Nix: The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 7.5, page 1

The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 7.5
Candace Blevins
Dear Reader
Connect with Candace
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Also by Candace Blevins
The Dragon King
About the Author
More From Excessica!
eXcessica publishing
Nix © July 2016 by Candace Blevins
All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.
This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.
Excessica LLC
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Cover design © 2016 Syneca Featherstone
First Edition July 2016
Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.
Dear Reader
Nix originally appeared in the Ridin’ Dirty anthology, and I was limited on word count when I wrote his story.
Novellas are hard for me to write, because I love to spend time delving into the characters and really fleshing them out. I’m getting the hang of telling a story in a whole lot fewer words, but I still prefer writing the long books I’m known for.
I hope you enjoy Nix and Tippy’s story as a quick, feel-good read!
Predator and prey…
Nix recently transferred to Chattanooga from the Asheville RTMC chapter. The MC's new gun store needs someone to teach rifle classes, and Nix was a Special Forces sniper in the military.
Tippy came to Chattanooga to start her life anew. She's a shooter as well, and she won a silver medal at the Olympics, but she uses a different name now and tries to stay out of the limelight. Most deer can't function in human society, but she's found ways to navigate modern life without her deer freezing or running every time something startles her.
Wolves are fiercely monogamous when they fall in love, while deer have trouble understanding the concept of exclusivity. Then there’s the fact wolves eat deer in the wild.
A wolf and a deer madly in love and living happily ever after has to be impossible. Right?
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I awakened with a start, my body ready for a fight until I realized what had brought me out of sleep.
A warm mouth on my cock.
Memories of the night before came to me — Duke handing me the Chattanooga patch, the wild party celebrating my move from Asheville to Chattanooga, and then the parade of women I’d fucked throughout the night.
I wasn’t sure which one I’d brought to bed, and I inhaled to see if I could remember her by scent.
Human, and her scent was familiar but I couldn’t put a face to it.
I propped up on my elbows and looked down at her, my wolf sight showing details a normal human wouldn’t see in the dark. The RTMC private rooms are downstairs with no windows, so the only light came from the digital clock on my nightstand.
Her wild blonde hair reminded me who she was, though I didn’t remember her name. She’d been adorably plump with a sweet smile, and an ass that needed fucking.
And now, her tongue worked my cock as her head bobbed up and down with just the right amount of suction, and I sank back onto the bed with a groan. The scent of her arousal grew as my cock throbbed in her warm mouth, and I resisted the urge to flip her over and pound her. I wanted to relax and enjoy her mouth and oh-so-skilled tongue a little longer before I hammered her into the mattress.
Two minutes later, memories of her tight ass were too much and I sat up and quickly rearranged her on all fours before I stuck my hand in the still-open coconut oil container on the nightstand. She groaned in protest as I slid oiled fingers into her ass, and I reminded her, “You came while I fucked your ass last night, blondie. Don’t pretend you don’t like it.”
“Sore, Nix. You fucked me raw.”
She pushed backwards and impaled herself on my fingers as she talked, and I chuckled silently to myself. She might be sore, but she still wanted it.
“Your ass was made for fucking, blondie.”
I sat up, aimed my cock at her asshole, and she pulled away.
“Condom, Nix!”
Fuck. I wear them religiously when I’m in pussy, but wolves can’t catch or carry diseases, so I don’t worry with them when I take someone’s ass.
Unless the owner of the ass insists.
I’d shared her with Dawg and Ghost last night, and then I’d fucked someone else a while before bringing this sweet ass to bed. Even drunk, she’d remembered the condom, so I didn’t bother trying to convince her I was clean. I grabbed a condom off the nightstand, tore open the wrapper, rolled it on, and pressed into her ass.
I’m sure I went too fast, but she took it like a pro and I gave a long, low groan to let her know how good she felt squeezing my cock.
Her body shuddered as she tightened around me and then tried to relax. I smelled her pain, but it was sweet instead of bitter, and blended well with the spicy scent of her arousal.
There are a couple of kinds of women who hang around an MC. Some don’t think very much of themselves and will give their body to anyone who’ll pay attention to them. Others have their shit together and respect themselves; they just like rough sex. I knew almost nothing about this woman — I didn’t even know her name — and yet I was pretty sure she fell into the latter category.
I pounded her ass with no regards to her pleasure for a good twenty minutes. If her scent had changed to show she wasn’t enjoying herself I’d have done something different, but as long as she seemed okay, I was only in it for myself. The guys had assured me she was safe to fuck, and I was only going to fuck women who were part of our world from now on.
My dick had gotten me kicked out of Asheville and I wasn’t going to make the same mistake here. I missed my brothers in Asheville. I’d grown close to the Chattanooga chapter, but I wished I hadn’t fucked up and had to move.
But I also wasn’t interested in a relationship. I’d probably learn this bitch’s name at some point, but until then she’d just be another blondie in my mind.
She dropped to her chest and reached for her clit, and I warned, “I’m not even close to being done, blondie. If you get yourself off you’ll lose your edge. Stay like this for me, I’ll get you off before I blow.”
Her whimper went straight to my groin, and my cock grew impossibly harder as I slammed into her, over and over. I could feel her heat — she hadn’t been kidding about my fucking her raw the night before, and she’d really be feeling me after this morning. If her arousal dropped even a little, she’d lose the edge that made her want the pain.
With a sigh, I realized I should probably end this soon. Humans just can’t handle what a shifter can, no matter how much of a masochist they may be.
I shortened my cock and added as much mass to my girth as I thought I could get away with, and felt my own sadistic grin as she yelped at the pain of my spreading her asshole wider while I pistoned in and out of her beautiful bottom.
I reached around for her clit and teased the area around it before I squeezed it through her labia. Her arousal level skyrocketed and I inhaled deeply during my final dozen thrusts, and then pressed in and filled the condom deep in her ass as she jerked and spasmed through her own release, and we likely awakened every wolf in the building. Possibly some of the humans, too.
I collapsed beside her when we were finished, and she carefully removed my condom and carried it to the trash can beside my door.
“You done with me?”
Yeah, she had
“Yeah, blondie. You got clearance to wonder around down here, or do I need to walk you up?”
“I have clearance to get myself out of the building.”
“You drive yourself here, or should I get a prospect to take you home?”
“I’m good, Nix.”
Hmmm, that was a lie, but should I call her on it? Shit, yeah, something wasn’t right and until I figured out the politics of where everyone in the club landed, I couldn’t afford to piss anyone off. Not even a sweet butt.
“Are you leaving ‘cause you got somewhere to be, or because your ass is sore and you’re afraid if you stay, I’ll take you again?”
“Does it matter?”
“I wouldn’t take your ass again, blondie. I know I did a number on you, but I also know you enjoyed it. I stopped you from gettin’ yourself off because I knew it’d be too much after you came. If you’re leaving ‘cause it’s time to go then we’re good. If you’re leaving because you’re afraid of what I might do if you tell me no? We aren’t. Club rules might say you can’t turn us down just ‘cause you aren’t in the mood, but I promise you that if you don’t want me to do something because it’ll be a bad pain — I won’t. I might do something else, but unless there’s a reason to punish you…” I shrugged, then remembered she could probably only see my silhouette.
I reached for my bedside light and turned it on. “My alarm is set for three hours from now. You’re welcome to sleep here until then, and I can drop you somewhere on my way to the gun store, assuming you don’t live an hour away.”
“I hear you teach rifle classes?”
“This isn’t a get-to-know-you-session. It’s an invitation to sleep a few more hours unless you have somewhere to be.”
“I have to be at work in two hours. Enough time to get home, shower and change, and get there. My car’s parked in the lot here. I’m good.”
I nodded. This time, she meant it when she said she was good. She’d just needed to hear I hadn’t used her with no thoughts to how she was handling it, apparently. I turned my light off as I told her, “Lock my door as you leave. Thanks for last night and this morning.”
I inhaled as I entered the gun store, and told my inner deer to chill the fuck out. Yeah, there were wolves and a grizzly bear here, but they weren’t going to eat a paying customer.
The new RTMC range has an underground one-hundred-yard facility, and I was overriding the deer’s aversion to predators in order to come here to shoot instead of enduring thirty-degree weather in my backyard. I’d bought a house in the sticks with enough acreage to make my own range, but I had to admit it was nice to come to a professional range in midwinter.
I grinned at Horse as I walked in, but then did a double-take. The range didn’t open until two on Saturdays because there were classes in there. Horse taught the classes, so…
“Why aren’t you teaching? Are your enrollment numbers down? I thought ya’ll had to add to the schedule because you had so many people signing up?”
“Got a new teacher. Ex-military sniper, and he’s teaching a rifle class this morning. We’re outfitting a new classroom so I can teach handguns while he handles the rifle side. Until then, we’ll just do one or the other, like before when it was just me teaching.”
“It’s afternoon, Horse.”
He chuckled. “Still morning to those of us who partied until practically dawn.”
I shook my head and walked toward the display cases. “Got anything new in?”
He showed me a few carry-sized pistols, and then I wandered over to the gun sights and we discussed some of the new lighter-weight options. We were deep in conversation when I smelled a handful of humans and a wolf I didn’t recognize by scent, but I forced myself to remain calm and focus on the conversation with Horse. The wolf talked to the people in his class as he walked them out, helped someone choose between range bags, and then walked over to us.
I glanced at him as he neared, and then looked at Horse, hoping the wolf wouldn’t talk to me if I didn’t appear interested. He had a close trimmed beard and thick hair my fingers itched to fondle, and his self-assured cocky stride made me want to watch him walk while my deer wanted to turn and run.
He stepped close enough to us it would’ve been rude for me to continue looking at Horse, so I turned toward him and tried to look normal.
“You’re Tiffany Mason.”
I took three steps back as adrenaline flooded my system, but I stood straighter and told him, “Tippy. Friends call me Tippy. How do you know who I am?”
He gave me a wry grin. “Watched you in the Olympics, saw you on the medal stand. What are you doing in Chattanooga?”
“Olympics?” Horse asked, his voice gentle as if he didn’t want to make me any more skittish.
“I’m fine, Horse. Don’t treat me with kid gloves. Yeah, I shot competition and have lots of medals and trophies, but I retired from that life.”
“If you’d told me your history I wouldn’t have made you take the class before you could use the range, Tip.”
I shrugged towards Horse without explaining why I didn’t like to broadcast my history and make myself the person to beat. I met the new guy’s gaze and asked, “You know who I am — perhaps you’ll introduce yourself?”
“I’m Nix.”
“Another nickname, I assume?” He wasn’t wearing an RTMC vest, but Horse told me they didn’t in the gun store, on the advice of a couple of attorneys.
He nodded. “I’ll let you get back to whatever you were buying.”
“I came for the range. I’ll just pay for my targets and go shoot.”
I spent time in both the rifle and pistol ranges, and it was nearly five o’clock when I finally came back out front.
I smelled her as she came down the hallway toward the front of the store, and arranged to be in her way as she walked through.
I’d been in town two months, ample time to become friends with the local MC members enough they offered me a Chattanooga patch — and to get to know the city so I could manage a decent date. Maybe. My favorite restaurants serve large quantities of meat, but Horse’s girl is a rabbit shifter and when they’ve invited me to lunch we’ve gone places with good organic greens and veggies on the menu. As a bonus, some of these places have grass fed beef, which is so much better than the crap from factory farms.
She stopped and looked up when I blocked her way, and I wished she wasn’t so afraid of me. I took a step back in the hopes I’d ease her skittishness as I asked, “I was thinking of heading to The Village House for dinner, would you like to join me?”
She shook her head. “Unless you made reservations weeks ago, you won’t get in.”
“If I can get us in, will you join me for dinner?”
She looked at me a few seconds before asking, “Why?”
“I could blow smoke up your ass and tell you I’ve only been in town a few months and all of my friends are in the MC and I’d like to branch out, and that’s true enough it wouldn’t come off as a lie… but if I’m honest then I’ll tell you I’d like to get to know you.” I shrugged. “I won’t hurt you, and neither will anyone else when you’re with me.” And I wouldn’t fuck her until I was sure she wasn’t related to local LEO, but I didn’t say that part, yet.
“No one in town knows who I really am,” she told me, her voice soft. “I like to keep a low profile. Dating someone in your MC is the opposite of…” She shook her head. “I’m really sorry, but—”
“Dinner, Tippy. We can drive separately, or if you don’t want to deal with parking you can ride on my bike and I’ll bring you back here when we finish. I’m not asking you to marry me.” I searched my brain for something I could use to entice her. “I have a new three-thirty-eight Lapua Magnum I plan to play around with tomorrow, and I have a two mile range at my house. Have dinner with me, and if I don’t scare you too bad, you’re welcome to come shoot with me tomorrow.”