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Threesome: Menage Week With The Sexy Threesome (Threesome Romance, Menage Romance, Menage MMF, Romance, First Time), page 1


Threesome: Menage Week With The Sexy Threesome (Threesome Romance, Menage Romance, Menage MMF, Romance, First Time)
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Threesome: Menage Week With The Sexy Threesome (Threesome Romance, Menage Romance, Menage MMF, Romance, First Time)


  Menage Week With The Sexy Threesome


  Menage Romance

  By: Beverly Marsh

  © Copyright 2015 by Beverly Marsh - All rights reserved.

  All Rights Reserved. This guide may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. This document is geared towards providing exact and reliable information in regards to the topic and issue covered. The publication is sold with the idea that the publisher is not required to render accounting, officially permitted, or otherwise, qualified services. If advice is necessary, legal or professional, a practiced individual in the profession should be ordered.

  WARNING: This ebook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This ebook is for sale to adults ONLY


  Please ensure this ebook is stored somewhere that cannot be accessed by underage readers.


  Menage Week With The Sexy Threesome

  Chapter 1: You’ve Been a Very Bad Girl

  Chapter 2: Walk with Me?

  Chapter 3: Over Chips and Coffee

  Chapter 4: Make New Friends, Keep the Old

  Chapter 5: Around the World or Something Like it

  Chapter 6: New York, I Love You

  Chapter 7: This isn’t Life

  Chapter 8: Confessions and Declarations

  Chapter 9: We’ll Always Have New York

  Menage Week With The Sexy Threesome

  Love is said to be only for two…or is it?

  Karlie grew up in a typical household. Everyone thought that she had the perfect life with her perfect family, in their pristine household. The seamless cookie-cutter family, as most people said.

  But deep down, Karlie knew that something was missing—she hadn’t yet found out what it was. However, finding out what’s missing in her life might have to take a backseat because now that she’s in her senior year in high school, she had to go to detention.

  And that’s not the hard part because being surrounded by Joey and Colin—two of the hottest, most sought-after guys in school—were actually in detention with her! Yikes!

  Will the presence of Joey and Colin prove to be a great distraction?

  Or does it mean that she’ll finally find what she’s been missing all along?

  Chapter 1: You’ve Been a Very Bad Girl

  The week started out to be fine, Karlie Anderson thought.

  She heard that she gained above average grades for the History and Literature final exams and that her Trigonometry scores weren’t bad, either. She thought that she’d finally get a good night’s rest and that the whole week would turn out in her favor because of these.

  It’s been a while since she got the best shut-eye. Life being a senior is tough, and it also doesn’t help that she almost always had arguments with her parents because she often went out at night, and she didn’t wear conventional clothes—in their opinion.

  For her, there was nothing wrong with wearing halter tops, rompers, and short dresses to school. Their school wasn’t strict about dress code, anyway, so it was fine. But for her parents, it was like Karlie was giving herself away to people so soon.

  Well, if only they knew. She thought.

  A lot of people thought that she was such as slut and that she’s slept around with people too much, but the truth is that she has never done “it” before. Not that she has a problem with people doing it; for her, it was fine, as long as the person was ready.

  She just hasn’t found the right person yet. She didn’t know what type of person she had in mind, but she knew she’d realize it once she meets that person—and really gets to know him through and through.

  Her reverie was cut short when she bumped into Joey Williams, resident bad boy of Brooklyn Day High.

  “What the hell?!” Karlie said, as her books fell down the floor, her long blonde curly locks cascading down her shoulders, her greenish-gray eyes looking at him.

  “Sorry, but you weren’t looking,” Joey said as he helped her pick her books up. As she stood up and retrieved the books from him, she noticed how much he has changed over the years.

  Karlie and Joey were friends back when they were kids, mostly because their parents were part of the same social circle. But back then, he was this chubby kid who only cared about stealing Karlie’s lunch, and being such a pest.

  Now he was so different. Joey no longer looked like that kid who didn’t know what his place in the world was. Joey was no longer that kid who no one gave a second glance to, because now he was one of the most popular kids in school.

  At 18, he looked like he was ready to take on the world with his tattoos and shaggy hair and confident attitude. They never really get to talk anymore because they don’t have the same set of friends, and they were both old enough to still attend their parents’ gatherings and such.

  She heard so many things about him, though; like how she had a certain girl that he would date for a month and then break up with, only to move on to the next girl; or how he would so often be in detention, but still stay on top of the class.

  Karlie huffed as she looked Joey in the eyes. God, she had no idea how many girls were able to stay sane after looking at him. He was just…too hot. Of course, she didn’t want to tell him that as it would make him all the more arrogant, but she couldn’t deny it to herself.

  She wondered if Joey thought the same way about her. She knew she didn’t look bad herself, but there was no telling what Joey had in mind about her. After all, he’s been with so many girls already, and it was just impossible for him to notice her that way.

  Still, it wasn’t wrong to think of those things, right?

  “Didn’t notice it was you,” Joey said, with this playful smile on his face. He was about to light a cigarette, but Karlie stopped him.

  “Don’t be a dick.” She said.

  “Easy, easy.”

  She sighed. “I don’t even know what they all see in you.” She said even though it was obvious.

  “Really, now…” He quipped and laughed. “I’m pretty sure you don’t mean that.” He teased her by touching her hair and holding her chin, too. “You look amazing, Karlie.”

  “Ha-ha, funny.” She rolled her eyes. “You can’t use those lines on me, Joey.”

  “Oh, really?” He said. “Well, I’m pretty sure the reason why we never get to talk anymore is because you’re so scared you’d fall for me.”

  “Shut up.” She said, her heart skipping a beat. This was what often happened when she was in the company of men she liked, just like her first boyfriend, Cal, from years ago. Why was she feeling this way about Joey now?

  “Just kidding.” He laughed. “You’re still so gullible.”

  “Oh, may I remind you, Mr. Williams, you were the one who was so scared of monsters when we were young. Remember when we went on that camping trip, and you were like, I’m pretty sure there’s a monster there in the woods and—”

  “Okay, enough,” Joey said, but he had a grin on his face. “I missed you. We haven’t hung out in a while.”

  She was pretty sure that she was blushing now that she was prompted to just say something that won’t make him think she also missed him. “We’re not friends, Joey.”

  “No, I think it was you who no longer wanted to be friends because you had this popular clique and all and come to think of it, you’re like the solo girl now. Where are your friends, anyway?”

  “None of your business—”

  “Mr. Williams.” The voice of Mr. Kessler boomed as he saw Joey and Karlie talking. Joey sighed, apparently annoyed with his presence. “If I’m not mistaken, detention is about to start so if I were you, I’d be there right now.”

  “I wasn’t planning not to go.”

  Mr. Kessler really was annoying, Karlie thought. He was their music teacher but she never really liked him (although she enjoyed music) because he was just into the classical stuff and refused to listen to most of his students’ ideas—including Karlie’s.

  And at that moment, Karlie also remembered how Mr. Kessler still hasn’t given her feedback about her Music Project. Basically, he asked them to create a pitch about a concert that they want to be staged in school, and she thought of staging a Coachella-like concert where students could perform.

  “Hey, Mr. Kessler,” Karlie said, “I was just wondering if you’ve seen my pitch. I mean, what do you actually think about it? Do you think—”

  “Yes, I have, Miss Anderson, and I’m afraid I couldn’t accept it.”

  Her brows furrowed in confusion. “Why? What’s wrong with it?”

  “Well, it’s the fact that nothing’s right about it, actually.”


  “Well, it’s like you want to just hang out with your friends and such. A real concert should be classy. Think the Opera. Think—”

  “Oh, that’s insane.” Karlie couldn’t help but say. “You want us to think forward, but you’re the first person who doesn’t want to listen to our ideas! How much of a hypocrite could you be?!”

  He looked at Karlie as if wanting her to
take back what she just said, and then he sighed and looked at her with this smug look on his face. “Detention, Miss Anderson. Be there in five minutes.”


  “Don’t say another word or you’d be in detention for the rest of your senior year.”

  Mr. Kessler walked away, leaving Karlie flabbergasted.

  “God damn it!” Karlie expressed as she realized that Mr. Kessler was out of earshot. “What the hell?!”

  Joey laughed. “Sweetie, you’ve been a very bad girl.” He said as he looked her in the eyes. He brushed his hand on her chin. “See you in detention.”

  He walked away from her and just like that, she felt like her whole day was already ruined.

  Chapter 2: Walk with Me?

  Karlie was still trying to comprehend the state of her life right at that moment when someone spoke from behind her.

  “Don’t worry,” the guy said, “No one really likes Mr. Kessler.”

  She turned around to see who it was and noticed that it was Colin Perry, this half-Italian student who only started studying in Brooklyn Day High during sophomore year.

  Since then, he became the subject of many lunchtime gossip and giggles from most of the girls in school. Well, Karlie couldn’t blame them because Colin was—there was no other word for it—really hot.

  He had this pair of piercing green eyes that were really smoldering, and he had a faux hawk. He also had—in Karlie’s opinion—pretty kissable lips, and was always one of the smartest guys in school, too. Not only that, she also heard that he was into painting. He would often hold exhibits for people in their village, and in the summers, he would teach kids how to paint, too. He was like, this good popular guy and that’s why a lot of people are enamored by him.

  But, Karlie knew there was a lot of mystery surrounding him. There had to be. People aren’t often the way they seem. More often than that, they hold secrets; they hold things that most people do not easily see but are the kind of things that make them real.

  “Colin, by the way.” He said as he extended out his hand.

  “Karlie,” She shook his hand, and just like the way she felt when Joey was around earlier, she noticed how her heart skipped a beat and how she seemed like she just wanted to stay frozen in that moment so she could be with him. “You know,” she went on, “you really didn’t have to introduce yourself. I mean, everyone knows you.”

  He laughed, and she found it to be exquisitely charming. “Well, not really…I mean, I know you.”

  “You do?” She was surprised. Sure, they were in the same school and in the same year, but there were just so many students in school that she thought it was impossible for him to take notice of someone like her.

  “Yeah,” he said, “We’ve been classmates in a couple of classes before, right? And, I know you’re into music. I mean, I’ve heard your commotion with Mr. Kessler.”

  “Oh, don’t remind me.”

  He laughed. “Sorry.”

  “No, I mean…it’s okay…” Again, she felt like she was blushing. Why do I even blush so easily? She thought. Damn, I feel like a kid crushing on someone! And why would I feel this way for two guys in just a span of a few minutes? This is insane.

  “Oh, and you know what?” He said. “You’re not alone in this.”

  Once again, she was confused. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I’m in detention, too.”

  “You are?” Now, this was a shocker. Why would a good guy like him be in detention? She thought.

  “Yeah, apparently, Mr. Kessler also didn’t like the fact that I wanted a music festival to be held in school. He still wants the opera and all those things. So, yeah, when he saw my proposal, and I defended it, he really didn’t like it so…you know, detention for me, then.”

  “He’s insane.” She said.

  “I know.” He said. “But hey, he’s ancient. What do you expect?”

  She laughed. She liked the way he made her laugh; liked the feel of his hand on hers—which also reminded her that they were actually still holding hands. She pulled back, feeling so awkward. “Oh, um, sorry—”

  “Hey, it’s fine.” He said. “I mean, that felt natural.”

  She laughed, knowing he actually meant that because it’s also how she felt. “Yeah, well…”

  They then heard the bell ring.

  “Come on, walk with me.” He said.

  “Walk with you?”

  “I mean, let’s go to detention.” He told her. “We really wouldn’t want to spend the rest of senior year there, right?”

  “Oh,” She grinned, “Right. Of course. Come on now.”

  And with that, she felt like detention may not be that bad, after all.

  Chapter 3: Over Chips and Coffee

  Turns out, detention was just the most boring thing on earth.

  For over an hour or so, they were treated to Mr. Kessler’s sermons about how to be a “good student”, and how music was so great during his time that it was soothing. He went on and on about how music these days was quite ordinary, and there was nothing special about it. He was also all about how kids these days seemed rude and uncanny and said that the kids in detention were great examples of that.

  More so, Karlie felt uncomfortable because she was sandwiched between Joey and Colin. Damn, she just felt so hot inside, she felt like her panties were twitching. Upon entering the room with Colin, the only available seats were those next to Joey’s, so she sat down beside Joey, and Colin sat next to her.

  She was sandwiched between two of the hottest guys in school, she thought, and all these things were ringing in her head.

  She was only so glad when the bell rang, and they got to go out of the room.

  “Can we not do this again?” Karlie asked no one in particular and sighed.

  “Hey, you got to sit with us. That wasn’t so bad.” Joey teased.

  Karlie rolled her eyes. “Shut it.” She said, but she was smiling inside.

  “Wait a second,” Joey said, “You guys are not going home already, right?”

  “Well, I really have no plans, so might as well—” Colin said but Joey cut him off.

  “Oh, you’re not serious about that.” He said, “Why don’t we go out? The three of us? I’m pretty sure you want to hang out with your detention-mate.”

  “Well, we don’t hang out with drunks.” Karlie quipped although she was pretty sure that Joey wasn’t really a drunkard.

  “Funny, Karlie,” Joey said. “She was always like that even when we were kids. She’d always pretend that she doesn’t want to go out with me when it was obvious that she wants to.” He sighed. “Anyway, we’re not drinking or anything. Let’s just go for chips and coffee at The Loft, what do you think?”

  The Loft was this new coffee shop just near their school. It had a really artsy interior and a comforting ambiance. So, Joey was into those things, too? Karlie wondered. Apparently, there were a lot of things that she didn’t know about him.

  “Hey, that’s a nice place,” Colin said, in his sweet Italian accent. “Karlie, what do you think?”

  “I’d love to.” She smiled. She just couldn’t contain her excitement.

  “Great!” Colin said. “Come on, we can take my car.”

  “Thanks, man,” Joey said, and they bumped their fists together.

  Colin walked ahead of them on the way to the parking lot.

  Joey walked closer to her, so they were now side by side. “So,” he said, “You like your Italian man, huh?” He teased.

  “Shut up.” She said, but she had a smile on her face. “I didn’t know you like The Loft.”

  “Sweetie,” he said, “there are still so many things you don’t know about me.”

  “Whatever, beaver.” She said. “Come on.”

  They then walked towards Colin and into the first few notes of sunset.


  “You’re kidding, right?” Karlie asked Joey after eating a potato chip dipped in the best tartar sauce she’s ever tried. “You’re in detention because this girl egged your car? I don’t get it.”

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