.
“—possibly know what to do in the meeting. Individual contributors aren’t aware of the Agile process. It would take time for one of them to get up to speed. Plus, they are short-staffed—“
There were more significant problems than Jerry’s exit. What in the hell happened to this team in the last year? “I want to see the project epic on PlanIt.”
She nodded a little too vigorously as she fumbled with the remote control for the monitor on the wall. I watched the others in the room. Five leads were in the room with me, and no one knew why we were behind or how far. Even worse, none of them mentioned the discord in project meetings that I held individually when we teleconferenced. It was always “nothing to report” and “everything is on schedule.”
Being on the other side of the country, I relied on their reports, a matter I would have to rectify.
“Um, as you can see, we are—we are,” Ellen stammered as she went through each tile that resembled post notes on an electronic board. Each one represented subtasks and the different stages of the project and the subtasks underneath.